
Newton Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Newton was able to discern patterns in the motion of objects...his mathematics gave us an astoundingly precise description of the natural world."
"The legacies of Copernicus and Galileo... laid the foundations for Kepler's laws and then here comes Newton who says, 'Hey, I've got a law of universal gravitation that applies to the whole freaking universe.'"
"If you have two masses... there is a universal force of attraction between them acting to pull them together."
"Newton retreats from Cambridge University, goes to his family's home in the safety of the countryside there, and in solitude, through really the amazing power of his mental faculties and creative ways of thinking about how the world works, he comes up with this law, universal law of gravity."
"Einstein expands what Newton knew, he takes what Newton ooh and then makes that region much greater and it continues to endless Road."
"Newton was also heavily interested in orbiting bodies and celestial mechanics."
"Isaac Newton has a maid, a servant, a cleaner who is named Mrs. Mary Jew."
"The force that keeps the planets in orbit is proportional to the product of the masses of the sun and the planet and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the two space bodies."
"It's quite an honor to be chosen for the Newton by the Institute of Physics."
"I believe that Newton could hold a problem in his mind for hours and days and weeks until it surrendered to him its secret."
"To test whether the shape of the eyeball had anything to do with how we perceive color, Newton wedged a bodkin essentially a blunt-ended nail file under his own eyeball and pressed hard against his eye."
"Relentlessly he followed up his original experiment with one painful variation after another."
"Newton made his mathematical breakthroughs and others just as important in a fever of creativity that historians would later call the miracle years."
"Newton's famous equation describes why an object falls to the ground, including his famous Apple."
"When I look at this, I think of Newton and his assistant spending days and days, months and months, working through this."
"Instead of a divine hand at work, by the time of Newton, universal laws for the operation of the solar system and physical bodies had been established."
"Let's take a closer look at Newton's third law."
"The gunfight in Newton didn't involve anyone famous and none of the participants could be considered as real deal gunslingers yet the result was a body count higher than most of the more well-known shootouts."
"Newton's views on religion were also controversial, although believing in a supreme God, which he described as eternal, infinite, and absolutely perfect, he refused to countenance the Christian doctrine of the Trinity."
"One of the most celebrated stories in scientific folklore is a tale that Newton recalled in old age: seeing an apple fall."
"Newton's interest in color would inform his later study of light, which culminated in his great masterpiece 'Opticks' of 1704."
"Newton attributed what he called the first comprehensive workable system of theoretical physics to Newton."
"Newton also discovered that sunlight..."
"...Leibniz calculus originated in a different manner from that of Newton's been based on sums and differences rather than on speed and motion and in 1675 liveness introduced two symbols that would forever be used in the calculus."
"Newton published one of the most celebrated works of science, the Principia, in 1687."
"According to Newton, the force of attraction between the Earth and the Apple directly depends on their masses and is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them."
"Newton's aim was not clearly commercial; he never showed any eagerness for material gains."
"He sat little but rather walked about his room so much that, said his secretary, you might have thought him among the Aristotelian sect of Peripatetics."
"He rarely went to dine in the hall, and then, if he had not been reminded, would go very carelessly with shoes down at the heels, stockings untied, and his head scarcely combed."
"The great contribution of Newton is postulating that there is such a law and that it does not depend on the fact that these are planets or whatever; it's universal."
"Newton's third law of motion states: to every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction."
"For every action in nature, there is an equal and opposite reaction." - Newton's Third Law of Motion
"Who would have thought that the seemingly basic question asked by Isaac Newton, 'How does gravity work?' would result in such a dramatic upheaval in our understanding of reality."
"Within the grounds of Trinity there is actually an apple tree that was planted from a cutting from the apple tree outside Newton's family home where he famously is said to have got the idea to investigate Gravity by the falling of the apples from the tree."
"The universal law of gravitation was propounded by Newton."
"One of the most famous differential equations... is the famous Newton's second law of motion F equals MA."
"It's kind of the more advanced version of Newton."
"Isaac Newton's explanation of those laws was the culmination of the Scientific Revolution."
"Isaac Newton invented calculus during a period of isolation."
"In the words of Isaac Newton, objects in motion tend to stay in motion."
"Nature and Nature’s Laws lay hid in Night: God said, 'Let Newton be!' and all was Light."
"He was compared to the biblical Moses because it was believed that God gave Moses the laws of morality, and to Newton he gave the laws of nature."
"Newton had three laws; they're not just a good idea, it's the law."
"With Newton, we came to understand that there is only one set of rules for nature, and it applies everywhere."