
Lecture Quotes

There are 208 quotes

"Seeing God in everything is actually based upon a talk which Swami Vivekananda gave in 1896 in London."
"His celebrated lecture 'Where am I?' is a tour de force of the explainer's art."
"Ted Olson's inaugural lecture reminded us of what it means to be an American and how our legal tradition is a critical part of our identity as Americans."
"The Gresham College lecture that you're listening to right now is giving you knowledge and insight from one of the world's leading academic experts."
"I probably do give close to 100 public lectures a year right now, and I did hit just over 200 flights last year." - James Lindsay
"This is all I have to talk about how to design a large-scale database system."
"I'm trying to make sure that we be as objective as possible within this lecture, maintaining a positive and negative outlook for the benefit of everybody within this audience."
"So first, welcome to the first official lecture in the series of lectures that we're going to be doing."
"I hope this lecture on treatment planning has been useful to you and that you find in the future that it really helps you to become a better clinician because you've taken some time to do some it's a long but thoughtful treatment plans."
"We should probably do lecture series together like on the road like internationally to let people see where we're at in life."
"I have very strong opinions that a good old-fashioned lecture is still an awesome Paradigm for teaching."
"His talk next week is entitled on genocide and crimes against humanity."
"If some [ __ ] tried to give [ __ ] lecture me like about wearing a mask or whatever, I'd be like, yeah."
"So today, before we get into the meat of today's lecture..."
"All I remember about the last two months is giving a guest lecture at Villanova."
"And what I'm really going to be doing in today's lecture--It's a different kind of lecture from ones that I've given before."
"I went to Paris and gave a bunch of lectures."
"It's silly to make a lecture about that silly man. Just teach the truth."
"This is the theorem we're going to use, and if you look in your online lecture notes H you'll see a sketch of the proof if you're interested."
"Good evening and welcome back to our second lecture."
"Tonight with the overall arching theme of this lecture series, his lecture is entitled 'the African in African-American religion.'"
"So that's a good place to stop for the first half of this lecture we'll get the second half of the lecture on New Kingdom up later this afternoon."
"This is the first uh as you will all know of a three-part mini lecture series."
"I never dreamed that I would be giving a lecture at the Boston MFA."
"I know how to ground this because I bought a lecture on lightning."
"Welcome to this wonderful Palmer lectures for 2008."
"That is probably the one of the best lectures I've ever heard in my entire life."
"Those are operators, so I hope that makes sense and I hope that was a fun lecture."
"Welcome to another night of Santa Fe Institute lecture, marvelous to see such a good crowd, especially with a storm blowing in the middle of winter."
"If all of the lights were to be switched on in this lecture hall, then the room would seemingly instantly fill with light."
"I just hope I can use the blackboard as efficiently as some previous lecture."
"Interactive Learning is six times more effective than merely watching a lecture online."
"Welcome back! So we're talking about turbulent flows and today should be a pretty fun lecture."
"Our next lecture, which isn't exactly a month, is detecting disinformation and deep fakes. How exciting does that sound?"
"Thanks very much, Chris. Really enjoy your lecture and I always make it a point to attend, even though it's late night in Australia."
"I'm sorry to say it but sooner or later every time I lecture in America somebody asked me about hell."
"I'm thrilled that there are so many people here to hear the first lecture accompanying the exhibition Moroni: The Richness of Renaissance Portraiture."
"The straw that broke the camel's back was a talk Nash led at the American Mathematical Society, where he originally advertised it as presenting a proof of the Riemann hypothesis but the lecture was completely incomprehensible."
"Here's Carl Sagan giving a Leakey foundation lecture at Cal Tech University in Pasadena California in 1977."
"Capabilities are the various combinations of functionings beings and doings that a person can achieve." - Lecture
"Truth is gonna prevail over all. And he gave this really deep lecture."
"It's your job to be actively engaged in the lecture, thinking about those analogies that can help you make sense of different concepts that are being presented to you."
"The professor discusses the Industrial Revolution, which was a drastic change in the economy."
"You know why I'm dressed up because you know when I do this course and when I do the first half the French course I do a lecture on the bourgeoisie."
"And so ends today's lecture and all of my nasty tirades about sealab."
"I'd like to end this lecture with the thought that the end of our sun is not imminent, but it will be spectacular and it will be beautiful. Thank you."
"Welcome back to lecture 20." - Professor
"What I've decided to do is give a slightly experimental lecture if that's all right Valerie."
"I was shocked to see, to be honest, without exaggeration, between 30 and 40 people who are converting to Judaism came to my lecture."
"So, 'Call me Ishmael.' Okay. Absolutely. Marilynne Robinson, as is going to emerge in my lecture today, is very much preoccupied with the nineteenth century."
"Of course, I know Feynman's 1964 messenger lectures. I was there."
"But this lecture is predating everything we've done in this series, everything we're talking about here. The Ice Age floods, the flood basalts, the Cascades, the Bridge of the Gods landslide, everything."
"I don't like to talk down, lecture, and tell people that they're wrong for picking exercises and this and that. Everyone's got their own goals."
"'It's rude to yawn during a lecture.'"
"The core idea of everything we'll discuss in the next hour two hours and a half."
"I was really quite moved by the eloquence of the lecturer"
"That force is Christianity, the topic of our next lecture."
"I'm sure you'll agree that Lord Ricketts tonight in his wonderful lecture is clearly not only that adult in the room but also able to command it."
"This lecture has it all: great architecture, an extraordinary patron, and a love triangle."
"Here's your daily tactical lecture."
"So that's metallic dragons. I know I've talked for far longer than I should have, but I hope you've enjoyed this deep dive into what the reality of a metallic dragon means."
"So I think that concludes this lecture."
"Thanks so much, Yaakov, for a great talk."
"This is the lecture that I wish I had when I was an undergraduate in electrical engineering."
"In this lecture I will trace the long and multi-facet history of Joyce's Ulysses in the United States, a history rich in its diversity and proof of the book's authority to alter society."
"This lecture was certainly astonishing."
"...thanking Professor Latour for a superb lecture and for his responses to our questions."
"We've come to the end of today's lecture."
"Absolutely fascinating lecture, thank you so much for sharing."
"It's good to see all of you here at the Heard Museum to join us for tonight's lecture."
"This lecture is purely educational."
"It's my pleasure to welcome you here this afternoon to this lecture in the series Art and its Audiences."
"Thank you for the opportunity to give this lecture today."
"Welcome everybody to my lecture on the topic of outsourced warfare phenomenon that occurred in the galaxy."
"Thank you all for coming to my lecture, I am Dr. James Garson."
"We're really very fortunate to have Professor Jennifer Doudna as this year's Crew Nian lecturer."
"Present all the key important ideas or key important points from the lecture in your summary."
"In this final lecture, we're going to cover what's called the Baum-Welch algorithm."
"A very very warm welcome to everyone for this lecture."
"This concludes the lecture on airway anatomy and innervation of the airway."
"Thank you for braving the bad weather to come to this lecture."
"We're all here tonight to hear about the geology of Minnesota's North Shore of Lake Superior."
"Thank you for watching, I hope you enjoyed this lecture."
"I have the extraordinary privilege today of talking to you from the Albany Madison Institute for Icelandic studies here in Reykjavik, Iceland."
"Good evening all, as usual, I am Professor Oakland, returned from my sabbatical and ready to recommence my lecture series."
"Have a good day, good night, good evening, depending on what part of the world you're watching this lecture from."
"I am excited to be here to talk to you about feminism... I mean, sorry, evolution. Evolution is a topic, not feminism."
"This is Geology 351, session number 14."
"This event is the first in a new iteration of the American artist lecture series."
"Our program this evening is presented in conjunction with the Lowell Institute, a long-time sponsor of lectures and conversations."
"I'm honored to be invited to give this lecture today."
"It's my pleasure to welcome you here today to the first of our company of scholars lectures for this year."
"I'm honored and delighted to be asked to give this lecture in conjunction with this superb exhibition."
"I want to welcome everyone to today's winter lecture."
"That's it for today; tomorrow we're going to talk about energy, which is another really important topic."
"Well, good welcome everyone and good evening, and thank you for coming again in such numbers for our summer series called Art in Florence."
"So tonight, as you know, we'll be talking about Botticelli."
"It's great to be here to deliver the Holt lecture, above all because that gives me a chance to reflect on the past two years in the context of the bigger ideas that are our stock in trade."
"Welcome everyone, this is the first lecture of the term."
"I was extraordinarily grateful to receive the invitation to come today and speak about Yates and Bruno."
"His talk today is entitled 'The 1918 Flu Pandemic: History and Lessons Learned'."
"Nature knows who you belong with, Ryan," the Empress lectured.
"Tonight's lecture, I'm sure, will be a memorable one."
"Our speaker tonight is an authority on organized crime in America."
"It is my pleasure to welcome you tonight to the latest in our ongoing collaborative lecture series with the American Musicological Society."
"Tomorrow morning at 9 AM, I have my first in-person lecture since Fall 2019, which is crazy."
"This evening, I'm going to talk about a small, exquisite, mysterious sculpture."
"This is awesome, I think this is a record for a Friday night non-European, non-impressionist lecture."
"Who's your dad? Oh well, my father is Kronos. Remember my lecture, he ate his children."
"I appreciate it, and I'll see you in the next lecture."
"We're going to pick up where we left off in our last lecture."
"All right, this is CS50, and this is week four."
"Thank you very much, great lecture."
"We are gonna give a very precise answer to that question in this lecture."
"Music in 21st century society lecture, the Creative Pulse featuring Philip Glass in conversation with Claire Chase."
"I'm honored and humbled by this prestigious invitation to come and give a series of lectures on random matrix theory, which is the field I entered about twelve years ago and which still surprises and amuses me."
"So thank you for indulging me, I just wanted to thank those guys at the start of this lecture."
"The next day, Mike gives a lecture and wishes his students a happy Halloween."
"It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the 26th annual J. Robert Oppenheimer lecture."
"Thank you all for joining another lecture, and I'll see you all next time. Bye."
"What I'd like to do today for the workshop is to do a lecture on Tourette's, basically tell you a little bit about the disorder, describe the behavioral model for the disorder, explain why we would use behavior therapy for a condition that is clearly neurological in basis."
"This particular lecture will help you with all the types of writings or all the writing questions."
"This is the most important lecture of the semester."
"The lectures of the Rav themselves gave me a deep sensation of tranquility."
"Have you enjoyed this lecture? I will see you next week. Thank you for joining me."
"Welcome to Lecture 13 of Mathematical Marketing and Simulation."
"I'm really excited to bring you part three of this lecture series."
"There will be a tangible benefit of attending this lecture."
"It's my great pleasure to welcome Professor Alexander Nagel for this year's first lecture."
"This is a skill that takes a lot of time to develop, but I feel like this lecture will really give you a head start."
"We have a treat today in terms of our Wednesday afternoon lecture series."
"It's a good bit of fun, and this year, before the event actually occurs, I'll be giving my lecture on the superiority of secular morality."
"Welcome back to 6.851. We continue our theme of time travel today."
"This is the lecture where I'm going to bring all of our Bronze Age collapse material together into one final lecture."
"Hello and welcome back, today is the first day of the third week of this lecture series."
"Good morning ladies and gentlemen, and nice to have you in my lecture."
"This is the first lecture where we start to look at it in detail."
"Hello everybody, welcome to the Santa Colloquium series."
"I'm very excited I'm doing this lecture with you."
"Welcome back everyone, welcome to the second lecture of CS229 machine learning."
"Hello everyone and welcome back to another engineering statics lecture video."
"I am very honored to have been invited to give this talk."
"Welcome to my lecture on polymer science and processing."
"A man who has got huge passion for one's life will have a lecture."
"Good evening and welcome to the Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science."
"We will use this lecture today as a very fundamental lecture delivered in the Bombay intellectual space."
"It gives me very great pleasure to welcome you all here for this very special lecture tonight."
"It is my great honor to introduce our inaugural Fredheim lecturer, Dr. Walter Brueggemann."
"Welcome to the second lecture of CS 287, advanced robotics."
"Value iteration is also the one we're going to see the most of throughout this lecture."
"All right, so this is another in the set of bite-size bioinformatics talks."
"Welcome back to the last little half of this lecture."
"He's always invited me to give this lecture during the class night photography and Astro photography, so he asked me if I would be willing to do the same thing for you guys, and I said happily."
"It's my great pleasure to introduce our speaker this evening and the Jeffrey B. Graham perspectives on ocean science lecture series."
"Thank you very much for a riveting lecture."
"Hopefully, you'll learn a lot from today's lecture."
"I'd like to welcome all the attendees, and I hope this lecture is going to be useful."
"...everything in this last lecture you're going to need to know to understand other concepts coming up..."
"Thank you so much for your attention, and I hope this lecture will help you."
"I appreciate your attention and I'll look forward to seeing you in the next lecture."
"Tonight he will be speaking about a very exciting and current topic: the exploration of the most distant object humanity has ever visited."
"It's a pleasure to be here again to give my next lecture in the final one of this academic year."
"This is an amazing talk. Thank you."
"My heart completely transformed, and then he gave his lecture."
"It's been some time since I last gave a lecture. Please take a seat."
"Good day to One and All and welcome to part 45 of Encyclopedia Hermetica."
"I welcome tonight to tonight's Readers Digest annual lecture in journalism."
"Welcome back to GD50. This is Lecture 8."
"Hello everybody, it's very nice of you to come and listen to me talking a bit about the nature and the history of cybernetics."
"I'm delighted to welcome you to today's lecture."
"This is CS50 and this is lecture five."
"We're very excited to host Mr. Tom Wainwright for his first visit to the council this evening to discuss the economics of drug cartels."
"Hello and welcome to this lecture."
"Good morning to all of you. In this lecture, we'll study about the transmission domain."
"Welcome everyone to the final foundational lecture of this year's offering."
"Thank you so much for joining us for this guest lecture with Greg."
"Good evening everyone, thank you for joining me on this physics talk."
"Hey guys, I'm home from Down to Earth, we had a good time out at the lecture."
"All right, welcome back. This is lecture 1-0 index for computer science e75."
"Good morning students, this is lecture number three."
"Thank you again for coming here to this lecture today."
"Good morning and welcome you all to this session on the course on fluid machines."
"I'd like to welcome everybody here today and especially Jeff Hawkins on behalf of the computer science and engineering distinguished lecture series."
"We're going to use it in this lecture quite a bit."
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome back to the third of this year's lectures."
"The subject of my lecture is man's hunting instinct."