
Personal Aspirations Quotes

There are 389 quotes

"Not everybody actually wants to rule the world. Some people kind of want to just live."
"I'm thinking of taking a trip to Yunnan, which is a city I have always wanted to see."
"I want to do something that actually means something rather than just... I want my kids to know they had a dad who cared for them and wanted to do something that's meaningful."
"What I really want from life is to feel a wonderful connection with people."
"We got married and then we wanted all the trappings: house, children, 401K, etc." - Magi Pinto, 37.
"As I sit observing the horde of inebriated young Hollywood socialites, driven by temptation and bad intentions, I take pleasure in knowing that while a part of me flourishes in such an environment, my personal aspirations will not often lead me to such crassness." - Logan Paul
"As a player, I want to long be remembered as a good teammate. That's it."
"Whenever somebody would ask me what my dream job was, I would always say, 'Starting my own business.'"
"Props to you for setting reasonably achievable dreams."
"My future? I would like to become a doctor in the field of autism research."
"Jennifer was encouraged to live up to her imaginations."
"I'm like, 'Tonight's the night I fall in love and I find that one person who I could be with forever.'"
"Pretty much everything you dream is possible."
"I'm finally going to live the life I've always dreamt of."
"I don't want to be president; I want to be on the YouTubes with y'all."
"I always thought I'd be a calligrapher like do wedding invitations and signs for people."
"Young men should aspire to find a good woman and start a family with her. That's what you should be aspiring to do."
"I have great respect for you, Dr. Green. I hope I can meet you in person one day."
"It is not my job to tell people how big they can dream."
"I will make a good life... and hopefully be able to visit the US."
"If your life was perfect in five years, what would it look like? Dream big, because if you could dream it, you can do it."
"This is the type of stuff I would love to do for my family."
"Go for your wildest dreams and don't compare what success looks like to you to somebody else."
"I strive for perfection, flawlessness, and truth-keeping."
"You're going to feel like you're living out your dreams and your dreams are going to be manifesting."
"I don't want to live in fear and lack; I want to live in abundance."
"I don't think anybody wants to be a bad father."
"That's when it really kind of hit home that that's what I wanted to do."
"Law of attraction and affirmations: 'Whatever your soul or spirit strives for most, you'll likely achieve or reach in the end.'"
"You got to be around the people who know what it is that you truly want to be."
"I think at some point I do want to try [coaching]."
"Another national title would be amazing, but he wants World medals, he wants Olympic medals." - Nastia Liukin
"I want to surround myself with people who remind me of what I want to become."
"I know I can find love. I know I can still be a performer. I know that I can have a family. I want to be a mom one day and I absolutely can."
"Glenn dreams of becoming the mage of Justice again."
"I know what I'm worth and I know what I want for my life."
"I haven't told many people this outside of my close friends and family but after YouTube, so I want to be doing this for when humans go back to the moon."
"Feeling truly alive, and I guess that's all I really want from my time on earth."
"What are your expectations, hopes, and dreams for barberheimer?"
"Reflecting on your desires, contemplating what you truly desire out of life."
"I live in opulence. My life is a reflection of my highest aspirations."
"You are good enough to go after what you want."
"If you actually want something, you can have it."
"If he's offered me a job, I want to go back there. But he didn't offer me a job." - Bruce Prichard
"I hope someday some [__] says 'yo, my favorite YouTuber is ForneverWorld!' That'd be sick as hell."
"I admit I always wanted to be an anime girl but that's literally the title of my song anime girl."
"My overall goal in life is to create something... to leave behind like a legacy."
"Find a realistic way to bring that dream about, because a lot of our dreams are attached to unrealisms."
"A yearning is a sign that you are made for more."
"Hopefully my overall goal, I guess like Abby, is to be in a monogamous relationship."
"I'd like to be someone they're proud of. I think just doing the things they would've wanted me to do and would've liked me to have done."
"She had in her mind a kind of ideal life that she wanted to live as a wealthy woman who didn't have to do any work in a big house."
"Just another black girl... wanting to be a nurse and had so many goals."
"Passive income, I guess is what that is. Yeah, I would want to be that. That is a goal, yes. Just to get to passive income."
"I would love to just retire and be like, 'Hey son, can I just do five minutes in front of you?'"
"Their goals and aspirations are to take that leap of faith, have a brand new start with you."
"I just really want you guys to be able to do all the things that you want to do in life."
"Love of freedom for the pursuit of the American Dream."
"I hope when it's all said and done I bow out gracefully."
"I don't want to go yet. I've got a lot of things still that I want to accomplish."
"Dream with boldness and aim higher; set enormous goals for yourself."
"Money is just a tool to fuel your passions and whatever it is that you want to do in life."
"YouTube has been my dream since I was 14... I wanna do it as much as possible and as long as possible."
"I wanted to be a professional baseball player and that's the next step that I took in my life."
"We all want a positive outcome. We don't always want to get what we want, however."
"Yeah, I definitely wish I could travel more, see the world, you know."
"If I knew I couldn't fail, I would rescue a shit-ton of animals."
"You can have a life beyond your wildest dreams."
"You'll have a good life, a life beyond your wildest dreams."
"Now I just need an anime of Pride and Prejudice and my life will be complete."
"That's admirable, man. I would hope to get to this point myself."
"You deserve better than that, you know, and I want, yeah, if I could make one wish it would be for people to see that."
"An opportunity for a radical transformation."
"He deserves to have a great football career and just a great life."
"The older I've got, the more I've realized the norm, the average, the typical is nothing anyone should aim for."
"I want to be a farmer... I want to learn how to bake... knead the soil with my hands..."
"I always wanted a team... I've never been able to find anything like it."
"My number one life goal is to go to space. It remains. That is what I want to do in life."
"Let's put ourselves in the head here of Anthony Herrera I mean he wanted to turn professional for such a long time."
"31% of men say they have a bucket list of things to do before they die."
"You want to change your body because there's an image of you physically that you want to attain to."
"This year will undoubtedly be the best one yet for you and your loved ones."
"Dreams we all have them some dream of achieving superstardom whereas some simply dream of being the most subscribed channel on YouTube we can."
"Being arm candy that's cool because some people really do just aspire we really do just aspire to be wives and that's not what but I do feel like and I will say these at this point in my life that's the goal."
"You will be greater than any of those you once idealized."
"This is my dream, my dream is to clean shoes."
"You are still a beautiful woman, you still have dreams, you're still capable of achieving those dreams."
"You can do anything, have anything. No matter what we desire, it is a possibility."
"I want to play the Joker, that's the major opportunity for me."
"She wanted something else in life, she wanted it through in view, she wanna move to a place downtown, be a part of the crew."
"We are all at one point in our lives told to go out and follow our dreams."
"Hope in something that you actually desire to do."
"Everybody has two wants: to be good and to do the work to get there."
"I want to be someone who's an inspiration, a statesman."
"Some of my perspective on some of this is very interesting to me. She had big dreams of being with potential, you know, people who could fulfill these type of big dreams."
"Find your win condition, be the hero that you wanted to be, make your father proud."
"I just want this to be the game that I've always dreamed up for the Yu-Gi-Oh trading card game."
"I've always wanted to be a mother. It's so rewarding and special."
"You don't have to compromise on your dreams, Sag. Empress doesn't compromise."
"I want to do it at the highest level of achievement and skill set that I've ever been in my life."
"You're very much worthy of whatever it is that you want."
"I want to end my days in Skalitz, beneath the Linden tree and by your mother's side."
"Most people think they want to be a millionaire... but what they probably really want is to not have to be forced to slave their life away in a cubicle."
"Love your dream and not let anybody convince you to abort that dream."
"I just want to stop this [expletive] man and I just want to be a good dad, I just want my kids, I just want to be something that my kids can look up to."
"You better believe I'm looking up at the moon and I'm dreaming."
"Write down everything that you would love in your future partner."
"By the time I'm 25 I want to be able to retire, relax, chill, do my thing"
"Know that you deserve to be and to have all that your heart desires."
"That which you seek may already be in route."
"I might not have rockets and I can still fly on Godbird, but I just wanted my wings."
"I think he's a superstar who do you think Utes are trying to be more like?"
"They both wanna make a lot of money in their lives and they wanna honor God with their wealth in the best way they know how."
"I was going to go run up the corporate ladder."
"Allow yourself to really dream. What is the life you really want for yourself?"
"If I want to do this for 20 years, which I would love, it's such a fun thing to do."
"If you could do anything you've ever wanted to do, and failing wasn't an option, what would you do?"
"There is good news headed your way, something you've been wishing for to turn out in your favor."
"Everything that you wanted is showing up the way that you'd hoped for, even after a period of delay."
"I just want my apartment and my wife, my wife."
"I want to build this into a briefcase sometime."
"I really want to stay here and live the best life in the islands."
"Your dreams are where your heart is; they're more fragile than life itself."
"Don't settle for less you are a child of the Divine and you deserve to have your dreams come true."
"We've always said I'd rather just buy like our dream house."
"That's the essence of a kind of democracy that I want to live in."
"Knowing what you want, assume the feeling that would be yours if you had it."
"I wanted to pursue freestyle motocross or something on motorbikes as a career."
"I want to be someone who's like Seth Rogan, who's known for lots of amazing things."
"Why can't you have the dream life that you've always dreamed of?"
"You are bigger than the biggest dream or goal that you have."
"Maintain your vision in life—have a goal, wish, or dream."
"I just want a good life and true, honest friendship."
"One of the dreams of most of the people associated with the space flight is to actually fly themselves."
"Dolores just wants an ordinary life, which is such a reasonable thing to want."
"Just give me a role in this movie somewhere."
"Live your dream, go towards the future, the life that you have imagined for yourself."
"Lawrence found the Bedouins... to be about as close as he could come in the modern world to his dream of living with fighting with working with medieval knights."
"I want to be so, yeah, that's what I'm looking at."
"These old videos have been on my [ __ ] list for the longest time."
"We want something more, we want the whole package."
"I want to be just like my dad, except I'm not going to get pushed around."
"Everything that you have wanted to manifest is coming in 2024."
"What is destined for you is so much better than what you imagined for yourself."
"I feel like what I want to do isn't like the normal thing that most people do. I don't know if I'll make it."
"I've never have to worry about money I could be debt free oh my god there's so many things that I would be able to do with that type of money."
"I aspire to be puss, okay? I aspire to be puss."
"It was the most fun I ever had on a movie. That's what I always wanted to do. So, those are the moments where it's just like, you're enjoying, you're like, 'This is why I'm here.' And it'd be icing on the cake if it was a hit, but it wasn't."
"I want to be the Angie Martinez of my generation."
"Being a caring mother was what she had always wanted in life."
"Our goal in life is to raise daughters who are loving and kind."
"I think everybody wants to be happy so yeah, that's definitely my end goal."
"And all I want is love that lasts. Is all I want too much to ask?"
"I really like just saving the day, that's it, that's all I want to do."
"This could be your first step towards the life of your dream."
"Sure would be great to do 10 or 12 shows like my friend Tom Hiddleston."
"The only thing I want in return is for you to graduate."
"I want him to have a dad. That's my main thing. I want him to grow up better than I did."
"Every man that wants to be like Jesus needs to have a woman in his life that's willing to be like Mary."
"What's on your vision board? What are your goals for 2021?"
"He was like, 'Of course, you should go do your dream.'"
"I can do anything okay. I can be a famous writer, producer, actor, director, dancer, crab fisherman."
"Give or take all my life I've dreamed about something really special happening to me."
"You're manifesting your every wish; something bigger than you even thought is coming in for you."
"You like to take the piss out of what Phil Foden looks like, but you'd like to be doing what he's doing—playing for Man City in a Champions League quarter-final."
"I want to do this, I want to be president, I want to make an album, I want to make a play."
"You really want to move forward, you want to be rewarded, you want recognition, you want support, you want love."
"He's there because he wants to be a fighter, not because he wants to be famous."
"I always wanted to be good at something, to feel fulfilled."
"Future goals: you want to be a homemaker, he wants you to work. That's a major incompatibility."
"And the third is just to keep on dreaming you know like I said plan new goals for yourself plan new things that that make you excited in life you know and uh and that's what it is just keep on dreaming big."
"Isn't that the ultimate feeling that we're all going for? That feeling of freedom. Freedom to have and do and experience whatever you want. To be free."
"Creating your own show is a lot of magicians' dream."
"Take Sanji with you. The Grand Line is his dream. All Blue is his dream."
"Feel worthy and know that you are worthy of what you are asking for and what you're desiring."
"It was so surreal it was so odd and it's definitely clocked me on to the fact that in the future I do really want to try out diving."
"I can be and do and have anything that I want."
"If the hoe wants to be a wife it has to be her she has to want that in her heart."
"Wow, she looks so nice! Oh my gosh, if I could look like this on my wedding day I'd be so happy."
"If girls are more open to that idea and you got around a guy like that who knows how hard he would work, you know, to give you the life that you want."
"Start doing what you wanted to do all along."
"Maybe she had had dreams that after he came home from war, they could work things out, or who knows what was in her mind."
"It's time for you to reach for the distant shores that are calling to you now."
"Long story short, alongside being a YouTuber, my goal and dream in life for some bizarre reason since I was little was to open my own antique shop."
"Jeremy, you wanna you want to G want to tell him you want to know what you want to do when you're older?"
"God will want more for you than you want for yourself."
"I hope to do things such as go to school, study, make art, start a business, even have my own home and family."
"It's a complete bag for the vast majority of people, that's impossible."
"I wanted to be a ghostbuster when I was a youngin'. I mean I still do."
"That's the dream right, that's living the dream exactly."
"I prayed that you give me a little more time so that I could be a good example to my sons so that I can have one more chance at you know at life you know."
"A huge wish fulfillment is coming through for you."
"Your wish is coming true; just follow your heart."
"Stay curious and know that your hopes and dreams are being fulfilled."
"I want this system which allows maximal freedom to thrive."
"You can be anything you want to be in life as long as you work hard for it."
"You're gonna get what you asked for this month, and you're going to get as much as you can."
"If you come in here and say 'oh well Sam Harris wrote a book,' well I don't care. I want to know what the evidence is."
"Let's be honest. This is a moment you've wanted your entire career."
"Do things every day that align with that goal."