
Audience Awareness Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"I try to be very mindful of [expletive] like that. I don't want to look back in five years and realize, 'Oh God, I was just saying things because my audience likes it.'"
"The fans are savvy. The fans know what they're listening to."
"It's time to elevate your storytelling as your audience evolves so should your storytelling."
"I realized I have to provide the context every single time otherwise there will be comments saying why didn't you talk about this."
"If you're making changes to a character, but nobody in the audience even knows you're making changes to the character because they don't know the character at all, then are you really making changes to the character?"
"And our audience knows what we're doing, our audience is sophisticated, they are smart, they recognize exactly what the challenge is."
"It's just knowing your audience and understanding what people need."
"Non-sexist writing is necessary for most audiences."
"The unfortunate reality is that when you are speaking to an audience, you have to frame your arguments towards them."
"Make your results understandable regardless of your audience."
"I think there's a gap here where she hasn't considered her audience's feelings and I think that's important."
"It is important to keep in mind to be aware of your audience, the setting that you're going in, and be able to make the necessary modifications while remaining true to who you are and your authentic self."
"Communication styles vary; understanding your audience is essential for effective communication."
"Quality is the thing. You're making videos to a tech audience and so they're going to notice quality a little bit more I think." - Doug Demuro
"Everybody in a horror movie acts like they've never seen a horror movie."
"And there is dramatic irony when the audience knows something that the characters don't."
"At this point, I'm not even sure if you've seen the good good content yet."
"That was a pretty special moment... become aware of the audience... people's hunger and appetite."
"He always seems to be able to read his audience."
"Racism is wrong. I have to mention this because there's a [] group of smooth brains in the audience that like to think that, 'Oh, you're either on one side or the [] other.'"
"Your writing is limited by what the audience knows. You must always assume that your audience will have an understanding of these and other elements."
"Never underestimate the power of an audience that's not you."
"Businesses have always been listening because they have to understand who their target market is, who their customers are, know your audience."
"It's just knowing your audience." - Kevin O'Leary
"When I make my videos I like to forget that I even have an audience and just be my authentic self."
"It's just weird to think about how many people are watching. That's the point I was trying to get at."
"Knowing your audience means you can write for them add elements you'll know they'll enjoy know what level to take the writing in terms of tone complexity."
"If you're just out there going to America just to purposely milk people's followers, they're gonna see that, they're gonna know."
"Everything about the verbiage and target audience screams that it wasn't meant literally."
"I gotta know my audience, I gotta know my message, I gotta know why God put me."
"The audience people in the audience don't understand how much work that is, how much energy that takes out of people like us."
"Knowing the audience while respecting the source material."
"Your audience determines how much you have to explain."
"The gaming audience is savvy. It cares about consumer rights."
"Trying to administer medicine to somebody that's already dead... it's pointless."
"We're all adults here. Let's be respectful, men, women, children watching."
"Sorry, I'll stop making that gesture for the YouTube audience."
"I may eventually put one at the end, I'm not sure, but I know a lot of you use these stories to fall asleep, and I would hate to wake you up."
"Know your audience and use the terminology that makes sense to get the data you're trying to get."
"My chat, you gotta understand, my chat is 75% girls. When I say [__] like that, it's not good for real."
"You need to know who you're speaking to."
"And anytime you communicate to an audience, you gotta figure out who the audience is right."
"The audience is not stupid. The audience is not dumb."
"Slow yourself down and define who's the audience, what's the intent."
"The three questions that you ask when you're crafting a story: What does the main character want and what are they trying to avoid? What does the main character know and what do they not know? What does the audience know and what does the audience not know?"
"People obviously act differently towards different audiences."
"The audience is not stupid, they're not stupid at all."
"You never know who's watching for the first time and who might be doing their research on a particular quad."
"It's important to know what your audience is."
"It's a comedian's responsibility to always know their audience."
"You want to pick a niche, understand your industry, and know who your audience is."
"They know their audience and they live their life."
"Always consider the document's background and audience backgrounds, concerns, needs, and attitudes towards the purpose."
"The number one rule that I think every single content creator needs to follow in order to make good video ideas is to know their audience."
"It would be nice if audiences would be more willing to listen when someone who has fact checked something goes 'hey wait a minute'."
"Know your audience... you can't really say the same thing for a C-level guy and an end user."
"Being aware of your audience is going to help you make a lot of really important decisions."
"True suspense is you as an audience member know that there's a bomb under the table but nobody else in the movie does."
"Keep in mind who is your audience."
"He knows his audience, he knows his demographic."
"It’s crucial to understand who your audience is first."
"Keep your ear to the streets of what your audience actually wants."
"Immediately think about your audience and their needs."
"Knowing the audience and purpose and being able to engage your target audience through your language style, voice, etc., is key."
"You have to understand that you do have influence on your audience."
"She knows what her subscribers want, and she gives it to them, okay, like even at the expense of her own pride to some degree."
"You must get to know your audience and know how they react to certain things."
"The speaker tailors his or her message to the audience."
"Some people make broadcasting look easy. Matt Ryan is a natural because he knows his audience; he can adapt on the fly."
"I write for a reader who will know what I mean and who will know what I'm talking about."
"Consider the audience who will be reading what you're writing; what do they already know, what do they not know?"
"Know your audience at all times. You're not designing this website for another UX designer necessarily to look at; you're designing it for sorcerers, recruiters, and potentially an interviewer."
"There are people that are watching the show and they are not blind, they are not dumb, they are not stupid; their brain is still functioning intact."
"We don't want to forget that it's not common knowledge to you."
"It's very important that you read your audience."
"You need to understand who your audience is and be able to relay that scientific information in the language that's most appropriate for that audience."
"I'm a marketer, I wanna read the room, give the people what they want."
"Half the job is done with the audience because they already know the premise."
"Know your audience, know what you're doing, match those two things together, boom, you've got it."
"The first skill that a content writer requires is to know the reader or to know the target audience."
"It's a matter of understanding who your audience is."
"You must also know your target audience, which is the readership of the journal you plan to submit your manuscript to."
"Being a comedian, part of your job is to read the room."
"Do you know how many people probably don't know this game's older than the people watching?"
"You need to have this incredible balance of understanding your audience, understanding all of these variables."
"When we're trying to have empathy for our audience, we want to make sure they know what they're looking at."
"We write very differently when we write to people we know and to people we don't know."
"Your tone is important too, so we need to make sure that we know who we're writing to."
"With Star Wars, audiences really became aware of what surround sound could deliver as part of a film's experience."
"Keep your audience in mind. Is this a very general audience, or is it a very specific audience that is already very technically aware of the subject you're going to be discussing?"
"The audience isn't dumb, they're really smart, and they can tell when you're faking it or not."
"The people you are writing your sales letters to are not stupid; they are intelligent people."
"Understand your audience deeper than on the surface level, this is how you can create a powerful message in your presentation that matches the audience where they're at."
"Know your audience; the audience wants to see the house guests interact with each other."
"Knowing and understanding your audience is the key."
"Someone's watching that, and maybe you're creating it because you know from experience that someone needs what you're creating."
"Customer feedback is very important, especially knowing your audience."
"Know your audience. That's part of the allocentric awareness, knowing who you're talking to, know their feelings, their emotions."
"I think it's something that I need to learn to not care about especially with an audience."
"It's always wise to understand who something is not written to."
"People watching us out there, they're not stupid."
"It all boils down to two things: confidence and knowing your audience."
"You have to find a better way to express yourself if there's a point that you're trying to get across because you never know who your audience is."
"When writing in a professional setting, you should always consider three components: audience, purpose, and clarity."
"Understanding the audience, value for money for sports fans, a passion for what we do, understanding the sports, delivering for the athletes."