
Religious Figures Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"We want Horus too, and we want Osiris; we're gonna put them together, boom, we got Jesus."
"Jesus never killed a person, he never killed an apostate, he never waged a war."
"Jesus came down almost to bring forward this awareness again and to remind everybody."
"He became known as a wonder worker... he worked a lot of miracles and wonders with not just Christians but united Christians and Muslims."
"Moses... is mentioned in the Quran more than Muhammad is. He's mentioned in the Quran more than any other prophet."
"The greatest masters to ever live include the Hindu deity Krishna, the Buddha Siddhartha Gautama, and Jesus Christ."
"Thomas was caught up in the confusing and shifting politics of the day."
"Enoch being identified as this Son of Man figure."
"The message of Zarathustra is unprecedented and something new, yet he is also seen as a reformer of an existing tradition."
"Jesus was just a polite nice guy who never would have insulted or confronted anyone? I think that's total nonsense."
"Uriel is an archangel among the ranks of Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel."
"Daniel saw a temple, and so did Jesus, so did Paul, so did John."
"And speaking of the Supreme Deity, she is the mother of the goddess Elizabeth and has the power to bestow Graces upon the Archangels."
"The Holy Spirit is not a religious activity, he is a political activist."
"Even if you just took 'so-called Christ' out of there, what you have is Josephus saying there's James or the brother of Jesus whose name was James were killed."
"He assembled the Sanhedrin of judges and brought before them the brother of Jesus who was called Christ whose name was James and some others."
"Sean Morris, the self-proclaimed prophet and mouthpiece of God."
"Jesus also was charged with sedition and treason. Yes he was. But the difference was Jesus was innocent and the followers of Trump were guilty. That's the difference."
"To make Kali embodies truth... and to me, that's a very profound and important deity."
"Many people have heard that Billy Graham recently passed away... Billy Graham was probably the greatest evangelist in the last 100 200 years."
"Michael, the Archangel, is probably the most well-known Angelic being mentioned in the Bible."
"For his naughty behavior, the other bishops stripped Nicholas of his bishop clothes and tossed him in the clink."
"Abraham was a migrant. Moses was a migrant. Jesus was a migrant. Muhammad was a migrant."
"Jesus isn't just a good teacher; he made some impressive ethical statements that still shape how we think today."
"Jesus's name was inscribed on an ossuary found in the tomb."
"I think that she actually is the real founder of Christianity."
"For centuries, people have speculated on Mary Magdalene's relationship to Jesus."
"According to the Acts of Philip, Mary Magdalene, Jesus's most trusted apostle, dies here in Jerusalem."
"Jesus didn't do all this stuff on his own. He did it in the power of the Holy Spirit."
"Maitreya definitely fits the outline of a false messiah."
"Jesus gets this smirk, he knows what's going on."
"The Prophet like Moses will arise from the Ishmaelites and fulfill God's promise to make them a great nation."
"Pick your chaplain or your guide for this pilgrimage called life as Padre Pio because he's going to bring up two guest speakers with him: Saint Faustina and Saint John Paul II. Amen, hallelujah."
"If Moses showed up today, he'd say to Joseph, 'You have created a nation of priests and priestesses.'"
"You have an entire German army almost surrounded. And if you can cut it off and destroy it, you've basically won the war."
"After Constantine, Jesus who had been crucified by the Roman army was now depicted as its leader."
"There's no question that Jesus changed history."
"Billy Graham was probably the last living prophet in a new testament definition."
"Jesus in The Garden of Gethsemane, the most vulnerable moment of any human."
"There is one mediator between God and man, and that is the man Christ Jesus."
"I'm always shocked at how many Saints are around the world."
"So much of who Mary Magdalene is has been misrepresented."
"Not even the Quincy King Son of God could stop Isaac."
"If Jesus showed up in 2021, he would catch the same kind of confusion."
"Where Mary Magdalene is at her lowest point."
"It's like having a monk in the army for every five to eight units."
"The most infamous televangelists are known for taking their preachings to the next level and they're kind of known for their showmanship."
"A black Jesus has never been on camera, certainly not a crucifixion."
"Jesus was not a European Caucasian person; he was a person of color."
"In the midst of his own challenge, Jesus recognized and appropriately responded to John who was experiencing a similar but lesser challenge."
"Was Jesus Christ an entirely invented character? Yeah, I don't, I wouldn't say invented in quite the way Joe does, but if we are, in a sense, in the same ballpark..."
"Jesus was really the first story time youtuber if you think about it."
"Evangelist Luis Palau: 'Known as the Billy Graham of Latin America.'"
"The priest who gave Princess Diana her last rites has furiously condemned the makers of the crown."
"I couldn't imagine St. Peter being like this in the first century."
"The little Shepherds of Fatima were chosen and constituted as prophets of God's love."
"Thankfully for the holy man, he was accompanied by the Monkey King."
"The amount of corroborating evidence that confirms not only Jesus's existence but his miracles is overwhelming."
"People don't like to think of the first woman to ever be created like they don't like to think of Jesus as being black, so I'm gonna just go there with it."
"The reason why most people think of a king from the line of David when they hear the word Messiah is because David's story is the fullest narrative portrait of the anointed one in the Bible."
"Reinhard Bonnke changed the world with millions of souls."
"He goes from being that humiliated human being to being called as 'Umar ibn al-Khattab radiyaAllahu 'anhu used to call him Sayyiduna- our master who was freed by Sayyiduna, our master." - Omar Suleiman
"There is allegedly written evidence that Jesus Christ married Mary Magdalene and had babies."
"They come in and they influence doc Naughton, Muhammad, a lot Moses probably."
"You will know them by their fruits. This is the fruit of John MacArthur and his empire."
"Jesus was a human being like Buddha, like Ramakrishna, like Ramana Maharshi."
"She's doing this even without a knowledge of God she's a compassionate person so I find that kind of this compelling thing that this this Pharaoh's daughter is a bit of a savior character."
"I think the best explanation is that all these go back to Muhammad."
"Even if the pope veers away, that's not the Antichrist."
"No one can deny that Jesus Christ changed the world and changed how we think about life."
"If you think Jesus didn't exist when we have all this material about him..."
"We're reminded of people like Abraham, our father in faith."
"We pray to Thakur, Ma, and Swamiji to bless us all."
"Paul places Jesus clearly as a historical figure, crucified by the rulers of our world."
"Teresa of Ávila found at the very depth of her soul Christ dwelling in her."
"Is it a pastor is it a prophet is it a file."
"Magic is not against the Bible; Daniel is not only a magician, he is the master of magicians."
"He never says, 'Oh yeah, we can accommodate Buddha.'"
"Jesus died because of our sins and not for them, he was a subversive agitator, an activist, a victim of imperial greed."
"The Prophet of Islam never commanded massacres of children and animals."
"We're expecting artists to be like Jesus rather than Peter put it."
"The Prophet's leadership was based on credibility."
"Historians say Jesus Christ looked far more Middle Eastern."
"Jesus felt what we felt. He faced what we face today."
"Apart from Jesus of Nazareth, there is no figure in two thousand years more influential in history than Luther."
"The resurrection of Christ sets Him apart from Muhammad, Buddha, Shirley MacLaine, Tom Cruise."
"Buddha was not a Buddhist, Jesus was not a Christian, Muhammad was not a Muslim. They were teachers who taught love, love was their religion."
"...the Prophet Joseph Smith... were preventously impactful on those who surrounded him."
"There's quite a bit about St. Joseph. His relationship with Our Lady, his obedience, his openness to the Lord in dreams, and of course, his marriage to Our Lady."
"I believe in heaven you're going to see John Wesley and you're going to see George Whitefield. They were friends, they totally disagreed on this."
"Jesus was trained in Egypt, in the temples of Egypt."
"Yet Michael the archangel, in contending with the devil when he disputed about the body of Moses, dared not bring against him a reviling accusation."
"People today don't realize how widely recognized the flavians were as Jewish Messiahs in their time."
"St. Maximilian Kolbe yes and the Jesuit saints that were martyred when they came over to the United States."
"Imagine if they put Jesus Christ in the MCU and just made a movie about him."
"Christ Buddha, he was a singularity level being who was just incapable of speaking as an individual person anymore."
"I don't pray to Moses, but Jesus was speaking to him. Well, do you talk to Moses?"
"It is a great privilege for me to speak to you this evening on Holy Mother and other direct and great disciples of Sri Ramakrishna."
"Mary's the matriarch of the movement... Mary Magdalene and Mary the brother of Jesus are very united."
"We love these prophets and if you truly love these prophets and claim these prophets, then you have to know more about them."
"Gabriel is the Angel who appears to the founders of the three main abrahamic faiths: Christianity, Islam, and Judaism."
"Jesus is sinless, pure; in fact, even His mother was exalted as well."
"Mary, the mother of Jesus, is described in the Quran as a woman chosen above the women of all nations."
"It appears that alongside the Puritan preacher, we could also find the cunning person, the diviner, the astrologer, and the alchemist."
"You decide: Mary Magdalene or the Apostle to the apostles, the one Jesus loved most."
"The story of Melchisedek doesn't end in Genesis; the writer of Hebrews picks up his story and compares Melchisedek to Jesus Christ."
"There is not a single prophet of Allah that you study except that there is a mention of Gabriel."
"We probably know more about Muhammad than we do about Jesus, let alone Moses or the Buddha, and we certainly have the potential to know a great deal more."
"Allah has chosen Adam and he chose Noah in the progeny and he chose the family of Abraham and he chose the family of Imran over and above all of mankind."
"It's not inconceivable that there is quite a bit of material that was recorded from him, transmitted from him."
"He praised one God, exactly like Moses."
"There is a need for us to be able to dissect the lives and the biographies of those who are around the Prophets or those who are around the Imams."
"...Mary has a whole chapter about her in the Quran and is the only woman mentioned by name."
"It's like Jesus didn't call himself Christ; he was just like, 'Hey, I'm Jesus.'"
"Everything he did was to induce our love for him because he knew that our love for him was being carried to the lotus feet of Radha and Krishna."
"The Hebrew Yeshua versus the Greek Jesus."
"You're going to have the beauty of Prophet Joseph."
"These bishops are absolutely wonderful."
"Many amongst men attained Perfection, but amongst women, none attained the Perfection except Mary."