
Inefficiency Quotes

There are 224 quotes

"Our educational system is just so inefficient and horrible."
"At the moment, this cargo station is still not up and running like we've got this beautiful cargo station tucked away just here, but we can't use it because it doesn't go anywhere. It doesn't connect to anything, so it's pretty pointless."
"The worst thing you can do...is to read and reread your highlights and your notes."
"Women in general would rather waste time talking about a tangential point that has nothing to do with the bulk of what we're talking about."
"So many teams are focusing on speed, maybe the market inefficiency is going big."
"You've wasted everyone's time here. You could have been doing something much more valuable."
"It's expensive, it's inhumane, and it doesn't work, and I don't understand why we keep repeating things the same way and expecting another result. I think that's called insanity."
"You have a general stagnation... it makes really bad use of the technologies."
"Governments will do everything they can to f things up."
"Bureaucracy exists to not work. It exists to defuse responsibility. No one's held accountable."
"What makes it worse is that this whole day has been wasted. They're supposed to start at 12:30, it's 3:30 p.m. and they're just starting talking about a video."
"When the work was done after a point of time becomes irrelevant to an extent where neither the customer is happy nor the work put in yields any returns, this phenomenon is known as gold plating."
"American healthcare is simultaneously the most expensive, the least efficient, and the least effective."
"Frivolous lawsuits waste time and resources, benefiting no one."
"Every day and every minute wasted is a disgrace."
"If the task of equipping troops is so important, why does it sometimes seem like governments aren't particularly good at it?"
"The Democratic Party: they fight just as much as the real housewives of Atlanta, only they get less done."
"It's almost a test case for how not to run a football club or how not to do a transfer."
"Transit in North America is often sub-optimal alongside resistance to change."
"They've wasted time on stupid measures like this."
"Ponds cost more to build than you get out of removing them."
"The slow pace at which lines with voters has been moving."
"Angry reviews are probably the most inefficient way to make money on YouTube, yet I still love them and have a passion for them."
"I am tired of having these task forces and not the committees and the conferences that take place and then nothing happens."
"Even when the government gets something kind of right, they screw it up because what are they doing? They're not saying, 'Hey, we've recognized that there's some problems with the way that this sort of process is going within Agriculture.'"
"Communism has led to massive starvation because of the inability to distribute supplies."
"Billions upon billions upon billions of dollars on acquisition after acquisition but never seem to achieve anything."
"Resumes are a terrible way to find top talent, this AI face scanning isn't any better."
"Thank you capitalism for such an illustration of stupefying inefficiency."
"We talk the most about it, but we're the worst off. How does that make sense?"
"Enjoy the highly inefficient Market while you can. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Don't take it for granted."
"Our healthcare system is not oriented towards producing health."
"Animal Crossing’s vibe is charming as hell. It’s quaint, it’s polished to the max, but its UX is so inefficient, and it has been for 20 years."
"Efficiency didn't exist, no one gave a [ __ ]. It was just look cool, have fun, that's what the game was all about."
"It's incredibly inefficient, and frankly, we'd be better off just handing big sacks of cash with dollar signs on them to developers rather than this complex tax credit system."
"It's a distraction, has actually hampered what was really going well."
"None of which are used. It has been installed for more than a year but none of them can work properly."
"Imagine the hubris it takes to believe you have the authority to control people's lives and then repeatedly send the wrong resources and people to do the wrong jobs in the wrong parts of the world."
"The virus of doing evil badly - very inefficient and terrible at being selfish and greedy."
"Convincing is the worst game in the world and it's the game the majority of people in business play."
"We cannot even do the most basic things despite being one of the wealthiest countries to ever exist on the face of the Earth."
"The 3900k genuinely is extremely inefficient. This is at that edge though where Intel is pushing all the power they can to maintain the highest clocks they can to try and stay at the top of the chart."
"There's really no plan in place for those folks to do anything except sit around and wait for paperwork to clear."
"War is an inefficient means of conflict resolution because of all of the death and destruction that comes with it."
"Instead of people just acknowledging the fact that pretty much 100 of software is like either 100 or 1 000 times slower than it should be uh they just make all these excuses as to why that is."
"It's just bizarre that you would have all of the, there were dozens of these robots moving one rock at a time."
"Never gets the job done, also I'm supposed to have lights here too but I forgot the remote."
"Animal agriculture is just an enormous protein loss and incredibly inefficient."
"Ploop's one of those guys that manages to make things dirtier by cleaning them."
"People haven't got the correct uh documentation... how thick do we actually think that our private contractors actually are in this country?"
"There's about 50 non-profits in San Francisco created to help the homeless problem but they aren't really solving anything."
"The federal government is so incompetent that even when they want to give people money, they screw it up."
"There was literally zero discussion in the entire 130 page deck."
"It's not sensible that we're ending up with three-ton-plus family cars with big battery packs doing two miles per kilowatt hour."
"The vast majority of what we now see it doesn't... we'd had that conventional approach just doesn't work that well."
"The national vaccine rollout has been an absolute shambles. It's not only disgraceful but dangerous."
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it. They'll fix it anyway."
"We equate it to going to a doctor who draws all your blood out spills 40 of it on the floor then begins a transfusion for the remainder."
"Doing rift of worlds raids and beasts too early is like putting cheese on doodoo."
"When you get into one of those kinds of blood matches, nothing gets done."
"Forced to appreciate smaller, messier, more inefficient details."
"Reports without substantial evidence or cause are thrown into a desk somewhere without hesitation."
"Balancing the two jobs became an issue, as buffing one would affect the other, leading to confusion and inefficiency."
"There's no speed, there's no efficiency, there's no sorry, there's no reform, there's no change, there's no drive, there's no efficiency."
"We're not funding and just printing money creating all sorts of waste and inefficiencies."
"There's so much wrong, it's hard to know where to begin. Year after year, we hemorrhage more and more cash into a National Health Service that isn't, which is to say, it isn't a National Health Service."
"File-based approaches contain storage waste due to duplicates and redundant data."
"Animal farming is incredibly inefficient when it comes to resource inputs versus resource output."
"All the money is there. It's just not getting where it needs to go."
"Markets are not efficient or rational at all times."
"Almost everything big government touches turns to absolute crap."
"Eating animal foods is tremendously inefficient. Animals are extremely inefficient converters of food."
"Melvin Gordon's gonna be a pest for the next couple weeks that being said he's been extremely inefficient."
"We've got all the solutions in place, but they are not being acted on."
"The irony also is that when it comes to healthcare, short-term cost-cutting doesn't work."
"Overall think of it like loading a musket you pour down the powder you load the projectile but if you don't then stuff the projectile down all the way it's basically useless"
"The second law of thermodynamics: If your energy has changed from one form to another, doing that change, some energy is gonna be waste."
"This is the absolute worst way of doing that."
"Love is not always efficient but it's always effective."
"Counting calories is stupid, it's a waste of time."
"They are an engine running for the sake of running the engine rather than driving the vehicle."
"Few people sending stuff in that's a complete waste of time."
"You can't get the homeboy Network to run your company."
"It's an ass backwards way to do it, efficiency wise, cost wise, coverage wise."
"The government is spending almost 10 trillion a year and it cannot get its absolute bedrock bits of government done."
"Half the power that we're dumping into this motor is just turning into heat."
"It's so hateful and so inefficient and so freaking wasteful of one's only remaining resource which is time."
"Bureaucracy kills, bureaucracy drives out good people, drives out innovation."
"It was a complete waste of time, waste of resources and everything."
"The investigation that followed was severely hampered by different agencies' complete lack of collaboration."
"If no one has a big enough hammer, everything turns into committees, democracy within the company, process, talking to stakeholders, decision making, just everything just crumbles."
"Innovation is inherently inefficient because it requires experimentation and experimentation requires failure."
"Kevin was standing around. You asked him to do something, he would move very slowly, waste time, or just blabber away and ignore it."
"It's really frankly kind of baffling why they're allowing this to go on for so long."
"They don't even know on their own paperwork whether they're faces or not. It's nothing but disorganization in every way, in every facet, in every department."
"Bikes are actually pretty aerodynamically inefficient up on a roof."
"The government just screws everything up. They don't make anything better."
"We've created a class of professional politicians... and so nothing gets done."
"This isn't the way. We're just wasting our energy."
"We've been scratching around the ground with sticks."
"Government sucks at doing what it does."
"Wasteful for a couple other reasons, too"
"The harder we worked, the more behind we got."
"It's a very inefficient system today. It's not a very connected system today. I mean, transportation... and it hasn't really seen a revolution or a transformation for a while."
"Many people lose their job many of us have our jobs because the system is inefficient."
"A government Bureau is only good for the first two or three years then it gets filled up with people's nephews and dead wood and it doesn't do anything more."
"Love is not efficient, it's the exact opposite."
"American public transportation is a disaster."
"You're putting diesel fuel into your car."
"But unfortunately we need government to get things done. And we’re not getting anything done."
"Nothing pisses me off more than when someone is horribly inefficient in an airport."
"Our system is slow and crazily complex, and this has real consequences for the quality of our migration program."
"Our healthcare, American healthcare, is simultaneously the most expensive, the least efficient, and the least effective healthcare system in the developed world."
"You know, not only is this evil easily treatable, it's also inefficient."
"But the bottom line is it was a waste of time, did nothing, didn't cruise ratings, didn't do anything positive but stir this [ __ ] and made no sense."
"Alabama is an ineffective Market everything from the laws to the people that are working real estate offices to Brokers to title companies like the whole thing is one big shenanigan."
"Corruption is the sign that there are too many laws and also too many senseless laws."
"As long as there is any inward friction or any outward conflict, there is a waste of energy."
"Seems pretty inefficient to make this entire universe billions of years mass extinction after mass extinction just so that we lucky bipedal primates can find out what it's like to have an iPhone 12."
"We still won but that wasted a lot of our time."
"Slow books. I mean, who wants to be slowed down with manual processes, integration difficulties, glitchy delays?"
"This is the government's totally shambolic response."
"The Sentinels are like the most expensive ineffective thing that governments. They're so bad at their job and they cost so much money."
"If you're trying to run such a world entirely on the basis of coercion and material power, it is stupendously inefficient."
"It's very useless it doesn't do anything."
"This is basically going to be how to do the most unoptimized and inefficient speedrun possible, yeah, honestly, it cannot be going worse, this is actually really bad."
"You're so annoying. You're always moving too efficiently. You should try to be more useless."
"They had a room full of mail and packages from the states that they never delivered."
"Taxpayer dollars are just being wasted."
"The incompetence of the prosecution."
"It's a giant engine, it doesn't really do anything. You put pigs in it, no pigs go away."
"The most crucial impediment to routine space flight in Earth's orbit and still more for those venturing further stems from the intrinsic inefficiency of chemical fuel."
"She never turned investors away, so the R&D lab ended up being filled with random workers with no purpose."
"It's inefficient as far as what we can say on it. It's inefficient. It's a bunch of people killed because it's so awful."
"The medical care industry is literally drowning in paperwork."
"There's always something that cannot be fit into the system, which is to say there's always waste in a system."
"Wings are dumb. Just as you don't make an airplane look like a boat, when it comes to space, wings are dumb."
"If you're forced to basically be doing lockdowns the whole day, be fire watching or just be posted up at base camp kind of doing nothing, this again defeats the whole purpose of coming onto set unpaid."
"The existing system flails; it is bound to be choppy on both sides."
"The more middlemen you have the more pocket digging there is."
"I feel like this was a waste of time um once they get to this stage obviously they have way more than enough evidence."
"Why is it that you have all these schools where kids are going and learning nothing?"
"That just seems so counterproductive."
"The email's not working. It's so shoddy. They might as well bulldoze this."
"The boot camp idea, the one or two-week boot camp, is in almost every scenario an enormous waste of your time."
"That's why I have a problem with boot camps. They are worthless to the vast majority of people. They don't give you what you need. They don't help you."
"The naive approach doesn't work well, not at all."
"Efficiently doing what should not be done at all, of course, is like a form of madness, right? Like you're speedily going the wrong direction."
"The needles just wobble about like you sometimes see on a really old car."
"The demand economy wasn't working."
"The whole thing from beginning to end had incompetence running right through it."
"Russia, which absolutely dwarfs the Ukrainian military, has proven to be a blundering giant."
"Bloody hell! Time for expediting is one thing, standing here and saying nothing is another."
"Using the book bold software to create your books was kind of like using an abacus to calculate your taxes."
"Here I am on Friday around 10 a.m., wasting more time unpacking and repacking files in my desk. No one is working."
"So, even though it's less efficient and takes a lot more equipment, it's a lot more fun."
"It's just very stressful and then it takes a lot longer than it needs to."
"...every time a policy is implemented it's implemented badly."
"Where you're having to have a worker who's not being properly vetted picking up the phone and speaking to a police officer rather than having a face-to-face conversation with them in the same room is frankly ridiculous."
"Everything about our trip was Inefficient."
"I feel like when I do something, I'm spinning my wheels. Nothing ever gets done."
"I think the main annoyance for me is the fact that they wasted not only my time they wasted their own time."
"The defining attribute of strategy: exploration is that it is inefficient."
"But if you've ever worked with data, you will know that it's fundamentally very inefficient, and we have a huge opportunity to make that better and become more ethical and transparent."
"But at the same time, the system can be incredibly weak, inefficient, chaotic."
"Their flight was too inefficient to carry them far, but it was used to sustain short bursts of powered flight."
"Proof of work is like a sucking hole in your economy. It pushes down the price of your token to an equal amount that it pushes up the price of electricity."
"It's like calling the fire department because your house is on fire and they just show up with a flamethrower."
"The whole industry's become so bloated and inefficient, so overstuffed with expensive and unqualified people, so dependent on spectacle and superficiality, that they've basically priced themselves right out of their own market."
"The worst case for a binary search tree would essentially be equivalent to a linked list."
"Yo-yo dieting is notorious for being a really inefficient way to improve body composition."
"Most markets are efficient to most people at most times, but there are pockets of inefficiency created by trading costs, information problems, and behavioral factors."
"Why do easy things by hand in 90 minutes when you could spend weeks coming up with a super complicated automatic solution that doesn't work that well?"
"Why is it inefficient to produce meat for human consumption? You have to produce all of the plant food for the animal."
"Lifeboat seven was the first to be launched, out of a capacity of 65, there were 27 aboard approximately. Oh, that's not efficient."
"Sequential programs waste resources waiting on IO operations."
"Government as it gets bigger reduces individual freedom and becomes naturally inefficient."
"The main problem with the current setup is that it comes too late in the checkout process and it adds unnecessary time for customers."
"Growing food using animals doesn't make much sense."
"The shortcomings of these development paths... it's really inefficient for business because why would you improve your business if even when you fail the government gives you money."
"You never get anywhere faster, you don't save time by speeding."
"If you're constantly stressed, the chances are your body is probably not burning fat very efficiently."
"It's not efficient, it's not really good at being a truck, it's hilarious, it's very American, and it's pretty fun to drive."
"Traditional economic competence of every sort is being eroded by the state capitalist Directorate that elevates inefficiency into a national purpose."
"Is this the prettiest car? Nope. Is this an efficient car? Not exactly. But it does what it was made to do, that is put a smile on the face of the person in the driver's seat."
"You don't have to worry about crimping and mowing or buying the seed every year, right? You have to go out and buy those annual plants, you put them in, you get them to grow, and then you chop them down. Doesn't that just seem kind of nonsensical?"
"But it's actually good that we're getting the opportunity to work with an inefficient hash table implementation because it really helps you to understand the most important things that need to be taken into consideration when creating your hash table implementation."
"Deadweight loss is the total amount of consumer and producer surplus lost to both buyers and sellers due to market inefficiency."
"As humans, a lot of what we do might not be the most efficient or practical way to do something, but it's something we enjoy doing."
"Cultural entropy is the amount of energy that is consumed in an organization in doing unnecessary or unproductive work."
"We feed half of the human edible food to animals and we get very little juice out of that squeeze."
"Poor fuel efficiency and bad planning by the charter company meant that Swiss would be behind from the very start."
"If you meet a homosexual and they come to you for help, and your only solution is 'don't be gay,' not very efficient, my friends, therefore not very helpful."
"Market failure is when the market fails to produce a certain good at an optimal level."
"The most wasteful thing we do is transportation."
"India's Redemption lies in the inherent anarchy and fous of its people and in the legendary inefficiency of the Indian State."
"When you optimize the components of a system without attention being paid to the functioning of the whole, it's very easy to make the total functioning worse."
"Leaving a voicemail is about as effective as walking up to someone's mailbox and shouting a message into it."
"As you see how price moves away, we understand it again leaves behind an area of inefficiency."
"The really sad thing is the basket was made to hold bread, so the eggs never made it to the market whole."