
Post-war Quotes

There are 233 quotes

"Japan was in a state of ruin. Millions had been left homeless by the fire bombing campaigns."
"Once the war ends, to the degree it ends, government tends not to recede, the taxes tend to be in place at least for quite a while."
"And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why nobody built any new battleships after the end of World War II."
"Safety has to come first and this is where unfortunately like even in the post-war environments...just because you're out of the immediate danger zone doesn't mean that you're necessarily safe."
"America has seen near-constant growth since the end of World War II, so the average American only gets richer every year."
"Post-war economic and demographic changes had far-reaching consequences for American society, politics, and culture."
"After World War II... world leaders created a series of international organizations and agreements to promote global cooperation."
"Military protection crucial for the German economic miracle."
"Marshall Plan aid: Providing crucial support for Germany's recovery."
"After World War II, the United States is by far the richest nation in the world."
"The United States at the end of World War two is kind of in an extraordinary position."
"Kissinger shows how power has changed in the United States."
"He enters this whole world of politics post-World War II in the '50s."
"Lee's post-war role in hunting Nazis added to his legend."
"He was tasked with hunting high-ranking Nazis after the war."
"The end of the war finally brought them properly face to face to see for the first time the people they had fought and the Damage they had inflicted."
"Following World War II, the US will emerge as a dominant superpower."
"A post-war rebuilding effort like the one in Western Europe or Japan following the end of the second world war is entirely possible in Ukraine and Russia."
"Humanity drastically militarized after the war."
"Many that did survive the German handling would then be destroyed post-war as part of destroying German inventory, which kind of fits with what we see in the current market."
"The war is over and the soldiers discover a reward that is infinitely better than any of them could have imagined."
"After World War Two, capitalism rose from the ashes, changing the game for Stalin and communism."
"From Up on Poppy Hill centers around the romance that blossoms between two teenagers in post-war Japan."
"I believe this is the most inspired and inspiring generation to come through since 1945."
"Everyone will not be Nazis anymore I mean kind of worked in a way I mean definitely there's not Nazi rule in Germany anymore."
"Life was not just misery, life was not just about suffering after world wars, and whatever that life was also to have fun, to enjoy ourselves."
"Japan was occupied by Allied forces led by General Douglas MacArthur."
"For the first time in a decade, Europe was at peace."
"After World War II, the Indonesians declared themselves independent."
"My god, we won war with Germany but the Nazis effectively escaped."
"She was liberated at the end of the war she was given the Dickin Medal which is the animal equivalent of the Victoria Cross."
"Many Sikhs had served in the British Army during the war and still had their weapons."
"It was right after the Second World War when you were able to buy machinery again after the shortages."
"This era post-war gave the working class a massive step up out of poverty."
"We still look back at the decade and two at the end of World War II as this kind of nostalgic period of time, this period of American greatness."
"The natural heels were foreign wrestlers, you're only talking about being 15 years away from the end of the war, they were just the natural bad guys."
"After the war, Germany will still exist, and Germany will need men like us to rebuild, to make it strong again and to look after the people."
"But for us to serve Germany in the future, we must surrender to the Americans. That is our task now."
"After getting home from Afghanistan and informing the world that he will no longer be making weapons, Tony starts work on his Mark 2 Iron-Man suit."
"The future seems bright and free of the dangers and deprivations of the last 6 years. The horrors of the war are past and people can get on with their lives."
"After the war, cars became the favored mode of transportation."
"In 1946 after the war, she proposed to launch three new scents."
"After World War II, US productivity was said to be eight times greater than that of Japan."
"This is a really good story with really good characters that's focusing on like a postwar Japan and the effect that that has on the characters in the movie and the country as a whole."
"A van borne of the needs of a post-war economy that became a world beater."
"The day we were liberated was so exciting. And that's when life started again. That is what was so exciting about about those the aftermath of the war, all the things you'd never had, never seen, never eaten, never worn started to come back again. That was such a stimulus."
"It is a movie about people who are coming out of one of the worst moments in human history and nobody really knows how to live."
"After World War One, you had Finance replace the landlord, and finance also became the mother of trusts, the mother of monopolies."
"She made her feelings very clear to him after the war."
"The war with the Zar had ended, but it was clear that a new chapter for humanity was just beginning."
"They had won the war, but now they had to win the peace."
"The cancellation of all major government orders following VJ Day would lead to a massive reduction in the company workforce."
"The Nuremberg generation and the Eichmann trial generation, 15 years apart, were the same people, the same knowledge, the same experiences, the same priorities, and they were all connected in the human way that is a generation and time which was that post-World War II ERA."
"We can't even take care of post-Vietnam or veterans. How are we gonna take care of post-9/11 era veterans?"
"World War II was over and America was getting back to normal."
"At the end of World War II, a series of court proceedings known as the Nuremberg Trials took place to determine the fate of high-ranking Nazis."
"Most of the Industrial Enterprises on the planet after the Clone Wars ended would basically pack up and leave."
"This picture really represented the dividends, the dividends that are left after the war and that will continue, I hope, the work which we started."
"You're creating the most stupendous productive force ever made, and what are you going to do with it at the end of the war?"
"America has a bad habit after every war of just dismantling what took so many lives and so much time and effort to put together."
"After the war ended Canadian Forces remained in the Netherlands to distribute food and rebuild communities."
"In the decades after the war much of the world had felt unprecedented faith in the future."
"America had emerged from World War II with surging prosperity, and people felt free to search for a better life."
"The motivation for the growth of the Black Shirt movement in Italy stemmed from territorial disputes post-World War One."
"This former First Federal Savings Loan Association bank building... illustrates the post-war shift to bank architecture."
"So what really kicked off the craze was right after World War II. So everybody comes home, of course, we had our baby boom."
"This was in Poland after the war."
"The United States after 1945 was the generous giver."
"Now that the war is won, we should all find time for wisdom"
"And you know? After the war, I had enough courage to establish a family."
"The army shrank from its Vietnam high of 1.6 million in 1968 to fewer than 800,000 in 1974."
"I was married during the war so when I got home I knew I had to make a living for my wife and myself."
"The idea of the rationale for aid was very clear. We were coming out of the Marshall Plan, so this is after post-World War II."
"The decade after the war became known as The Roaring Twenties."
"Isn't that what it's all about? The thing is that, after war, after terrible things happen, people who have been neighbors, you know, who've been fighting against each other, have to come together, have to work together in order to rebuild, something again."
"Grit grew up in the post-war 1950s in Provo Utah."
"This is the greatest novel written after World War II. I think Joyce's Ulysses and Finnegan's Wake are the two greatest novels of the first half of the 20th century. This is the greatest novel of the second half."
"Up to 2 million people died just two years after the conclusion of the Second World War."
"After the occupation ended in the 1950s Japan experienced a period of rapid economic growth which would last for four decades."
"The story begins in Arizona after the Civil War."
"We saw a growing movement towards the idea of human rights after the devastation of the Second World War."
"Without going through it historically now, we have a very clear development of the parties after 1945."
"The writer here praised the Gillinsfords for bringing the needs of young men cast adrift after war to light."
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend, and that's kind of how the Soviets were, but we knew in a post-war world that they weren't going to be our friends."
"The war here is over, Callus. Whatever you propose to do here in the Westlands, it had better be something special," he said.
"Ohio State was expanding throughout the first part of the 20th century, but like most universities, Ohio State experienced major growth after the Second World War."
"Equality of opportunity... has been delivered to a degree which is inconceivable after the war."
"Life, it seemed, had at last fully recovered from the effects of the war."
"The Windrush generation came to our country after the war to rebuild our nation that had been so devastated by war."
"After World War II, there was a housing boom and you started to see a build-up of new more simple houses."
"With the war over, the Allies are in charge; they divide up Germany between them."
"Life in Germany after the end of the first world war was incredibly difficult initially."
"This is a movie that is in one sense practical about historical period which is a very interesting period right after World War II."
"We lived in Brooklyn. Our plan was that after the war we would get married and settle in that house in Lancaster."
"In the post-war era of Japan, the fear of juvenile delinquency gripped at the heart of society."
"We dreamed of a brighter tomorrow when after the war we would return to our motherland."
"The Maurice Miner mobilized Britain after World War II; its affordable price, simple mechanicals, and wide variety of body styles meant there really was a Minor for everyone."
"In 1815, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland emerged from 25 years of war as the world’s sole superpower."
"By 1945, it was the time of starting to look out for others, underrepresented parts of society."
"These upward sweeping fins were not merely ornamental but emblematic of the post-war American optimism."
"The US was able to avoid a complete financial and economic crisis; the postwar period was one of the most prosperous times in American history."
"Silver Springs became popular after the Civil War when tourists from northern states were able to travel up by steamship through the Silver River."
"Humans who were left alive would see the Eldians who stopped Eren as heroes rather than enemies, which would hopefully delay any future conflict between Eldians and the rest of the world."
"After the war, a ton of innovation happened."
"The soldiers seemed to think their war was done; they drank in the village inn, flirted with women at the stream where the flat stones made laundry easy, and two village girls married gunners in the summer."
"The Gilded Age... it's this post-Civil War, post-Reconstruction era of rapid economic and population growth."
"The plant inside Mechagodzilla City is modeled after factories from post-war Japan."
"The genesis of the hooligans can be traced back to the post-war era."
"The Nash pickup of 1946 offered a compelling combination of style, reliability, and practicality for consumers in the immediate post-war era."
"The 1950 census was the first census post-World War II."
"The modern era of globalization began with the movement to liberalize trade in the years after World War Two."
"It's 1919, the war is over and life is getting back on track."
"World War II transformed the world into the shape as we know it today."
"We were so tired of death and destruction, we just wanted to do something beautiful."
"We thought we had a chance to save a sliver of culture for the rest of the world."
"We were in the frame of mind to give credence to beauty once again."
"After World War 2, wild boar populations were virtually extinct across most of Europe."
"Let's talk a little bit about the Super DC-3, the design was upgraded after World War II."
"For decades after World War II, the violent changing of borders had been considered a taboo in Europe."
"After the war, there was a real need to celebrate the survival, the end of rationing."
"Following World War One, a series of maritime treaties constrained naval development."
"We're thinking that all this production, all over the world, that's doing such a job in a war, can do a job in peace too, if we can just learn to work together."
"We have come here to help the Allied prisoners under your control. The war is over, and we want to get them medical treatment."
"...it was really only after the Second World War that both sides kind of looked at each other and realized well for various reasons the war between the two was pointless."
"After the Second World War, the focus of art and culture shifted from Paris to New York City."
"Italian Neorealism, a movement of filmmakers that arose in Italy at the end of the Second World War."
"The spirit of Yalta persuaded them that peace could be maintained in the post-war world."
"Europe that's been devastated... really willing to have peace for the future and looking for possibilities how to be able to create peace and maintain peace."
"Peace, security, and prosperity - those are the elements that they're looking for in 1945."
"This was going to be a land fit for heroes, a land that they would want to live in when they came back."
"When those men eventually came home, it became a necessity for everyday life."
"The world isn't as big as it used to be, and after this war, we all got to be neighbors."
"We felt that it would be a disaster to have the military control atomic energy after the war."
"Instead of coming as conquering masters to their homeland, the Americans came instead as friends to help the Japanese clear new paths toward peace and prosperity."
"These works together articulate the trajectory of one of the most important creators of the post-war period."
"Britain was never the same again."
"Democracy was in the air in those post-war years."
"The expected long period of mass unemployment following the war was avoided."
"...paintings were not the first thing on everybody's mind after the end of the war right there were many other things that people had to worry about 6 million people had had been murdered..."
"Yugoslavia produced in the post-war period which I came to see as really on equal par with anything that was built in a post-war period anywhere."
"The New South: This is the south of progress following the Civil War."
"Since the war ended, we've all been waiting for the return of the things we've missed."
"Who exactly is the best actor to decide what a post-war resolution should be like, should it be the government or should it be the victims, the people who were directly harmed?"
"Finally, in 1945 after the end of World War II, Sheena ushi became a Polish City and has been thriving ever since."
"Pushed down to a motocross held right after World War Two, 1946, in a gravel pit outside Paris, France."
"The major breakthrough into the post-war world was poised to happen in the Nevada desert, thanks to an idea conceived by Bugsy Siegel."
"Once we knew the war was over, we knew you'd be home one of these days... so we were ready every day."
"After the war, Voytek became a local celebrity among the Scottish people."
"In the United States, nutcrackers weren't really a thing until after the Second World War."
"Before our short war, the humans already drafted a generous plan for our integration in their society."
"It is about a soldier's wife who gets to know her husband again after he returns from war."
"It was a very different country after the war from what it was before."
"The Marshall Plan... sought to combat the hunger, poverty, and demoralization fueling the rise of the left in post-war Europe."
"The tax burden has risen to a post-war high."
"The US was recovering from its war losses and healing its wounds."
"The commitment of the government to make social reforms after the war became a sort of unwritten social contract."
"The year is 1919. The First World War has ended."
"The war is over now, you can't walk away from this one. The fighting maybe, but the nightmares of what we did in this place are far from over."
"It was a genuine attempt to show the brighter side of what we could do after the war."
"It's an amazing thing, these plastic things are an invention of Tom Ross shortly after World War II."
"If the traditional rational approach to life had ended in war, maybe it was time to try something new."
"After World War II, scientists across the globe returned to their quest for knowledge of the physical world."
"...that heroism was required after the war."
"I hope there will be no persecution, no bloody work after the war's over... if we expect harmony and union, there has been too much of a desire... to be masters, to interfere with and dictate to those states, to treat the people not as fellow citizens."
"Japan has changed and changed pretty quickly after losing the war."
"When I was a very small boy in war-torn Europe, spam was an absolute luxury."
"A baby boomer is someone who was born just after the end of the Second World War."
"Welcome to Germany, it's 1946 and in the days following the war, the country is trying to get back on its feet economically."
"Tomorrow, when the war is won, this same energy will be applied to building a better Admiral radio for your home."
"What the post-war music collective was suddenly able to realize was that all this suffering that people went through in the privacy of their own miserable bedrooms could suddenly be joined up in the Zeitgeist."
"But by the God of Heaven, we are cowards and jackasses if now that that war is over, we do not marshal every ounce of our brain and brawn to fight a sterner, longer, more unbending battle against the forces of hell in our own land."
"These stories are hogwash; the domination of intellectual spaces by progressive ideas owes to trends and political power post World War II, not some hypothetical contest of wits that progressives won."
"The Treaty of Versailles is one of five treaties that are negotiated and agreed upon after the war to basically impose terms upon the defeated countries."
"America is the single biggest manufacturing power in the world after the Second World War."
"After World War II, we watched a struggle beginning to develop between communism and the Free World."
"The war had been won, and the Americans were eager to enjoy happy days once again."
"The country has made some important improvements since the days of the civil war."
"The Atlantic Charter... agreed on goals for post-World War II world."
"Security was a significant issue, and so was habitable land on Earth after the war."
"The international order that we created after the end of World War II was about promoting democratic principles, free trade, rule of law, and self-determination."
"The United States after World War II had almost over half a million US citizens, I mean US soldiers, and their families stationed on West Germany."
"The Emperor's speech to his people after the war included a line that would serve as a kind of model for the rebuilding Japanese society."
"The middle class was created after World War II."
"Wilson has a vision for the post-war world which is known as the 14 points."
"After World War II, the middle class began to grow bigger and become more wealthy... we began to purchase objects that would give us a reflection of our identity, status, and reflect our new position in society."
"The rise of post-war Japan is one of the great stories of modern economic history."
"The GI Bill... allotted money to send World War II veterans to school so that they could get jobs and wouldn't be unemployed."
"Post-war art in San Francisco, Bay Area figurative art, really is a hybrid style."
"After World War II, San Francisco was an epicenter of new thinking and explorations in the arts."
"I really gotta give props to truck drivers, man. My grandfather was one after the war."