
Community Opinion Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"A lot of people do seem to agree that the gaming industry is slowly dying."
"I can see why people say this is one of the best, if not the best fighting style in the entire game."
"I believe that the vast majority of content that I've read on Wall Street Bets, which I love, is clearly theory crafting and opinion sharing by individuals."
"Minecraft is literally the biggest game of all time. Why the [expletive] should it not be in Smash?"
"Should Planeswalkers be legalized commanders? I say no." - Sheldon Menery, Rules Committee
"NBA 2K18, probably one of the most over-hated 2Ks of all time."
"The hobby keeps looking for a 'Stryfe killer,' and I think it's pretty clear to see now that the Stryfe is here to stay."
"Poland would be really cool... what do you guys think would be one of the first Scandinavian factions?"
"It's probably the game I've completed the most just because the bosses are so damn good."
"The claim that because a lot of my neighbors think something is good or desirable has no bearing on truth."
"Please, please, and an overwhelming 62 percent of you said turn off the fire spread."
"And hating on furries is the latest hot trend, yeah, I think this one's got a bit of staying power."
"The real first place for the best freestyler of all time according to the community: Jaxy. Oh my god, okay wow, oh okay holy."
"Nick may be a weird loser who spends all of his time acting like a psych ward patient on camera, but he's not nearly as bad as many in the community have made him out to be."
"It's considered by many to be one of the best Fallout DLCs ever made."
"Why somebody would never be interested in Sonic? Unfortunately, most of the people saying that are just being assholes."
"All the fans, even from people in the fan community that I know really hated Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom which I'll talk about in a second but like a lot of those guys seem to love this one."
"I don't care what you say about your Urza deck, they're killing it."
"For some reason as of writing this I haven't seen anyone talk about sparkpelt as a serious option which is a bit odd to me."
"I think a lot of F1 fans were also of similar kind of opinions to what we said so, I don't think this is an unfair thing."
"Your opinion is just as valid and I can't wait to hear it."
"Pokémon fans never seem to be pleased, this is true."
"Let me know what you think about the 'Harry Potter,' or sorry, 'Hogwarts Legacy' sales. Does it surprise you? Is nostalgia a hell of a drug for game sales?"
"Despite being hated amongst the fitness community his brand is growing year after year and after supposedly hitting a hundred million dollars in sales within just three years it would seem as if he is only becoming more and more successful."
"There was no Nazis down here." - Interviewed Resident
"Chat, you're kind of epic in Angry whiskers's opinion."
"Federation Force: A much maligned Metroid game."
"We'll all kind of decide where this movie belongs in the ranking for the MCU."
"Battlefront 2, now this will understandably be a lot of people's number one when it comes to Star Wars games from EA."
"I find the cries of 'wow is saved' a little bit funny because I know you've been playing dragonflight guys but it's really very good you know like it does not need saving right now." - Taliesin
"Everything they add to fortnite for free... it's so easy to hate on fortnite because it's become so popular."
"I think I'd be much more in favor of banning Mana Crypt, Jeweled Lotus, manifold-like things... losing all the fast Mana."
"Honestly, for this one it wasn't hard. Sim Settlements is quite easily the best Fallout 4 mod to ever be released."
"The upgrading system this patch is pretty polarizing."
"If it passes the pub test, then you've got a good video."
"This channel has always been about fan opinion."
"Every single point you can muster into Dodge is the people will get mad at me but I don't care that's the correct build correct build get mad I don't care correct build no stuttering you heard me."
"And it is true the lc10 is definitely the best smg in the game best all-around hands down people who don't believe so I just have not used the weapon yet."
"I'm definitely known as sort of the black sheep in the trans community. That's kind of what I always say because I'm definitely not someone who has really any of the opinions of sort of like mainstream trans community activists."
"Some people actually adamantly refer to this game as the true Sonic 4, and I can see why."
"There is almost no chance that Wano is viewed as anything less than a top five One Piece arc by the fandom."
"Black Clover is officially the best show on RTTV, [ __ ]. It's not official, let's go!"
"Is FANATIC 3 truly the most overrated FNAF fan game? Well, for me personally, it's definitely up there."
"Have a good word about Chris Hamill down there as well."
"Her toxic behavior and a reported departure from drag as a whole have left Tyra as a winner the community has moved away from."
"Which anniversary was better? I feel like you probably could say that the 4 universe er II was was definitely a bit better."
"Mega Man 8 is a good game that got a bad rap."
"I think the narrative is the one thing most people seem to be a bit more united on is like the more weak thing in this expansion."
"Shadows actually saw a lot of dislike from fans."
"Season 2's battle pass is considered by the community to be one of the best in all of chapter 2."
"Any time a gacha game again gives you an advantage for spending money, it's pay to win, simple as that, it's powerful, I don't know why it's so hard for people to understand that."
"The people that say Xbox has no games, like who gives a [ __ ]?"
"Dune: Imperium is really very good, and it seems like the internet mostly agrees with me on that."
"Rocket League has huge potential. Everyone saying it's dying is stupid."
"Y3: Underrated forgotten gem or total garbage that everyone has rightly cast aside?"
"Even wholesome XD Out Star of it has had, you know, the game is a killer sided map type opinion."
"The power of this crab meta, I don't really respect this."
"What y'all think? I'm going to let them decide. Do y'all think we race this or do we race the other one? Or do we just do both?"
"I think this looks pretty fantastic, what do you guys think?"
"It'd be cool to get a vote, do you think that this extra effort when building a PC in your mind is worth it?"
"If I click on a video and it has 400 likes and 10,000 dislikes, there's pretty good chances I would be clicking off of that video."
"Is it the Serum killer? Well, I'll let you guys decide."
"I love seeing on the page you know what other people thought of a product."
"Seek the approval of God primarily, and not the approval of the community."
"I just wanted to know because I'm interested to know what the comedic community think."
"I'm excited to give this a go; I'm hoping that I love it as much as everyone else does."
"The neighbors looked upon him with a mixture of awe, admiration, and good-will; and, when any madcap prank or rustic brawl occurred in the vicinity, always shook their heads, and warranted Brom Bones was at the bottom of it."
"Many people around me say Lipton is the best residential dining hall."
"You're a great dancer, and everyone thinks so."
"He's got some marvelous looking eyelashes; definitely, giraffes have still got the nicest eyelashes I think in the community."
"The survey showed that the majority of those sampled were in favor of the dog park."
"I care more about what my people think of me."