
Youth Activism Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"Young people across Europe and the world are connecting, taking action, and making change."
"The revolution is happening. I got super excited whenever I see young Africans putting their differences aside and start working together to achieve a common goal."
"I actually love that young people care about social causes and care about doing what's right and care about making their voices heard when it comes to social and political change."
"My generation doesn't care about the politics around climate change; we want productive discussions, realistic answers, and sound policies."
"Greta Thunberg... talks about how the adults don't believe us. It's so urgent."
"If Gen Z or the millennials or just young people in general are memeing on the Chinese government, you know you [__] up."
"What gives me hope is the younger generation and just how fired up they are about experimenting with different solutions."
"You are not mature enough to tell it like it is. Even that burden you leave to us children."
"Politics matters, and if you're a young viewer, what I would say to you is get interested in politics."
"This global renaissance of mass non-violent protest... The young generation does not want to live under repression."
"To the young people who led us this summer, telling us we need to be better in so many ways, you are this country's dreams fulfilled."
"I have been inspired by the scenes of courage we are witnessing in Cuba, young people in particular have been stepping up and making clear that they refuse to become a lost generation."
"We children don't usually do what you adults tell us to do. We do as you do. And since you don't give a damn about my future, then I won't either. So I'm school striking for the climate."
"Young people rise up, take back your country for good."
"It's part of a wider shift of young people being dissatisfied with neoliberalism and wanting social change."
"As the younger generation coming up, you unfortunately have inherited a pretty chaotic and problematic world but you also have the power to change that way more than adults might tell you that you do."
"The greatest concern and the greatest help that I get for my environmental stands are from young people because you get it, you get what's happening."
"Eventually young patriots rejected their deeply embedded ideas of white supremacy."
"I was the kid in Middle School who was constantly having political conversations when nobody gave a damn about politics."
"Many young people, assessing the scale of contemporary inequality and of the climate emergency, are asking deep questions about how they want our world to be run."
"They're speaking out with more guts, passion, conviction, and common sense than most adults."
"This is a responsibility that many young people feel, not just to protect themselves but definitely worried about the older generation."
"We need a radicalized youth movement willing to reject the old order."
"It's been brilliant to see young people become politically engaged and mobilized."
"K-pop stands and tick-tock users claim credit for low turnout at Trump's rally."
"It takes courage to exercise your right to protest injustice, especially when you're 11."
"We became paralyzed by the NRA we did not hold our elected officials accountable as they were loosening the sensible gun regulations that were keeping us safe instead we chose to burden our youth with the responsibility of saving their own lives."
"I'm only 19 and I feel like I'm watching my future being stolen from me, but I feel obligated to get into politics and fight for what's right."
"Hey the adults in the room haven't been acting on climate change for decades and so we're gonna put pressure now because this is our future on the line and we need to be a voice in that room we need to be heard and we need action too."
"We are the generation that uses our voices, and we are very proud of our voices."
"Young people are extremely important in every period. It's always the young people who are out in the forefront of new Progressive forms of social struggle."
"The younger generation is likely to be more radical in its demands."
"Teenagers pushed a stranger's car 9 km. We need more teens like you."
"We're such good people bro. We sneak out at night to clean up trash from the playground."
"Even far leftists, they're taking charge man. A lot of the younger far leftists are challenging establishment older democrats."
"To get productive socialism in the west... we need a radicalized youth that believes it cannot even live without socialism."
"All of these grownups are keeping us down, abusing us mentally, yelling at us and pushing us into the sewer. We're gonna make a stand."
"I think it's a good and a bad thing. I mean, partially, young people should be involved and they should have a voice and get into the idea of protesting."
"The atmosphere is tense as tens of thousands of young Colombians are currently out on the street all across the nation to protest for their rights."
"One of the biggest youth protest events since Vietnam."
"Students are very radicalizable... the perfect basis for a cultural revolution."
"Your generation is proving that your hearts are filled with the fire and the fervor of true American patriots."
"Each time the youth of this world stand up and demand a more sensitive, humanistic education process for your own growth, well-being, and the well-being of the world, because this world is yours, tomorrow!"
"It's really interesting that even young girls express more concern for the environment than boys."
"They think that just announcing your pronouns to one another is not political Behavior," young people being political nowadays from a very young age.
"I believe and I hope that this will be also the moment when youth... decide to do something to unite for something and to change something."
"Every conduit of change throughout history has been provoked and spurred by younger people."
"The future of our world depends on young people willing to rise up in truth."
"Political will is itself a renewable resource... these young people around the world are helping the world to renew it."
"I love that young people are becoming real live activists."
"The issues that are motivating young people to make their voices heard are fundamental to our democracy."
"That is an inspiring story about a little kid with a big message."
"It's about sending a signal that young people care about these things."
"They look at the constitution, they see the actions of the fossil fuel companies and these teenagers are like, 'We're going to go ahead and sue.'"
"He deserves credit for sparking a revolution in a sense and waking people up politically in the younger generation."
"I think it's good for young people to have something to rebel against, a society is dead when young people no longer surprise you."
"It should not be a surprise because it's often young people who get it right, young people who desegregated our schools holding textbooks closed as grown-ups shrieked hatred and rage."
"There's change coming, it's our job as young people to kind of step up and take action."
"There ain't no draft that these young people have to be worried about nonetheless they continue they continue to fight."
"I am so in awe at how young activism starts in this generation."
"We have the power. My generation has to live with some of these problems for the next 60, 70, 80 years and we're not going to allow it to happen."
"Every voice really does matter, whether you're young or old, especially young people. Get out there and vote, damn it!"
"You just have to start doing things... if I can do it at like 18 or nine like now I'm 19 but I started 18."
"These woke-ass kids today, for not wanting to be shot."
"I think youth today— I am constantly hearing, like, 'We are not [bleep] putting up with this anymore.'"
"If us dumb kids don't stand up for each other who will?"
"Yeah, oh yeah, this is what this is what Rebellion looks like."
"I feel like instead of complaining, it's how are we as the youth going to change it? That's how I see it. So for me, no negatives, no negativity, happy place, happy place, happy place."
"Standing athwart history yelling stop it's like stop it's like your kids are getting killed in school your adult kids are getting sent overseas to be slaughtered for oil."
"Young Nigerians are awakening and taking ownership."
"If you're below voting age, speak out, spread information, be positive, tweet it, be understanding, talk to people, explain things, don't yell at them, don't get good, don't get angry, don't go after Ajit Pai's kids."
"Young voters show up in great numbers to specifically repudiate this white Christian nationalist agenda."
"Young people are playing a leading role in the largest new labor upsurge of our lifetime."
"Justice for the Next Generation advocates against racial inequality."
"Every time our country has made a great leap forward, it's taken the courage, imagination, and impatience of young people to push our legislators to deliver."
"We're going to bring out young people who not only are interested but have to fight for real climate change."
"If you ban TikTok, there will be a nine-year-old revolution. Like, there will be nine-year-olds in the streets. Nah, I ain't even joking."
"At the end of the day, right or wrong, these are just young people fighting."
"Go Greta, stick it to the boomers, hell yeah."
"Hashtag strong kids walk away, always stand up for what is right."
"You are not too young to make your voice heard."
"Welcome to the revolution, it is a powerful and peaceful one because it is of, by, and for the young people of this country." - Cameron Caskey
"Young people today see the issue of reparations as a movement, and their passion and commitment will change hearts and minds."
"The future is here and these kids have been able to raise their voice."
"I see a wonderful change taking place in the younger generation who are literally refusing to put up with this crap and are thinking for themselves."
"Young people should be taken seriously in their work of making the world a better place. This is the purpose of the Queen's Commonwealth Trust: to champion, fund, and connect young people as a global movement for good."
"Time is of the essence, so don't waste your time on any of these distractions about policing both literally and with their language the actions by these righteous kids."
"Students are politically engaged young people who want to create a better world for themselves to live in so it's not a surprise that young people are kind of rising up in this moment."
"We call all young people together, and as young people who carry the future in us, we want to wrest freedom for our actions and our lives from the older comfortably established forces."
"The youth of today don't enjoy the luxury of another hundred years of such institutional stupidity."
"They're leading the way, so they, this is their society eventually, it's their world, and it's only fair that they decide, that they stand out against injustice."
"I stand in solidarity with all of these kids because what they are doing is truly incredible."
"You proved that young people care about their world."
"Our youth started one of the biggest civil rights movements since American Indian Movement, Standing Rock protests against Dakota Access Pipeline."
"Without those young people going out on climate strike, this issue just quite simply would not be on the agenda."
"It's a prophetic generation; we would not be as far advanced in the concern for the planet if it hadn't been for the agitation from that generation."
"We will help those students who are marching for climate change action."
"We need more nine-year-old kids considering others more important than all the toys that they've been conditioned by our society to need."
"These people under 18 are more radical all over the world than all the older generations. This is the people who can change the world."
"Young people all over the world are rising up and daring to go all the way."
"Any kid can make a difference if you have a really good idea and you want to change something."
"Young people protesting for peace; they're not intellectualizing this, they're simply protesting for peace."
"I've been so inspired over the last few years to see the way teenagers really want to get involved and make a difference in the world."