
Refugee Support Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"This country, along with other countries, put its name to the U.N. convention on refugees."
"My thoughts as always go to the people who are currently engaged in the conflict in Ukraine and my great thanks go to those people who are currently, for example, sheltering refugees in Europe and doing their best to alleviate the human side of this particular tragedy."
"We commend the generosity shown by the neighboring countries to Ukraine, who are hosting the people who are fleeing the war."
"Let's be generous open our doors and let them come here we'll look after them and they can work for us here too refugees aren't people who just gonna sit on street corners begging they'll get out there do jobs they'll contribute to our society."
"We keep our promises. They risked their lives. We promised we'd take them. We're going to take them."
"I believe we should allow them to have refugee status."
"We need to welcome Ukrainians that are fleeing this crisis that are seeking refuge."
"Bitcoin represents hope for a refugee fleeing a hostile regime, banking system, or environment."
"Canadians should be proud of the effort that we're making and we will not waver until we are successful in resettling all 40,000 Afghan refugees who will call Canada home."
"2.4 billion to help resettle Ukrainian refugees into the US is staggering."
"I think actually when push comes to shove with regards to refugees from anywhere, Britain won't pull its weight relative to other countries in Europe."
"Mayor of Palermo welcomes refugees with municipal identity cards."
"The White House doubling down on a promise to thousands of Afghans."
"The Irish response to Ukrainian refugees really did put Britain to shame."
"Many Ukrainian refugees will wish to stay in Europe closer to their homes, but we also will welcome 100,000 Ukrainians to the United States."
"These people get a place to stay, fresh food, and clean water, and are protected 24/7 by an army."
"Your life matters. No refugee trying to find safety should be treated like a criminal."
"Airbnb said it will offer free temporary housing for up to a hundred thousand refugees from Ukraine."
"This is a refugee crisis on a scale that we haven't seen in Europe for decades."
"What we want to see is at the absolute minimum a doubling of that commitment to 10,000 a year to use this as a springboard for a global resettlement program."
"Our strategy had two parts: Part One help asylum seekers... Part Two provide services... more efficiently and in a more cost-effective manner."
"Raise the admission cap of the U.S refugee intake."
"Tonight and during our live stream only, we are donating all of our super chats. All super chats tonight, 100% of the money you guys put in as a super chat goes directly to help the United Nations and the refugees at the Ukraine border."
"All going straight to the United Nations to help the refugees at the Ukraine border. Over a million of them now so far have crossed that border already."
"Thanks to all your generous support tonight we have we you guys have donated ten thousand six hundred dollars wow amazing wowza schnauzer we're matching that for you guys so we're over 21 000 going in to help the refugees over there in ukraine."
"The death of one Ukrainian outrageous; the life of one Ukrainian Refugee must be saved."
"These are human beings, looking for safety and a better life for themselves and their families."
"The infrastructure that has met them, as any refugee immigrant or asylum seeker in the UK will immediately recognize, is mostly informal, voluntary, and in the long term utterly unsustainable."
"Every dime is going towards helping refugees... every dime."
"There's no reason to litigate this really and there is nothing wrong historically with the United States of America welcoming refugees and immigrants to our shores."
"Poland is the largest recipient of refugees and one of the largest senders of aid for Ukraine."
"We believe in the fundamental right of every human, especially those facing persecution, to find refuge and live with dignity in this great country of ours." - Pritzker
"This is a welcoming country... they have a proud track record in supporting and resettling refugees in the region."
"Warsaw has decided to assist Ukrainian refugees by waving residency requirements and providing free access to education, healthcare, and family benefits."
"This is how we have to treat people who are fleeing oppression."
"Advocating and being involved in action for North Korean refugees is at the heart of so much of what I'm doing these days."
"Rwanda has showcased its willingness and ability to work collaboratively to provide solutions to refugee situations and crisis."
"If you're willing to take in a refugee, you're doing it compassionately, and you would hope you'd have the resources to do it."
"We are entirely committed to developing a sustainable funding model for refugees."
"We should help these people out; they're risking their life at sea to try to find a better life."
"She's even volunteering to help Syrian refugees."
"Humanity First had the opportunity to set up a camp on the Poland-Ukraine border where we were providing medical services, a soup kitchen, mental health services to people who were displaced as part of the conflict."