
Genetic Engineering Quotes

There are 173 quotes

"Should there be a limit on our ability to change what kind of people are in the human population?"
"We are now at the stage where we are creating creatures for our own purposes."
"They plan on editing their DNA into the closest living species."
"Genetic engineering is appropriate when you are attempting to avoid disease, but not when you're attempting to better the child more than nature would."
"Never rule out weird options a century down the road like a genetically engineered tree that grew bacon and had sap for blood."
"Scientists transferred human genes for breast milk enzymes and proteins into goat embryos."
"The story of Adamu, the first human, created from Homo erectus with Anunnaki DNA."
"Could there be a future where it's as easy as ordering genetic modifications from a menu?"
"Having a conversation about editing our DNA could steer our future in a better direction."
"We're talking about engineering life here based on cells."
"Flies engineered to overproduce sestrins not only had stronger muscles and more endurance, they got buff without doing their workouts."
"Gene doping is targeting people's gene variants within their DNA and altering them so they have gifts."
"Should Man play God, what consequences shall the world reap for sewing these altered seeds, and when shall the line be drawn?"
"We can actually go down into the genetic code that makes all of these reactions, all this biochemistry, all this magic."
"I think there may come a time when we decide that it would be unethical not to do that in the germline for certain types of disease." - Jennifer Doudna
"Crispr really burst onto the mainstream and helped to allow certain companies to build what are now kind of therapeutic dynasties on it."
"They made some genetic changes to this bacteria, they tinkered with some of the genes. It was like science fiction, only real."
"Gradually by selectively breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase."
"Strength in numbers: the surprising power of clones."
"Earth has been genetically engineered with DNA from various beings."
"Bioshock 2 dropped users back into Rapture where Bridget Tenenbaum, the geneticist responsible for Adam and the little sisters, awakened an original Big Daddy prototype and restored his free will."
"Genetic engineering opens up a world of wonder."
"Vegapunk somehow took the genetic factor of a devil fruit user and Infused it into his overpowered set of him clones to give them actual devil fruit powers of that user."
"We're essentially hijacking the yeast DNA repair mechanism to trick it into putting our custom DNA into its genome."
"Super soldiers could become a reality with genetic modification."
"Miranda: Genetically engineered to be perfect, intelligent, and has a redemption arc in her story."
"Literally everything you're eating today has been gene edited by human beings over the last few thousand years."
"Genetic modification could be used to create super soldiers who kill without mercy, do not get tired, do not show fear, and behave more like a machine than a human."
"Genetically modified human embryos: implications are great, could program DNA."
"The Bible talks about this genetic manipulation, the first instance of genetic engineering is in Genesis chapter 6."
"Both Mew and Mewtwo feel anger towards humans for creating a connection between them without their consent."
"Guide reproduction wisely, improving fitness and diversity."
"So yeah, a possible future in which the entire human race does a kind of free-for-all of genetic upgrading and enhancement that's one possibility."
"In the right hands, genetic modification is the most powerful tool ever created. Like any tool, it requires skill to wield, and when used correctly, creates art."
"I've been in touch with people who believe they can apply genetic engineering to creating states of consciousness equivalent to enlightenment."
"In the words of Zayner himself, 'This is the first time in human history that we're no longer stuck with the genes we had at birth.'"
"We're actually hacking the software of life."
"The most impactful uses of CRISPR... continue to be in editing somatic cells."
"We can now manipulate any piece of DNA in any organism in a very precise way."
"Genetically engineered immune cells are saving the lives of cancer patients."
"Genetically modified T cells have been observed destroying cancer cells."
"Crispr technology will be here to help with anti-aging, reverse aging."
"Tall whites are the main Earth genetic manipulators of evolving primates."
"It's not a campaign for limited genetically engineered trees. It's a campaign for a global ban."
"Will human morality allow us to achieve our full potential with genetic engineering?"
"You are rewriting your genetic code, you are writing your software program."
"CRISPR is very complicated but one of the key scientists who unlocked its potential, Jennifer Doudna, has a simple way of explaining how it works."
"We also face a new threat that the next epidemic has a good chance of originating on a computer screen of a terrorist intent on using genetic engineering to create a synthetic version of the smallpox virus."
"It's made by manipulating the lycopene and better carotene content in the fruit."
"So it's A, T, Cs and Gs, not zeroes and ones like you'd see in a computer, but you can read that code with DNA sequencing and importantly, you can write that code with DNA printing."
"Only time will tell if advances in genetic engineering perfect the potato and deliver a heartier more nutritious crop year after year."
"Monsters exist and we certainly have the ability now with genetic engineering to create them."
"The thing that would most profoundly affect people would be to recode genetics."
"Nuts and bolts is what's going to make it so that we can actually have the genetic future that was promised."
"We combine the genetic information from all three spiders into these 15 genetically designed super spiders."
"Dinosaurs have been genetically cloned and laboratory hatched."
"The theory behind banana vaccines is pretty simple: they're bananas that have been genetically engineered to carry vaccines."
"Genetic engineering has had huge benefits, but it's important to continue to regulate its practice."
"Some of the myths about humanzees were that these were going to be created in order to make super-soldiers."
"Genetic engineering would give us super strength, endurance, intelligence, and attractiveness."
"Mixing different animals DNA with the prehistoric species has given them unforeseen side effects such as breeding."
"Jurassic Park's Carnotaurus were bred on Isla Sorna by the genetics company and were shown with a camouflage ability to blend into their environments and ambush unsuspecting prey."
"We have the ability to engineer humans, even getting rid of bad traits like bad teeth and bad eyes."
"CRISPR can be used to cure severe genetic diseases."
"The first genetically engineered humans are alive today."
"You can specifically target genes with CRISPR."
"This technology of genome editing really is the missing piece. It provides scientists with the ability not only to read DNA and write DNA by synthesizing it, but also to rewrite DNA to really edit the code of life for the first time."
"Genetic engineering is pretty cool."
"So basically, you have this guiding system that allows you to use an RNA guide to bring enzymes to cut DNA at a particular locus."
"Many axolotls glow green under blacklight due to a jellyfish gene implanted into their genetic code by scientists."
"This claw contains both human and cat DNA! How is that even possible?"
"Modern maize: man's first and perhaps his greatest feat of genetic engineering."
"I think they're making things worse though, right? 'Cause they're making literal animals. Who but research and development?"
"Is this playing God? Is editing the human germline a line that should never be crossed?"
"It really gives humans now the power to control evolution of organisms in our environment and also potentially our own evolution in a very targeted fashion."
"The consequences of any decision to conduct germline editing will last a lifetime, perhaps many lifetimes, and could have far-reaching consequences indeed."
"We really enjoy the ability to take the gene pool and use it like paints. It's our art. This is my art. I made this beautiful dog."
"So it's using existing genes in new ways, and reconfiguring them."
"Should we be taking something that went extinct ten thousand years ago and building it just because we can?"
"Genetic engineering manipulates the genetics of microbes, plants, and animals to create new products and genetically modified organisms."
"Scientists have figured out a way for goats to produce human breast milk."
"Genetic engineering is really precise."
"The dinosaur hybrids in this script are fused with human DNA and dog DNA to ensure a perfect balance of fierceness, intelligence, and obedience combined with strength and speed."
"And as an answer to this, we can genetically modify sheep - so we can make them transgenic - so that when they produce milk, that milk actually contains AAT, and we can harvest that, and then give it to people who don't produce enough AAT by themselves."
"So it was important that we found a way of producing insulin from humans, and so that's where genetic engineering came in."
"The next thing is a restructuring of the human race physically. With genetic experiments, we can evolve a new kind of human being. Now, of course, we can evolve a monster or an angel or a cross between the two."
"Humans spliced with fish in genetic cloning tests."
"What you did is wrong. You've been conducting genetic engineering on innocent species at I don't even know how large a scale."
"It sounds so great, the technology sounds so great, and some of them are not super happy that it's genetically engineered and they'd rather have chestnuts that were resistant from some other approach."
"Longer homology arms will increase the efficiency of homology directed repair."
"Scientists can use homology-directed repair to insert a foreign gene into the genome of a species."
"Firstly, we've moved from genetically modified foods to genetically engineered or edited foods because we've got much more precise."
"The capacity to edit genes and to knock out the intermediate the RNA with these things called antisense oligonucleotides or interfering RNA are in Trials but delivery is the big problem."
"Building DNA is like most of what you end up doing in a genetic engineering lab. Come up with a design, order the DNA, and then spend time assembling it."
"Is genetic engineering and protein engineering synonymous? I wouldn't say that they're synonymous but they do go hand in hand."
"What are the limits of genetic engineering? Making things that are not physically possible probably not, like biology is incompatible with that."
"Genetic engineering is literally the only reason why there's as many humans on Earth as there are... It's kind of amazing when you look at it that way."
"We were able to effectively merge the DNA of multiple species to produce an entirely new form of life."
"Expression vectors are plasmids that carry cargo DNA into cells and allow the cargo DNA to be expressed."
"You could use the CRISPR-Cas9 system essentially as a rheostat to dial up or down the numbers of fruits that are produced by plants such as tomatoes."
"Genome editing allows for the advanced correction of genetic diseases."
"The genetic engineering opens up the possibilities to do things that go beyond what nature does."
"That's everything from start to finish how Cas9 works and how we can express it in a cell with its guide RNA using a plasmid that was made with oligo annealing cloning."
"When you do deep sequencing looking for off targets... it's actually remarkably accurate."
"With CRISPR Cas9, we now have a technology that, in principle, offers the potential to cure this type of mutation and disease at its source."
"Her co-discovery of CRISPR Cas9 genetic engineering technology with collaborator French scientist Emmanuel Charpentier has changed human and agricultural genomics research forever."
"Genetic engineering is an even faster and more efficient way to develop a population that all have a particular characteristic."
"Can we take basic mechanisms of regulation and wind these things up to create customizable pathways that we then embed into cells?"
"CRISPR is essentially a gene editing tool."
"Genetic engineering is a form of biotechnology where we are changing the genetics of an organism to suit the needs of humans."
"CRISPR and gene therapies could greatly minimize diseases."
"CRISPR allows you to edit the DNA in a cell and that's very powerful for the kinds of things that we do."
"Synthetic biology is like the rest of the keyboard; it allows you to program completely new genetic code from scratch."
"To survive the long night, people genetically engineered themselves to live under the sea."
"Even just five years ago the prospect of engineering molecular machines that correct a specific DNA base pair in an animal that causes a devastating genetic disease to alleviate some of the consequences of the disease really seemed like science fiction."
"Humans are rewriting these rules in incredible ways, putting us in charge of our evolution."
"DNA ligates can then close the sugar phosphate backbone of the DNA strands to create one smooth DNA strand again."
"Biopunk has a greater emphasis on biological modification and genetic engineering."
"For those reasons and many more, I believe the rise of genetic engineering can't come fast enough."
"In the right hand, genetic engineering will usher in a much better future for people and our planet."
"In the right hands, I think genetic engineering will usher in a much better future for people and our planet."
"Tinkering with genes for benefit and for good purpose is actually an ethical thing to do."
"Off-target cutting is one of the biggest concerns with CRISPR."
"Genetic modification has allowed us to introduce genes into plants that protect them from potential herbivores and pathogens."
"We've used bacteria in genetic engineering to build copies of genes for us very quickly."
"We're about to tour the facilities," Gennaro said. "Basically, this is an island in which genetically engineered dinosaurs have been allowed to move in a natural park-like setting."
"Indeed, she's an extraordinary creation, an animal that could not have existed at any point in history before the 21st century."
"What we essentially did was we used CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing technology to cut out the ECE18 sequence from the mouse genome and replace it with the human version of ECE18."
"...to produce fetuses that will grow up with certain genetic traits that will move a society or a planet toward a goal."
"When we talk about molecular cloning, we're talking about taking a single piece of genetic information and sticking it into a plasmid vector."
"With restriction cloning, I like to think of it as kind of like cutting and pasting."
"Biotech today is synonymous with genetic engineering, where we modify plants and animals and simple cells like bacteria."
"The Revolutionary phenotype... shows extremely worrying potential for the future of humanity."
"Genetic engineering and GMOs, we need to know our laws."
"The DNA printer... prints the DNA molecule chemical bit by chemical bit... and strings it together to write code."
"You can actually use the firefly as a base template and work other genes into the mix to make some really bright and flashy combinations."
"The Custodians are genetic miracles with some of the finest armor, arms, and equipment the Imperium has ever produced."
"If you can find a virus in nature or design a virus genetically... theoretically you should be able to find viruses that only infect cancer."
"If there were real advantages to genetic engineering, you could justify it."
"They have bred beagles that glow red in the dark."