
Proteins Quotes

There are 167 quotes

"At the heart of this business, plasma, a yellow liquid rich in proteins, is more expensive than oil."
"The vast majority of the solid component of your body consists of proteins."
"These proteins are very, very crucial because we're going to take some of these proteins and move them towards the Golgi apparatus."
"Amino acids chains are also called polypeptides."
"Antibodies are those protein molecules secreted by well differentiated B cells, called plasma cells, which react specifically with those antigens which stimulated their formation."
"All protein is initially made by plants. It is not necessary to eat animal tissue in order to get protein."
"Specific proteins like sirtuins get upregulated with fasting, contributing to longevity pathways in the body."
"If you want to build a new animal, you've got to have new instructions in DNA capable of building new types of proteins."
"It's still amazing to me when I watch these things and see the complexity of then the beautifulness actually of proteins."
"...when these proteins get disrupted the Junctions change and it allows for other things allergens things that shouldn't pass through inflammatory things all to pass through that is true gut damage not just damaging your microbiome..."
"Proteins are really miraculous things. They really make life simply possible."
"Different E3 target different proteins, okay? So, when a protein in the cell misfolds or not, is polyubiquitinated like this, this is a garbage tag on that protein, okay?"
"Proteins fold up into a 3D structure like a scrunched up ball."
"These anti-death proteins... turn on a whole program which is basically an anti-death program."
"What if we could design a whole new world of synthetic proteins that solve today's problems as well as naturally occurring proteins solve the problems that arose during evolution?"
"Rafts function as a sorting principle because they not only contain lipids, single lipids, and cholesterol, but also specific classes of proteins."
"You don't have to worry about matching them precisely because you use the selection of the fbox proteins that you need driven by substrate to sculpt the repertoire that you have at any one time."
"The primary sequence encodes all information for the folded, functional structure of proteins."
"Proteins are doing everything in our body from making neurotransmitters to making your heartbeat."
"Three incredible proteins. If they were smart tonight, they'll cook two proteins and then drop one with minutes to go."
"There are targets in membranes, for example, that are heritable, that provide necessary structural information. Targets are made of proteins."
"Proteins come out of the ribosome as long, linear strings of amino acids and they fold up into these incredibly complicated shapes in order to do their jobs."
"If you have a whole panel of those similar proteins, then you can test activity against your protein of interest without having activity against the proteins you're not interested in."
"His approaches have, I think, really allowed the scientific community to imagine a world where proteins could be made to perform almost any function."
"These proteins turn out to be very effective suppressors of amyloid formation."
"These proteins are potentially going to be easier to deliver into cells."
"Proteins are essentially involved in all reactions that constitute life."
"These proteins are likely the basis for designing a whole new world of functional proteins to solve modern-day problems."
"Proteins are made up of long chains of amino acids joined by bonds that are called peptide bonds."
"Proteins are very important and all eukaryotic cells have proteasomes, they're basically the garbage disposal for proteins in the cell."
"My lab loves to take snapshots of Metallo proteins in action."
"The complementary DNA Library can produce recombinant proteins."
"Fusion proteins can be useful for several different purposes."
"Combine amino acids together, you have peptides; combine peptides together, you have polypeptides and proteins."
"Translation is conversion of meaningless codons on the mRNA into meaningful proteins."
"What I'd like to look at in the end of this lecture are problems of proteins interacting with each other, and can we predict those interactions?"
"Complement is a series of blood proteins that interact with the pathogens and destroy pathogens."
"We have a system of proteins in our blood that actually will help fight against pathogens."
"Proteins can serve a structural role, provide support, and act as enzymes."
"Cyclins are called cyclins because of their cyclically fluctuating concentration in the cell."
"Heat shock proteins are part of your body's healing and repair mechanisms."
"The amino acids join by condensation to form peptide bonds."
"Proteins are a very important aspect of how our body is able to keep up its homeostasis."
"Allosteric regulation occurs when a regulatory molecule binds to a protein at one site and affects the protein's function at another site."
"The primary structure is a simple chain of amino acids, also referred to as your polypeptide chain."
"All cells have DNA, all cells have RNA, and all cells make proteins."
"DNA codes for RNA, RNA contains the instructions to make proteins, and proteins are the basic building blocks for many parts of our body."
"The building blocks of protein are amino acids, think of them like Lego pieces that come together to make a structure of protein."
"DNA replication... requires the use of proteins."
"The notochord is going to be releasing different types of growth factors and proteins like Sonic Hedgehog protein."
"All plant foods contain all essential amino acids."
"Proteins build and repair tissue; they're essential for wound healing, provide energy, and are necessary for growth, regulation of body functions and processes, and for a replacement of cellular proteins."
"Having structures for most of the proteins in an organism will make it possible to study how these proteins work as a system, not just in isolation."
"Proteins are encoded in our genome and are basically the workhorses of life."
"Now since then, it was discovered that this type of misshapen proteins can play a role in many diseases."
"Typically these rogue proteins, once they adopt the shape, they're very very stable."
"Egg white proteins, they're so long, that's why you can beat an egg white to just an incredible increase in volume."
"Collagen plays a very critical role in hair, skin, and nails."
"When you translate the message, you get meaningful proteins."
"The proteins are the workhorses of the cell; they are the ones that play the most diverse kinds of functions."
"Proteins are crucial to our life functioning."
"Even a slight change in amino acid sequence can affect a protein's structure and therefore its ability to function."
"Proteins play a very crucial role in essential characteristics of living systems."
"Protein folding provides an elegant example of biological self-assembly."
"Proteins are the most abundant and important organic molecules."
"Proteins are not just for food, they're not just for energy, but they're what make you who you are."
"We go from the language of DNA and RNA to a language of amino acids."
"The Golgi apparatus modifies, repackages, processes, and secretes proteins and lipids."
"Almost every protein that we have in our body functions at an optimal pH."
"Proteins are all made of these 20 amino acids."
"All proteins have the first three levels: primary, secondary, tertiary."
"Proteins pretty much do everything in the cell."
"These amino acids help stabilize protein structure through the hydrophobic effect."
"Proteins can be separated and purified based on size, charge, binding properties, and solubility."
"Prions are not living; they're pure protein, meaning they have no nucleic acid, no DNA, or no RNA."
"Most of evolution in the last 500 million years has consisted of the evolution of gene regulation rather than the evolution of new structural proteins."
"Facilitated diffusion is the movement of larger, polar, or water-soluble molecules through channel or carrier proteins."
"Proteins are molecules that do things in the cell; they're really amazing."
"Eggs provide amino acids which are the building blocks of proteins."
"Protease enzymes are responsible for breaking down proteins."
"Proteins actually really help with moisture retention in your hair, they are essential to be able to lock in moisture."
"Proteins are essential to all life; every function in your body depends on proteins."
"Proteins themselves, I think, are magical and incredible little bio nano machines."
"Proteins are made of amino acids."
"The building blocks of proteins are amino acids."
"Proteins have to be folded properly to be able to function appropriately."
"The complement system is more than just a bunch of proteins with numbers."
"Simple molecules, for example small proteins, are more likely to evoke or initiate tolerance compared to complex molecules like polysaccharides."
"Sprouts are a fantastic addition to your bird's diet because they provide lots of healthy proteins."
"Proteins especially are incredibly important because they act in so many capacities."
"Which proteins you have can largely determine how well you function, if you function, if you survive."
"Proteins which pretty much make you you."
"Amino acids are important for building proteins, proteins make up all of our hormones, all of our enzymes."
"Proteins are biological molecules, and they're made up of long chains of amino acids which fold together to form a protein."
"Proteins are very much part of our lives, and they're very important."
"Peripheral proteins can act as identity markers or antigens."
"Life is based on these two classes of molecules: DNA is the informational molecule in a four-letter alphabet, and then the amino acids build the proteins that do all the work."
"The hydrophobic effect is the predominating weak interaction for proteins."
"The anion gap basically tells you the amount of organic proteins that are there which are negatively charged."
"Genes specify all proteins and functional RNA chains; they hold the information needed to build and maintain an organism's cells and pass genetic traits to offspring."
"Proteins are designed to know their function."
"Size exclusion chromatography, also known as gel filtration chromatography, relies on this difference in protein sizes to purify and separate mixtures of proteins."
"Larger proteins in the mixture will emerge first, whereas the small proteins will emerge the last."
"The protein made it spontaneously assembles into empty capsules."
"Most proteins have beta sheets, alpha helices."
"Proteins are amphipathic, meaning some areas will be polar while others will be nonpolar."
"DNA gives us our traits, so how do we get from a strand of DNA all the way to an actual trait like the color of our eyes? It all depends on proteins."
"Remember that proteins build muscle and tissue and fat provides energy."
"Good proteins, grass-fed proteins, good meats with the fat, that's wonderful."
"Cyclins... are proteins that regulate a cell's progression through the cell cycle."
"Proteins are really the workers of our cell, controlling a lot of our cellular reactions and therefore controlling the expressions of a lot of our traits."
"Of all the molecules that we know on Earth, proteins are thought to be the most structurally sophisticated ones."
"Proteins are organized in four different structures: primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary."
"The secondary structure of proteins is its repetitive shape, typically forming coils which we call alpha helixes or folds which we call beta sheets."
"Proteins themselves have a slight negative charge, so that attracts some charged ions, some cations such as sodium."
"Every protein your body is filled with histidine, a common amino acid, it's filled with aromatic rings on the surface of your proteins and the inside."
"Peridinin combines with the chlorophyll to create PCP peridinin chlorophyll proteins as a major energy driver for the corals."
"Cells are what they are and have the functions that they do because of the proteins that they express."
"The genome... tells us what different proteins are encoded in the cell."
"Antibodies are proteins made by lymphocyte blood cells."
"What is the end product of proteins?"
"Genes are the instructions for making proteins."
"After water, proteins are the next major type of chemical that makes up our body."
"Life is alive due to proteins; proteins do it all."
"The majority of our hormones are proteins and polypeptides."
"Proteins aren't proteins until they're folded into their final shape."
"A gene holds the information for making amino acids and proteins, the building block of you and me."
"We have buffers that hold it in that range because if we get very far away from 7.4, we start damaging proteins."
"Globular proteins are typically water soluble, existing in hydrophilic environments."
"We've largely concentrated on the proteins that build the structure of the virus particle, but there are other things in there as well."
"DNA is also responsible for ensuring that we make proteins from our DNA, so our DNA carries our genetic code which in turn determines which proteins we will be able to make."
"Proteins are made from amino acids."
"Proteins are absolutely crucial to perform muscle tissue growth."
"Knowledge of the genome leads to knowledge of proteins, which leads to knowledge of potential receptors."
"A protein is made up of a coiled up chain of amino acids several hundred amino acids long that are coiled up in a precise order."
"Virus capsids are created by symmetrical arrangement of identical proteins."
"Proteins had that figured out long before there were human beings trying to engineer the same thing."
"Proteins are essential obviously for cellular life, but their structure is essential for their function."
"Our understanding of how a muscle shortens in length is understood at the molecular level of the movement of the proteins."
"Proteins are made up of amino acids and are necessary for the structure, function, and regulation of the body's tissues and organs."
"Proteins are what make you, you. That's what gives you all of the functions, the cellular functions that you need to function, to work."
"Any food that contains proteins with these essential amino acids in the quantities that we need to keep us healthy we call those complete protein foods."
"Proteins are formed through a chain of amino acids in a particular order."
"Some proteins are transporters or channel proteins, acting as channels for molecules moving through the membrane."
"It's really important to know which protein fragments are going to be immune recognizable."