
Ancient Beliefs Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"The cosmic egg...is a wonderful creation mythology."
"The ancient Egyptians held a fundamental belief: your death was in many ways the most important moment in your life."
"Egyptians believed the heart was responsible for things such as your emotions, wisdom, and memory."
"The ancient Egyptians used to believe cats brought them good fortune."
"The reason why people worship the Sun in the ancient world is because they made an alignment between the Sun and the human being."
"The Egyptians believe that the pharaoh's duty was to uphold 'maat,' which is balance, justice, morality, and order."
"Our oldest beliefs suggest that we are but one of many tenants in the building, sharing our planet with something just beneath the surface."
"Few of us really do question what lurks beneath, yet some of our oldest mythologies place entire civilizations below our very feet."
"Just about every ancient culture had its own creation myth."
"The sun god came forth shedding light over heaven and earth."
"In the ancient world it was believed that women had amazing powers of healing and creativity during menstruation."
"The gods were as real as the fields they tilled and the families they raised."
"The gods would destroy, they first make mad."
"Quite why these ancient people had such specific beliefs about feathers and the afterlife is unknown."
"Ancient people thought that the gods talked to us through the weather."
"The ancient Egyptians believed in the Ba and Ka, representing spirit and soul."
"The mythology of a mounted solar king who defeats the powers of darkness is immensely old and widespread."
"Lucifer has realized that this power is coming from some incredibly old gods born from the belief of humanity."
"I had no idea how close to the truth it was. This is where humanity was created according to ancient African culture."
"Knocking on wood also has its roots in the ancient world."
"Every primary culture... giants in the earth... mythos of every primary culture on earth."
"In the Greco-Roman world, the evil eye is intimately tied to envy."
"Nefertiti: her mysterious role in changing Egypt's age-old beliefs."
"The sheer dedication of Rome to achieving her objectives."
"Their creed is an old one, older than the superstitions and misbeliefs of the current Imperial Cult."
"I think what happened is that King's race in ancient times actually worshiped Sun God Nika..."
"The ancient Egyptians believed in an afterlife or some spiritual identity within every human being."
"The idea was for their portraits to live on forever, even as their physical bodies decayed."
"People love to take every potential discovery of giants seriously."
"A tribute to aya, a key role as the chief scientist of the gods."
"No educated person has believed that the Earth is flat since at least the time of Pythagoras in 500 BC."
"An advanced race of extraterrestrials described in many ancient religions as superior beings."
"Maybe they're just dots, maybe it's just like when people in antiquity looked up at the sky and saw the stars they connected dots and created constellations and invented gods to fit those constellations."
"The Greeks did not believe that the gods created the universe; it was the other way about. The universe created the gods."
"The concept of the world as a sphere actually predates these photographs by like many centuries."
"Many are my wrongdoings before Shamash, great are my misdeeds."
"The idea of a Creator deity is a very, very, very ancient idea."
"Under the vapor canopy, the goddess prevailed."
"In ancient times the Greeks believed everything to be made of four elements: Earth, Air, Water, and the most difficult to control: Fire."
"...the Egyptians concluded that the sky, like the Nile, was composed of water."
"When we focus so much on ancient texts like the Book of Genesis, we sometimes forget about the archaeology and how ancient beliefs and practices were often shaped by the landscape both natural and human-made."
"A captivating insight into the ancient beliefs."
"Invoking Thor for job interviews or weight loss? That's not what ancient worship was about."
"I think ancient people all believed in all of the stuff we're talking about."
"Helical risings were crucial events to many societies."
"To the Tongans, the ancient or, you know, Tongans, these were the three highest gods that had, you know, that governed the world, you know."
"In actual fact, though, the Romans understood the world to have been made by what the gods said. Fate never meant 'that's the way it's going to go no matter what we do,' fate meant this: now the gods have spoken, and what will you do?"
"The Egyptians felt themselves so to speak to be creatures of a much bigger universe, part of so to speak, um, a domain ruled over by the gods."
"Many of the ancients pictured a geocentric universe."
"The ancient Egyptian views of afterlife are really complex and evolving."
"It seems to me that the first inhabitants of Greece believed only in those gods in which many foreigners still believe today."
"The Jews and Christians of Pompeii were warning their Roman masters that they would soon suffer the wrath of the God of Israel."
"The concept of the Abgalu played a significant role in influencing the authors of the Enochian literature."
"You are the offspring of the wind; I've laid you in the grave, I've sent you down. Why did you not fear my solemn oath?"
"When of the gods none had been called into being, and none bore a name, and no destinies were ordained, then were created the gods in the midst of heaven."
"At death, Djoser's soul could rise up, merge with the northern stars, so he too would be imperishable and he too would never die."
"The gods of the first men are the nameless, faceless ones of nature."
"If you wanted to live a long and healthy life in ancient Greece or Rome, your best bet was to pay Asclepius the respect and the roosters that he deserves."
"The general belief in those days was that it was the gods who decided the fate of everyone and everything on earth."
"And they constructed symbolic boats in which they would travel eternally through the heavens like the Gods."
"Even the animals had a soul. The Egyptians did not make a very strong distinction between animals and men, even animals and gods."
"It's ironic that ancient Egyptians believed a person's thoughts were contained in their heart."
"In those times the gods lived: Odin and Thor, and the beautiful goddesses were living then."
"Life, death, life, truth, Dionysus, Orphics."
"By giving them a golden tongue after death, people believed it would have allowed them to speak with Osiris, the god of the underworld."
"The Sun had for the ancients a tremendous amount of importance, and it was called king of kings and Lord of lords."
"It's not a Catholic doctrine, it's the belief of the ancient church."
"It illuminates what people thought in Antiquity."
"Meteorites were a gift from the gods."
"We see Ma'at as the very stuff of the universe."
"The sun and moon were spheres, as any man with eyes could see; reason suggested that the world must be a sphere as well."
"The ancient Egyptians believed that the heart was the sign of who we really were in life."
"The weight of the sins upon their heart was balanced against the weight of a symbol called the feather of Ma'at, which symbolized truth, justice, and order."
"The cosmology of gods of our planetary system is divided into two: on one hand, due to a lack of technology to spot further planets in ancient times, it was believed the Earth was surrounded by Five Elder Planets, or Gorosei in Japanese."
"The obsession with hybridization, creating chimeras, and transhumanism does not begin in our epoch; it began in the Atlantean epoch."
"The great city has spoken, the gods have spoken."
"What happens when we sleep? The ancient Egyptians believed that dreams are a window to the future."
"Paganism is a return to the ancient religions... these religions existed in the natural world."
"The sun deity... was in a strange way an unselfish benefactor of all things."
"Metempsychosis is what the ancient Greeks called it. They used to believe you could be changed into an animal or a tree, for instance."
"For the gods on their part will require nothing more from him who observes these things."
"Stories not true. The gods used to live in this world, so the gods left."
"There's a lot that can be learned about the times in which Jesus lived and what people believed."
"The heart of the dead person was weighed in a scale against a feather."
"Hippocrates believed that all of us had a Green Life Force energy that wanted a creature to have perfect health."
"The continual cycle of reincarnation of the apis bulls in the physical form was extremely sacred to the ancient Egyptians."
"Every ancient religion on this planet is basically a sun god religion."
"Ancient peoples grieved over death, yet their beliefs made them also think of death as a positive transformation."
"It isn't unusual to find evidence that our ancient ancestors worshipped animal gods."
"The spirit of Nebmus finally crossing into the Afterlife."
"The first Yuga is the best, people live the longest, time is slow, the realm is built out as beautifully as it ever will be."
"Religion in antiquity was very pluralistic, a world awash in a variety of beliefs."
"The ancients called stars 'eyes' and thought them to be living entities."
"The ancient Egyptians associated the stars with the afterlife."