
Symbol Quotes

There are 358 quotes

"Adwa is a symbol of solidarity for all downtrodden people of the world."
"The Taj Mahal... is an immortal symbol of love."
"The violin belonging to Wallace Hartley... has become a symbol of heroism and selflessness."
"That one dress became a symbol of Diana's empowerment after a difficult decade and very trying marriage."
"Sometimes a hero arises to inspire the rest, a symbol of peace in a world of chaos. And that's exactly what I aimed to be."
"He's a symbol of hope, despite being conflicted about his past."
"I feel like I could be that symbol for the Dogecoin community and not touch or sell a single coin."
"People should work towards BJP's Lotus symbol to win."
"Twitter is a symbol of the National community."
"A hopeful symbol of a vigorous civilization on Earth."
"Masks are a visual reminder that everything isn't normal."
"A symbol of adaptability and enduring wisdom."
"I could be like Harry Potter but I could have the Ukraine symbol on my forehead instead of the evil Russian Z."
"We need something that everyone in this town can get behind. We need a symbol, something that appeals to the best in each and every one of us."
"She isn’t a copycat, but rather wears the same symbol of hope for the city that he does."
"Avengers Tower: symbolizing the next saga shift."
"It's sad to lose her because she became such a symbol of the type of political leader that we have."
"Mesprit has repeatedly proved itself a symbol of consistency in various tiers throughout the generations."
"Not only was he a symbol of hope and rebellion, but he allowed their culture to be kept alive."
"The chariot... a symbol of power and strength that struck terror in its enemies."
"The hearth, of course, is a symbol of home."
"That beautiful building there is the clock tower... it was built for the railroad but they tore the depot down but left that to be a symbol of the city, and that's exactly what it has become."
"The Spitfire is a symbol of British defiance and combat spirit."
"Doc Martin stands as a symbol for the punk and anti-establishment movements."
"Valkyrie has become a symbol of Hope."
"The bat signal cuts through the night dark sky, familiar yet unfamiliar, once more a beacon of hope."
"Batman has to be a symbol of hope, but so does Bruce Wayne."
"Batman is bigger than just one person."
"The world comes to know him as the Symbol of Peace."
"Selma is tired of being just a symbol of change, it wants to change."
"Honey is kind of the symbol for the whole food industry."
"The symbol of peace is hope for Heroes and a deterrent for villains."
"Befitting its status as a symbol of unparalleled luxury."
"Lighting the yule log was a symbol of the sun's return after the solstice."
"but New York is more than just a city across the world it is a symbol"
"To him, it was the most important structure in the park."
"She looks like a symbol of the love of peace."
"It's not an 'S'... it's a symbol of hope."
"Be a symbol for your new world, a shining Shield of hope that defends them from the darkness."
"...the tilde symbol is used to indicate a user's home directory."
"A symbol of both style and performance."
"A symbol of all the good that government can do."
"The indomitable itself, a symbol of humanity's future."
"But regardless, what I'm seeing is that, yeah, look at this, this even looks like a heart, right?"
"The Liver bird has been a symbol of Liverpool as far back as the mid-13th century when it first appeared on the seal of the medieval town."
"Possibly the most iconic symbol of Doctor Who is the TARDIS, a magnificent time and space machine squeezed into an inconspicuous 1960s police box."
"The skating penguin has been used since the creation of the franchise 1967."
"Katniss his name she was a hero the Mockingjay"
"Sam was given a specially made Wakandan suit to serve as the symbol of the country modeled after his exo7 falcon wings."
"I want to clarify that this is not a fleur-de-lis, but if it were, it would also be evidence."
"The symbol of this enchanted land and of Disneyland itself is Sleeping Beauty's castle."
"Another metal cross, that's the metal round one."
"The Mockingjay is the symbol of hope to them."
"Shrimp cocktail: the fanciest appetizer in town, a symbol of sophistication."
"You stand as a beacon of freedom."
"And last but certainly not least is old glory blowing in the wind."
"This is not just a symbol. It's not just an ideal. It is the way. It is the truth."
"A universal symbol of Hope and unity."
"We come into the presence of the symbol and we realize that it represents design."
"Phoebe Pho: a symbol of fashion for women by women."
"The symbol that is the hijab, as we know it today, is probably the symbol which is the most controversial."
"There's no better way to show off your love of freedom than a mounted American Eagle that you caught yourself."
"The American flag to me is just a symbol of freedom... I just want people to know that I'm proud to be an American."
"This is to represent the 'I must not tell lies' quill which is...beautiful."
"Their stories are a symbol of the thrilling and transformative power of women's sprinting."
"America was always that Beacon of Freedom that people look up and say."
"The Wolverine is a true symbol of the Arctic Wilderness."
"The dude is like the ultimate symbol of not caring."
"...it's a symbol of the striving to succeed."
"Château de Chantilly is the symbol of French excellence."
"The Queen had become a symbol of duty and service to others, never complaining, just getting on with it."
"He became a symbol of hope and possibility in an otherwise bleak and trying time."
"Superman remains the hope that DC rests upon."
"Optimus was a symbol of strength and courage for me growing up."
"The Galaxy remembered Anakin Skywalker, hero of the Clone Wars, and they embraced this new Skywalker as a symbol of Hope for the new Republic."
"A symbol of unity, peace, and inclusivity."
"If having a physical tangible signifier of their friendship, that's great. More friendship rings and friendship bracelets for men."
"The John Deere s780 is a symbol of outstanding performance in organic peanut harvesting."
"The drops are so iconic and connected to the character."
"The kiswa: a symbol of respect and honor for Muslims."
"Superman is the representation of the best of humanity."
"The Cyrus Cylinder: a symbol of tolerance."
"David's sword was actually a reminder that he did not need to return evil for evil."
"One in the background is Beetham Tower, the symbol of a city once again on the rise."
"The maple leaf is Canada's best-known symbol, appearing on Canadian uniforms and insignia since the 1850s."
"Tyler Scora, the human mercenary who had given his life to protect the innocent, would forever be a symbol of the indomitable human spirit."
"Those are his father's boots, a symbol of the Irish hard work."
"...a symbol of his success and a testament to his creative genius."
"A symbol of us progress, a symbol of us might."
"Imam Hussain is the symbol of resistance, dignity, social justice, and equality."
"It's a symbol to stop and enjoy the beauty of life."
"We must keep fighting. We are the ones who must carry his symbol now."
"She became something of an icon for an entire generation, a shining beacon of hope."
"Even as you expose my weakened state, in my heart, I remain the symbol of peace, and there's nothing you can do to take that from me."
"I am the Mockingjay, the symbol of the Rebellion."
"Batman's so compassionate. His symbol should give people hope."
"Christopher Reeve's Superman has always been a symbol of hope."
"Amidst the fervor, Maya became a symbol of hope, her encounter serving as undeniable proof of divine intervention."
"The symbol of Christianity is the triumphant Christ with the cross broken beneath His feet."
"A symbol of indomitable will and martial Excellence."
"The incident became a rallying cry, a symbol of what was at stake."
"The Longhorn is the living symbol of the Old West."
"The national animal of Scotland is the unicorn."
"You found it, this must be the key to the mysterious chest, for there as you kneel before it is the worn but still recognizable symbol, the three interlocked spirals."
"Captain America, the sentinel of liberty."
"He was a symbol of optimism and I think that's probably the most satisfying aspect of the character."
"...Ford has always been very proud of their symbol I mean the blue oval actually means something you know."
"Captain America's shield: a symbol of hope and resilience."
"Superman, a symbol of hope and goodwill."
"So much so that the harp became used as a symbol of Ireland in literature and in the early 1920s the new Irish government adopted the harp as the national emblem of Ireland."
"Batman is supposed to bring hope to the citizens of Gotham."
"Forbes Field stands as a symbol of tradition."
"A symbol of hope, of the passing of the storm."
"Ultimately, Andy represented hope to him and humanity."
"A symbol of victory and diversity."
"The Burj Al Arab is a towering symbol of Dubai's grandeur and extravagance."
"The swastika is a symbol that's hugely popular in India and not only is it popular but it's a much revered symbol."
"Beyond the symbol it's the action behind the symbol what are you actually doing what are your works that's what we looking at we don't care what you got on what are your works."
"Oh no this is where she got the bad woman stayin' from but it doesn't mean you have to be alone is she joining the bat family."
"Yo last thing she sees is that a bad symbol man."
"Fascinating to track the history of a symbol and how it affects different areas of the world differently."
"Here's my symbol that I'm going to do this..."
"That was a short but informative story of a simple shoemaker from Odessa who managed to supply the entire USA with footwear and became the symbol of the iconic yellow boots."
"That kid is literally going to be the next Symbol of Peace."
"...a symbol of sophistication within Warner's four-wheeled ensemble."
"Omega remains a shining beacon of light in the dark."
"Overall, Lakeshore Drive has become a cultural symbol for the Chicago coastal region, celebrated in music, movies, and video games."
"There will always be a Batman. Always."
"A symbol of expectations of what might lie on the horizon."
"But the better way... is to make it as a symbol."
"I think it works with the Crest of Knowledge."
"The maple leaf is Canada's best-known symbol, adopted first by Canadian French in the 1700s."
"To express symbolically that an element belongs to a set, we use this symbol: ∈."
"The viaduct is a symbol of America's ingenuity and determination."
"The ur-commodity of the Fordist era is the automobile."
"the Meiji Shrine stands as a symbol of Japan's modernization"
"Superman the Man of tomorrow as well as a symbol of Hope a true icon that has endured for generations and titanis"
"Omega is a really cool looking symbol."
"Garp is the symbol, he is what everyone strives to be."
"Clearly Superman represented truth and Justice from the very start."
"Maybe then we can have once more, a symbol. Something that appeals to the best in each and every one of us. Something good, something decent, something pure."
"The tragedy of Charles became a symbol for contemporaries embodying the decline of Spanish power and the decay of the kingdom."
"It was a symbol of justice, a tangible piece of good emerging from a situation fraught with deceit."
"A symbol of hope for a country ravaged by the dark days of the early 1900's."
"It's like a Beacon of Hope for us"
"The bridge has been a symbol of inspiration and resilience."
"I do like this lady here, she's the spirit of ecstasy."
"A symbol of strength and ingenuity."
"He's the ultimate symbol of competence in the world."
"The pink ribbon has served as a prominent symbol of recognition of breast cancer awareness month since the early 90s."
"Ryan Edward, I give you this ring as a sign of our marriage."
"Ariden's symbol was the Eye of Aerodyn, an unblinking divine eye balanced between the earth and heavens."
"The symbol that was once a symbol of persecution is now one of empowerment and community."
"Lady Liberty holds a torch in her right hand, symbolizing Enlightenment."
"Pumpkins are definitely a sign that fall or autumn has arrived."
"I don't believe Canada has a national flower; the maple leaf is the closest thing."
"This is the statue symbolizing victory."
"What gave me infinite hope is that the sign, the wooden sign in front of the library, is there almost untouched."
"The infamous, the famous whale tail."
"Just as still has true to the United States and America is apple pie and baseball, so is the Ford Mustang."
"Spider-Man is a symbol, a symbol for what people need to know that they're not victims."
"He symbolizes hope for the people."
"Athena... carries her owl as a symbol of good fortune."
"The rainbow was a token assigned to God's pledge to never again bring a watery judgment upon the Earth."
"Silver bullets will serve as a symbol of justice by law."
"The stethoscope became a hallmark and symbol of the Paris School."
"It's a symbol of your progression and a personal achievement."
"Usually, a monarch makes a much better symbol than a non-monarch."
"The Queen who took on the job for life became a symbol of stability and continuity throughout her seventy-year reign."
"The cruising wagon transcended its status as a mere car, evolving into a symbol of a bygone era."
"I will set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth."
"A tiny symbol of hope stands out in bright pink amid the gloomy rubble."
"Mandela: a symbol for freedom, a symbol of humanity in the 20th century."
"This stone was a legend that became a symbol of hope for us."
"Her presence symbolized America's military might and determination."
"She becomes a symbol of black dignity in Hollywood overnight because she has stood up to these racists."
"Masada became the symbol of Jewish resistance against the invader."
"The Merlion, a mythical creature that has the body of a fish and the head of a lion."
"The Kohinoor has ever been the symbol of conquest."
"Once it was a symbol of destruction, today we look upon it as a symbol of stability."
"I'm putting my rainbow in the cloud, it will be there as a sign of the covenant between myself and the earth."
"Golden Gate Bridge has become an internationally recognized symbol of California."
"The ICC as actually a symbol of hope for a lot of people on the ground."
"Years passed, and Alexei became a symbol of hope and inspiration."
"The Bluetooth technology symbol is a rune."
"It's just not another motorcycle, it's a symbol of timeless design."
"Look at that, the spider symbol looks pretty cool."
"The Great Wall of China is not only a physical manifestation of defense and economic strategy but also a potent symbol of the Chinese nation's enduring strength, longevity, and unity."
"America is a beacon to the world."
"Towering chimneys remaining a symbol of past industrial strength."
"For that to happen, people need a symbol, a symbol of peace."
"Even as my body rots and grows frail, in my heart I remain the symbol of peace."
"The sight of Eka with her graceful steps and the swaying of her vibrant traditional attire became a symbol of hope and reassurance to the villagers."
"The Mandalorian people's most viable and powerful symbol is alive and well beneath the living waters."
"It will soon become a beacon of Saudi Arabia's attempt at economic regeneration."
"Despite tough circumstances, she rose to international stardom in the 1930s, a symbol of French passion and perseverance."
"The Bodhi Tree is the symbol of the Buddha’s enlightenment which is why it is widely respected."
"The Unofficial national animal though, or at least a common national symbol, would technically be the legendary mythical barcelos rooster."
"Sun Goku, the true symbol of hope."
"The idea was to be a symbol. Batman could be anybody - that was the point."