
Personal Victory Quotes

There are 371 quotes

"When I invite God into the process, I invite victory into the process, I invite strength into the process."
"This is the sweetest; this one's by far the sweetest because it's the hardest one by far."
"The fact that I could get out of bed and go brush my teeth was an accomplishment in itself."
"Easily the most fun, especially because I won."
"The first and greatest victory is to conquer oneself."
"It is the glory of life that we shall slowly triumph over ourselves and the world."
"Experience victory over the very thing that thought it would hold us down."
"Maybe I lost a fight physically, but to me, I won spiritually and after that, my life was great."
"These little victories are really, really important."
"Depression was a battle, but by the grace of God, we managed to overcome."
"Victory for me wasn't winning; it was just finishing."
"My favorite moment of all time was um when I was able to win avenge my loss against Matt s."
"This is all about your victory, this is all about your power, this is all about your strength."
"Just being different is a win in this world."
"When you're in that state, sitting up is a big win and you should celebrate it."
"I did it! Well, I did the first part! Now, it's time to take down Mr. Robot once and for all!"
"There's gonna be a victory in whatever that situation is."
"This is going to be the highly victorious month for you."
"You're triumphing over this challenging problem, you are winning."
"It was a good day. Brad finally got what was coming to him. I finally defeated nemesis and best of all, I completed the knife only challenge."
"Your higher self is telling you, 'Yes, go ahead. You are going to triumph, you are going to have a victory.'"
"But he was not the only demon that Arthur had defeated that day, as the countless obstacles he had encountered along the way were equivalent to that of a million demons!"
"If you really love yourself first you are headed towards a victory."
"I feel amazing. I'm happy. I got out of that one, man."
"He who prevails over himself is twice Victorious."
"I'm forever keeping this because I prayed so hard for that single wi."
"I think it might be the greatest victory of my life."
"Justin had reclaimed his throne, avenging losses to his demons along the way, and the crowd could not have been happier about it."
"I always said I would win this fight, and now I'm sitting here the winner."
"I fortunately finished treatment in March and I have now been cancer free for a little over three years now."
"Victory in life... victory over our thoughts... victory in our emotions."
"Victory isn't about what's happening around you."
"Fear-based systems are out there trying to limit your Consciousness and limit our Consciousness."
"God wants you to put the foot on the neck of your situation."
"Knowing when to let go of a dream, knowing when to quit, is actually a victory too."
"This was never your moment, bud. Bye bye Lysander, bye bye."
"I won this fair and square and you gave it everything you could but you still lost."
"Of course he did beat me, but what the public couldn't see was that I'd still earned a major victory."
"It would not matter if it was Jose or it was Chad. This was my belt, this was my night."
"Victory is not just your own doing. There is a marvelous bond you share with your Pokémon that brought me here."
"I'm a true champion, America has a true champion."
"Major victory coming in for you, there is a win through change."
"There will be a victory coming in for you here."
"You walked away from someone or something, but in the end, you're the one who won."
"Victory: I shall celebrate and I shall rise."
"Let's start with a beautiful truth, and the truth is, I did beat Aaron at chess."
"You're using logic and discernment. There's closure, stability, and victory coming."
"That victory was the best win this year for me."
"I thought the best thing that I could win is his channel."
"There's a sense of celebration or victory coming in for you."
"Those who are awakened to truth awareness have already won."
"Breaking free of restriction, you're gonna feel like you are on a winning streak."
"I'm really happy with it, I consider this a huge Improvement for me, I'm taking this as a big fat W."
"2021 really is your year, the sixes, especially in the ones, are victory, recognition for a job well done."
"After 11 long years, Kofi Kingston has done it."
"At least this is further proof against an MLM. So, I'll count that as a win."
"Once you win that battle in the morning, then once you go out, now you've won something."
"The pinnacle of everything. Sorry, I just hit my microphone. I don't know if it registered in the sound. I won, bro! I... I wanted the Suns to win, and I'm gonna... I win!"
"Scars of Victory." - These are scars of Victory.
"There are measures and realms of triumph and victory that you were born for."
"Victory after a battle, success coming to you."
"It's a dream come true, a win for the Dotsons and the Commanders."
"Wednesday wins! I guess I'm getting that lollipop."
"I envision a lot of different things happening, but at the end, I always envision me winning."
"I won the first year with a two-second clip of my kid at the beach."
"Your enemies are about to see how the tables have turned."
"Why would I consider my win something that makes you happy? I'm gonna consider my win something that makes me and my family and my kids and my girl happy."
"Taking control of a situation, moving forward in triumph."
"It kind of felt like a win, and to actually win my biggest pot ever is kind of like the only saving grace."
"Teach me everything there is to know about winning. This round would be my Victorious Championship."
"Even before you can fully see it, you will be victorious."
"Total positivity, abundant success, victory."
"Every day where someone hasn't said something about you... you've won."
"Number 2: Sephiroth Kingdom Hearts - 'It felt like I beat a legend, something that as a kid I truly believed to be an impossible challenge.'"
"I'm a very happy man right now because after like two years of constant legal battles... I'm finally after all this time a free man from legal troubles."
"So when you can get past these things and you can win it's like yeah."
"Every single person that wakes up is a victory."
"After everything we went through last year, this one just feels amazing."
"It was completely worth it. I effing took her house."
"You did it, Jen! You stood up to the escalator girls. No one has ever done that before."
"Dalia's first encounter with retribution was a big one... she beat the case, dude."
"Congratulations, you successfully faced the darkness."
"Yeah, so that's a huge win for you, huge um, if Ryan wins, we do a MRI slash colon cleanse... so we see what's in there and we suck it out of you."
"James Charles blocked me on Instagram and I realized that I was winning and I'm ahead at life."
"Reflect them. It's like my first win in four days."
"When you don't obey your worry, when you talk back to it, challenge it, correct it, well, that's a win for you."
"You're going to be the one that has the last laugh in this situation."
"Victory in your hand erases the 12 weeks you were in the gym getting your ass kicked."
"Ain't nobody wanna ever see your brother succeed, but he succeeded this time, I'll tell you that much."
"But we see the effort. And that, in itself, is a very real victory."
"A win is a win if you can start pushing back a little bit."
"You have broken free. Their plan didn't work."
"To me, I felt like that was another win for Johnny. Just line them up and knock them down for Johnny today, in my opinion."
"Victory lies within my grasp. I am your source of hope. Today, all negative thoughts, all pessimism, every sense of inadequacy shall dissipate."
"After that struggle, I got an old TV, guys, yay!"
"You've already won, step over the threshold."
"He's a genius... he fought the fight, the toughest fight you could fight... and he wanted."
"You're going to come out of this victorious."
"Thank you for making me feel alive and thank you for this because when I look this morning I realized that I don't want the stiffness to be pulled out of my eye because I will walk out of Chicago as the new and very first AEW Champion"
"I think I could take a W on this one. I think I called this quite well."
"He's going home! This one might be close. Got it! I won! I won! I did it!"
"Victory is coming your way. Tap into your light, tap into your fire, your passion, your motivation."
"He needed something, because this chapter actually shows us that he got what he needed because it's anything but sad, it's exultant, it's joyful, it's rejoicing, it's victorious."
"This is a win for all involved, especially Ava."
"My joy is in my head, my power is in my head, my victory is in my head."
"You're not going to be stuck in your mind anymore or in a situation, and I'm seeing victory for you. So there is victory."
"I have finally beat the battle. We lost a few battles, but I've won the war. Let me rephrase that. I have won the war."
"As a whole a really fun fight that after all he’s done to us is ow so satisfying."
"Just standing up, just saying no... that's Victory enough."
"He walked into Gay's domain and defeated him after a master class of work."
"I think there are victories coming in for you Chanel."
"You're gonna have victory, okay? You're gonna have recognition not only in your personal life, I feel like this is work-related too."
"Scientologist con man, a fraudster Grant Cardone, loses this decision in this civil matter and that's a Merry Christmas to me."
"Deconstruction is beautiful when there's reconstruction."
"I had won it through determination, my grandmother's hunger."
"I have been vindicated and it feels so good."
"I just want to thank God for giving me this victory. Without him, this wouldn't have been possible."
"When you climb Mount Everest, you put the flag on the top and just feel like you've done it."
"This feels like a win. This is also a win for young Vlad."
"You've overcome it. Maybe you've stopped drinking. Maybe the reality changes. Maybe you start actually making the money. This is the resurrection that you want to achieve."
"The first victory for man is that he didn't quit."
"Batman turns tragedy into victory because people can turn tragedy into victory."
"You are number one. It's your duty to make sure they regret it."
"Your big blessing has to do with obviously a victory coming your way, and as long as you have that firm strong vision it will manifest."
"You will have the victory, the clarity, you will be moving forward with a renewed sense of balance in your life."
"I feel great... I'm back in the winning column."
"For us, you are the lightweight champion of the world."
"I'm not a loser. I can actually beat this game by myself."
"I feel like there's a victory coming in for you, so yes."
"It's tough playing on camera guys it really is like even though I played a lot of competitive golf it's tough you know you only you always want to play so good and you put a lot of pressure on yourself so it's nice to pull the win out."
"Who's laughing now? I got the extra Yung heart, play free, points baby!"
"You've already won if you have people who are singing your songs word for word, if they're hero in your home."
"You're backing yourself and you're gonna win this race."
"George Russell wins at Silverstone after a fantastic battle with his good friend Alex Albon."
"You will be the victor, cutting out the BS and protecting yourself."
"Understand that base level of life [ __ ] blows and so if you can walk out at the end of the day with a good group of people you could say you love yourself, you're winning."
"I finally took him out, you guys, oh my gosh, oh man!"
"She's finally able to defeat the monster in her closet."
"Sometimes when you take that higher road... that's when you win on an even bigger level."
"Reaching the top of this tower, it was an epic battle."
"Those who managed to return home were still winners."
"For me, just getting you out the league is just such a blessing to me... I couldn't beat you and to me it's kind of mind-blowing to say that I could never beat Methodz."
"The enemy that you have seen, you will see no more."
"Just to wake up and just go into meditation for five minutes and just be in that zone is a huge win for me."
"You were the way, I was the winner in my own."
"I wanted him to know that he was outsmarted by a 15-year-old."
"Victory, victory, victory, my gorgeous Scorpio, I like this because I know that this is going to be very personal."
"I'm never gonna look back on this situation and be like damn I had cancer nah [ __ ] that. Looking back on this situation and being like I beat Cancer's ass at 26."
"I fought hard but I won, my indomitable spirit helped me every step whenever things got too rough it powered me onwards."
"She wanted to take you down, but you persevered, celebrating victory despite her actions."
"In September, you're going to overcome a huge obstacle and challenge, resulting in a massive victory."
"We conquered that chicken and that bone broth. It didn't weigh on me. It didn't have to wait until another day."
"Ultimately, you're going to be victorious over this whole situation."
"The victory here isn't her marrying Justin Bieber, it's her getting to move the [__] on."
"Well, that was a great game, Barack. Let's go. I haven't won in quite a while. It feels great."
"There's a blending of celebration and quiet victory."
"No better feeling than overcoming the thing that just beat you."
"Everything in this was, I feel like, a pretty big win for me."
"Bam, you know, um, is this like the first? I think this is the first major arcana in the whole reading, so it's like I just feel like this is like a stamp to put over everything to be like I did it, you know, I won or something."
"Ace of Swords, some sort of victory coming in for you. Definitely a victory."
"Watch out world, I just defeated my first enemy."
"I had you where I wanted you and I proved you wrong again."
"If you follow your heart, you're gonna have victory."
"You are completing a cycle and being given a major victory or reward."
"We won, we cleared him out, my sacrifice did not go in vain!"
"By facing it, this is what you get: victory."
"I'm just glad that I beat him. [__] get myself around the corner with a tailor."
"Always be yourself, that's how you're gonna win."
"If I engage with them, then that means they're winning."
"The battle has to be won inside in the mind, in the conscience, in the heart."
"I ended up winning so the score is 1 to 0 on these challenges."
"Prayer is power, prayer wins battles, those battles fought in private, the victory is in prayer."
"There's a lot of victory here for you, a lot of success, a lot of abundance."
"We got farther than they did so that means win right? That's basically, that's a win in my book, oh okay, that's all it takes for me."
"So in the end, I got my way. Isn't that great?"
"Now I get to be the Victor, now I get to be at cause and life gets to be at effect."
"You're gonna be the one right here with the last laugh you're gonna win this situation this individual has has how can I explain it this individual has tried to sabotage you they have spreaded numerous amount of rumors that was false about you."
"Johnny Depp needed his name cleared publicly he got that that was the thing that he won."
"The enemy has seen their demise through your eyes."
"So I won this adorable little pearly and I was so thrilled."
"There's gonna be a lot of victory here for you, a lot of victory."
"I managed to win not only the weight but also myself."
"This is a season of great Victory, appointed for you."
"You defeated this narcissist, you defeated it. You defeated this person without even trying, you didn't even have to try, you left them to their BS."
"Don't think that just because you've neutralized cancer and depression in your life that somehow you've broken that bloodline curse."
"I don't think I was gonna beat Payton, but now I win something."
"I won already [__] it hurts you you can't stop the vibe."
"The ace of swords is a big victory that leads to a new beginning in your life."
"The greatest revenge you can have in any situation is success."
"Seeing the lessons you had to learn is a victory."
"They feel like they're a winner... for winning you."
"I think my hardest battles have been fought in one."
"That was such an epic battle and I was of course without a doubt able to come up victorious."
"Your heart, brave and steadfast, shall be ignited with the flames of joy and victory."
"I'm pleasantly surprised and happy that Hokie won."
"You have now become the Emperor, the victor, the fighter, the hero in this story."
"Trust that you'll be victorious in finding love within yourself."
"I just won money by accident because of that. This is the best win ever!"
"Victory after the battle because of confidence in yourself."
"I did it!" - Steven's triumphant exclamation after hitting the jackal