
Authorization Quotes

There are 146 quotes

"The president does have sole authorization to release nuclear weapons."
"These vaccines were authorized without cutting corners or sacrificing our rigorous standards."
"I mean think about when the United States... went after Osama Bin Laden that's that was authorized not just of course by by the president within which to you know pull the trigger but it's it's done with so many different committees."
"The plans to reopen the country are close to being finalized... I will be authorizing each individual governor... to implement a reopening plan."
"JWT is just for authorization, not authentication. They're slightly different."
"The reference monitor... confirms whether a subject has the right to use a resource prior to granting access."
"Even if I'm authorized to access that data, I need to be held accountable for the actions that I have taken."
"We literally got permission from the GM."
"What the hell is different chat, you know me, you know I'm sanctioned and [__]."
"To ensure access to AKS1 can be granted to the contoso.com users, you need to create an OAuth 2.0 authorization endpoint in your tenant."
"Authentication proves identity, while authorization grants access rights."
"Access control models use different types of authorization mechanisms to control who can access specific objects."
"Even though a policy doesn't exist in the identity, but still if it is present in the resource-based policy and the effect is allow, the permission will be granted because this is a resource-based policy and it does not depend on the implicit deny."
"Attribute based access control is an authorization strategy that defines permissions based on attributes."
"Sailors working for the Royal Navy that needs special permission missions."
"Roles are temporary credentials... that can get assumed to an instance as and when needed."
"If they could, if they had permission, possibly, that's another topic."
"This is what we pitched over to the STRAT. And they said, hey, we love it. You guys got the green light."
"Authorization creep is when employees work at a company and move from one department to another, they are often assigned more access rights and permissions."
"We're authorizing a JFO between SJPD and the MBSA."
"Q respects your existing access controls, only returning information you're authorized to see."
"This is also a property of the request that you can write authorization about."
"The authorization code Grant type implies one more call to get the token."
"So, um, here's the authorization code."
"You're authorized to never worry again."
"Every airstrike that we directed was basically personally authorized by me."
"...if the MAC address does not exist it moves ahead from authentication to authorization."
"Processes should not be allowed to access or reference or write to memory locations unless they've been authorized to do so. That means they have permission to do that."
"OAuth is a popular standard used primarily for authorization today."
"Authentication is the information about who the user is; authorization is the information about what the user has rights to do."
"When we sin, we give him legal authorization for things to happen in our life."
"That's probably your escort, dear. I authorized a Jeep for your use tonight."
"Next auth is just a library, it doesn't actually have its own authentication service. There are a bunch of authorization providers that you can connect to using next auth."
"The purpose of this was to protect the students and prevent them from leaving without authorization."
"My mission wasn't exactly authorized, Cass," he replied.
"Authentication is the process of identifying an individual, while authorization pertains to the permission that individual has."
"OAuth stands for open authorization, eliminating the need to provide a bank username or password."
"Project charter in project management is simply a document that formally authorizes the existence of an ongoing project with a clear concise of its goals."
"If you don't have the signing key, they cannot sign in your behalf, period."
"Ratified agency occurs when the principal accepts or confirms the actions of someone who acted as their agent without prior authorization."
"Access tokens signal to the server that the client is authorized by the user to perform certain tasks or access certain resources."
"Oh yeah, I got permission. Everything, I got the green light for that."
"OAuth 2.0 has been providing delegated authorization since 2012."
"By getting out as an authorized user I improved my credit mix, I improved my utilization, I improved my length of credit history that boosts my scores and makes it easier to get approved for more funding."
"The ultimate goal is to return an authorization request."
"...automatically include an authorization token... if it's expired we'll automatically refresh it."
"Authentication is like entering into someone's home, you know, and authorization is like what you can do and what you cannot do in their home."
"I have explicit permission from my boss to do so."
"Now, we've already created a user registration and login process and today we want to provide authorization."
"You can use IAM policies to define who can use your secrets when and there."
"It took a little while, you know, it wasn't immediate. It took a lot of work, but we were able to authorize in total eight billion dollars to reimburse anything."
"Nobody cleared you through the bravo but me."
"Anything you do in this world, you will require access which is authentication and authorization."
"Cameron Kennedy, I know you're listening, never heard of him, just ignore it all please, just never go through everything you have my authorization."
"Authentication is the process of validating user identity, while authorization provides permission to access resources."
"Identity is a feature in ASP.NET Core for handling authentication and authorization."
"Authorization with Keycloak can be a pain in my eyes, for authentication it's pretty good."
"The most powerful grant type or authorization flow is the Authorization Code Flow."
"A token is signed and contains all necessary information about a user and its roles."
"This evening I have authorized British armed forces to conduct coordinated and targeted strikes to degrade the Syrian regime's chemical weapons capability. There is no alternative to the use of force."
"Authentication is saying I am me, authorization, on the other hand, is I'm allowed to do something."
"If you're authorized, we're gonna show you a button or link."
"We use authorization and use authentication. We'll be using that to add authentication and authorization to our endpoints."
"Authentication is the process of verifying that someone is who they say they are while authorization is the process of verifying that someone has access to what they say they have access to or just saying what they have access to."
"...it's any piece of information that you can use for authentication or authorization... it's something that I can provide to another system that's granting me access to it or proving my identity or elevating my capability."
"I definitely personally recommend Casbin myself; I think it's a great authorization library."
"I immediately get a small quote just saying, 'Mr. OP is permitted to work as much overtime as needed and is permitted to acquire all resources he deems necessary,' signed CEO and head of HR."
"You're authorized to drop every worry, every care, everything that tries to weigh heavy and sit heavy on you."
"So instead of using discord, I'm going to use GitHub as our nextauth authorization provider."
"Killigrew was given a license to form a company of actors by the king called the King's Men."
"The use of authority checks to ensure that only authorized individuals can use the system, electronically sign a record, access the operation or computer system input or output device, check the status of automatic operations, or perform other system or operational actions."
"We've been authorized to give a cash prize of $1000 to the winner."
"The SpaceX launch director gives their go for liftoff."
"OAuth2 is an authorization protocol, it's not an identification protocol."
"If it fails on authorization, then it will return HTTP 403 which is forbidden."
"Both counter component and fetch data component says not authorized, so this is how we secure our individual components."
"The authorization filter controls access to the action methods."
"The director of launch operations has given Apollo 13 a go for launch."
"Guards are really important in applications which require authorization for specific routes."
"Authentication is who you are; authorization is what you're allowed to do."
"You can control access using authorization rules."
"We use this notion of a custom authorizer as one of the security layers of our application."
"We're going to be using the auth directive, which is really powerful. You can decorate a field or a type with auth."
"Once that approval is set, the stake function will actually be able to operate properly."
"Authorization is the process of checking, depending on your status, what are you allowed to do."
"It's very good if you just want to get started and you need authorization for a project or something, it's very bad for actual productive stuff unless you're creating something extremely simple."
"Ensure changes were appropriately authorized and tested prior to implementation."
"The third one would be requesting using that token from that moment on."
"The beauty is that it has built-in authorization, so no need to log on again, you can just execute and just work."
"Always attack security in two major ways: one is security of the data, and second is access authorization, like who can access the data."
"Authorization defines what you're allowed to do."
"Once it finishes doing all of the security checks, then it says okay, this action is allowed."
"Risk management framework promotes the concept of near real-time risk management and ongoing information system authorization through the implementation of robust continuous monitoring processes."
"Hello and welcome, I'm Dave. Today we will apply user authentication and authorization to the back-end REST API of our MERN stack project."
"Spring Security's primary focus is about authentication and authorization."
"Once you've identified who is making a particular request, you need to decide if they are allowed to access it."
"This true here is telling us that we are indeed authorized."
"What are some authentication and authorization mechanisms available for your data assets in S3?"
"Status tells you what you're authorized to do in the United States and how long you're authorized to be in the United States, but status is not a visa."
"Crane should be operated only by regular operators authorized substitutes, crane repairmen, and inspectors."
"OAuth 2.0 is a way to grant an application access to resources without sharing secrets."
"Every single API operation can be individually authorized."
"Who has direct access to the keys? Who has the authorization to use the keys?"
"All inter-process communication is mutually authenticated and authorized."
"The care plan is your authorization from the child's health care provider and parent to treat the symptoms you are observing."
"The project charter is the authorization for us to start."
"This broadcast authorized under broadcasting rights granted by the Brooklyn National League Baseball Club Incorporated solely for the entertainment of our listening audience."
"OAuth 2.0 is an authorization framework that enables the application to obtain limited access to the user."
"The client is the application that wants to access the user account before it may do so, it must be authorized by the user and the authorization must be validated by the API."
"OAuth 2.0 is a protocol that provides an authorization solution."
"Provide authorization for external API gateways using Salesforce to control the authorizations for any application accessing that service."
"We're authorized to give them more days as they need."
"Authorization is how the server determines what a given user is allowed to do."
"Authorization is you can do what you claim that you should be able to do."
"Once your documents are approved, your LLC is now in existence and authorized to do business in the State."
"OAuth is an open protocol that allows you to securely perform authorization in a simple and standard format."
"The end goal of OAuth is to basically get the access token."
"OAuth 2.0 is all about authorization, seeing what a user or a third-party application has access to in Salesforce."
"We've created a central authorization point for data access."
"These vaccines are all going to be permitted for use under emergency use authorization."
"The manager works for the artist, you can't make them do anything unless authorized."
"Policy-based authorization is very helpful if you want to do something different."
"We're going to take a look at how we can use this access token to access some authorized resources."
"JWT can be used as a bearer token to support authorization checks and it may be more flexible and preferred in some cases."
"Most developers spend about 80% of their time dealing with authorization, and then the other 20% of the time dealing with the actual APIs that they were using, and that's kind of sad."
"Authorization is all about making sure that someone has the right access and only the right access."
"The project Charter formally authorizes a project and gives the project manager the authority to apply organizational resources to project activities."
"Imagine you have an application with sensitive data... would you allow anyone who is not authorized to access this information anytime he wants?"
"Fair use is not merely excused by the law, but it is wholly authorized by the law."
"Smart guns can only be fired by authorized users, they can prevent criminals from using stolen firearms to commit crimes."
"Identification of verification allows for the token service provider to ensure that when a token request comes in to the TSP, it is in fact an authorized use of the pad."
"JWT tokens are used to authorize requests to the server."
"401 means you need to give me some valid information so I know who you are, and a 403 is I know who you are, but you're still not allowed to access this particular resource."
"Altars are also divine systems of authorization for covenants, promises, and rituals."
"Allows spender to spend no more than value tokens on your behalf."
"The custom authorization server is an add-on feature that enables custom authorization servers."
"You can work up to 540 days after your EAD expires."
"Authorization on self-declaration basis."
"Leverage all of the AWS tools for authorization."
"Route guards help us to prevent users from navigating to parts of an app without proper authorization."
"Ethical hacking can be defined as any type of hacking that has been allowed by the owner of the target system."