
Litigation Quotes

There are 201 quotes

"The suit has had a substantial effect on Wall Street."
"My goal is to become the best high-stakes litigator."
"Nobody looks good in war, in litigation, or in Hollywood."
"America is this country which loves to back itself as the Free Speech Nation, but it seems that so many people in that country sue people for slander if somebody says something slightly negative about them."
"Motions in limine are essentially objections you can predict in advance."
"My standard litigation advice is: avoid litigation."
"An overly litigious society has its pros and cons. Its cons are frivolous lawsuits, people walking on eggshells for fear of getting sued. Its pros are that at some point in time, it does tend to hold people accountable for their wrongdoing."
"Litigation is emotionally draining, even for the lawyers."
"I think lawsuits are a form of checks and balances that are important in this country."
"This just about makes sure that Trump will have his lawyers file a complete order of dismissal and it'll probably be granted."
"Trump is suing to have his social media account reinstated."
"I think even though there will be a contributory negligence argument, I don't think it will win the day."
"The undoing of the plaintiffs was that they filed a due process claim and not a civil rights violation claim."
"I hope that if there is any silver lining to all of this it is a conversation about how deeply complicated not just litigation is but also how complicated defamation is."
"Anyone can file a lawsuit for any reason, at any time."
"We're going to be requesting a hundred million dollars."
"If Apple wants to sue a [], oh you bet your ass and they will sue a []."
"The only action that President Trump has inspired is a bunch of lawsuits."
"Kitsch sues McDonald's to set the record straight."
"Hey, you sued us to try to end our business. Let's see how the cookie crumbles in court."
"This is one of the best lawsuits to expose what critical race theory is all about."
"Donald Trump is a prolific and sophisticated litigant who is repeatedly using the courts to seek revenge on political adversaries."
"Legal action can be instigated even when there is no case."
"This is a near slam-dunk case legally and is only yours to lose if you have video proof."
"As far as I'm concerned, we're talking of course about Digital Homicide and James Romine Jr. who hit yours truly with a lawsuit for 10 million dollars for talking about his [ __ ] [ __ ] games."
"Epic is suing Apple to establish Apple's app store as a monopoly."
"We definitely need to investigate any and all fraud claims and litigate everything we can."
"So far he's managed to win cases nobody thought he could win."
"Be careful when it comes to litigation this month, it's going to be hard to break through somebody's preconceived notions."
"This is not a vanity exercise; we are bringing this litigation to ensure that an insurrection like January 6 never happens again."
"Arbitration clauses are always litigated... The court favors arbitration."
"Long story short, these people defrauded me so I would have to sue them for a fraud."
"Interrogatories are a series of questions that opposite sides propose to one another."
"We decided to hold up on our lawsuit because we thought it was a very pivotal time."
"Personally, I think that Johnny can win here."
"These lawsuits have wide-reaching implications for the industry."
"It's standard practice to check for that," regarding undisclosed litigation.
"Your motion has all your arguments in it so you look into your lawyer crystal ball and you go what are they probably going to argue."
"Part two of any plaintiff's lawsuit is this is how much you owe me for doing me wrong."
"He has won billion dollar, billion with a B, billion dollar lawsuits."
"It's done done, because sometimes chasing down payment is a whole separate side of litigation."
"I genuinely believe Edelson PC is trying to get back the two million dollars."
"No surprise that Donald Trump, the man who refuses to admit defeat, is now suing Facebook, Twitter, and Google."
"People with disabilities are constantly having to litigate our way through life."
"America holds the number one spot for the most lawsuits filed out of any country on earth."
"You have to admire the aggressiveness here. This company sued the army and won, then got an 800 million dollar contract from them."
"Erica is going to be left holding all of the bags."
"Erica's gonna get sued in this six ways to Saturday."
"So, along those lines, it's not just me talking. We do specific litigation to push these issues, to educate the American people, hold the government accountable, and protect the rule of law."
"Irreparable harm is a legal concept rooted in injunctive relief for which the Associated Press is not formally pled."
"Every fair inference that may be drawn from the pleadings must be resolved in the plaintiff's favor."
"Not everything is solved by litigation; some things are solved through discussion."
"I think a court is not going to have too much trouble, um there yeah, it's piercing the veil."
"Twitter is asking a federal court in Florida to dismiss a lawsuit."
"Show me the money honey because that's what the complaint is going to be about."
"There's going to be reasonable evidence and a reasonable jury could decide for either party at the end of this case."
"Let's not propose the plaintiff is a bold strategy."
"Rule number one of all litigation: don't piss off the judge."
"Litigation is not for everyone. He stepped forward. He's been referred to as the Rosa Parks of the NFL. It's a testament to his character."
"Litigation is not a good way to change public policy."
"Every time you file a lawsuit, you're making yourself a hostage."
"It's entirely possible that some of their claims will survive motions to dismiss."
"I will win this lawsuit, I will not lose on one count of this lawsuit."
"In my eyes one of the most iconic legal battles at the start of this era of litigation happened in the early to mid 1970s."
"The District in New York is going to start bringing suit on everything."
"We're talking about genetically modifying it and poisoning and we're also talking about a system that allows a class-action lawsuit to apparently settle things for all time."
"It'll include indemnification and that'll mean that they can't be sued ever again ever just like the cigarette companies so no."
"Can you imagine if every time somebody made you uncomfortable you could sue for like five million dollars and be like you have no right to make me uncomfortable? That's white privilege."
"The last thing I want to do is be in a courtroom with Jeff [__] Germain."
"Despite guaranteed completion of three phases, the vast majority of Plaintiffs to this action never got beyond the first."
"We predicted a mistrial motion early on by the defense and we got one."
"The way this entire lawsuit is laid out is not like most lawsuits."
"It would be a beautiful poetic irony if Donald Trump was to fall under foot to be sued for hundreds of millions of dollars."
"An Australian man takes legal action against Apple after his iPhone 10 exploded in his pocket."
"The parents decided to sue Disney... failed in their duty of care."
"How does nobody kick the [__] out of these people? Well, it doesn't hurt that they're some of the most litigious freaks on the planet with a lot of disposable income."
"We can't get into a world where every negative thought or opinion is something you can sue over."
"The jury's declaration of punitive damages against Oberlin – this is just one step along the way of what may turn out to be a lengthy and complex legal process."
"Litigation results in revelations about government misconduct that educates you about the way your government operates."
"You can't sue people just for saying things you don't like... they have to fall into specific categories."
"James O'Keefe is one of the most important figures right now in the culture war, suing Twitter, CNN, and The New York Times."
"This is really at the heart of this litigation; who's telling the truth?"
"I'm now without a doubt that these plaintiffs... had been dreaming of bringing this in."
"Dismissed due to failure to state a cause of action in your future."
"There's a decent chance that this case actually goes longer than the SEC exists... I'm telling you guys there is a chance that Ripple destroys the SEC."
"No one wants to be perceived as perhaps being untoward in how they review any kind of litigation, especially with so much at stake."
"All I want to know is if anyone of you reading this is good with researching laws and all of that. If it was him, I'm planning on taking him to court, but I don't know if it's worth it and how much I'll get from it if anything at all."
"And litigation that's tied our hands in creating an environment conducive to change so that the service providers in Skid Row can be stronger than that - their influence can be stronger than that of the criminal element."
"Rule one in America is you can sue anybody for anything."
"This is the case of Taylor versus McDaniel."
"If you are the aggravator you cannot sue you're just going to lose"
"Burford is the largest litigation Finance Company in the world."
"She built complete compelled to break with her long-standing practice of not talking about commenting on pending litigation."
"Are you also thinking what I'm thinking? At what point a normal family argument became a subject of litigation?"
"The McCanns went to court, took him to court over that book trying to get all of the copies destroyed."
"I'm not sure I want to live in a society where you can't move for the fear that someone's going to sue you."
"The emotional damage you would receive over 18 months of litigation with the Title Company's attorneys will cause restless nights, your family, your relationships, everybody will feel the toll and the stress that's on you."
"Very few people actually can be bothered. They're not looking to sue. Most people come to your clinic because they want a good service. And if they get that good service, mainly that they feel cared for, then they don't want to hurt you."
"The number one way to avoid getting sued is to really care about your patients ahead of your defensiveness."
"State and superior court... there is a discovery process."
"I like having them involved even if I don't think whatever case it is is going to be litigious because I find that it's empowering to them."
"McMahon reinstated himself to the WWE's board in January and faces ongoing litigation stemming from his alleged rape and sexual assault of employees."
"Mr. Knight's applications frequently baseless take up scarce judicial resources and mean that other non vexatious litigants are delayed in accessing justice."
"They've done marvels, but we don't sue us."
"A malpractice legal malpractice action is in civil court; this is litigation, it's a complaint or a lawsuit against you."
"The UFC reached an agreement to settle all claims asserted in both class action lawsuits for an agreed amount of $335 million."
"Red's patent is prohibitive and while them filing lawsuits left right and center is legally right it doesn't mean that their behavior leads to positive outcomes quite in the contrary."
"This is America, anybody could sue anybody for anything."
"Statement of claim: that's a court document and that's what's used to start a court case."
"It's not if you're gonna get sued, it's when."
"Damage caused to the plaintiffs by participating in this litigation was foreseeable to the defendants due to the defamation and intentional infliction of emotional distress they committed."
"Victims are often not as prepared as lawyers for the realities of high-stakes lawsuits."
"If one plaintiff wins, as they almost surely will, that will crack this wall of invulnerability which the tobacco industry has managed to raise. It will demonstrate before a jury or at least before a court that the evidence against the tobacco industry is there."
"Sometimes things have to be litigated because there is no way to mediate. You cannot reach a simple resolution."
"Litigation helps change... Litigation, if carried out far enough, creates what we call precedential value."
"The court should reverse and remand with instructions to dismiss conclusively in this litigation."
"The plaintiffs or private enforcers as they are often called will succeed in their lawsuits and are entitled to 25% of the Civil penal penalties assessed by the court plus reimbursement for attorney fees."
"The selection of the expert witness for both sides is a huge, huge part of the case."
"A good lawyer can keep you out of court. All it takes is one lawsuit to kill a small business."
"These two litigants need to be as far apart from each other as possible. They are together toxic. Now we'll do it for this case, litigants for the next case on the way into the courtroom right now."
"Confucius says, when it comes to hearing civil litigation, I am as good as anyone else. What is necessary though is to bring it about that there is no civil litigation at all."
"It's like McDonald's gave me a really nice animated Christmas card. It was very nice of them, but I am NOT dropping the lawsuit!"
"Every doctor in this country views every patient as a potential litigant."
"Most cases probably do settle, probably ninety ninety-five percent of the cases do settle."
"If you are a good witness, it's less likely that the attorney will want to fight your case."
"You never absorb a blow; you always return fire. Good attorneys are always on the attack."
"All is fair in love and war, and litigation is a form of warfare fought with words and manipulation."
"It's funny sometimes you go in and you litigate something and you think okay, it's a coin toss, it could go either way."
"The media... blow the number of frivolous lawsuits that actually go to court out of proportion."
"It's immensely expensive, it's a huge amount of risk."
"Patients don't sue doctors because of malpractice; they sue because malpractice occurred in the context of a poor doctor-patient relationship."
"US district courts are very important; it's where a lot of our seminal litigation starts."
"We're entering lawfare territory, and the winner is going to be the winner."
"Our clients have chosen to pursue their cases through the courts to ensure that those responsible are held accountable for their actions."
"When famous people sue each other, that tends to make noise."
"You can win a case in cross-examination; you can lose a case in cross-examination."
"Your cross-examination needs to further the theme."
"Learn the entire witness statement. You know every comma, you know every dotted 'i' and crossed 't'."
"Open your cross-examination with power."
"Use the witness's statement and the exhibits to impeach."
"End your cross-examination with power."
"Credibility is a very essential term to know in the context of litigation."
"The case before the court turns on whether allegations... form a legally cognizable claim for relief."
"I see litigation as an opportunity to make the world a better place."
"Yesterday the Ripple side filed a response brief to the SEC's appeal of the ruling from the magistrate judge that the Hinman emails must be turned over, and it was very, very cool."
"Assuming litigation will follow involves lots of things; it's everything you do, you need to make sure that you document it."
"The public policy underlying the doctrine is to relieve parties of the cost and vexation of multiple lawsuits, conserve judicial resources, and by preventing inconsistent decisions, encourage reliance on adjudication."
"We're gonna sue those French bastards."
"Death is not the end; there remains litigation over the estate."
"Efficiency is often cited as one of the main advantages of arbitration over court litigation."
"Litigation is war and in war, you don't give up, you don't give any ground, you fight for every yard, foot, every inch."
"No insurance company likes litigation, the cost of litigation is far higher than the cost of paying claims."
"Cross-examination is where it's at; that's where you get to quickly shine or suck badly, all in real time."
"What can be resolved through discussions need not go into protracted litigation."
"It's really difficult to establish like actual malice in those pleadings."
"As long as we're on solid ground, let him sue. I'll consider that money well spent."
"New York City lawsuit accuses social media companies of fueling youth mental health crisis."
"They're capable of spending millions to see a case through."
"If you met Babe Ruth, like, 'I'm gonna sue you,' and you're like, 'I don't know, what are you gonna sue for? Like my wood, my cow?'"
"A lot of these cases will not be won in the regional office... you're going to go all the way to the BVA if necessary."
"This groundbreaking lawsuit alleges that LexisNexis has been collecting and sharing information about Illinois residents without our consent."
"Not only will you lose on the merits, but even if you somehow won, the victory would be pyrrhic."
"I hope some bozo tries to sue me; I'm just some dude observing people playing themselves online."
"A patent lawsuit is typically the most expensive form of litigation there is."
"With a single class action, it can easily amount to tens of millions of dollars."
"We will file another suit, a class action, and those women will be my reps."
"Common sense does not win lawsuits, loopholes win lawsuits."
"If they think they have a case against them, then take them to court."
"...the national litigation policy aims to set up alternate resolution processes to resolve disputes outside the court."
"The sooner everybody puts their mind to that, the sooner you can start weighing up pros and cons of whether this is a case which it might be better in the long run to settle."
"I'm not the kind of attorney that likes to sit and review 100 page contracts. I like being involved in the action in the courtroom."
"It's never a dull moment when it comes to Alec Murdoch and the litigation that he is a party to."
"States sue Meta, claiming social platforms are addictive and harm children's mental health."
"Litigation is war in the same way that chess is war."
"I always maintain the jury selection's the most important part of the case."
"This really is a bet the farm, bet the company kind of bit of litigation."
"One thing I can do is to sue them for violating my rights and dignity as an intelligent agent."
"Your best friend is suing you for six hundred million dollars."
"We are a lawsuit kind of country; it is happening big time."
"There is a financial reason to do it because, of course, they get sued by anybody in America who claims discrimination; that's an automatic lawsuit."
"Developing the trust of clients is not only necessary to manage the complexities of the litigation and to deal with the stress of a potential execution; it's also key to effective advocacy."
"The sooner that the parties can get serious about settling this case, I think the better for FSU in particular."