
Life Principle Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"In a crystal, we have clear evidence of the existence of a formative life principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is nonetheless a living being." - Nikola Tesla
"You're either going to grow or you're going to die. It's create or disintegrate."
"Nothing is permanent, just the principle of impermanence."
"Learning from failure is not only a principle that I take in gaming, that's a principle that I take in life."
"Integrity is so crucial in business and in life."
"You always reap much more than what you sow."
"The only thing that matters in life: confidence."
"The guiding principle of my life is 'wouldn't it be cool if?'"
"He lived his life as when he died he died for standing up for what's right."
"Do whatever you won't regret. That is a good general principle of life."
"Consistency is the most important thing in life."
"Honesty is key that that is that is that is law always be honest."
"Respect is the foundation of life for any situation, any business."
"Embracing silence is a guiding principle in our lives."
"But at the end of the day, life's about just smiling, right? So, for me, my personal principle is like, if I can make at least one person a day smile, like, I've lived my life right."
"The only law I know is the one of self-preservation."
"Love cannot rest until it does something. Because love is in fact the active principle of life."
"There is an emotional principle to life that I feel like science tends to overlook."
"A child is born to us... with every human child that is born, a new principle enters the world."
"What you plant will always be the very thing you harvest."
"We teach self-reliance as a principle of life."
"If you have integrity, nothing else matters. But if you don't have integrity, nothing else matters."
"That to which you give your attention grows stronger in your life."
"What's the principle purpose of any organism? Survival, right?"
"Fair deals are so important in life."
"Man is a form of this living substance, and has within him a principle of health."
"There will always be some central unifying principle that governs your life, some ultimate concern, some anchor point that keeps you grounded."
"Ethics is natural morality based on thought, and it is one single principle: good is to be done, evil is to be avoided."
"Your faith in the best of yourself, the principle of life in you, has brought you into conscious realization that you are not a victim of the universe but a part of it."
"We all love value; you should seek for value in all that you do."
"Seeing everyone as capable is one of the biggest principles that really changed my life."
"Seed faith... it actually means the application of faith through, or according to, the seed principle of life."
"It means applying one's faith by the seed principle of life."
"It's about balance; it always comes down to balance."
"Everything withers from disuse. That to which we give our attention grows stronger in our lives."
"Giving rather than getting will become the guiding principle."
"It's a universal law that you cannot get away from."
"I want to tell you about a life-altering principle."
"Be the Tree of Life principle: only speak blessings in life."
"In the light from Calvary, it will be seen that the law of self-renouncing love is the law of life for earth and heaven."
"Be honest, because honesty goes your whole life."
"For the first time... it became possible for you to create a context in which to live your life that could allow you to have the principle of your life be that you make a difference."
"Respect others, that's the third principle of living a good life."
"The universal principle of life is in service to life."
"Love is the key, remember that all the time."
"The most important thing is truth."
"That respect is key to everything in life."
"I would never harm anyone; that's my whole life, I help."
"A century of sensational discoveries in the biological sciences has taught us that life arises only from life."
"Sobriety first, last, and always, first things first."
"God is not mocked; whatever a man sows, that's what he will reap."
"What a good life principle, right? Not just you know life's gonna throw at you what it throws at you, you don't get to choose a lot of that, but we can choose how we respond."
"Whatever a man sows, that's what he's also going to reap."
"Everything in my life is based on love."
"It's the Golden Rule: treat people the way you want to be treated principle, and you live your life just by that, you should be alright."