
Will Quotes

There are 313 quotes

"God is not in your life to bless your will; He wants to bring you into alignment with His will."
"Love is as love does; love is an act of will – both an intention and action."
"Will is the most important skill in the universe, it's more important than everything else."
"You don't have free will, but you do have will, and that's what matters."
"May the God of Peace...equip you with all you need for doing his will."
"Wherever you find understanding, will, and power, you must also find an existence; it cannot be a mere attribute; it cannot be a personified influence, but it must be a person."
"Prepare for end-of-life: take inventory, create a will, name an executor."
"What is it gonna say? 'I would like all the stolen merchandise I have to go to my lovely kids and I want all the stolen credit card information to go to my husband.'"
"The devil is a real person, a person in the sense of having a will and an intellect."
"I'm a no-nonsense person. I do what I want to do when I want to do it."
"You have the power to manifest whatever it is that you will."
"Grace is God giving you the power and ability to do his will joyfully."
"It inclines the will towards those things that pertain to God."
"I have changed my will of my own free will and to what I should have done sooner."
"If you want to protect the assets for your spouse when you're gone, the only way you can do that is through a Will and not through a Revocable Living Trust."
"Everything will be in accordance with what is not merely your own will but at the same time the will of God."
"It is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy."
"To cause change in conformity with the will."
"We abhor nothingness so much is simply another way of saying that we will life so much and that we are nothing but this will and know nothing but it alone."
"Love is an act of the will. It's to will the good of the other."
"Johanna changed her will Quincy. She made me the sole beneficiary of her estates and inheritance."
"In her will, she requested that her family cremate her body, hire a boat, and scatter her ashes in the Hudson River."
"A will is not for you but for those you care about and leave behind. If you own anything, somebody will have to deal with your estate after you die."
"Maria's will stipulated that her entire estate be divided equally among her three children."
"Her Splendor is the will of the world itself."
"Human consciousness as will an idea."
"I genuinely want your will more than anything because that's going to be what allows me to know the most of you."
"Let me remind you what the word will means. The word will means desire."
"The foundation of everything good is for you to know that whatever Allah Wills will happen and whatever Allah did not will will not happen."
"The inciting incident to the truest form of the boss's will."
"Our coming to awareness of this fated freedom is the transmutation of fate into destining, a destiny which is our own will unto being."
"The will is the tool to make a choice through the freedom that comes by the love from God."
"God himself has put in every one of us, and that is the will."
"A will allows you to express final wishes and designate guardians."
"If I own my house and I just wanted to go to my kids, essentially if it's just in my will and I will it to them, that's going to go through the probate process."
"Before you can cast magic, you need to make some chant but the most essential ingredient needed to create magic is the will to create it."
"Everything's correctable. Just like John said, creation is an act of sheer will."
"Let's try this together, let's use the power of our intention, the will of our voice, and the precision and power of our focus."
"It was the hardest was my will. It was a will I had to lay down mine in order to take up his."
"For little price do Elven-kings sell their daughters: for gems, and things made by craft. But if this be your will, Thingol, I will perform it."
"Skill or will, which is most important?"
"Will is the motive electric force of the universe, the only Force there is."
"God wants to give you the greatest, but if you don't want it, it's not the greatest for you."
"It's possible to make it here in Ghana. If you have the intelligence, if you have the will, you can make it."
"There's an ego, so there's a choice, there's a will."
"Love can be commanded because it's an act of your will."
"The belief in causality is synonymous with the belief in the will as efficient, according to Nietzsche."
"Nietzsche's complex views on causality complicate his understanding of will to power as a natural or physical principle."
"The most powerful force on Earth is the will of man."
"What it means to be connected to your own will connected to your own discernment having independent access to transcended States and flow and then acting through that is like our creator."
"Will is the representation that my nervous system... has raised a motive to an intention."
"Will is the intense determination of the person to do exactly what he intended to do."
"The will of man is an essential precondition for, without it, God does nothing."
"Not my will but thy will be done in every home, in every man, every woman, every boy, and every girl."
"Thy will must be being done is the imperative passive mood... to be done absolutely uncontained without reference to any position in time without reference to duration."
"A devise refers to the act of leaving property to someone in a will indicating who will inherit the real estate after the owner's death."
"When a person dies testate with a valid will, the real property is distributed to the beneficiaries as specified in the will according to the person's wishes."
"I love the aspect of the family going crazy when the will was read out."
"I would rather be uncomfortable in His will than be comfortable out of His will."
"We don't want to allow ourselves to be conformed to this world. We want to allow ourselves to be shaped into your will."
"Each is right. The one points the affirmation of the will to live, which remains sure of life for all time, however rapidly its forms may change."
"It turns out that your friend Bill Regan, he wrote up a will before he hit the jackpot, and having no family, he listed you two as sole beneficiaries."
"Not my will, but my heart's well."
"Reason falls by the wayside and it is replaced by our will, and it's really destructive in that way because if we can no longer reason together, we can't think together, then all that's left is various factions vying for power."
"In every act of the will, there is a ruling thought."
"Let us not imagine it is possible to sever this thought from the willing."
"Willing is suffering, that's what causes us to suffer - desire."
"The favor of God is found in the will of God."
"If a person does not have a will or some other document that describes where their properties should be disposed of at death, the intestacy laws of the applicable jurisdiction direct where property is distributed at death."
"A symbol of indomitable will and martial Excellence."
"Money thy kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven."
"To direct that will into a normal constructive, non-competitive, non-dominating channel is a sign of great maturity of understanding."
"The general will is indestructible."
"God is for you, he's working in you to accomplish his will even now."
"Perfection consists in doing His will, in being what He wills us to be."
"The Holy Spirit wills, decides, discerns, and chooses."
"If he wills it, it's going to happen because it is a law."
"Reason presents to the will the good, and thereby specifies what we can choose."
"Your will is of the flesh, and Satan comes along and encourages your will, promotes your will, endorses your will."
"C. S. Lewis got it right, didn’t he, when he said there are two kinds of people: those who say to God, ‘Your will be done,’ and those to whom God says, ‘All right then, have it your own way.’"
"Love is an act of the will accompanied by emotion that leads to action on behalf of its object."
"I trust in your will more than my plans."
"If you have an updated will that accurately reflects your wishes, there is no con to having a will in place."
"Lord even in this matter let your kingdom come even in that matter let your will be done even in this relationship let your will be done even in this interview I'm going to face tomorrow let your will be done and let the kingdom come."
"Everyone has the right to live their own lives according to their own will."
"If your will is coerced, then your freedom of action has not been affected."
"The concept which matters most, the positive concept, is this: What we're going to have to understand is what does it mean to speak of the will being coerced."
"My will is not always easy, but it is always good and brings true happiness and fulfillment."
"God expects us to desire his will. He expects that of us."
"Prayer is not so much the means whereby man's will is bent to God's desires."
"The purpose of prayer is to surrender our will, not to impose it."
"The only basis of peace is the cessation of the conflict of two wills."
"The son in the parable changes his mind, and he went. And you don't want to miss that. The will - the will. Your will always follows the changed mind."
"But God is not willing that any should perish."
"To deny yourself means to give up your right to run your own life and to surrender to an alien will."
"Knowing the will of God in the situation is even a much greater blessing."
"One of the great opportunities that we have is to exercise the will to connect in the phase of forced separation."
"Jesus, as the Son of God, had the capability but did not will to act on his divine powers while on Earth."
"Has he changed? What's his will tonight?"
"What I'm most excited for is getting to write a letter to Will it could literally make me cry thinking about it."
"Love is the law, love under will."
"I tell God today, 'Yes' to Your will, whatever it is."
"A will is a guarantee to disinherit your kids."
"Oh. This is the last will of Adolf Hitler. It's here for a reason."
"Your wisdom-guided will and God’s will for you are one and the same."
"God cares. God has a will. God is speaking."
"God has a will for your life, and he wants you to know it."
"The purpose of prayer is to align our wills with God's will, the purpose of prayer is to surrender our will not impose it."
"It's time to move forward in the will of God."
"Quentin had always maintained he needed to live in abject poverty, but in his will, he left in excess of half a million dollars, most of it to his family."
"This is about the will of the people."
"Freedom meant that the movement of the will was posterior in importance to the object of its intentions."
"The divine will, which is in infinitude, doesn't choose, it is actus purus."
"May it be your will, Adonai our God and the God of our forefathers, that you accustom us to study your Torah."
"To be chosen, you just have to really want to be in God's will and never grieve Him, have that reverence for Him."
"If there's a political will then there's a legal way."
"Jesus became a servant and lived to do the will of His father."
"God wills our holiness; He actually wills that we become holy."
"Come apart, go into God, and demand the Divine Will."
"This is the exact point at which we abandon limited objectives and move toward God's will for us."
"People change when they want to change. That's it."
"He just puts one foot in front of the other and keeps on going through sheer force of will."
"I thought this was a democracy, and I thought a democracy was based on the collective will of the people."
"The will of dawn, the will of the devil, the will of dreams, the will of destiny."
"I don't want to feel like I'm being held against my will."
"Sanctity then consists in willing all that God wills for us. Yes, sanctity of heart is a simple Fiat, a Conformity of will with the will of God."
"Make everyone that you know make a will."
"Law inherited Donquixote Rocinante's will."
"God chooses who he wants to choose."
"I delight to do your will, O my God; yes, your law is within my heart."
"My aim is not to do my own will, but to do the will of Him who sent me."
"Not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance."
"As is your wish, so is your will; as is your will, so is your deed; and as is your deed, so is your destiny."
"The personal devotion to Him refuses to be content with anything less than to abide always in His love and His will."
"If any man willeth to do His will, he shall know."
"Will is the energy that motivates creation."
"True will is born from right identification."
"The core of the Our Father is undoubtedly 'Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.'"
"God's creatures are free, with a purely free will to love Him."
"If Hashem decide the world will speak, the world will speak."
"When we give Him our will, then He will work in us to will and to do according to His good pleasure."
"We have prayed that prayer, thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven."
"Human beings each have their own true will that they should discover and pursue."
"Love God and then do what thou wilt."
"Having a will makes life so much easier for those who are picking up the pieces after you're gone."
"The main point of a will is to document what you would like to happen to your assets when you are gone."
"It is in the very nature of man to be free, to have free will."
"The crisis of our age is individualism... our desire to just manifest our will all the time."
"This was what true power looked like, nothing would stand in the way of two powerful wills that sought to do what they desired with every fiber of their being."
"The world of Bleach itself seems to have a will, and its will is specifically against anything that causes stagnation, that causes there to be stillness."
"He who stands firm in his heart, being under no constraint, but has authority over his own will."
"Be not conformed to this world, but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of Elohim."
"God is sovereign; He can do as He pleases."
"Love does not consist in words or feelings, but in deeds; it is an act of the will."
"The Father's word goes out in the all as the fruition of His heart, an expression of His will."
"You do have options, you do have free will, you do have choices."
"The proper cultivation of the intellect and the right formation of the will."
"To be free is to be able to live in accordance with one's own will rather than being subject to the will of another."
"You know I got this authority by doing the will of the Father."
"Caesar, now be still; I killed not thee with half so good a will."
"Everything we confirm by our will and understanding remains to Eternity."
"Just the power of sheer will and strength."
"Your will is in Divine Harmony with his will."
"He's alive to defend what he put in the will so nobody can take from you and I what he put in the will because he's alive."
"I have found in David the son of Jesse a man after my heart, who will do all my will."
"The nature of the self comes through prominently as that of a moral being where the will is the dominant and most revealing faculty."
"At the end of the day, always, if they wanted to, they would."
"The secret of the will is the magic key which opens all doors."
"We need to give the people their free will back."
"He is God; He can do whatever He wants to do."
"O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will."
"Righteousness is not choosing yas permissive will but choosing his perfect will."
"When its time comes, provided the agent its time has come and isn't prevented, and provided she doesn't change her mind or forget the intention, it will become an instance of willing that is acting."
"A will is easy to set up and often inexpensive, but it likely has to be probated."
"The total absence of will and the total absence of effort of all and every kind may be called an effortless state, but the effortless state is not something that you can achieve through effort."
"Self-determination, state of free will, emancipation from slavery."
"This thing also needs to have had a will, an ability to choose."
"Freely we serve because we freely love, as in our will to love or not; in this we stand or fall."
"If you unite your will to God's will, that equals sanctity."
"A will... estimable in itself, good apart from any further end."
"If you ask anything according to His will, He hears you."
"Freedom is being so in love with Christ that you do exactly what you want to do and it accords with His will."
"It's destiny, it's fate, it's inherited will."
"A Kabbalist works against his will to receive, a Kabbalist works to change here and now."
"We will be in agreement with your will, Father, when you bring to us your knowledge."
"It is God who works in you to will and to do of His good pleasure."
"It is His will that all come to repentance."
"I'm genuinely a believer in Freedom and Free Will."
"With will developed, you can develop any other quality."
"Nevertheless, not my will, but yours."
"It's not my will that any should perish but that all come to repentance."
"God can do what he wants to do when he wants to do it and how he wants to do it."
"We are going to do his will, his way."
"God will work in me to will and to do His good pleasure."
"The race is the ultimate test of skill and will."
"The will is nothing other than practical reason."
"The last will and testament of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore."
"Autonomy is the formal condition under which the will can be determined."
"Morality is thus the relation of actions to the autonomy of the will."
"The will whose maxim necessarily harmonizes with the laws of autonomy is a holy, absolutely good will."