
Personal Presentation Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"There's something about not being a slob that I think primes you for productivity."
"You gotta dress how you want to be addressed. That's a fact."
"The way you look and the way you present yourself matters. It speaks volumes to individuals."
"Your appearance is very important... you dress how you want to be addressed."
"So here we go everybody this is my full face."
"You gotta look presentable for like job interviews and get a job."
"I tailor my clothing to ensure maximum seriousness."
"Amelia calls to him before doing a spin for him to get an overall look of the fit the other girls stop what they are doing and clap in admiration behind Rey."
"Fix your posture, fix your crown, fix the way that you walk and fix the way that you position yourself."
"Command respect, look like the guy you want to come off as competent."
"My goal is always to come correct with all the facts and let you guys determine how you want to feel based on the information."
"Your company doesn't care if your stuff is clean or dirty, they came to see you."
"In the end how you present yourself to the world is also how you're going to be treated"
"Be the best you and when you present the best you, can't nobody [ __ ] with that."
"I think that she was coached to not do that, and I think that she was also coached potentially on what to wear."
"I just finished up this makeup look and it's going to be up by the time you guys see this."
"It's important that the girl carries herself in that same way... Louisa did this beautifully." - Commentator
"Never let 'em see you sweat. You never wanna let them see you sweat, cry, get emotional, lose control."
"Wake up in the morning, make your bed... look nice, good posture, maintain eye contact."
"Finally reaching the end of school and being able to go to LA, it's actually going to give me the opportunity to be in the same room with these people and show them exactly who I am and what I can do."
"But don't walk into an interview saying I'm a fan, no champ, oh dig his belt!"
"Show up as your more healed self. Let people see how you walk and move as a more healed version of yourself. Let them see how you're modeling how you show up."
"She relished in it, you know, she had the attention of a lot of people then, especially, you know, looking the way she was and how she presented herself."
"I want to make sure I present Terry to you in such a way that you can fully understand his appeal."
"Nobody hires resumes. They hire people. Let me tell you who I am. Let me tell you what I've done. Let me tell you most importantly why I'm exceptional."
"Before I even tell you who I am I need to make sure that I'm, you know, presented well. I'm joking."
"Most of the times that people are being judged that way or looked at that way, instead of them showing up like that."
"The quality was pretty poor so I thought am I going to upload this to YouTube or shall I go into a side room and record just for you so you get a bit more of a better presentation? Let's take the latter, right? Let's do this."
"Setting the intention that whatever this is that you're going to be sharing gift wrapping and sharing with the world that it's going to be remarkable that it's going to be brilliant that's going to be magnificent."
"There's a lot of lying also... it's more like making a character out of yourself."
"I just wanted to show you guys that this is how I would have styled the sweater and leggings. I know it's a really bland outfit when you just see me roaming throughout the day, but this is how I would have put it all together."
"Your reputation matters. How you present yourself to society matters."
"So what are they getting the impression of? First of all, it's what maybe came before, like are you on time? Are you trying to converse with them in an environment that's pleasant to look at?"
"It's all about what you present to them is what people receive you as."
"That's all I have for you today. I hope you liked this special video where you stepped right into the headquarters."
"Entrances are very important. It's like you only get one chance to make a first impression."
"You need to start with the basics, get yourself a couple of pairs of work trousers or skirts or a dress if you're more into that kind of thing."
"You're in total harmony; you carry yourself with grace."
"You look good as hell when you came on this stage and keep it that way."
"Stand out, be classy, look elegant, and you will see a marked difference."
"I'm not going to say the biggest, but the fastest growing."
"Don't look like a 50/50 person. Walk into any place looking like you pay your own bills."
"I'm very proud to when people say you know who are you and what do you do."
"I showed up with an entire one-woman show and a whole visual pitch deck."
"You're someone who's very presentable but likes to dress up nicely."
"You never really know if you're ever going to get another opportunity. If anything, you can at least look good as an individual."
"No matter how much they try to pull us down, isolate us, take everything away, there's always a backdoor."
"Walk like you got confidence, strong eye contact. I'm looking good."
"Appearances do matter. That's why people typically do not go into a court unshaven, unsure, and unwashed."
"Your clothing speaks for you before you even open your mouth. If you dress like a strong masculine man, you'll be treated like one."
"Why not look your best for as long as you can before you let them down?"
"Let's make a good one and let's show the best part that you have to show of yourself."
"Good posture and how you carry yourself is so important."
"Best foot forward should be how do I show who I am to see if they really connect with me."
"Make an effort to be your best every single day. Make sure you look good, make sure you look decent, look presentable."
"Confidence is the number one thing to make you like come off as the most desirable version of yourself, that's fake confidence baby you gotta fake it till you make it."
"Don't forget that your body is a physical display of your level of discipline."
"It's okay to want your skin to be healthy for you so you can feel good about how you're presenting yourself to the world."
"Just the way that she presents herself is just so like calming and honest, comforting."
"Make sure to put this behind your ear or something like that that way when they hug you they're just like taken aback because they're like dang you smell good."
"This is his degree, he came to impress and dressed to impress."
"I feel like I look much brighter and put together and sophisticated when I wear jewel toned shades."
"I'm very excited to put my dress on today and just see how it all looks like with my hair and makeup and see like the complete look."
"You're there to get the job, be confident, you know, be your best self."
"The best way to make yourself look good is through good manners."