
Seasonal Preference Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Beijing can be very hot in summer. I prefer autumn."
"My favorite time of the year is the fall. It is so, so nice."
"Let me explain why I think that the fall is the most perfect time."
"I absolutely love summer. It's probably my most favorite time of the year."
"I'm going to enjoy this snowfall out here for a little bit soak it up here with some van life because I tell you what winter time has been my favorite time of the year to go out and live in my van."
"This is why this time of the year on FIFA is definitely my favorite."
"I am in the mood for spring guys it's not even funny I'm pretty sick of winter by."
"Now I want to go to the beach, I want to go watch the Mets play. Like, I don't want to be freezing cold anymore."
"Fall is my very favorite time of year. It's just so cozy and warm."
"There's just no comparison to autumn for me."
"...being spring to Summertime I definitely don't mind these being a low I'm super excited for them nonetheless."
"I think it's the perfect one for springtime."
"88% of my Twitter followers said they're ready for fall, I was surprised."
"This one was just a little bit more fresh, more clean, and it's kind of how I want to smell mostly now that Summer's here."
"I love this color for summer, so fun."
"I'm not a winter person, I like the warm seasons, but it's moments like these that bring me comfort and peace with it being cold outside. Yes, it's lovely."
"I really don't like the winter, it's so cold for me, so I prefer autumn because I love all the leaves, the colorful leaves on the ground, and there is no snow."
"This is actually my favorite time of the year. I love mid to late September throughout November, and then after that, I don't care, I just want to hibernate."
"I'm glad we're in February... January is just really boring."
"I've always been a proclaimed winter lover, but I've just realized that I don't really like winter; I like Christmas."
"Fall is my favorite season of all time."
"I'm ready for sweaters, okay? I'm ready to step outside my front door, sweater and jeans, baby, and feel comfortable."
"I'm ready for spring and summer, man. I do not like winter."
"I never was a July girl until I started to garden, and now July is probably one of my absolute favorite months."
"I really love fall. I think I love fall more than spring."
"I think hot cider has the longevity that perhaps hot chocolate doesn't."
"Winter on the boat is genuinely one of my favorite seasons."
"Curry is great all year round, but something about it hits different in the autumn, winter."
"I'm just happy that fall is finally here and it's no longer summer."
"These shoes are my favorite shoe for the spring and summer."
"I'm always happier in the autumn and winter; suits me down to the ground."
"I always, always look forward to fall, winter because living in New York City in the summer is brutal."
"Honestly, I think my favorite season right now is winter."
"Give me the winter vibes. I do not want the summer vibes."
"I struggle in the summer in the heat, and autumn always find my best time of year. I love autumn."
"Autumn is the best season, second is spring, then winter, then summer."
"The older I get, the more I start to realize that actually it's the best season."
"Everybody likes the cooler weathers."
"December's always a brown liquor month for me."
"Crisp September weather is the way to go."
"I feel like fall is the best winter."
"Fall honestly is my favorite season just because I love the weather, I love how it's so like crisp and cool outside."
"There's a reason why this tournament is in November, no doubt."
"I'm always a summer girl, although I do like fall for the decorations and the spice."
"I love the fall season; I love the summer too, but when it comes to makeup, I love the type of makeup looks I tend to prefer during the fall."
"I love winter fashion. I do enjoy summer weather, but I have to admit I pretty much hate summer clothes."
"I feel like fall is honestly just my favorite season for clothing."
"This is my very favorite time of the year in this particular part of the world."
"Autumn winter is definitely my season; I love it so much more than spring/summer."
"I love you more than pumpkin everything."