
Thought Experiment Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Don't think of an elephant. Whatever you do, do not think of an elephant."
"If you try not to think about a polar bear, you will end up just thinking about a polar bear."
"What if you're just external to society? What if you just found yourself on an island with a mirror and that's it? Would you experience dysphoria? Would you care?"
"This whole topic isn't realistic or of much value practically, but I just thought it would be a fun thought experiment."
"The Cartesian thought experiment... revolutionized our belief that we could claim to have knowledge."
"Thought experiments are ridiculous, but they help you understand yourself."
"Imagine if Mark Zuckerberg censored MLK or Abraham Lincoln. The course of history would have been altered forever."
"Provocatively, the solution to our dilemma might lie in a thought experiment from game theory."
"Roko's Basilisk is just a sci-fi version of Pascal's Wager."
"The only problem is that the madman has also tied a single person to that track." - Trolley Problem
"The idea that a monkey could write Hamlet by accident seems counterintuitive, but in fact it is mathematically provable when one considers the probabilities." - Monkeys and Typewriters
"Roko Basilisk is a controversial thought experiment."
"The double slit experiment was a thought experiment that was cooked up to help people realize how weird quantum mechanics seems to our intuition."
"Imagine putting a cat in a sealed box with deadly radiation. The radiation decays, the cat will die; if the radiation doesn't decay, the cat is alive."
"Can you really think of nothing? Like actually sit there and try to think of nothing?"
"Imagine you go to bed tonight, you wake up tomorrow, and the world is disappeared except for your country." - Kenneth Boulding on national wealth.
"Sometimes wild mad thoughts enter one's head, this is one of those times."
"You could have a cat that was alive and dead at the same time."
"Schroedinger came up with the famous thought experiment of a superposition of both a dead and alive cat."
"Imagine this: What if babies were old, and then you watched it, and you're like, it's kind of just the same?"
"Mary's room serves as a provocative illustration of the complex relationship between physical knowledge and subjective experience, raising questions about the nature of consciousness and the limits of explanation and description."
"The cat is in the box and it is dead. Well, that's not Schrodinger's cat. That's just a dead cat, guaranteed."
"Manipulating radiation escaping a black hole could theoretically create a cat inside it."
"There is a kind of thought experiment some philosophers encourage us to do which is the Martian thought experiment."
"This thought experiment is sometimes called quantum immortality."
"A Gedanken experiment is a thought experiment, comes from the German word for thought."
"Who's the psychopath that comes to mind when you hear the word psychopath? Who's the first person or name that comes to mind? Put it in the comment section for me."
"This thought experiment, this hypothetical, we first need to lay some ground rules so that we are all going off the same page."
"Hilbert's Paradox of the Grand Hotel is a fascinating thought experiment revealing the peculiar nature of infinite sets."
"Have you ever tried not to think about something? Anything from immortality to a lavender mouse?"
"What if humans disappeared overnight?"
"Schrodinger's cat is a thought experiment where you imagine you put a cat in a sealed box with a device that has a 50% chance of killing the cat."
"Do you think there's more doors in the world or wheels?"
"Acceleration sounds kind of boring, but let me assure you, one of Einstein's most famous thought experiments... directly led to the theory of general relativity."
"This movie is a perfect example of the impact of Science Fiction as a thought experiment on Humanity."
"Einstein developed the thought experiment that you don't notice the difference whether you are in an accelerated frame with inertia only or if you are in a gravitational field."
"Would you rather spend 24 hours in the hottest place on Earth or 24 hours in the coldest place on Earth?"
"It's like a thought experiment essentially, this book, and I think it works really well, I enjoyed it."
"Schrodinger's cat's a science experiment: cat in a box with an isotope, close the box, in theory, it fluctuates between dead and alive."
"It's a hypothetical question intended as a thought experiment often to explore values or opinions."
"What if Pinocchio told you, 'Hey, my nose is gonna grow right now'?"
"Think of it as a thought experiment and take from it what you will."
"What does the Schrödinger's cat experiment look like from the perspective of the cat?"
"It's not hard at all to understand that this is fabricated, but it's a really fun thought experiment."
"Now we just think of this same process, but with one more dimension."
"This is a case study kind of a thing, in a thought experiment."
"You close the box, the cat goes back and forth between dead and alive, you open the box, you see if you have a live cat or a dead cat, you find out which universe you're in."
"It's a Schrödinger's cat reading; it's a science experiment."
"Schrodinger's cat is a science experiment, right? Physics theory is the cat in the box with an isotope is both dead and alive while the box is closed."
"It's all in the case of a thought exercise."