
Religious Prophecy Quotes

There are 260 quotes

"The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He will reign forever and ever."
"Our young people will then go into the army, and we'll build the Land of Israel, and in the end, Messiah will come and rebuild the holy temple."
"Long ago, the Israelites were given the prophetic promise that once atonement had been made, there would be a bright messianic future, and the staff of Judah would be rejoined with the staff of Joseph."
"The most authoritative view and the one that appears to be in most harmony with Holy Scripture, is that after the fall of the Antichrist, the Catholic Church will once again enter upon a period of prosperity and triumph."
"A lot of people are saying that Jesus is coming soon. You may think, 'I've heard that before.' Well, if you think you've heard that before, you're gonna hear it now like you've never heard it."
"When these things begin to come to pass, then look up, lift up your heads, for your redemption draws nigh."
"The days before my second coming will be as it was in the days of Noah: when they were eating and drinking, indulging in life, marrying and giving in marriage, and knew not judgment was coming."
"When Jesus returns and he has killed the Antichrist, then Gog and Magog will be destroyed by something which attacks them at the back of their necks, something like a bacteria or a virus."
"The book of Isaiah is a vision of hope for sinners through the coming Messiah."
"The Antichrist will come like a sheep but he is a wolf."
"Jesus Christ will be served, adored, and glorified; charity will flourish everywhere. The new Kings plural will be the right arm of the holy church."
"Christ's words are a call for us to be ready at the onset of the worst time in history."
"God's going to bring them down and neutralize them, that's going to be critical for the Antichrist."
"The church is going to be removed sadly the earth is going to descend into if you think it's chaos now folks you haven't seen anything yet."
"Jesus will come according to First John and he will wipe it away and make you go from unrighteous to righteous again."
"Then I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth, for the first Heaven and the first Earth had passed away, and there were no longer any sea."
"The return and triumph of Jesus Christ will ultimately transform the devastation of the end times into a remarkable new beginning."
"Jesus promised to return very soon during that generation."
"A fountain shall come forth of the house of Yahweh."
"Since it is in the world's east that overcomers are to be gained."
"God is not dead… at least not yet, but the prophecies of The Church of the Broken God say that when the heart is found, the God will reassemble itself once again."
"Let us pray and hope we believe and I'll say this to the Muslim viewers and you know I've been saying this for a very long time based on Jewish tradition the Arabs and the Jews will reunite based on a passage in Genesis."
"We are living in spiritual warfare, we are living in a time of good versus evil, this was written about in scripture thousands of years ago."
"What shall be the sign of thy coming? Just in case you didn't know, Jesus is coming back again."
"Another judgment is coming, not by flood but by fire."
"Pray for the powerful because they will unleash a great war. Pray for the Church because she is being destroyed." - Our Lady to Decel Cardia
"The center of all activity at the time of the end is going to center around Israel, Jerusalem, and the Jewish people."
"The chaos in the world is really preparing a stage for the Antichrist to come out."
"The whole world is going to wander after the antichrist beast."
"The Book of Enoch introduces the Messiah, the Son of God who sits next to God and will judge both the living and the Dead."
"God said, 'I'm sending in a man to aid him, a King Solomon type, whose wisdom in this age is unsurpassed in many ways.'"
"The ultimate culmination of God's plan is the return of his kingdom to earth."
"We live in a time that is paving the way for the coming of this person called the Dajjal."
"The younger generation has an extremely high tolerance for Satan and are clearly the generation that will accept his son when he comes on the scene and proclaims to be the world savior."
"When they bring the abomination into the human temples, the Holy Spirit will depart them."
"Jesus is coming. Something is about to happen."
"This will likely end in fulfilling biblical prophecy, I think. Yeah, mark of the beast is like upon us."
"We recognize most of these predictions have already been stated by Our Lady of Good Success."
"It's Bible prophecy. Matthew chapter 24 is directed to the Jewish people, but for any generation from this moment forward, we are called to persevere."
"We are in perilous times, we are in the days of Noah, Jesus is coming soon."
"All the signs of the second coming of Christ point to His soon return. We live in amazing days. We live in great days. We live in wonderful days."
"If Antichrist is close, guess what is closer? The return of Jesus Christ for His church."
"The Bible's historical and prophetic writings tell us where we came from, where we're going, what's going on today, and how it's going to end."
"True prophecy is God's heart, mind, will, and intent spoken."
"We're living in the most prophetic time since the first coming of Jesus Christ."
"Here are some amazing statements to show you indeed that Mohammed is the one foretold in the Bible."
"The Antichrist is real. And lo and behold who will put an end to the Antichrist is Jesus."
"Christ will descend and slay the Antichrist."
"There will come a time when Bible prophecy is fulfilled and God will separate his children from those who practice wickedness."
"We're already starting the beginning of the Messianic process."
"We're living in the era where so much of this is coming to pass right before our eyes. Jesus told us that when we see these things coming to pass that we're to look up; our redemption is drawing nigh."
"I prophesy today in the name of Jesus Christ that no longer will your miracle be held, no longer will your breakthrough be blocked by demonic powers."
"Coming revival destined for America will be mighty."
"During the tribulation, refusing the mark of the beast means being unable to buy necessities. We're seeing conditioning for this today with vaccine mandates."
"What an amazing woman with an amazing family."
"Prophecy can reveal the heart of God and strengthen your faith."
"Something biblical going on with the signs of the second coming of Christ."
"Liberate the territory from where the army will come from Khorasan. No one can stop that jihad when you see that army coming from Khorasan."
"Even if you have to crawl over ice, because no one will be able to stop that army until it reaches Jerusalem."
"It is when the water in the Sea of Galilee dries up that the son of Mary will come back down."
"When the water in the Sea of Galilee is drying up and the State of Israel has ruled the world for a day which is like a week..."
"Whole nations will come back to the church, and the face of the earth will be renewed."
"For the builders will arise and shine. For your light is coming. Your light is coming. Hallelujah."
"The consummation of the third secret will involve Russia and Kiev specifically mentioned, and the result would be a profound change in the entire world system."
"Jesus is coming soon, and we've got a lot to be excited about."
"The Bible is clear. The number one indication Jesus will return soon is all of the signs appearing at the same time."
"Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise."
"Blindness in part has happened to yasharell until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in."
"In preparation for the return of Israel, the land is required to shoot forth its branches and yield its fruit."
"The enemy's eyes on Israel are also in the future; Satan will move to eliminate them during the tribulation."
"The Bible says in the last days they will come and behead us."
"Judas shows up after a temple is built and before a temple is burned - Jesus Christ, the Messiah is the intersection point of this entire chiastic prophecy."
"It's the end of the world folks, it's the signs of his coming."
"Bible prophecy is not just about the mark of the beast... it's also at the beginning and in the middle."
"Bible prophecy is the Bible pointing to Jesus."
"When these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads because your redemption draws near."
"The religious are going to inherit the earth."
"Was the fuse leading up to the Common Era uniquely preparing history for the coming of Jesus Christ?"
"Jesus's return will be unmistakable, not a secret event as some may claim."
"They will leave the religion like an arrow goes through the prey." - Prophet Muhammad
"Jesus Christ is coming soon and he's coming after those that are ready."
"Their Messiah will emerge and bring the Islamic version of peace and justice."
"Jesus came and died for our sins, but there will be a time he's coming back to rule and Reign physically from Earth."
"When Christ comes, he's going to destroy the so-called white man and his kingdoms. It is what it is."
"His return happens when the gospel has reached all nations."
"All the signs Jesus talked about are happening and they're like birth pains."
"The United States will stand with Israel and protect Israel from the world government in the end time. That's Bible, everybody."
"The spirit of antichrist is preparing the way for Antichrist."
"The false Messiah will then become the leader of the new world religion ultimately uniting the world under a single religion as the Antichrist."
"The Great Tribulation... a period of unparalleled suffering and distress on Earth."
"The tribulation begins according to the Bible with global peace and prosperity and safety."
"Jerusalem is the burdensome stone just as the Bible predicted."
"The Quran tells us that the sky will be stripped away from the earth."
"The third secret of Fatima, a precious message warning to the church and the whole world, be revealed in full."
"The New Testament predicts that before the second coming there will be a great Falling Away of the faith."
"The Messiah would crush the head of the serpent... defeat Satan and ultimately death."
"God promised to send a Messiah... who would ultimately defeat death and Satan."
"The desire of all nations, of course, is Jesus Christ."
"All the things written about the messiah in the books of Moses and the prophets and in the Psalms, those things were written about me."
"Jesus Christ is coming soon. Now is the time for the world to repent and turn to God."
"All of this pales in comparison to the real reason why we're even here... the God of Bible prophecy first gave his first what's called eschatological announcement..."
"The antichrist will hate and oppose God... everything that God is, has done, and will do."
"We are living in the most dramatic, prophetic times. Witnessing the greatest falling away from God in history."
"All nations shall flow unto it, coming to the house of the God of Jacob."
"Jesus is coming again, folks. He's going to rule and reign from Jerusalem."
"Messiah returns, which means it's gonna get so bad that people will beg to die but they won't see death."
"Soon our Lord will return. Every eye will see Him. He comes in the clouds in glory and in power."
"The mark of the beast involves loyalty to the antichrist and worship of the antichrist."
"If you do what I tell you, many Souls will be saved and there will be peace."
"If enough people respond, the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary will be hastened."
"This pontificate is a sign of the great apostasy. If this is not the great apostasy, then I'd like to know what would be."
"Frenetic activity in the face of a proxy contest is not a substitute for a well-considered corporate strategy."
"Bible prophecy matters, and Jesus said, 'I hold you accountable to know that day.'"
"Just before Christ comes back, he will regather His nation from all the corners of the earth back into their own land."
"Antichrist comes on the scene, both him and the false prophet, first and second beast, are going to be very appealing to both the left and the right."
"The final outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the sons and daughters in the last day is a promise."
"God's going to raise up your sons and daughters... boldly operate under the anointing of the Holy Spirit."
"The good news is just this: the God of heaven will set up the kingdom, it will never be destroyed."
"God's going to shake us up with his presence." - Bobby Conner
"We have a kingdom awaiting us... it's called the millennial reign of Jesus Christ..."
"He's coming back, and I believe that could be soon."
"I see this new breed of believers. I see them arising in God like never before, never before in the history of the church has there ever been a company of believers like what is going to be raised up in this hour."
"The Lord will make Jerusalem like a cup of trembling to those Arab states."
"The spirit of Antichrist is becoming almost tangible as we watch the lawlessness explode across our nation and the world."
"The triumph of the Immaculate Heart will leave the world unrecognizable."
"He's the chosen one, he's going to bring balance to the force."
"Hallelujah, our great King is coming back for a church without spot, wrinkle, or blemish."
"One day very, very soon, the news headline will read: 'National Sunday Law enacted. Rest on Sunday or else receive prosecution, persecution.'"
"We are anticipating the mark of the beast crisis, but when the event occurs, it is going to shake us up."
"It's the number one sign of the last day's events."
"Jerusalem will be a troublesome stone, all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces."
"This thing that's happened right now with the lawlessness in the streets is a walk in Disney world compared to what's going to happen after every person that even cares about goodness and decency are taken away in the rapture."
"He is the Jewish Messiah, the son of David, the son of Abraham."
"The biggest existential threat to mankind is the seven year tribulation in which God will pour out his wrath on an unbelieving and unrepentant world."
"Pestilences are one of the signs of the coming of Christ."
"Jesus was supposed to come back in the first century."
"The second coming is the great and terrible day of God."
"Jesus Christ is coming back in person folks."
"Whether you like it or whether you don't like it, Bible prophecy is fulfilling and the Word of God is standing the test of time."
"When you see the Temple in Jerusalem desecrated... flee to the mountains."
"Jesus of Nazareth is going to sweep over the battlefield of Armageddon and he's going to slaughter those people until his blood is going to their blood is going to flow for 200 miles on the battle on the battle of Armageddon."
"The new world order is being sold to us as some wonderful thing but biblically we know how it's going to end... in tyranny which will lead to persecution against God's people."
"So many things are happening right now... fulfilling Bible prophecy."
"You can't stop what was written, you can't stop Revelation, it's an impossibility."
"We're pretty close to the time that Jesus is going to come back."
"He sets up what the second coming's gonna look like and then the millennium."
"Jesus has a plan to overcome it with something which we call the greatest Jubilee or the Messianic Jubilee."
"Increase my greatness, my honor, and turn and comfort me, Lord. I prophesy the Lord will not only rise you again but He shall increase your greatness."
"This is the voice from the dust meant to flood the earth with righteousness and truth and gather out the elect from the four quarters of the earth."
"The times we live in are biblical; Jesus Christ is coming back."
"We are seeing evidence of it again and again and again and again and we continue to ignore a very critical fact... Jesus is coming soon."
"The entire world is going to see him return."
"The scripture teaches in numerous places... that God is going to come at a time Jesus Christ will return in the atmosphere and he will take his people receive his people unto himself."
"Jesus is coming soon. We see the evidence everywhere."
"During the tribulation we know that's when the Jews are going to look upon the one whom they pierced."
"God is not finished with the UK, God is not finished with America, God is not finished with the nations of the Earth."
"We're preparing for the coming of the final Antichrist."
"Prophecy is not just about 'check, I know that.' It's all about changing us. Bible prophecy should lead to a closer walk with Jesus."
"God's wrath is coming... make no mistake about it. The wrath of God is coming."
"Those are the people that the Bible says that they will run and hide in their bunkers because they're afraid of the Son of Man."
"But according to his promise we are waiting for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells."
"The Bible says, 'When this gospel is preached to the ends of the Earth, then shall the end come.'" - Pastor John Hagee
"The book of Mormon's coming forth will be the sign to let the world know that the father's work has commenced."
"In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom."
"There's going to be a famine of the hearing of the word of God."
"His days are short-lived. Jesus will destroy him with the breath of his mouth."
"There will be terrible times in the last days because human character will have degenerated so fearfully."
"We read about the antichrist, the man of sin, the little horn of Daniel chapter 7."
"When restored in its fullness, [the Church] will prepare the world for the coming of the Lord."
"This Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in the whole world." - Matthew 24:14
"The second coming of Christ is a surprise to the unprepared."
"The false prophet will have a religion without a cross."
"God is not done with the Jews, they're going to come back to God eventually."
"The enemies of God are acknowledging that here at the Sixth Seal the wrath of God the day of the Lord is now beginning."
"We're in the last days, we're in a time that the Bible said would come."
"In those days, at that time, declares Yahuwah, the people of Israel and the people of Judah together will go in tears to seek Yahuwah their God."
"If you just read the Book of Isaiah for yourself, you could see clearly that Jesus is the promised Messiah."
"Everybody will bow, every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess Jesus as Lord."
"We see signs that point to the second coming of Christ."
"Jesus promises that in the near future, the son of man would return and exact Vengeance on those who have mistreated the less fortunate."
"Russia was not consecrated in time, and Russia was gonna spread her errors all over the world."
"The Millennium will be characterized by peace, joy, and purity."
"The cause will be followed by the effect, and we know that just before Satan attempts to personate the second coming of Jesus Christ, there will come the enforcement of a Sunday law."
"God is desperately wanting to get ahold of that country."
"You can drive a stake in the ground and say we are seven years away from the physical return of Jesus Christ."
"Many people believe that the current Pope is the final Pope, quite possibly the false prophet."
"The genuine gift of prophecy exalts Jesus Christ."
"Every knee will bow, every tongue will confess, they will all see him, we'll all know him from the least to the greatest."
"God has fulfilled the promises to their fathers the prophets and has sent the Messiah, the Savior into the world."
"This is what brings the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart."
"The Holy One Blessed Be he will lower the temple from Heaven."
"Christ is going to return with the ten thousands of his saints."
"The Son of God, the Lamb of God is coming and he will be slain for the sins of the people."
"Jesus came to declare the favorable year of the Lord, the day of the Vengeance and the retribution of our God."
"Jesus must return because the divine persons demand it."
"Even the Jews taught that when the Messiah comes, there will only be one sacrifice, it will be called the thanksgiving."
"They're giving a new message and that message is one of how this prophet's message can be seen to find fulfillment today, often times in Jesus."
"Jesus said that he would return when the signs of the times were happening more frequently and with more intensity than ever before."
"Revival will come, but Revival is not coming to a proud Church."
"The second coming is Christ returning with His saints."