
Earned Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"I like it when a character's redemption is earned when they actually struggle for it."
"Trust should not just be given out to anybody; that trust has to be earned."
"Respect is earned, it's not given out freely. It's earned, man, and you haven't earned an ounce of it."
"No one's going to ever give you anything, and respect will be given when you earn it."
"When the heroes actually triumph against them, it feels earned; it doesn't feel like they were just handed a victory."
"This moment should feel triumphant, but it's completely unearned, and things carry more weight when they are earned."
"Respect isn't deserved, it's earned."
"Not all due respect is earned. Give respect where it is due."
"I earned my life. I think we all earned Our Lives."
"Respect is earned. Only a clown gives respect to everyone."
"Every soul is going to have what it earned."
"I don't think everyone should be given immediate respect. I think respect is 100% earned."
"It's just instinctually what we do because everybody done earn they right to be respected."
"Still the rest of his honey as you've earned it."
"The safe belongs to me and I earned it."
"That place it should like he's earned it."
"He's been through the ringer, yeah. He can do whatever the [ __ ] he wants. He's earned a little vulnerability."
"They earned all of these moments."
"You've definitely earned this EMT badge."
"Celebrate this win and this success because you have earned it."
"If I can get a grab doing this, I feel like I've earned it."
"Respect is not given, it's earned."
"Love will always be earned, never given out for free."
"Honor and respect was earned and not given."
"Why should you be loyal to [__] and [__]? Respect is earned, not given."
"Respect is something to be earned."
"I love it because it's like these aren't just Morgan Wallen fans or they aren't just Hardy fans, they're earned fans now."
"Respect is earned, not given, so age is not a barrier to that."
"Respect isn't one of those things you're owed; that's something you earn."
"In order to be respected I need to put an emphasis on this you need to respect yourself you need to respect yourself and being respectful is given respect itself is earned."
"Reliability has to be earned, it can't be bought."
"Respect is not given, I believe that respect is something that you have to earn."
"Respect is earned with your actions, not assigned to yourself."
"Respect here isn't given out. It is earned."
"Leadership is something that's earned."
"Freedom is not free. Freedom is earned."
"It's the earned fairy tale. Yes, that's what it is."
"A gift is a gift. You just earned something new."
"Every good marriage is a miracle, every bad one we have earned."
"I don't want anything I don't earn."
"I'm just like, yeah, you might not think I deserve it, but I fucking earned it. And you can never take that away from me."
"That's their throne they earned it."
"I felt like I had to earn it and I liked that, I liked feeling like I wanted to earn his respect and I feel like I did eventually."
"He had more life left in him that he deserved to enjoy because he had earned it."
"True leadership cannot be awarded, appointed, or assigned. It comes only from developing influence, and that cannot be mandated; it must be earned."
"He's earned the right to coach this team next year."
"That seemed like an earned breaking point."
"Love isn't something you can demand, you've got to earn it."
"The trust lost in buckets, earned in drops."
"It's just wow, so good. The death of Iron Man is wholly earned."
"Even basic skills in this game really feel earned."
"This moment is so earned and we all feel it."
"Grace is either free or it's earned. And if it's Grace, it can't be earned."
"I remember when I walk on Black Panther and Creed. I love it. And that's because I earned that."
"Freedom is earned with good behavior."
"Privacy is a luxury that must be earned."
"That moment was [ __ ] awesome and it was earned, that fight totally earned."
"I have the highest respects for the position, but for me respect in a person is earned not given."
"Respect must be earned, not expected."
"Respect's not given, it's earned."
"Biscuit being back means that Gon and Killua will have an earned power spike."
"Respect is not our automatic right; it's an earned credit or a two-way street."
"I'm a big believer that people have to earn your trust; it's not something you just give away."
"Obedience and respect should not be automatic; they should be earned."
"It was so well earned because we've had so many books now to understand who Harry is and his darker sides."
"Imagine trying to demand respect from someone, forgetting respect is earned, not demanded."
"Respect is not a right, it's a privilege that you earn."
"Respect is not simply given out, it is earned."
"No, respect is not simply given out, it is earned."
"Freedom is earned, it's not something that's given."
"Loyalty is earned, is never given."
"Trust is never given, trust is earned."
"Trust is earned, just like in life."
"Isn't respect something that's earned? It's something that is given and returned."
"Trust is earned, it's not given away lightly."
"I've kind of earned the right to think of him as my brother."
"You gotta trust her. She's earned it."
"Trust is something which actually needs to be earned."