
Damage Output Quotes

There are 156 quotes

"Having high burst damage, being able to nearly oneshot all of them, is going to make blub an utter joke."
"I kind of prefer this fighting style to dark step; it feels like it's got some crazier damage, and I like damage."
"Playing with a good party, your lack of single target damage is not an issue, and you'll contribute a huge amount of DPS when clearing the rest of the map."
"Scorched's strengths could be the absolutely massive damage output this bloodline has."
"Playing well will reward you with some crazy AoE damage and some pretty strong single target damage too, especially if you talent for it."
"Ghost's awakened ability if you're very good at playing the champion just adds so much more damage output."
"First damage spells, shadow bolt, high damage."
"Affliction does hands down the highest damage in any game without question."
"Knight fay will actually do like the most damage until a few more weeks from now."
"This combo generally does around 400,000 damage."
"Their ability to nova damage, I've seen a lot of rogues one-shot a boss."
"Artillerists have a meter generating identity that builds up as you deal damage with your massive gun."
"You're able to put out a lot of damage on your enemy without them even knowing really what is going on."
"This sort of damage is truly insane as you can see we are dealing 1 million damage per explosion."
"Who's a good boy? Who's dealing 1700 damage? You are, you are!"
"Once again, the damage output is just so high."
"Race choices provide a decent swing in damage output, between five and seven or eight percent."
"Rogues suffer... they are a tier 1 dps class."
"Diona is able to output colossal 13,901 damage charge shots every one second or so."
"No tank has an excuse not to be trying to output the most damage possible."
"Toxtricity... does stupid amounts of damage."
"Aika's burst is not a single hit, it's multiple small hits, but it deals an immense amount of damage during that time."
"Ultimately, if you're doing more damage, you're gonna kill the enemy before they can kill you."
"Disposable missile launcher will fire a swarm of 12 missiles that deal 12 times 300 damage on a 45-second cooldown."
"The royal capacitor is the best damage equipment in the game."
"The slower you go, the less DPS you are going to do."
"Zarya just does massive amounts of damage, it's absolutely ridiculous."
"The wolf's gravestone is great for a nuke damage weapon."
"This bow is not to be judged based on its DPS values; it's that Peak orientation going in and out of cover and landing large amounts of damage every single time you do so."
"I think TL's damage scaling with Gwen and Ezreal is so strong compared to EG."
"That's more than 3,000 damage per second overall on this ship."
"She's like a hyper mobile glass Cannon like Zenyatta who also has that level of damage output."
"This build amplifies Fiora's true damage passive, letting her kill pretty much any Champion with just one combo."
"This .5 second kill combo often gets him a kill since the true damage scaling is so crazy high."
"Ganyu has overall the best charge shot damage in the game."
"The Judge is the highest damage shotgun in the game and can quickly fire off five shots to wipe nearly any living thing."
"The most ideal combo if possible however is to just get up airs as it'll be the easiest most consistent and most damaging."
"Vegeta has to be A tier here in my opinion, at least low A. The character just does so much damage."
"This is the ultimate damage output right here."
"Slam is just really good because it acts as a form of movement but it can also deal damage to the enemy as well."
"Queen walks are very valuable... she can deal a lot of damage."
"If you're into silly gimmick builds, put the prime critical damage mods on this, and do very, very hilarious damage."
"This weapon on none or one forma is competing with those because of like the incredible status and just the high damage."
"This has to be the best Aphelios build. Like, no other ADC comes close to that kind of damage."
"Holy crap, we just do so much damages. I love it, it's so fun."
"That does like around 40 damage that's actually insane."
"That's almost 90 damage that's actually pretty good."
"The common Hut provides an excellent source of Chip damage."
"This guy is good like when you're doing that level of damage."
"Wow, my W actually does more damage than my ult."
"LR Goku and Frieza... there is no team that outputs as much damage as representatives universe seem and it's not even close."
"She will actually be the carry and someone who's going to be doing a ton of Electro damage."
"The minute you don't crit you lose 66 percent of your damage."
"An arms warrior is an absolute AoE damage machine, they do crazy damage but are also able to land some nasty chunks single target damage."
"Cluster ammo types are the big damage dealers."
"Alternatively, once you unlock drill slash, then this will be the setup for one of your highest damage quick burst combos."
"This thing puts out some pure damage, it's amazing."
"Attack M: Hits like a truck, crazy damage values."
"With the Derp gun you can actually load premium high explosive rounds which end up doing 900 damage with 192 millimeters of penetration."
"Domino for the damage, man, getting into those longer fights."
"Retribution paladins do bring a lot to the raid, and their damage has been buffed to actually be considerable."
"Combat rogues have extremely high damage, making them highly sought after."
"Our final damage report: hitting so dang hard and having so many great control and defensive capabilities."
"Mirage's kit is just made to do a ton of damage."
"Bad Juju: refills magazine, increases damage output, and grants bonus super energy."
"Byron deals deceptively high amounts of damage from a distance and he can keep his teammates alive while staying out of range from enemies."
"Late game Urgot's damage output is redonkulous!"
"I think that watching the pros play here... the sticky bombs just seem to do a ton of damage."
"You do damage. And if you don't get one-shot, you can actually hit someone. So, you do damage. That's more than zero, right?"
"That was insane! That was a whole lot of damage. That was over 7,000 damage, almost a TCG lethal. Let's get into the next game."
"This hit is still gonna do really good damage because it's a hundred and twenty percent when performing a super attack."
"Divine Devourer deals bonus physical damage equal to 6% of your max health."
"One shot with that thing I think that does like over 300 damage."
"300 damage a second. I like you. Also, I've heard like no one knows yet, and this, I'm recording this, you know, after the update, like right after. No one knows yet, kind of how many waves this map has."
"The Spitfire LMG is crazy just how much overall damage you can do with this gun."
"Kaza being able to do a ton of damage using his elemental burst and his elemental skill, and still granting his teammates a huge amount of damage bonus, is what makes Kaza really, really good."
"This build just absolutely blasts you do an unbelievable amount of damage."
"Bone Spirit hits for like five plus million damage every single hit with this build."
"Ex Lariat does more damage... starts up faster."
"P.E.K.K.A deals between 600 and 950 damage per hit."
"This boss was mechanically menacing but for a whole year this one was menacing as hell in the damage Department too. Those mini missiles would kill anyone in the room."
"Execute does the most damage out of all of your abilities."
"Ultimately, a million damage is a million damage no matter where you spin it."
"Daybreak warlocks are positioned to have one of the highest damage output builds in the game."
"How in the world are they doing so much damage?"
"An aggravate Kaching team is going to be absolutely amazing to deal just a ton of Electro damage consistently throughout your entire rotation."
"The damage is insane without harvest stacking at all."
"In terms of raw pyro damage output, Klee seems to be leagues ahead of the other two."
"Rogues are the single best single target damage dealer in the game."
"Trust me, this is pretty tanky but you're also gonna be able to do tons of DPS as well."
"Phase three is a burn phase, where you need to deal as much damage as humanly possible to the boss."
"A mono imaginary team seems like it's gonna be really absurd for crowd control and the amount of damage that it's going to be able to output."
"You can sustain it with this build and do a ton of DPS."
"He's just so safe and he also does such a ridiculous amount of damage."
"Corvus Glaive allows you to face roll through Alliance war dealing crazy damage at the start of the fight."
"Stack rain of fires, and you're gonna be doing more and more fire damage."
"Look at that damage as well, absolutely melting this boss."
"Characters like Doomfist, Reaper, Zarya, Bastion... they have such a direct damage output."
"Being able to deliver 720 damage within two seconds of the first shot."
"These guys just feed more into the idea of him doing a ton of damage."
"You always want to maximize the combo damage."
"Doing over 4,000 damage is not bad for a little tier 6 Tech Tree tank."
"Gohan on the turn he gets his active skill, and it's just going to be outrageous the amount of damage."
"Energy acceleration decks do more damage based on the energy on your board."
"This vehicle can do that 1,170 damage within kind of like the 9 seconds that's some crazy damage output."
"The ray gun deals a colossal amount of damage per hit at 145. That is a ludicrous amount of damage."
"Albedo's ticks do 28,000 damage, guys, 28,000!"
"The Becca is just a really great weapon for dealing a lot of damage."
"Her Q has a 115 percent flat attack damage scaling and the one-shot potential she actually has is really insane."
"This build seems to have some of the dumbest damage I've managed to put out with everything lining up in single target situations."
"The jumping shield bash combo is an exceptional damage dealer."
"Pure strength builds are absolutely just amazing in terms of how much damage you can do in one hit."
"The thing is, damage-wise, it's still lacking. It's so bad single target at this point in sims what we've seen. It's not even worth pressing."
"Fire mages have the best sustained damage out of all three specializations; they pair well with dot comps."
"You can deal solid damage with any character in the game."
"I'm using a very subpar weapon with a wolf pet, and I'm doing 200,000 damage per hit."
"This incantation is nearly unmatched. It absolutely shreds bosses for thousands and thousands of damage when you build around it."
"10 million attacks' worth of damage right there as a free dupe level. That's pretty freakin' good."
"She just does so much damage and her teams do so much damage."
"Gumayushi is back baby, on the side, on the comfort. Almost 6K damage, what sales was 0-6 before this fight, he'll finish 0-7 but he still managed to do 5.6K damage."
"Fans are more about big damage in one screenshot like ride and burst or a Eula burst but they don't realize that characters that do smaller damage but more often like ayata or Sino or the wanderer are also really good."
"Down throw back air can do like 20 plus damage on all her grabs at low and mid %."
"Big single target burst damage, not little weak damage."
"This feels ridiculously broken I'm not really gonna lie it I don't feel like it should do as much as its damages it's doing normally."
"We are exploring the limits of our damage potential."
"One of our main goals with the Monk is to get its output right because we've been concerned for a number of years that the monk's damage output has not been where it should be relative to other classes."
"It's fun, it's explodey, we love it, and then spirit guardians, which of course is perhaps the best spell in the game, I think, for concentration based round after round multi-target damage."