
Martyrdom Quotes

There are 577 quotes

"Valentine's Day is a romantic holiday, sure. So we can talk about the torrid love affair between Fanny Willis and her paramour that she hired to prosecute Trump. But don't forget, St. Valentine was a martyr. St. Valentine's Day commemorates a very, very bloody event."
"Our martyrs did not just fall last year; they didn't fall last week; they continue to fall, and we will continue to stand."
"Every Church of Rome records the history of martyrdom and victory."
"There's a beautiful hadith that, when quoted, 'Whoever dies protecting their wealth is a martyr.'"
"If you're in the street now, you look at the street, and someone tries to... one of the gang members... tries to trust it off you, and you fight them just because you don't take it off you, and you die, then you die a martyr."
"The reward that ISIS has historically always promised to its followers is not monetary; it is the reward of martyrdom."
"When he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God."
"As a martyr, his message was even more powerful. His death only served to strengthen humanity’s resolve."
"The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church."
"Simply put, men don't die for false beliefs."
"50 years ago Dr. King was cruelly taken from this world by an assassin's bullet but the promise he fought for could never be taken away."
"The martyrs will be resurrected and their wounds... will be a badge of honor."
"He said if you stay where you are, you don't run, and you die, you die as a shaheed, meaning you go straight to heaven."
"If you die, you go straight to Jannah; you are a shaheed."
"If we firmly believe that Christ is our Lord and Savior, we should be prepared to die for Him."
"Remain faithful even when facing death, and I will give you the crown of life."
"The belief in righteous suffering and martyrdom: For the sisters, suffering is to be embraced, for to suffer is to be made stronger."
"They fear him, but it's too late. They may have killed the man allegedly but they couldn't kill the Idea."
"By killing a tyrant, they had unknowingly created a martyr."
"Their life is worth less than the truth they're espousing. So that's a very unique and big deal."
"The people of Jenna are those who never wanted the podiums and were ready to sacrifice their lives for Allah."
"By Him in whose hand my soul is, I would love to be martyred in Allah's cause, and then come back to life and then get martyred."
"The story of Perpetua is contained in a document called 'The Passion of Saints Perpetua and Felicity.'"
"Perpetua refused to worship the Emperor and declared herself a Christian."
"Perpetua cheerfully went down to the dungeon, facing her fate with courage."
"The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church. The more we are mown down by you, the more we will spring up."
"If you die fighting for what you believe to be right then you're basically guaranteed an entrance into heaven."
"A true martyr would have answered without hesitation."
"Unless you're murdered for what you believe in, what's the point?"
"The Mark of the Beast isn't something you'll accidentally stumble into. It's a deliberate act of worship to the Antichrist. Those who refuse will face martyrdom."
"The early followers of Jesus claimed to be eyewitnesses to Jesus' resurrection and went to their deaths proclaiming it."
"The early followers of Jesus claimed first to have seen Jesus died and raised again from the dead. Their deaths are an indication that they certainly believed they had."
"Jesus didn't just choose death, he chose the path of suffering to death."
"Jesus was put to death not just because of religion, but for going against the political establishment of the day."
"Peter asked to be crucified upside down because he doesn't feel worthy of being crucified in the same way as Jesus."
"I definitely respect the fact that he ultimately died for what he believed in."
"Is he regarded as a martyr? Is he seen as this sort of fearless crusader for truth?"
"You're outnumbered, but don't you worry about a thing, you keep going because there will be those that will put you to death thinking they're doing God's service."
"Many now consider goody glover a Catholic martyr."
"Zaneb is a martyr now, she will save us all."
"He who dies from the plague would die as a Shaheed."
"Prepare your heart for martyrdom... fix your eyes on heaven."
"They just want to fight and die in a way that repents for her sins."
"They can persecute one man, but they've created a hero figure for thousands."
"He was a famous heretic who was burned at the stake."
"He died in the cause of Allah. Now, it'll be a guarantee that you will be with me."
"People don't willingly die for something they know is not true."
"The ancient Jewish people chose death by their own hands rather than a life of slavery under Roman rule."
"They truly believed that Jesus was who he claimed to us and they truly believed that he had risen from the dead because they were willing to die for that."
"It would be an honor to die for Jesus Christ."
"She died for what she believed in, quite literally. You could say that she died for her beliefs."
"We're building an entire sustainable community."
"He's going to use this as a forum to make himself a martyr for his beliefs."
"Martyrs like Agnes were believed to offer special protection for the early Christians."
"They think they can silence a church that the martyrs have already shed their blood for."
"Christ voluntarily going to his death shows himself to be stronger than death."
"This is the one thing I want to say over and over: do not believe down through history you have a wrong idea of martyrdom and persecution."
"Not only am I ready to go to jail, I'm ready to be killed."
"There's no evidence real evidence that they were [martyred]; they might have died of natural causes."
"Saints are persons who lived heroically virtuous lives, offered their life for others, or were martyred for their faith and who are worthy of veneration or imitation."
"In this life, we don't get to choose our Martyrs. We can only choose our principles."
"Allah chooses his martyrs because only Allah chooses when and how we will die."
"The happiness of the Saints. Why are these people singing hymns and forgiving their enemies as we're feeding them to the Lions?" - "That's the unanswerable question."
"They did not love their lives to the death." - Revelation 12:11
"May we be faithful to so live that we would bring honor and make a testimony such as the martyrs through history have made to your glory in the face of every difficulty."
"The martyrs of the end times will be the greatest martyrs in history."
"They are alive with Allah, their souls in the bellies of green birds."
"The vision of the Third Secret includes a bishop dressed in white, believed to be the Pope, being killed by soldiers."
"Martyr mentality... that martyr mentality is a very big sign that the person you are following is operating under something that is of the flesh or much worse something that maybe eventually can become demonic."
"It is good to be put to death by men to look for hope from god to be raised up again by him."
"She's a martyr, she's a hero... Ashley Babbitt, everybody should tweet that name."
"That woman is a martyr. That woman is a hero."
"He's in many ways more powerful because now he's martyred."
"The Siddiq are actually higher than the martyrs."
"The apostles were so certain of Christ's Divinity that they underwent extreme horrible horrible deaths."
"The templar's enigmatic leader Jacques de Molay was burned at the stake."
"The church has recorded the stories of the martyrs over the centuries." - Author Johnny Moore
"Jesus Christ died because he was preaching the gospel."
"All true Catholics who still have the spirit of the Apostles and of the Christian martyrs should weep."
"If I do honor to God, true service to the king, and am of good worth to his people, God knows I am not afraid to die."
"I shall die for my faith in the Catholic Church and as a good servant to God and the king, but to God first of all."
"It's gonna be a horrible death for these Christians that continue to deny this truth."
"Thanks to the blood of the Lamb and the word of their witness."
"John Brown became the martyred hero of the Union."
"Nero's remembered because he was the first emperor to create a Christian martyr."
"Christian martyrs courageously went to their death because of their belief."
"Being martyred, being killed for your faith is a terrible thing, but once we get through that, everyone in heaven will be able to partake in God's glory."
"Whoever's feats were dusted in the way of Allah, those feet shall never touch the fire of hell." - Sheikh
"They're killing me but they don't realize they're slaying the Son of God."
"Bless the martyrs sincerely so that you become a martyr by choice."
"I support black men who want to support Kevin Samuels, but it is disingenuous and it is wrong to elevate this man's work to the level of martyrhood."
"Tyndale was seized at Antwerp, recognized as a heretic before being tied to a stake, strangled to death, and then his body was burned."
"Remember that it's better to die standing than to live on your knees."
"Did the Apostles die for something they know is a lie?"
"Is this likely to make her a martyr in the Republican Party? Elites, big tech, Hollywood, cancel culture — absolutely."
"Even the camaraderie among you can help you inspire and strengthen yourself for martyrdom and for the fight."
"Do not fear those who can kill the body but cannot kill the soul."
"God will protect us during that time, some of us will be martyred."
"Some of the greatest human beings in history have been martyrs. What if someone's a martyr you're just supposed to abandon them? That's not how martyrdom works."
"Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. speaking in Memphis on April 3rd, 1968, the night before he was assassinated."
"Love vs. Martyrdom: The ethical system Jesus would affirm."
"If you think the people will be happy by killing me, go ahead."
"More than ourselves, more than just people who believe, but this gift of the Holy Spirit that actually makes us martyrs, it actually makes us witnesses."
"History is written by those who have hanged Heroes."
"Peter was crucified at Rome with his head downwards as he himself had desired to suffer."
"People have an affection for principled martyrs who will not be silenced."
"The blood of Christians is seed; the more you kill us, the more others will come to know Jesus Christ."
"I pray you all, good Christian people, to bear me witness that I die a true Christian woman."
"I believe in the eyewitnesses that believed it so much that they got murdered for it with a smile on their face."
"Jehovah's Witnesses are here being overtly told to stay loyal even to death."
"Martyrdom and suffering are big components of our church history and our faith."
"I'm not afraid to die physically for the word and the will of God."
"We know the events of Easter are historically factual because of the eyewitness accounts and the transformations that people had. They were willing to die for what they said they saw."
"Imagine what it takes to burn a fellow human being at the stake. What kind of God is that?"
"You may kill me, but you can't kill the message."
"Obey God at any cost. The message of Christ to the church in Smyrna: 'Be thou faithful unto death.'"
"Martin Luther King Jr. wasn't just a leader, he was a martyr for his cause, cut down when he still had so much work left to do."
"It's important to honor the men and women of God who laid their lives down for truth and justice."
"The concept of martyrdom is always valorized if you agree with the cause."
"You may kill the body but you can't kill the spirit."
"Even if it costs my life, I will speak what you want me to speak."
"I shall die smiling to give life to my faith."
"We're going to die on the hill of righteousness in Jesus' name."
"I would rather die a thousand deaths I'd rather die tomorrow fighting for the order of Christ the King than live a thousand years in the godless New World Order that Pope Francis wants to build."
"Emily had become what she perhaps desired and what the movement needed: the first martyr for the cause."
"If these Christians can love each other so much, if they can die for what they believe in, then this must be the true God."
"He became a martyr on his way back to Madinat al-Munawwara."
"The warriors of the death company seek only one thing: death in battle fighting against the enemies of the emperor."
"Even if I die here I will be remembered forever."
"Her innocence and bravery in the face of such overwhelming forces and her tragic demise made her a Protestant martyr."
"Jesus knew it was dangerous. If he didn't know, it makes sense. Why would he go all the way to get himself killed?"
"More people have died for Christ in the last hundred years than died in the 1900 years prior to the last century."
"I shall die at the stake, but a pure aflame already shines in my heart."
"The best way to describe Raven is he's a martyr for society's dysfunction, and he wants everyone to feel his pain."
"Hell hath no fury like a self-sacrificial martyr not being recognized."
"A martyr," he murmured. "She served her purpose, and now she's gone."
"Haters don't kill heroes, they make martyrs."
"To be martyred, to be persecuted, to be canceled or whatever have you by the world is to be exalted by the King of Kings and the Lord of lords for His sake."
"It just makes me realize that God really had a plan for where he needed me to be now in my life to be a martyr for the name of Jesus and not for Islam."
"The motive of every martyr is Jesus. Saints are those who let Christ conquer their hearts."
"Nobody's going to die and be willing to go through the torture and the all of they went through for something they absolutely knew was false. It just doesn't work."
"The Martyr approach leads to further dramatics at immunity where coach collapses after making sure everyone knows how hard he's trying."
"Unless we are willing to take up our cross which is a custom tailor designed instrument of torture and death and accept martyrdom every day, we can't be His followers."
"Sometimes you read about the martyrs singing hymns, giving testimony to Christ."
"She was the Martyr who's detached from the world but who has an excessive love for her family and the beauty of the world."
"What is the martyrdom that God is asking of us today? It's this kind of mysterious confronting of a world that does not want to know Jesus Christ and all of the problems that come along with that."
"The blood of the martyrs was a seed that sprang up everywhere."
"Jude's martyrdom, depicted with an axe, symbolizes his unwavering commitment to his faith."
"You don't need nails. I will stand here and take what comes." - Polycarp
"Look, for 86 years, I have served Christ and in all of those 86 years, He has never forsaken me. So how can I forsake Him?" - Polycarp
"He gave up his life for all of us."
"Stop being a martyr and sacrificing yourself for others. No one will give you a medal, they'll just keep asking for more."
"Don't let these people take the truth too. You don't need to be a martyr for them."
"You don't need to be a martyr for them."
"There's a saying that one reformed heretic serves the church more than a hundred burned to death."
"...Bonhoeffer lived it and he marches to his death with courage and peace."
"There is no point at all other than getting yourself killed," she warned, "and then you will have acquired martyr status."
"...resentful martyr energy really does push people away despite anything else that might be good about you."
"It's a very, very real martyrdom where there are the lores and swords piercing her heart."
"Mary is a martyr of the church, the only Saint who suffered true martyrdom of the Soul by being so present to her son at the foot of the cross."
"They want to make martyrs of themselves because they want to pretend to be persecuted. That's why they're doing what they're doing, plain and simple."
"Better to die a martyr with the testimony of Jesus on your lips and have eternal life than to die and be thrown into the Lake of Fire."
"He died in the place of believers."
"Peter was crucified upside down at his own request."
"...he was martyred joyfully with the joy of the Martyr which is a Grace that God gives those who persevere until the end..."
"Why would they then die for a known lie?"
"Great martyr and champion of Christ, George, give us the strength and bravery to withstand The Temptations of our age."
"The martyrs are the greatest Saints of the faith."
"Reading the early Christians and lives of the Saints, we can see, you know, they were in Pagan Rome. They were eaten alive by lions. They were boiled alive, burned alive, and they died with a smile on their face because ultimately they're serving God."
"He didn't get murdered, he laid down his life and that's the difference."
"No news will reach the Homeland about the manner or place of my destruction."
"These martyrs are an incredible witness to faith, to courage, to strength, to family, to love."
"Would Joseph and Hiram have suffered Martyrs deaths if they didn't have a sure witness that it was true?"
"Nowhere else will you come across the place where St. Peter was martyred and buried. Nowhere else will you come across a place where Saint Paul had his head dropped off and it bounced three times."
"...in fact you may have heard this before but in the 20th century more Christians were martyred in the 20th century than in the previous 19th centuries all combined."
"That the Apostles were tortured and killed for their testimony of the resurrection supports its authenticity."
"It's not about climbing the mountain, it's like I'm going to be able to endure this, I'm going to be able to face my execution, because I believe in Christ without renouncing him. That's the accomplishment, that is the crown, that is the martyr's crown."
"They wrote, 'Jesus Christ is God revealed in the flesh. He is the only way, the truth, and the life. He is the savior and the redeemer of the world.' And they died for this testimony."
"Why did early Saints sing songs when they were burned and crucified upside down?"
"People don't lie to be made martyrs. They don't give their lives for lies."
"Job was made a martyr... I think Job would say the same that it was worth it."
"Mary reserved burning at the stake for heretics, and of course, the victims were alive when the pyre was lit."
"The 13 Stratford Martyrs refused to renounce their Protestant beliefs and accept Catholicism as the one true faith."
"blessed are the Dead who die in the Lord encouraging people to face martyrdom"
"Smyrna represents the period of persecution, the period of church history where more than 5 million Christians were martyred."
"Now we don't know who Antipas was and we had no record of a man by the name of antibus Antipas being martyred but Jesus says that Antipas was a faithful martyr."
"I don't want to be a martyr doing this to be a hero because you think she sees you. I don't think she sees me, I know she does."
"I did hear stories of 'this person was a shahid, this person was a martyr' from my family."
"250 million Christians are under persecution and a hundred thousand or so a year are getting killed."
"Never in the whole history of the world have eleven individuals much less all the other Christians died for absolute conviction in something that later proved to be a fraud. Never. That can't happen."
"Thirty of them were lined up in front of the church and they were given a choice... to step on a cross to renounce Christ or to die. All thirty of them chose death rather than negate our Lord."
"Beware of martyrdom, suffering for the truth's sake spoils all the innocence and fine neutrality of your conscience."
"At a certain point, get off the cross. We need the wood at a certain point."
"The blood of the Lamb, the Word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death."
"William Tyndale burned at the stake for translating the Bible into English."
"Those Christians could not would not deny Jesus Christ even as they watched their two-year-old children's heads get cut off. They could not deny Jesus, and then the sword came to them. How did they do that? The Holy Spirit was possessing them."
"The truth according to the scriptures is you put your faith in Jesus, and then you have to die for him. And when your head's cut off, that's when you're in heaven at his throne."
"They chopped off the head of John the Baptist because he said you're a fornicator or you're an adulterer Herod, and it's not right for you to do what you're doing."
"Fear of martyrdom? For Jesus promised: 'Do not fear those who are able to kill the body.'"
"The more the Christians died, the more the church grew. Every one Christian that died, four took his or her place. Amen."