
Natural Cycles Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"Trust your natural cycles because your higher power, call it your instinct, call it your intuition, knows what it's doing."
"We have developed this allergy to recessions, but like seasons, economic abundance followed by a bust clears out dead wood and is a healthy cycle."
"One lesson about history is that one of the things that winter does, is it kills everything back so new things can grow."
"Sometimes the clouds come in and block the sun out, but the sun always comes out again."
"Our lives are governed by cycles of waking and sleeping, the seasons, birth, and death."
"Nature moves in cycles, markets are no different."
"Actually having a diversity of animals, they'll eat each other's crap and break the parasite cycles as well."
"Seasons will still change every week, and with that, so will the weather and the world around you."
"It's the environment that lets these grow year and year out here."
"The full moon is the climax, the moment when the moon is at its strongest, influencing tides in the seas and ourselves, made of about 70-80% water."
"Pluto rules composting, turning the refuse of society into prosperity."
"When we fall away from the sun or tilt away from the sun, know that things will soon be done. Winter solstice."
"The full moon represents the blossoming or the completion or you could say the promise, the manifestation of the promise that was made at the beginning of a cycle."
"Wildfires are good once they recover from it like it actually yeah it fertilizes the ground."
"If you wake up naturally at the end of a sleep cycle rather than arbitrarily in the middle of one... it is very good for me."
"Creativity is a natural cycle and death is a part of creativity."
"Let this be a little life analogy: the rain will stop eventually, the sun comes out, and even though at the moment I'm not betting on it staying out too long, it does come back."
"Truth as Buddha has always said, the Sun, the moon, and the truth will always rise."
"This is nature at work, creation and destruction go hand in hand."
"If you want to stop climate change, you have to stop plate tectonics, stop variations in the Earth's orbit, and stop variations in solar output." - Author
"Allow a natural cycle to take place. Surrender, allow things to shift and move around you."
"In the winter, far beneath the bitter snow, lies the seed that with the sun's love in the spring becomes the rose."
"The full moon brings things to light. Things will come out, things will be exposed."
"The dawn is coming either which way, the sun rising in the East is still going to come out either which way."
"The moon always brings us that truth time and again."
"The tide goes out, but it always comes back in."
"Herbs have to be picked at the right time. The pores of the plant will open up in the mornings, and then in the evening, as the sun is going down, it goes down at the sun as well."
"All the plant life now is now flowering regularly, under grazing, a lot of plants never get a chance to flower."
"Climate always changes, climate always changes."
"Remember that after the rain there's always a rainbow, and after a storm, the sun always shines."
"March comes in like a lamb, goes out like a lion."
"Everything has its tides, all things rise and fall."
"Time isn't linear here—it's cyclical, going with the seasons."
"Isn't intervention part of the circle of life?"
"I think everything in life is nuanced. Nothing goes up or down in a straight line. It's a wave."
"It's a natural cycle, it's not the first time this has happened, it won't be the last time."
"The sun has cycles, much like the Earth has seasons, and the latest solar forecast predicts that we will be entering into peak activity between November 2024 and March 2026."
"On an extremely simplistic level, this world-formula was a method of calculation used to predict the natural cycles of the world."
"The resurrection imposes itself as the culmination of a giant pattern, a pattern which includes the natural patterns of death and rebirth, the seasons, the rotation of the cosmic bodies."
"What comes after the darkest night? Yes, exactly. So when that happens, the salmon will be biting again, and we will catch one."
"You get to set the pace, and it's impossible for a plant to bloom 365 days a year, right?"
"Bees are bringing in the stores, the nectar, the pollen."
"Be patient with yourself, nothing in nature blooms all year round."
"The tree gotta get shook sometimes so the new leaves can sprout up and flourish."
"That means it's definitely getting darker, guys. I'm about to get into sleeping bag. Don't you can still hear the ocean."
"The three things that will always rise: the Sun, the moon, and the truth."
"Allow these seeds to grow at their own timing and trust the cycles."
"The entire world is based on a rhythmical pulsation, a cyclical pulsation."
"Every day the sun rises, right will prevail."
"Booms and bursts are natural to humans and thus the way we should work: deep work, deep rest, get the feedback loop, repeat."
"We are all cyclical beings. You cannot expect yourself to be in summer mode 24/7 or spring mode 24/7. We all have seasons and cycles."
"As long as the Earth endures, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease."
"Nature teaches us the importance of seasonal fruit consumption."
"A flower would never force itself to bloom in the cold winter, so why would we?"
"The natural cycles of life, the natural cycles of the world, give us these beautiful opportunities to harness the energies that are naturally happening around us and work with them in our own lives."
"There's nothing unusual about eclipses other than they don't happen every month and yet they have a rhythm and a hum of their own that is not dangerous."
"We don't need calendars to tell us when the new year begins, it begins whenever the first seeds bear fruit."
"Humans were made to rise and fall with the Sun."
"Nature wasn't created to bloom all year long. Neither are you."
"The moon has definitely cycles of influence, and you can feel it. I mean, it's undeniable."
"It's very helpful to consider that we're part of a living system and just as the year turns, the nuts and acorns ripen and fall from the trees, our lives are exactly the same."
"Seed time and harvest time are perpetual processes."
"If the sun is already up, it actually helps the human wake up."
"The more you cut those flowers, the more flowers they're going to produce because they're just trying to produce seeds."
"There's an ebb and flow to everything."
"They follow the recipes written by nature and grow according to the season."
"The patterns described by scientists studying these cycles are objective patterns in nature."
"It just makes sense to pay attention to natural rhythms."
"Work and rest according to your natural rhythm."
"The climate has always cycled between cold and warm; these conditions are natural to the planet."
"As the daylight starts to get longer, then you see birds that are stimulated by that light, then they want to start mating again."
"Everything ebbs and flows, just like nature cycles, the moon cycles, and so we ebb and flow as well."
"We restart the cycles of nature. The cycles of nature yield an abundance."
"Glaciers kind of bridge the gap between two different cycles: the hydrologic cycle and the rock cycle."
"As long as the earth lasts, sowing and reaping will not cease."
"Don't beat yourself up... it's just the Earth doing what it does."
"Existence on Earth is closely tied to the transition of day to night; a total solar eclipse would disrupt this pattern and wreak havoc on other natural cycles."
"The rain water creates temporary pools rich in food and with relatively few predators or competitors."
"It's Nature's Way of ensuring that all available food is used before the pools dry out."
"Everything that goes up will eventually come down."
"Change is natural, like the seasons."
"It's as natural as the rising and setting of the sun and the moon."
"We want to follow this cycle of feast and famine."
"See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient about it, until it receives the early and the late rains."
"It's just going through the normal cycle of nature, nothing to worry about."
"In October, some things reveal their truest beauty only as they wither."
"Life mirrors nature. Trees don't have leaves all year round, so it ebbs and flows."
"The passage of time counted on fingers, calendars, rings of the tree, sunsets and sunrise."
"Every seed has a gestation period."
"As long as the earth remains, there'll be seed, there'll be time, and there'll be harvest."
"As long as the earth endures, there will be sowing time and harvest time."
"There are cues in nature that you could set your watch to."
"It's pieces; they're connected. They freeze, they thaw, they freeze, they thaw, they grow, they shrink, it's moving all the time."
"Everything mean reverts eventually."
"We are cyclical, rhythmic beings who change, who ebb and flow just like the seasons, who evolve and grow."
"Every moon needs time to become full, and nothing blooms all the time."
"I know it is surely as I know the sun will rise in the morning."
"The more I was more in tuned and found familiarity in who I was as a person, the more I realized that those natural cycles are not only like quintessential but I'm a part of."
"A flower doesn't bloom all year, so don't expect yourself to do so either."
"As long as the earth exists, there will be seed time and harvest time, cold and hot, summer and winter."
"I enjoy eating seasonal food because it's a way nature is telling you maybe your body needs some of this."
"Now that they're on their natural cycle of summer and winter, I think they'll grow quite large and healthy."
"You can't rush the tide; it'll ebb and flow when it's supposed to."
"When the fruit is ripe on the tree, that's the time that the seed goes in the ground."
"Intuition is cyclical energy, it is feminine energy, it is nature."
"Life is a yin and yang, right? Tide goes in, tide goes out."
"Everything has its right time, honor the cycles of your body."
"It's natural for things to come and go, it is natural for the creative process to bring something up to rise and then to release."
"Everything Has Its Right Time; honor the cycles of your body and tune into the moon's magic."
"Everything has its right time; tuning into the moon's magic."
"Everything you need to do, especially in terms of reproduction, it's the most favorable period."
"It's the natural flow, it's the natural cycles of life."
"Honor the cycles, honor the intuitive side of yourself."
"Grasses have evolved to be grazed; it's part of their natural life cycle and the way in which they regenerate."
"It's the natural cycle that is the true nature of healing and coming back into unity consciousness, coming back into the oneness."
"That's the cycle of a bonsai: they don't look good all the time."
"The lunar cycle is back to its natural rhythm which gives us greater strength."