
Academic Discussion Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Scientists have to feel free to express their views and have debates and discussions."
"The purpose of the Discord server is to have legitimate academic conversations on cultural issues, policy, and things that are impacting our world."
"If you were expecting something simple that everyone agrees on that's not what you're getting because it doesn't really exist."
"There is an impressive amount of evidence that points in this direction."
"The idea of identity as being hybrid or unstable is central to the conversations and arguments."
"It's almost like out of place intellectual artifacts."
"I mean if you want to see me continue my gas station progress then make sure you leave a like before you go."
"Healthy robust academic discussion, please don't be dicks."
"Critical race theory is a decades-old academic concept arguing that racism is embedded in legal and societal structures."
"So there is a literature, but it's not a well-known literature on Bell's theorem."
"Critical race theory is just that, it's a theory."
"Our theories aren't mutually exclusive; they complement each other pretty well."
"So, all I am pointing out is that the books are connected, and we can actually trace whether or not the historical Peter did certain things. He seems to have missed that point."
"Science requires that we challenge each other."
"Simple done easy points so that's receptor tyrosine kinases the final signal transduction pathway that we need to talk about."
"We will continue to elaborate on migration and its effects in novel contexts."
"Dean Thomas made a tremendous point, and stealing it and using it as my own."
"There were two big, somewhat overlapping debates going on in philosophy."
"The humanities are full of questions and ideas that are not defined and changed every generation. That's yes, they're the most beautiful thing I believe about the humanities is that there is no one answer, there is constant interpretation."
"Think of it as a calculus... for calculating probabilities."
"The broken thing in his analysis is the descriptive underpinnings."
"There are some positions that, after long and serious consideration resulting in a consensus that they are wholly without merit, are no longer open to serious debate."
"I was kind of being Devil's Advocate and commenting on that essay portion of it and I would is saying well you know maybe she's talking about childhood abuse and you know."
"Perhaps our theories of what constitutes high status need to be revised."
"Oh, the fine structure constant alpha, 1 over 137.0599, my favorite." - Prof. Eaves
"I bring up for my class all the time... All the ones that are popular that have been heard of are outside of the amdr." - "So I'm really not sure what purpose the amdr serves."
"He's saying there's a problem with one aspect of evolution, not with evolution as a whole."
"If we had the evidence for Pontius Pilate or Herod Antipas, I'd be up here arguing for historicity instead."
"I think this makes for a very compelling case."
"I gave us a talk on critical theory. I said I could get up here and speak about critical race theory, gender Theory, and queer Theory but that would be very obvious and I think it be touching the surface everyone knows that these are issues."
"I love discussing material and so it is frustrating to not get to discuss it."
"That's the kind of thing that goes way beyond historiographical discussion."
"Okay, so what we're going to be doing is talking about Marx, Weber, and Durkheim and what I'm going to give you is a brief sort of synopsis of their theories."
"The whole field of psychology as far as I could tell, in its effort to become a biological science, reductionism had crept in too much."
"There's such masculine energy to science, funny you want to come in and clean house."
"So he and the the women on the panel were trying to argue with them like don't blame women now and all he said was listen this is not me blaming anybody this is me giving you the numbers from the decade-long study that's it."
"I don't just do the one thing right now, of course I'm promoting my book on the historicity of Jesus."
"If I'm taking my own sort of critique of Shurmur and trying to expand it beyond Shermer... you know I would say um if you if you're earnest in that..."
"We should be celebrating these things in the academic literature and we should be trying to figure out how they might be properly targeted so that they don't cause the immune system to attack cells throughout the body."
"What constitutes a scientific term is not its specificity."
"Discussion section is a really important section... leave yourself plenty of time for your discussion."
"Without Dave's valuable input, I'd still be in the back of the room pretending to be in the discussion."
"The viva is not examiners testing you... they are just having an academic discussion with you."
"There's probably been more rubbish written about this number than any other constant except possibly for pi."
"The tutorial system... is that principal mode of delivering teaching here, not in a format like this, but rather one or two students with an expert in their subject discussing what they have learned for about an hour."
"What is reality? That is the only question we're going to be asking next semester."
"I'm thrilled to share that the brilliant Dr. Owen Emerson recently interviewed me about my new book."
"I was extraordinarily grateful to receive the invitation to come today and speak about Yates and Bruno."
"What you're saying is really interesting and important to grasp, which is the relationship in this book, between the theoretical logic and the historical circumstances."
"Thank you, Jacob, and I want to thank you, Professor Ehrman, what an honor it has been to speak with you."
"Students should be able to deliver presentations and take part in discussions."
"Ultimately all discussions about what education is and what its aims are, are fundamentally philosophical ones."