
Youth Support Quotes

There are 199 quotes

"Our young people only need someone to embrace them and let them know their capabilities."
"I want to be able to give back and help other young African-American kids and really just kids of all races and colors."
"It's time for us to take that responsibility and hold ourselves accountable and make sure that we reach back to the younger generation."
"Like, find someone to talk to. There's better ways you can deal with this. And you're young, you're 16 years, 17. You don't have to be doomed, you know. You got your whole life ahead of you."
"I've been talking to a pastor and asked him to talk to the kids in the detention so he can help them like he was helping me."
"We really want to base our treatment and to affirm and to support and empower these youth."
"I do support transitioning adults...and I think even for kids who persist into puberty if they still experience gender dysphoria, the decision should be up to that child with the clinician."
"Don't give up on them. Don't give up on yourself. Don't give up on the kids who are depending on us right now."
"We are committed to shifting funding from the NYPD to youth and social services."
"The reality is that we've got to do better for our youth."
"The whole flow bar for bart but I just love to see the young [__] win man I'd love to see the success."
"You inspire us with your unwavering commitment to our children."
"You've helped me cope through my first year of middle school."
"I'm openly trying to defend somebody who has been helpful to a lot of young men right now in a time where it's really necessary for that message to be heard."
"If we each do that for one other kid, that's the collective change."
"We try to help young kids trying stand-up comedy to say what you think is funny, don't say what you think is funny to others."
"To open up doors for the younger ones coming up."
"You've got to give these youth players a chance to find out, and you don't find out after two games. So disgusting, absolutely disgusting that fans think it's a good idea to slate a young player after a couple of games."
"YouTube is a great tool and it's a great experience and I wanted to make content that would have helped a young Roberto out."
"We can't lose a generation; we can't lose young people who have either the inability to get high-speed internet because of their economic circumstances or because of learning disabilities."
"Just giving back to the youth and just like to the kids that saw you on the screen."
"Supporting young people to move beyond just tolerance into celebration, acceptance, participation, and also liberating."
"Let's take on mental health, especially among our children."
"Trans youth deserve to grow up without being psychologically tortured for their own good. They deserve real support and care."
"Is there an organization you would recommend that helps underprivileged kids? Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America."
"I feel like pride is us, the pillars or the totem poles that the younger generation can either rest upon and look up to."
"When there is a young man not being admired by an older man, that's a young man who is hurting."
"I actually love helping these kids I love helping people."
"The charity is teen life which is an organization that provides guidance and counseling to teenagers."
"If I was not able to transition at the age I was, I would not have made it to 18."
"They find at-risk youth who might end up in a gang and for them, it's like $300 to get them into a positive cycle as opposed to a negative cycle."
"I feel like my mission in life is not only to bring motivation to these kids that are giving up on themselves but to bring Humanity back to us."
"Everyone should be able to step in and try to be helpful when it comes to being a good adult figure in these children's lives."
"I do look back, and like, I have a non-profit called Hug the Block that I'm reaching out to the at-risk youth, helping the people out."
"It's because of the support workers across the UK that young people have the chance to successfully change their lives."
"The Amy Winehouse Foundation was set up to prevent the effects of drug and alcohol abuse on today's youth."
"These kids should not be homeless, stationed not be in the streets. We're gonna provide housing for them."
"A child needs a helping hand or he's going to be an angry young man someday."
"There are at least seven and a half thousand young people waiting on a waiting list for help."
"If you're 19 years old and you're knocking on the door... they'll drop everything and help you out tremendously."
"He was the dad figure for teenagers who couldn't go to dads."
"It showed me the power of community believing in children, believing in the black youth."
"We've got to start helping the young people."
"One day, I'm going to make it so big. I'm going to be rich to a point where I'm going to be able to build basketball courts for the youth in Florida, Jersey, even down here in California."
"I want to help kids. That's what I want to do."
"We will get to the root causes of the problem and invest in our young people in jobs and education, not jails."
"We should be setting our young people up to win, not cutting them off at their knees."
"Since 2006, the Little Princess Trust have provided over 8,000 wigs for young people."
"Let's make marriage easy for our young people especially the ones that are ready and capable."
"LeBron James: doing more for reform and helping the youth of America than Ben Shapiro ever has."
"Single-payer healthcare was essentially the number one issue that young people have supported."
"I want to open up a mental health facility for the kids in my neighborhood or any neighborhood."
"You could go back and listen to these songs... even when you're 12 right now, you don't have a father figure at home, go listen to our albums."
"Somewhere there's a kid that needs structure in his life."
"I just want to let all the young men know that it's not an easy battle."
"We want you to police the opportunities that our kids have."
"A mentor and a guiding force for the youth in the community."
"I'm proud of this brother, young brother, proud of him."
"Armin is seen helping out at the farm for the orphans."
"Children want to thrive, right, and so we have to support our young people as well as our communities."
"Men need hope, like plants need sun. What sun have you given young men?"
"We have to make sure we save those kids, those people who believe that they don't have a future."
"I just want to thank you for being a representation for a lot of young kids that may be struggling."
"Access to gender-affirming healthcare not only reduces the risk of suicide in youth, it significantly reduces their lifetime risk of suicidal ideation."
"We need to be able to do the right thing for these kids to make sure that we could get them on the right path."
"This is his superpower... the ability to make complex ideas simple enough for regular people to understand them."
"The standard practice for trans youth is to pursue gender affirmative care."
"Never give up on your dreams and never give up on young people sometimes they just need a little bit of encouragement."
"Project Pinpoint is a community initiative working to raise funds which will be used to promote safety and security of Quebec youth."
"Providing legal status to the 1.8 million young people eligible for the DACA program."
"Zero ceiling's mission is to end you homelessness and the way they do this is by giving at-risk Urban Youth the opportunity to relocate to beautiful Wilderness areas."
"We need to help the next generation of kids."
"I know that I can potentially add value to the kids' lives."
"Allowing new generations not to be saddled with debt because they went to University would relieve a huge amount of pressure on younger people."
"I want to help young people so much, I've made it totally free."
"Their mission is to help build hope, resilience, and a path to a promising future for young people."
"Everyone has a role to play in protecting and promoting the mental health of our youth."
"They prevent negative mental health symptoms in youth."
"Perhaps the most important part of Vernon Jordan and his legacy is how he spent time with young people, young politicians, young executives, young professionals, always gave back, always paid it forward."
"They need more youth programs out there, sir."
"We also have to support our youth through asset based framing, bringing out the best in our students."
"A heartwarming affair dedicated to supporting youth impacted by foster care."
"So if you want to donate to them you could visit zebrayouth.org backslash donate that's zebrayouth.org backslash to donate we're actually going to donate 500 to them we're going to do 25 gift cards um so they could give to their youth in crisis that need some meals."
"I'm just going to stick around here local in North Texas so I can be here for these youngsters."
"I want the best for all these kids no matter what transpires in their life."
"The truth is the one intervention that can actually make more difference in the lives of a lot of young people who don't feel like their life is on track."
"Boys and Girls Clubs help young people to reach their full potential."
"Calls like these were cries for help, teenagers who didn't know where to turn."
"I want to help little kids that feel this like terrible thing of not fitting in anywhere and feeling really suicidal, hating their body and you know, I just want to make them feel like you can grow up and have like a cool life and be a cool person and be."
"I put everything into this to get this kid started."
"The point is we didn't start this as a business to make money. We started this to help young people."
"We're in Louisiana which I love, we're helping boys and girls who have had a difficult time."
"What a gentleman, you love to see it, alright, for the kids, man, for the kids."
"The Harrow Club is a center for disadvantaged kids that's been around since 1883, and Digga says it was crazy important to him back in the day."
"The businessman on the farm is also an active supporter of such youth organizations as the 4-H clubs and the Future Farmers of America."
"You just need to believe in me, kid."
"We're gonna try to find about Kate's foundation and donate to his charity for underprivileged kids in Detroit."
"From kicking tees to cups of tea, protecting the future of the game, making the stars of tomorrow."
"Some kids... they want somebody to care about them."
"He just seems like such a good kid and I wanted to promote what he has been spreading."
"To every kid who never had a date to no school dance, this is for you; here we go."
"Every one of those kids deserves a break."
"We're creating a first-of-its-kind youth mental health fund to deliver more mental health supports and Care choices for Youth and communities across this country."
"My goal for this year is to make 50 grand for the young carers charity."
"It's a fantastic thing to see, that'll help him in his career going forward."
"Now more than ever, kids across America need our help."
"100% of our proceeds, all over the revenue we generate from YouTube, Patreon, donations, raffle selling of our gear, and our Discord, everything goes to youth musical programs."
"We want to make sure that no young person again is ever left behind."
"We need to take care of these DACA kids, and we all agree on that."
"Support the youth. We're going classroom to classroom talking with students one-on-one."
"Jordan Peterson did care about young men, he really did."
"I just wanted to figure it out for the kid."
"I created Now I'm Known Foundation to help other families on how they can help the kids, especially aging out kids, on how we can teach them skills so they can learn how to survive on their own."
"That's just my way of saying thank you guys for helping me with my mission to reach the youth."
"It's very important to get involved because we're dealing with high school seniors throughout the United States."
"Hallelujah, y'all take care of these two young men right here, take care of them."
"We're trying to improve that and we've got a whole range of policies not just to get houses built but to help young people in particular be able to afford to buy them."
"I think it would also be cute if Clara volunteers to help Ava with mentoring the young Lost and Founders that have just joined."
"I really love these kids. I really believe in these kids."
"These places are so important, especially for at-risk kids."
"Foundation 100 million donated to help kids dream big, that's cool."
"We're gonna help some kids out and then once you sign up, just take a screenshot of your sign up page."
"Thank you for helping young men like me."
"I'm trying to help all the young people and I'm trying to help everybody here."
"An organization that gives responsibility and the discipline that goes with that in a society that gives nothing to the youth."
"How do we keep more people happy as young people? How do we give people support, therapy, exercise, recreation, friendship, community guidance, or whatever we're doing?"
"Specifically, I'm very proud to be part of this competition because it's a question of giving back to young people."
"I like to work with charities for underprivileged kids."
"Together we can do our part to make a better tomorrow for today's young people."
"Love the teen, let them know that you care for them, and don't concentrate on looks but on qualities."
"By giving up your bed for just one night, you can truly change the futures of these vulnerable young people."
"If I can help one person or one kid, I achieve my goal."
"We're doing a lot of this for you because as a 14-year-old, you deserve a safe place to live."
"I want to be a counselor for kids that are part of the lifestyle, I want to be a drug counselor too."
"We needed not only to make a difference, but to help as many kids as we possibly can."
"To not send these kids to Angola. To try to help these kids so they can have a better life."
"I started making videos so that I could speak to a 16-year-old me who was in the closet and so scared and feeling so lonely."
"This man is the founder of Angels by Nature, a charity aimed to help an impoverished youth in Texas."
"I'm putting together something for me to help like either kids or people got out of college... so they won't fall down the wrong path."
"I'm not ever going to take a penny from any of this stuff; it's going into the kids, into the coaches, into the facility."
"For all those kids that you were able to help, that is incredibly important valuable."
"He set up that scheme to help kids, and he runs it straight."
"She also volunteers at the Covenant House Atlanta which is a shelter for homeless teens."
"The single most important thing for a young person and their mental wellness is strong ties to an adult."
"We worked at a summer camp for like at-risk youth sort of thing, like kids in foster care and that sort of stuff."
"As lovely as mosque chandeliers are, I would love to see some of that money invested in young people who are coming out of prison."
"Rooting for young people, giving them advice if they ask for it."
"I'm able to help people, I'm able to see the things that I never had somebody in my ear like this when I was a kid."
"We raise money through a sponsorship program to help the kids get the stuff they need."
"We got to show love to the next generation, we got to show love to these young entrepreneurs that are trying to grow."
"I'm trying to prevent the next child from going down that path."
"I wrote my first book 'The Ultimate Leadership' from a laptop that I got from the National Youth Development agency."
"If you need access to Grant Finance in South Africa and you're a young person, this is the ultimate organization to go to."
"It's really hard right now, especially post-COVID times, for kids to pursue careers, and as much as we can help them get on the path and support them, that's the right thing to do."
"It's all about raising funds for the Prince's Trust, also getting more involved and helping a lot of the young people with their business ideas."
"Times have changed, so it's time to adapt and help the youth who are in need of it."
"When you're young and you're having mental health struggles, it can feel like you're alone and for Gen Z, they can just go online and see that they're not."
"I fell in love with helping kids."
"We're just trying to help the youth. If we save one, we're good."
"Jesus Christ is the strength of families, the strength of Youth, and the strength of parents."
"We're just trying to help today's kids advance for tomorrow."
"We can save a lot of these youngsters, man, if we join forces."
"We are going to try to help the youth and together we will fight anxiety all around the world."
"I'm with my family making my family giving a soft life to my wife and my daughter bro and just taking care of these youth cuz I was trouble youth."
"We can save a lot of these youngsters if we join forces."
"Once a kid is passionate, loves it, then you just keep building."
"Much of the money I receive for doing this goes to the Life Education Program to help young Australians lead a better and longer drug-free life."
"They're doing a lot to help young people be prepared to be the citizens that we want them to be."
"Every prize you match, we will donate to the agency of crisis intervention centers that assist with family reunification for runaway youth."
"My job here is not only to be a liaison for the youth amongst the leaders of East Plano Islamic Center but also to support and to advocate for all of the causes of the youth amongst the epic leadership."
"This show is needed because young kids don't have anything going on for them."
"We got to help the youth, we got to prepare the youth."
"Helping out the underprivileged youth of Clemson."
"Let's be as innovative now as we once were then, so we can meet young people where they're at and make sure they get the support they need."
"I'm passionate about my family, spirituality, helping the youth."
"It feels amazing that I can help other kids because I really really want to help other people if they need help."
"We gotta start supporting these young folks and telling them God is going to do great things through your generation."
"I'm always about the youth. Our future."