
Creative Work Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"The experience of having a post go viral with mostly positive things said about it would have felt really nice, especially when it's in some way people praising and wanting to build off of your creative work."
"It's amazing when you dedicate and focus in such a short window of time, even once a week, you can actually produce a decent body of work."
"Nobody tells people who are beginners... that all of us who do creative work... we get into it because we have good taste. But there's a gap, for the first couple years that you're making stuff, what you're making isn't so good."
"The audience that loves your work, maybe even hates you a little for it, but ultimately the audience that understands your work and appreciates it for exactly what it is."
"The point of it all was just to give him some external reference point, but they genuinely loved his work. There was nothing for him to be afraid of."
"It's nice to see stuff getting used properly by Premiere and nice to see architectures that are actually good for this type of work."
"This image has made over 70 thousand dollars in gross."
"I have not felt this amount of support and love for something that I've created in so, so long."
"Whatever gets you, it's promotion, it's a promotion. People are like, 'Hey, who knows how many godlike creators there are that are just super low-key?'"
"Everybody steals your stuff and never gives you credit. It's just the way it works."
"Be careful and be awake and pay attention to what you say and clean up your rooms and that's good enough."
"Make something that expresses yourself that you enjoy making. Don't make it just as a resume."
"When you enjoy it, you don't mind if you're doing it 16, 17 hours a day every day." - Tim Burton
"There's no other job in this world that allows you to do that except for like a painter."
"You want your face and whatever you're doing your creative work to be on as many screens as you can possibly have."
"We made something pretty incredible, and I'm very proud of it."
"Almighty Leo is nothing in front of his Masterpiece."
"If you can find the right types of customers for your products, and if you love being creative and working with your hands, it won't even really feel like work half the time."
"Some of these authors spent months writing and editing novel length works to have them then deleted entirely as if there were something with no artistic or cultural worth."
"Have a little faith, keep making those marks, and the overall effect should end up working out just fine."
"Your rights to your work revert back to you anyway."
"You may finally have some sort of creative success come your way."
"Turning every character's dream into a reality with thorough and creative design. That's the work of paradise planning."
"Everything that I've had the chance to do has really been a labor of love for sure."
"My magnum opus... I felt happy with that. I really, really was."
"I'm obsessed with it, probably my favorite I've ever done."
"Just loving what you're doing... it eventually becomes this great hit."
"Thank you once again to everyone that continues all the insane support on my work."
"Love, sweat, and tears into it hurts even more."
"Thank you guys for that and to thank you guys for that, I send you the best of my work."
"You're being patronized for your work, getting a lot of donations."
"The next script you write is the most important script."
"I just like being in the field like doing a job that how many people really enjoy and it's fun I mean I like going out there it requires creative thinking and that's my favorite part it's just trying to get out of the box."
"It really is so heartwarming and so fun and I only want to do for me remakes now."
"30 years from now, people wouldn’t understand it… It’s more important to have a body of work resonate with the reader than it is to have an individual gag resonate."
"It's something where you're working with enormously talented people."
"It's satisfying, you know how it's a craft needs to be satisfying."
"There's even a little graphic novel which is amazing. Highly recommend."
"Deep work is so important. I literally just need to turn off from everything and just like ideate and focus on things that I need to focus on to come up with new series."
"That was great original work. Saved by the belt!"
"I've never been more proud of anything in my entire life."
"You guys are creative people, artists, and you're gonna get fans for like your art or your work."
"We're still making drawings that make people go 'ah, that's pretty good'."
"I'm proud of it and vying to work on more polished version soon."
"If you plan to do photo or video editing, I would absolutely get a high resolution display."
"If you're professional you're doing photo editing especially video editing graphics design it definitely is nicer to have this larger screen."
"Designing is work, I promise you it's a lot of work. But if you do a good job, then Sam will say your game is good and it's an amazing feeling."
"I love it, it's great, it's ah, it's great work."
"Apply your dreams, illusions, creativity, and imagination into your work."
"I absolutely love doing what I do and I hope you guys love the stuff that I create."
"This is a masterpiece, Trevor could sell this for so much money."
"Designing these can also be quite profitable."
"The display colors are fantastic with good vibrancy and contrast... a comfortable fit for your content creation needs and most definitely gaming."
"There's nothing like that feeling when you've finished a project." - The satisfaction of completing a creative endeavor.
"People think this shit's easy for you, which is cool in a sense, this is easy. I'm good at what I do."
"I just think if you keep insisting on putting good work into the world, it will reach where it wants to go."
"I brain dump a lot... it's kind of part of my job."
"You guys allow me to create for a living, you guys allow me to make people laugh."
"If you're doing a lot of creative work or a lot of hardcore work on the go all the time and your laptop is going to be your primary computer, then I would definitely consider this."
"I do mostly for TV or web series and stuff like that."
"I find as a result of working with this idea a higher degree of flow."
"Thank god we have the opportunity to be able to share this material. This is good work if you can get it."
"This is maybe the set I am most proud of working on."
"We're always working on stuff which they've never done before, so you do feel like they are working on stuff."
"It's the work of practicing the art that actually solves these problems."
"I just released a new video for my solo stuff, a song called 'Pumbuchu.' It's pretty wild."
"I'm doing this TV show, this dramedy about autism, and it's the first time I've done something that's not a straight comedy."
"It's difficult isn't it, really difficult, because you say 'oh they are fan of your work which means they're a fan of you' versus someone who doesn't care about your work. Is my work me? Yeah, creative work tends to be."
"Overall, I love what I made, is it kind of busy, yes, but does it work really well also, yes."
"It's this wonderful meta creation from this genius man."
"You get to own the things that you make... If you take that risk and if you build up enough of an audience and you bring enough quality and enough consistency... You can build your own empire."
"If you were to take pictures of all the work that you wanted to get copyrighted put them into a book format get that book printed send a copy of that book to the copyright office everything in that book becomes instantly copyrighted."
"You're kind of handing them your baby. Something that you've grown and developed yourself in years and years and years of being like, 'Right, we're all in this together and this is where we want to be.'"
"Fever Dream is probably one of our most prized pieces of work we've ever done in our lives."
"I will continue to be deeply involved in the Avatar universe, telling the stories my partner and I would want to tell in the way we want to tell them."
"It was one of the first things that I'd done in a long time that I was truly proud of."
"It's a great line between a gaming laptop and a creative laptop, offering the best of both worlds."
"Thank you very much, I'm glad you like my work."
"I enjoyed it for a nice solid hour and I really do love it; it's my favorite thing I've ever done."
"I'm so happy with how these have turned out, honestly. Ah, it just makes me so happy to look at them."
"I really hope that you create a lot of interesting work and find a lot of success with your development work."
"Exposure is never a good argument to present to creative people."
"Please be respectful of the work submitted in the comments."
"I'm floored, I love that, that was really cool."
"I'm happy with the pattern pack, I think it came out really well."
"So if they like you, they'll probably continue wanting you to create thumbnails for them."
"Working for myself especially in a creative capacity... it's like it's a dream for me."
"I've been working in this industry since 2004, and I maybe had, even within my favorite projects, only two projects where almost everything I've done was like, 'Oh wow, that's fun.'"
"I've been working on a series for ages now; it's a huge passion project."
"I'm obsessed, our designers do such a freaking amazing job."
"I do think it's a solid body of work."
"I was so captivated by this idea of working in fashion and working in the fashion industry."
"It really meant a lot whenever a video was well received and people got to see my work."
"Sometimes I'm proud of the stuff I've made so far."
"This definitely brought up my passion for craft because it was just a fun project."
"I'm really excited; I'm so glad I'm finally able to release this."
"Mac OS is super smooth; it works pretty much perfect for creative work as well as schoolwork."
"I'm especially proud of 'this is why the Rescue Rangers break up'."
"The most important thing is the quality of your content."
"Now I can work on it to make it look even more like a flower."
"There are three really important ingredients to enduring motivation, particularly for creative, conceptual tasks: autonomy, mastery, and purpose."
"I think that turned out beautiful, what do you think?"
"We never know when we're working on a project how it's going to be received by the public."
"We can definitely tell that you have poured your heart and soul into those."
"This show is so good, James Gunn has created something so amazing here."
"It's a collective creative effort and those people should feel and receive proper remuneration for the efforts they're putting in."
"We're working on probably the most requested bouquet tutorial that we have yet to do."
"Can you use a tablet for video editing and creative work? Because that's what this channel is all about."
"I'm a big fan recently of the 16 by 10 aspect ratio as many people are, especially in creative work, as it allows more room for your timeline or for your work in Photoshop."
"You have to create the work you want to be hired for."
"Working on films like Avatar, The Way of Water."
"I'm actually here, believe it or not, on a photo shoot."
"The summer school series is my favorite series I've ever made."
"It runs with 100% of DCI P3, so if you are doing creative work, the color should be calibrated nicely."
"Always pay people, especially if it's in a creative field."
"We built a boat of curious workmanship."
"We really made stuff that moves people."
"Seriously, thank you guys so much for all the work that you put into it."
"It takes a long time to do your own project sometimes, but I find it really gratifying."
"I want to make work that unites things, that heals stuff up, that mends or tidies."
"I'm so grateful that they continue to support my work."
"It's great to see that the work from our students is already getting noticed and picked up."
"I created a body of work that I love."
"It is always a pleasure being able to spend time with you and chat with you about the things that I've been working on."
"I'm actually working on producing a limited TV series right now."
"I really love to work with this tablet, it's really cool."
"It's beautiful, I love it, it's very relaxing to work on."
"It's so nice when people see your work and they're really appreciative of it and think it's really good."