
Mobilization Quotes

There are 176 quotes

"Change happens because citizens are mobilized and force change."
"The power of music: to get into the minds of the young, to mobilize, to decentralize, to place it wherever you need it to be."
"We need an FDR-like mobilization on renewable energy to deal with the climate emergency."
"We need every single one of you to mobilize, we need every single one of you to rise up in these last days."
"We unified the country and mobilized to fight a common enemy."
"God is raising up an army, people that are not afraid of darkness."
"Ukrainian Parliament has passed a new bill...that is going to basically allow them to mobilize anybody with two feet and a heartbeat."
"We've proven that we can all mass mobilize together and stay at home. We need to mobilize for the climate crisis too."
"The people of Jannah are those who strove and mobilized, even though they never saw the outcome."
"This is just laying the foundations for Mass mobilization like World War II scale mobilization."
"We need to mobilize millions of people to help and support each other."
"All hands on deck! We need more people like Thomas Massie."
"It's time to mobilize and educate our people on these policies."
"Intellectual movements played a role, but what ended slavery was mobilization and conflict."
"The belief is pretty low that that's going to happen again or that the United States is even capable of mobilizing in an effective and righteous way."
"To anyone who's thinking of, I'm just saying that we've proven here today that we can mobilize quick and quick."
"We all got to mobilize and start to really fight for what we think this country should be about."
"It's time to organize, it's time to mobilize."
"Poland will demand full mobilization of the West to help Ukraine."
"Unity doesn't mean in theoretical that we happen to have the same identity; unity means that when we mobilize together, our actions are amplified."
"It's about a transformation in consciousness."
"The critical mass needed for significant change lies in mass mobilization and participation."
"Extremist groups from all sides are mobilizing."
"I told you after the election that if he kept complaining about the election being stolen without being able to mobilize people to do anything about it, he was going to lose Georgia."
"Grassroots mobilization is going to be very key."
"Being able to speak directly to the everyday lives of those workers is a very real thing and it's a mobilizing message."
"It's up to us to wake those around us, to summon them to this battle, to sound the alarm, to change course while we still have something left to salvage."
"The Palestinian struggle... predominantly a bottom-up anti-colonial popular mobilization."
"Every values voter must be energized, mobilized, and engaged."
"If we're to have any chance of averting near-term planetary omnicide... we must plan intelligently to mobilize a substantial portion of the human population."
"It's time for us to mobilize and not be scared."
"You've got to operate as if everything is on the line and you cannot hold back."
"There's nothing magical that says that you can't have massive mobilization in Russia very rapidly... certain things need to change."
"We cannot let them get away with this... We need to rise up and have ourselves believe in Jesus Christ."
"We need more than that. Action, speak up, stand up, organize, mobilize, evangelize."
"By mid-April, the Scots Army had been mobilized, effectively beginning the second English Civil War."
"Punish these political enemies because you will galvanize people."
"I want an audience of people that know the destination's on the horizon, that's called ambition, those are the people you could mobilize and get Paradise."
"Political speech is really about mobilization, mobilization of people within your world of like-minded people."
"Stop falling for it! The reason that we have a Republican Party is to fight back against the Democrats."
"This is exactly the time when we need to mobilize the best and the most."
"It's an unprecedented mobilization of such complicated and agile robots."
"What are you prepared to do to do battle? What are you prepared to do to win? What are you prepared to do to organize, to mobilize, to register people to vote, to drive them to the polls? That's what it boils down to."
"Now is the time to plot, plan, strategize, organize, and mobilize."
"This is the right time for Christians to rise and vote."
"This is a moment for everybody to think, to act, and to mobilize."
"With Sita the destiny of America is always safer in the hands of the people than in." - Out of context, this quote could be interpreted as advocating for trust in the people rather than centralized power.
"If you care about student debt cancelization it's time for you. It is go time for you. You need to mobilize."
"Get yourself registered, help us out, tell everybody else, get a lot of people involved. That's what we've got to do to make this nonsense go away."
"Now is the time to rally ourselves and become militant about what we want and what we believe in."
"This is about mobilizing that power for our highest vision of the world."
"Rarely in history will you find a time where these major powers are all mobilized almost to the full extent of their strength."
"That's when you mobilize. That's when you do big things, right? That's not the end, that's the climax."
"They called all the relatives, they sent out emails, they posted on social media like man they just set this thing on fire."
"We need to mobilize every available ship and weapon. We need to coordinate our defense strategy."
"Let's take to the streets on Monday."
"How do we unlock the power of an unbelievable pool of talent in 270,000-plus people around the world?"
"Eventually BP was able to plug the leak on its own, but Matter of Trust proved it could mobilize thousands of people to address an epic catastrophe."
"Can we mobilize your audience for something good for once? Let's move."
"...organizing which address sexual violence created the groundwork for the Montgomery bus boycott mobilization."
"I want us to mobilize, to accept responsibility, to change the reality of our lives."
"Government spending mobilizes the real economy."
"We need mass based political movements calling citizens... to work for justice." - Bell Hooks
"Populism is about inspiring an enormous number of people to rise up against a smaller number of people."
"Revival is not just a temporary warm feeling that you and I associate with the presence of God. Revival is the stewarding of life that totally mobilizes you."
"National crisis is a really good thing with regard to the building of social solidarity, especially if you're fighting a big war that requires national mobilization."
"There is a war, and this message is a warning and a call to arms."
"Their efforts paid off as their posts and videos went viral, spreading awareness of the danger ahead and mobilizing public opinion."
"Passionate supporters mobilized in a large and powerful movement under the banner 'Justice for Julius'."
"Art will tackle the most difficult and most important ones where it is able to mobilize the masses."
"We need to gather all the forces in Hara that can assist us in the fight."
"We're in a war for our nation, for the church. We've got Angels screaming Divine urgency. Sound the Alarm, awake the Warriors, mobilize the body of Christ!"
"God intends for the entire church to be mobilized in Ministry, male and female."
"People power mobilized once again."
"We need to see economic Justice and we have to kind of mobilize and organize in order to do that and part of that includes speaking about that publicly."
"Call the reserves, fire up the furnaces of the war industry, open every arsenal we have, lift all restrictions in armaments for the Confederation, and give the humans all the aid we can afford."
"Culture can be the ideal vehicle to promote decentralization, capable of mobilizing people and funding."
"We need to do this now and we need to do it on an Apollo lunar mission type level."
"Humanity was now on a war footing."
"All of humanity had mobilized and they were angry."
"The government scrambled to get the railways organized for war."
We need to mobilize in the spirit under a resounding "yes, Lord."
"You're not trying to stretch it longer, you're trying to mobilize it."
"The Descent Against The Invasion is growing but his next step, I think, is trying to mobilize again."
"...you're bringing up something really important because I think people misunderstood why we mobilize."
"Mobilized the power of the English language."
"Different story of how we mobilize that."
"He directed zuzelen to return to button City and assemble all the Mac Guild troops in the area."
"We intend to do everything we can in this election to get the biggest possible turnout and energize people to care about our democracy."
"The December 19 tweet and its aftermath inspired a wave of mobilization among Trump supporters."
"I believe that God's going to mobilize a group of people that are going to be sharing their stories into testimonies."
"What can be done? Focus on building up groups because groups mobilize voters."
"What made it total warfare was the mobilization of an entire society, of its productive capacity, to fight this war on, and on, and on, and on."
"The man who mobilizes a Christian Church to pray will make the greatest contribution to world evangelism in history."
"The modern bicycle as we know it was invented in 1885 and since then has liberated Nations, mobilized armies, and provided inspiration."
"Bernie abandoned the very strategy which he himself during the campaign kept reiterating was the only way to get any of this legislation through: Mass mobilization, Mass organization, Mass education."
"Leadership is about mobilizing people toward a goal that matters personally, focusing on results and harmony among different domains."
"...most places if you want to get something done... you've got to have a majority of people supporting it you got to have votes you have to have the allocation of resources and that requires mobilization and a game of addition rather than subtraction."
"It's a scary thing to see how easy it is to mobilize hate."
"It's good to know that it can kind of be fixed and it's good to know what mobilizes and what doesn't as well."
"Politics isn't really about demonstrating your purity, it's about having vision and objectives, and trying to mobilize human and other resources to pursue those objectives."
"Lift your hands, Lord. I call forth a million Moris, mobilized in a Last Stand For America."
"Only a political narrative that explains inequality and oppression in a way that connects with subalterns emotionally as well as intellectually can hope to mobilize the kind of movement that might actually bring about significant change."
"I believe we have a moral responsibility to mobilize our greatest minds."
"Populism... may well be a term that designates a kind of mobilization on the part of people who could turn right or could turn left."
"In the first months after war began, both North and South mobilized."
"Ideas are far more powerful than reality; sometimes they can mobilize ultimately millions of people."
"On New Year's Eve, Napoleon received grave news from Paris: rumors of plots and Austria mobilizing once more for war."
"Any politician who uses religion and ethnicity as a basis of mobilization is one who is suffering from intellectual bankruptcy and ideological bankruptcy."
"To be mobilized one day too late was to be a day behind with potentially disastrous consequences."
"We must galvanize an effective mobilization campaign... to secure the promised resources to address climate-related issues that affect all of us."
"Six million men are now marching to war across Europe."
"American Muslims are more organized now, we are mobilized and we are integrated into the political landscape."
"Stress fundamentally is our body systems trying to mobilize us to do something."
"This really mobilizes America, small businesses, urban needs for really anyone."
"We can create possibilities such that the creation of the possibility mobilizes the forces to fulfill the possibility."
"We need to be able to rely on our citizens to have strength, willpower, and the ability to mobilize."
"Create a strategy and mobilize forces."
"The anarchists carried off a great victory; they showed that they could mobilize the workers and press their demands."
"Leadership is about mobilizing people. It's about persuading people. It's about getting people through obstacles."
"The mass mobilization of the Crimean Tatars is a part of nothing but a new way for repressions that began with the Russian full-scale invasion."
"The whole of government is being mobilized to take seriously disability."
"They had political influence, a great capacity for mobilization, and they controlled millions and millions of dollars."
"The big parties have got to mobilize their support bases; they've got to re-engage with the Grassroots."
"Because of the development of small forms of free speech, it allows peaceful popular mobilization."
"We're seeing the greatest mobilization in the industrial base since World War Two."
"What happens when the Holy Spirit comes with power is that people mobilize."
"Our spies tell us that Andrias plans to invade Earth in just a few days, so it's time for a rebellion to mobilize."
"It's actually better to go home because not only are you a little bit forced to mobilize more, but also you're away from all the other sick people."
"The government decided general mobilization was to be made; the whole nation is answering their appeal with brave and restless calls."
"We're willing to organize and mobilize."
"The most important thing that we want to do is mobilize as soon as possible."
"The months leading up to June 1944 saw the assembly and mobilization of the largest invasion force in history."
"We could do everything the campaign could: mobilize, register thousands of new voters, re-register voters so they could vote for him in the primary, and collect nearly a hundred thousand signatures to get him on the ballot."
"Let's gather the troops and get it done."
"For the first time, the properly mobilized resources of the Allies would finally be engaged against the resources of Germany and her allies."
"We've got to get out of our bubble and we've got to really not only organize and mobilize but we've also got to talk to people who disagree with us."
"If we want Barack Obama to be able to do the kinds of things that must be done, it requires a level of mobilization that we have not yet seen."
"There is a tremendous sense of spirit in the organization that you can mobilize at the time of any crisis."
"The news spread like wildfire, and every able-bodied man ran for his gun."
"I'm waking up an army of believers."
"Let us mobilize for sacrificial mission among all peoples."
"We should continue to use our position to galvanize and mobilize our people to initiate energy development projects."
"These groups are mobilizing skills kids have, knowledge they care about, passions they have toward new causes."
"We got to come together and mobilize and build rather than sitting here talking all this stuff about we praying."
"We're not raising an audience; we're raising an army."
"Divine urgency: Wake up the Warriors. The Saints must be mobilized from the sidelines to the front lines."
"We have to be mobilized to the front lines; there's not a moment to waste."
"The mass mobilization of American society... ended the Great Depression and provided opportunities for women and minorities to improve their socioeconomic positions."
"The beauty of a cascade system is that you can mobilize an effect very, very rapidly."
"It will be hard; it will be the greatest test for government since we mobilized to fight World War II."
"You have an unprecedented ability to organize and to mobilize to challenge old assumptions, and to bridge old divides, and to find new solutions to our toughest problems."
"God is raising up an end-time army of believers."
"Plot, plan, strategize, organize, mobilize."