
Pet Health Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"After making the switch to Smalls, 90% of cat owners reported overall health improvements."
"I'm on a mission to help these big pets make big changes because we owe them the happiest and healthiest lives they can have."
"Every dog that has arthritis, in my opinion, should be on a glucosamine chondroitin supplement."
"Cats that drink plenty of water are healthier, happier, and more active, as well as they are less likely to get bladder and kidney infections."
"If you see your bunny having excessive secret ropes then that could be an indication of a digestive imbalance."
"I want to remind you that you can hop on royal canaan.com cat health to learn about the take your cat to the vet campaign."
"And right now you can actually go on there and you can enter the cat to vet sweepstakes they have all sorts of really cool prizes on there."
"So now she is on the senior consult diet and since starting that diet she has become so shiny she's like she glows."
"Chewing is calming and gives a dog healthy outlets."
"Maybe Momo is going to be with us a little bit longer."
"Rocky's immune system is doing its job. He just needed a little boost to feel better soon."
"Your dog's health is as important as every other member of your family."
"Medicine does not apply automatically...treat any problems your pals have."
"The importance of investing in a quality pet insurance program for your furry babies cannot be stressed enough."
"There's nothing more frustrating to a veterinarian than diagnosing a very manageable condition and being unable to proceed simply due to cost."
"Dogs eat the high protein moderate fat very low carb same as cats."
"Every time we talk to a vet about it they're always like, 'He's had a good run.'"
"Prevent pests from becoming a vector through your pets—talk to your vet for the best solutions."
"Honestly guys, whether or not you use this health test kit, just get your dog DNA tested."
"If you know your cat is predisposed to this condition, you can take steps to mitigate their stress."
"Isn't it wonderful that Kotaro's feeling better?"
"This stressed out behavior is often a sign your dog could be dealing with more serious health issues below the surface."
"I made this in the hopes that your dog never has to visit the veterinarian with a health emergency."
"Your dog will get all the needed vitamins and minerals naturally."
"You know I hate this cat, but there might actually be something wrong with him."
"Since Nala has been eating Butternut Box, she is like a different dog."
"My sweet baby Diggy has tummy problems and a floating piece of vertebrae that was never meant to be attached to his spine."
"my dog was declared cancer-free today so"
"A lean pet will have a much better chance at remaining healthy."
"I just was able to work his magic, and we have a healthy puppy."
"Separation anxiety is not something to mess around with. It is very distressing for a dog if they really have it."
"Separation anxiety is a trauma. It is very scary for some of these dogs that are suffering from it."
"If your dog is struggling with separation anxieties or is having some of the signs and symptoms that we talked about in the video clip, you should definitely consult your veterinarian."
"Chicken feet are not only delicious for your dog but really aid in keeping their mouth and their teeth clean and their breath fresh."
"The shrimp look happy and healthy."
"Healthy diet isn't just important for humans as We Know all too well our dogs are the most important things in our life and really what you put in their bodies every day is the beginning of their journey."
"Provide UVB with full-spectrum lighting for 10 to 12 hours a day."
"As an adult, you want to feed just twice a week, trust me Lou would eat every single day if I let him, but then he'd be super overweight."
"Their whole purpose is to provide a safer and healthier way for your dogs to chew."
"These super hearty frogs do really well in more arboreal type enclosures."
"You can start treating these trigger points with your massage and you will find a tremendous difference in their comfort level and the vigor and amount of energy that they have."
"Stress is not only the number one killer of bettas but it's probably the number one killer of all fish."
"Nice essentials for a tortoise to have is a nice varied diet, a nice water source that's plentiful and available, a nice hiding area for them as well as good lighting and also heating."
"My dog was declared cancer-free today, so I'm reversing him a steak."
"The diet you feed your rats is so important."
"A healthy ferret is a playful ferret, and a playful ferret never seems to get tired."
"Making sure your guinea pig is well fed is super important."
"Get healthy guppies from the start."
"I'm a big fan of this natural perch right in the middle; it's absolutely perfect for exercising his feet."
"You're gonna be developing a very close relationship with your vet. You're gonna be going there at least once a year for the entirety of your dog's life."
"I'm a huge advocate of feeding pets an unprocessed diet, as this is exactly what they were designed to eat in the wild."
"Exercise is soooo important for all dogs, and especially for puppies."
"Across the country, pet owners are facing an epidemic in their own homes, a crisis affecting more than half our nation's pets -- obesity."
"Barvo is a word that strikes fear in the hearts of both puppy owners and veterinarians alike."
"Call the vet as soon as you think something's wrong, like acting fast definitely helps so much."
"If your cat ever eats litter, stop using that litter. It is not safe."
"All done, she ate it all up, which I'm so happy about."
"The pills and the medications that we give our pets for dog heartworm destroy these microfilarial worms."
"An all-seed diet is extremely unhealthy for a pet parrot."
"Puppies behavior will always be better when they are properly exercised."
"Even adding fresh food to your dog's diet can reduce cancer risks by 90%."
"Now let's candidly and openly talk about dog anxiety and separation anxiety."
"Why choose Pet Fresh? Well at Pet Fresh, your pet's health is our priority."
"She's got her normal strength, and she's bright and happy and running around, wagging her tail."
"Unfortunately, toxins are almost unavoidable for our pets, but at least we have a means of helping them cope."
"Leopard geckos can lose their tails... it can grow back but it definitely doesn't look as cute and flexible as the original tail."
"All we need to do is focus on making healthier dogs."
"The test also includes a Dental Health Report, which is perhaps the most practically useful part of this report for most cats."
"Chew toys... help keep their teeth down."
"Human foods or table scraps are bad for dogs... some of them are, but if you know kind of what healthy human foods are, then I would say no."
"Feeding pet-safe real fresh human foods, which basically is most anything we would eat ourselves without a lot of the excess seasonings and spices, has enormous benefits."
"Starting dental prevention early because dental disease is the number one source for infections and for inflammation to get throughout the body."
"Starting early and understanding the benefits of an animal being a healthy weight... those are the two best things that a pet parent could ever do to maximize longevity."
"Most herbs from your garden are not just A-Okay for your dog and cat but really good."
"The Bernadoodle is known for being hypoallergenic."
"We end up with the same incidence of cancer, diabetes, obesity, allergies, organ failure, autoimmune disease in dogs as we do in people."
"Keeping your dog cool in hot weather is something that everyone has the ability to pay attention to and make sure that they do correctly."
"Be alert, this is no joking matter; please be aware of your dog and the heat."
"Keep them clean, keep the dead undercoat out so their hair is clean and healthy so the cool air can circulate through."
"Balance, structure, training, and all that, I think it's very healthy for the dog."
"Their dog is well and doing fine."
"A crisis affecting more than half our nation's pets, obesity."
"If you have a rat that has a respiratory infection, take them to a vet, get them a course of antibiotics to really fight the infection."
"If you're not sure whether it's an abscess or a tumor, the best bet is to take them to a vet."
"Please take them to a vet, to a professional that can see them in person, diagnose them, and treat them."
"About 80% of dogs and cats won't have side effects going through chemotherapy. That's amazing."
"The vet wrote it off as old age, but she was only five."
"I'm so relieved that the ER was able to save Molly's life."
"French Bulldogs get no more ill than other dogs; they just surrender quicker."
"Most cats that have FIV infection will survive for a very long time, maybe even a normal lifespan."
"Why wait until you have problems? Why not feed your dogs a healthy raw food diet that you can feel good about?"
"My dog looks great, and he's healthy, and I feel like that speaks for itself."
"We're not anti-vaccines by any means for our pets, we're more about just giving the optimal amount."
"He's back to his normal, energetic, adventurous little self, and I love to see him like this."
"If we don't treat her and act quickly, this dog may never walk again."
"She's definitely feeling a lot better; she's got her little waggy tail back."
"He's energy's better, his breathing's better, he just looks really bright and happy."
"I hope my girl is going to be okay."
"We got a call from the vet, Ollie's surgery is done, and he's good."
"Sweet potatoes are very good for dogs."
"If a dog is at a healthy weight, they can live up to 2 and 1/2 years longer than overweight dogs."
"There's some really interesting newer information that shows the benefits for dogs in delaying spay and neutering and that there could be a protective benefit in some cancers."
"I'm so happy that Minnie's all better now."
"They are much more susceptible to things like sunburn."
"My dog's vet calls to check on him after he has his annual shots, just to make sure he's okay."
"We launched an ebook so, 18 things that you should know about dog cancer."
"I've heard from Doberman owners all the time about feeding their dogs raw diets and their impressive lifespans, their shiny coats, their energy, and their focus on their owners."
"I've definitely noticed a lot of differences in Arlo switching to this food."
"It's the final sign-off, and Daisy hopefully won't be visiting the vets too much more."
"I'm taking her to the vet again tomorrow, and hopefully a good report, but so far she has been fantastic."
"Almost six weeks after her surgery, when we were given the okay to let her start doing a little bit more, I signed Memphis up for six weeks of physical therapy."
"I'm really grateful for my pets and their health right now."
"We've got quite a bit to go over; this is a snake that we've had for an even shorter period of time, and it's going to have a pretty long road to recovery."
"That also results in less screaming, less plucking, and less behavioral problems."
"We're just hoping that she feels better soon."
"One of the big things you can do to help your dog with any anxiety, but particularly separation anxiety, is exercise."
"Send good wishes that my Shepherd gets a good clean bill of health."