
Damage Control Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"Battle damage assessments: one injury, some damage... but nothing that we can't polish out with a bit of elbow grease."
"But my best strategy is let him take only this critical damage stasis field because when he's creating his critical hit immunity you can't apply fear on him because you can't critically hit him anymore."
"He comes in, does the damage, and then identifies when to leave - that's Serral's efficiency."
"You can't just let things burn. You can't chop off the burning part of a tapestry. If you lose even one thread, the whole thing unravels."
"This is one of the best cantrips if you want to combine damage dealing in Battlefield control."
"It's absolutely clear that she meant it in a negative context and Harry is trying to undo the damage."
"Concentrated barrier gives you a free damage shield."
"Volcanic Rune, you want this morph because this is our stun and aoe stun as well as a very nice damage source."
"Tyler Perry does damage control. Here is a wonderful PR team."
"On the other hand side peeking is the bread and butter move for Apex to dish out more damage while taking less."
"Nova has it all: damage reduction, nuking power, mobility, and utility."
"I'm burning, we'll put that fire out for definite."
"The bottom line is that now if you fast forward to the late war period and take a look at what the U.S Navy knows as compared to frankly any other navy in the world certainly with respect to damage control there's just no comparison."
"The best way to play Frontline is not to actually tank the damage but to Zone them so they can't do any damage at all."
"We should be looking for ways to mitigate the damage."
"Move forward because you are going to do more damage moving forward than you will going back."
"If you're able to play this without outcast, you get to attack two minions and you take no damage in response, and that is just amazing no matter how you look at it."
"Cloud strike: players within the radius will still take damage." - Balancing an effective weapon while reducing collateral damage.
"In this battle, we need to focus on the trebuchet first because of how much damage that thing can actually create."
"Aiming to erase any potential damage momentum."
"If you manage to knock every once in a while I'm going to get a 2k auto tank."
"Problem solved, we took more damage from that."
"Can you survive seven? These are minus two, one damage."
"I couldn't take any more damage... it's just a matter of time."
"Twin disintegrate yeah or maybe twin finger of death that also can pretty cool pretty potent damage dealing."
"This build is totally fine in terms of damage. You are just basically able to negate the one-shot."
"You have to imagine that this report is very damaging if the president is willing to let this unfortunate scenario drag on for this long knowing it will continue to damage him."
"It's not just something that's magically gonna kill you through a wall it will very clearly dictate where the damage is gonna be and leaves it up to you to exit that space."
"New Jersey could have probably prevented any significant damage."
"It really does pay off going this build it's here Dee does enough damage already with right-click so why not pick up a healing item it's not like you're not looking for DPS anyways."
"I'm hopeful that we can minimize the collateral damage and that we have enough parallel infrastructures in place to absorb some of that."
"A lot of your early damage comes from the E2. You must not rush it."
"All I want to do is to try to undo some of this damage that's been done."
"An amazing counter for one back to get a huge amount of damage."
"Binding shackles is a new passive talent that causes enemies rooted by binding shot to deal less damage to the for a short time."
"So he gets away he gets away never it's a suit he and the suits damaged because he like over bloated it with the electrical he's not like naked what the hell."
"I don't want a basic laser or missile shot to completely take out our ship because it was lucky enough to get a cascading critical hit."
"Wisp is a really good supportive CC mobile damage dealing warframe."
"Prevention is much easier and more effective than trying to undo the damage later."
"The timeline did take significant damage, but thankfully it could still be restored."
"I wish to avoid collateral damage."
"We can totally understand because in our career, particular damage control is necessary."
"We need to stop water intrusion in its tracks or it will kill the boat."
"You took all the precautions necessary to pad the damage from a situation like this and I don't think you've done anything wrong here."
"The last Jedi made calls, and now this movie has to do damage control for it."
"Fortunately, the damage to the part will be cleaned up during the finishing passes."
"Better to spend the money a little bit earlier than to have to spend a lot more money once it Boston ruins a bunch of stuff."
"Being able to offset even a small part of [damage] without having to take a turn to heal manually is incredible."
"There's a workplace comedy to be had in 'Damage Control'."
"You don't have to get involved in the toxicity; you don't have to escalate it to a point where it does some real damage to real people."
"The documents were pretty damning. I think the way he reacted was just the worst damage control I think I've ever seen for anything ever."
"It's not so much a question of if you're going to damage or scratch it at some point it's more a question of how and when it's going to happen."
"5 minutes more of our time here could save $3,000 worth of damage easily."
"They positioned on both sides of the hotel, advanced a hose line inside, pulled ceiling, and minimized that damage so that it didn't spread beyond the pool room."
"One of the biggest things that affect your hair porosity is actual damage whether that be from heat or chemical or color damage."
"I don't give a damn if the whole figure got caught on fire at this point, as long as it's not causing any damage to the figure itself or the head sculpt, which it won't because it's just water."
"It's better to kill the damage off early than to let it continue to grow out because eventually you're gonna have to cut it off regardless you might as well do it in the early stages than to let it grow out and potentially cause further damage."
"People do things, uh-huh, in mean way, uh-huh, then they say I'm sorry. Oh, I ain't never sorry, [__] first, that's called, that's called damage control."
"As long as there's a shred of hope among people, then there is a chance that we can stop some of the damage being done."
"The earlier you can identify an incident incident, the faster you can contain it, and reduce the damage."
"The second position is perfect, we stopped the damage and we are happy."
"You know, instead of panicking, we just remained calm and we just continued working out this damage bit by bit."
"Defense in depth is basically where you try to delay an attacker and damage them as much as possible rather than simply stopping them."
"This ship is badly damaged, but I think the watertight compartments will hold her up."
"We need to be aware of these situations and try to get in front of them and minimize damage."
"The Bond Curl is going to help to protect the hair from further damage."
"Within 17 minutes, her damage control parties had the fires under control and the tears in her hull patched and plugged with whatever they could grab."
"Don’t worry about steam and property damage. You can steam someone and wash them out in the front yard; they will survive."
"You promote somebody higher up the chain because the higher up they are, the less damage they can do."
"Perception matters, right? This is why when these companies and still and people like that when they go through things, some say some races are stupid, it's why they go into overdrive of like damage control because perception is everything."
"Prevent that damage; that's also very usable."
"They managed to keep the damage to a minimum, which is good."
"Once during your turn, you may move up to two damage counters to one of your opponent's Pokémon."
"Only seventy percent of the bags burned up in that fire, and everything's under control."
"Don't worry, be happy. It's just a wall, can be fixed."
"This damage-control formula with natural material softens and promotes healthy looking hair."
"By accepting structural damage, we're going to a longer period and correspondingly longer drift, developing lower forces within that structure."
"This is meant to minimize the risk that your bike will be severely damaged."
"It's a good thing that no extra damage was done."
"You've already done enough damage, and from now on, you'll leave the matter in my hands."
"Stay calm, unplug it from power, and let gravity bring the liquid back down to be absorbed by the towel."