
Voices Quotes

There are 147 quotes

"I got the impression that there was a man in there, a couple of people, because there was like a lot of weird voices."
"The voices of the Myanmar people cannot be silenced."
"We are shortchanging voices that are urgently needed in public forums from ever getting to the table."
"In that peaceful solitude, Wanda heard the voices of her two children asking for help."
"Electric Voice Phenomena: Unexplained Voices from Beyond."
"I heard something over the roar of the waves at the inlet. It was muffled, it sounded like a small voice."
"Despite the treatment, I can hear voices in my dreams."
"All of reality being a simulation would also explain the voices that lure the async employee away in informational video."
"God is raising up voices right now that are going to last decades."
"Amplifying voices and experiences rather than gathering the information explaining experiences that you have no part of is necessary."
"All for one is definitely linked to the quirk somehow because he's been hearing his brother's voice in his prison cell."
"Another day, another day, lots of important voices to be heard from the people around the planet."
"I was not afraid to die, but I was terrified by the voices coming from the back of the grotto."
"...it's like we don't have a lot of voices that are that are trying to change the game like, you know?"
"The world needs to hear their voices."
"That's all we're trying to do up here: to galvanize the voices into one song."
"...a universe with voices saying i am here is far greater than a universe silent..."
"You will have so much freedom in your life and you'll automatically think different because you're not being influenced by all of these outside voices."
"He's tapped into people around the country, really good people in many cases, who feel like their voices aren't heard."
"That's what I realize about people. When you give everybody a voice because everybody seems to have a voice because of social media."
"Children are people. They have autonomy, they have rights, they have their own voices and opinions."
"Just because the voices you hear are the loudest, doesn't mean those voices are speaking the truth."
"They are the voices that nurtured us through the highs and the lows."
"You're literally muting the voices of those who need to be heard."
"A book full of voices, it's just a symphony, it's an orchestra, it's a choir."
"It's good to hear everybody's voice for sure."
"They give everybody a voice. It may not be a voice that you or I agree with, D., but it's a voice."
"It's also a resource for people who are curious about interesting people nice people people that you don't necessarily hear from because their voices aren't the loudest."
"We must be a better house at listening to all voices in our country."
"The voices of the characters are going to become the story."
"One reason why 16 voices is fantastic is if you've got the ability to do splits and layers as in it's a multi-timbral synth."
"The voices, folks, they're all gone."
"The voices it seemed were coming from dennit where before the voices were low enough that we thought maybe even we were a bit crazy for even thinking they were voices now it was clear."
"And I think that focusing on and making sure that the voices that we're listening to includes a greater diversity is one of the things that I will continue to push for."
"The literal best thing about this show is that they got the original cast from the movie to be the voices of all the characters."
"It's when you have somebody at the top trying to say they all have to be in this tone yeah it's that's just not what DC is it's never been that's never been with DC is because DC has been a collection of different companies and voices."
"You have two voices speaking to you all the time: the voice of God speaking truth and the voice of the enemy feeding lies."
"It was the other voices, the ones without lips. Wow, that's crazy."
"It's really getting very interesting with the voice, uh, the, the AI voices."
"You meet these people and you didn't realize voices."
"They heard Harry's voice and the voice of another man."
"Find young people's voices, maybe that's the start of the way here."
"People that no one is listening to often have the most to say."
"I could still hear those sweet voices. John Boy walks out in the yard, he hears the children all saying goodnight to each other."
"...a popular boat to look around so you can hear voices in the background."
"You cannot let yourself be led by the loudest voices."
"The more distinct the voices, the better the show becomes."
"... it's a vicious cycle and they have these voices that just grate you know I don't know where they're from they're not from here."
"Yeah, I got voices in my head again, tread carefully and I don't medicate, it helps me temporarily."
"The combination of the voices between soft and scream is just like a perfect combination like peanut butter and jelly."
"I think good journalism is about diverse voices."
"Sometimes it's just really confusing, you know. Sometimes there's more voices coming through than other times."
"It's not about having bigger voices in the space, it's about having more of them."
"Even the quieter voices in the room deserve to be heard."
"In many of her collections, the stage for these voices has been mythic."
"The voices of the singers were better than any voices I've heard on a Disney ship."
"Their voices are just so good together"
"What really makes these animatronics pop? It's the voices of those characters."
"I write to make the voices in my head go away."
"So the question is, do you want to listen to the voices of the 7.3 billion people on planet earth? And if you want to listen, where do you go to listen to it? And that's the United Nations."
"...every single day women's voices are getting louder."
"In making space for the voices of those marginalized people, it can certainly be challenging."
"Their voices and experiences are the catalyst to change."
"When I moved to Paris and the voices stayed in English, it was then I realized that they were just in my head."
"It feels so sustaining to be around so many women, to hear so many women's voices at this moment."
"These are the voices that we need to hear more of."
"Voices are like the tip of an iceberg; there's a whole load more underneath it, but you hear the top of it. It's beautiful."
"I see a demand for multicultural voices."
"And the people who spend a lot of time there can sometimes hear the voices of the forest that others have forgotten."
"Now, in science fiction and fantasy we are seeing a great upswell of diverse voices."
"The tranquility of the mist-filled landscape was disrupted by whispers, eerie voices that seemed to materialize from the ethereal veil."
"I was that kid that did funny voices."
"There's very many different voices in the anarchist tradition."
"Voices can really make a difference."
"I wanted many, many different voices... I like that feeling of trying that kind of choir of human voices."
"It would be fantastic to have all the voices."
"It's great to have a lot of different voices out there."
"And these are the four angels of the Lord, and the four voices I heard in those days."
"The farther I went, the more voices joined in, creating a chorus of whispers that surrounded me."
"I would hear voices... just the voices of men like they were talking to each other."
"Every night, muffled voices echoed from the basement."
"Your voices are cool, humorous, priceless, open-mindedness outstanding."
"I've gotten used to the voices because when you hear a voice and you don't see where it's coming from, you can imagine that it's far away."
"The stars themselves were nothing but blinking lights; they were nothing compared to the gravity of those voices."
"Hearing their voices makes me smile and feel cared about and loved."
"I just have so many different voices."
"The voices in her head began to speak."
"I think it's fantastic to get to hear from different people that we normally don't get to hear from."
"It's not just great people and horrible people who shape our country's history, it's also people who don't have strong voices."
"Creating a playlist of voices you like the sound of and simply listening to it and imitating with it, that's practice."
"My mission is to give flight to underrepresented voices and foster a deeper understanding of one another through the power of storytelling."
"The Harlem Renaissance is giving space for new voices."
"I forgot how much I miss people and just voices."
"The voices of children have been clearly heard when the rooms are empty."
"Here's to all women finding their voices."
"We both started hearing voices of people chattering on the other side of the wall of trees to our left."
"We need to protect places like Bears Ears because we need to make sure that everybody's voice is heard and preserved."
"Let's not focus on the people who are the loudest voice, let's focus on these other people."
"Just having a party line, a single party line on how to assess the PRC isn't going to cut it. There has to be competition; there has to be more voices heard."
"This is for voices from all walks of life."
"It's strange to talk and hear your voices after hearing them in my life for so long."
"Those encourage you to explore the full range of what you actually have inside you in terms of voices."
"I swear these voices sounded human, but the way they were going back and forth almost made them sound ethereal."
"We are really focused on uplifting voices that have been traditionally marginalized and historically underrepresented."
"The experience of reading these tablets is like hearing the babbling of countless voices speaking up to us from the impossibly distant past."
"The voices in our lives are precious."
"We should cherish the voices that we have in our lives while we have them."
"We're not all women's voices. I sometimes being heard, particularly women from minority groups or people coming out of developing countries."
"We need to elevate those voices more."
"The narrator is amazing; his voices for all of them are so good."
"I like how voices contrast, that's really great."
"So many voices all going at the same time, which is a beautiful thing, really."
"There are a whopping 700 voices on the Casio PXS 3000."
"It's funny, the more I make music and the more I marry music with others on stage, the more it's all about voices."
"It's very easy to stifle, to block, to shadow burn one voice; it's almost impossible to do that to a million voices."
"The online choir was so stunning that we wanted to have a moment with just the voices singing."
"The compliment between their voices is so so incredible."
"The Paranormal Activity claims include mysterious voices as well as footsteps."
"You ladies fill my days with lovely voices."
"They are representing underserved voices across the world."
"I am known as the man with a thousand voices."
"Voices are sexy, I'm a sucker for voices."
"We need more diverse voices in the world, so it's a good way in."
"I think you now have to find a handful of voices that you think are accurate and who have been consistent."
"You're hearing voices in your head, okay, that's because you're tapping into your six senses."
"For a few things, like dowitchers and yellowlegs, the voices can be among the best ways to identify the different species."
"More voices makes for everything. It's just more interesting."
"There's just something truly magical in voices like that are blending."
"What an interesting group of voices to have together."
"There are a lot of voices, drowning in the sea, there's too many voices, talking back at me."
"It's important to listen to the voices of the people that are usually left out."