
Manual Labor Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"I was just trying to make some extra money, you know, because before that I was doing like manual labor gigs, mowing lawns, just selling firewood."
"There's nothing like meat, especially when you're working hard and doing a lot of manual labor."
"Dealing with concrete can be hard work, it sets that quickly that you have very little time to create the design you want or to smooth the area before it sets."
"There's honor and virtue in working with your hands."
"This is by far the most screws I've had to screw in."
"In retreating from office life entirely, he’s sought a return to blue collar labor, getting as close to a pastoral paradise of sweat, calluses, hard work, and tangible results as modern city life might allow."
"I grew up on a farm right, so my dad owns a bunch of cows and you know you have to milk the cows and you shovel sh*t and drive tractors and you had to do all this manual labor stuff."
"There's something really nice about building a giant huge thing and working with your hands."
"When you work with your hands, your imagination to create, build, or grow something, you then have something to show for all that effort."
"If you're up for a little bit of manual labor, you too can reach financial security."
"This is the biggest workout of my life getting that cable on, I had to dig it out."
"When you're doing the hammering, it's a real Zen moment, a lot of time with your thoughts."
"I see an exit to this problem for men. It's gonna be getting your hands dirty."
"With everything sharp, set up properly, and well-tuned, a full heavy cut like that requires surprising little effort."
"Maxwell is still the fastest wood chopper, once you take into account you have to pick up the logs as well."
"So I just go ahead and pick the wall up... It's my job to be gentle."
"It felt so good to cut the wax cappings off the frames and extract the honey and pour it into jars."
"There's a sense of satisfaction you get from building it yourself. If you just watch the computer do it, it's not the same."
"I think it's the people that are...doing things with their hands...that are facing the consequences of reality of really bad policy."
"Maybe there's a bad egg in the bunch, but for the most part, when you work with your hands, it has a way of humbling you."
"A lot of people want to be heroes and save the Commonwealth, but there's no shame in doing a little manual labor."
"The labor of it is really exciting because I guess there's always a question like, 'What is this stuff and how do you get it up and out of the ground?'"
"I didn't intend to pick on the young men who worked on that truck or anybody else out there who's doing DIY repairs."
"Learn a trade like plumbing, learn a trade like electrician, learn a trade like carpentry. There's a masculine trade that will allow you to work with your hands predominantly be by yourself."
"This takes a while and yes your hands are going to be a little sore by the end of it but it's character building."
"At the end of the day you're like oh we hung those walls or did that or laid that sheeting it's quite rewarding to do."
"The higher temperature, the better when you're trying to blow those bellows manually by foot or hand. People get tired and they might lag, and the temperature then in the furnace will lower, and that was a common issue that they faced historically."
"The guys making the vehicles by hand... were just as repeatable and just as accurate as that being done by the machines."
"Some of the people assembling things manually, they do the same task over and over. When you've got the same person doing it, it becomes extremely consistent."
"That was not a nice job, wasn't too bad, successful though, huh?"
"Building this cabin, you can certainly understand why people build small structures, especially when they were doing everything by hand."
"The resulting work involved shifting over 5 million cubic yards of soil, planting over 500,000 trees and shrubs, and excavating more than seven lakes and other bodies of water, all done by hand."
"The majority of the world's rice is planted by hand."
"Britain with their bare hands and their legacy is still with us today."
"I use my hands from time to time, I'm a going to re a survivor."
"Doing things by hand as long as you can Keeps Us Alive Keeps Us healthy keeps us happy."
"Let's do everything by hand, that's my suggestion first."
"This is probably the best we'll make, sailing this boat as you do with absolutely no winches or any sort of power assistance of any sort."
"I'd say they're probably millions of people all over the world with dirty jobs whether it be to do with cold dust or oil grease all sorts of things like that."
"Man re-shapes and modifies existing forms by manual labor; he has given no attention to the question"
"Once I'm away from the pile I tip the body up as high as it will go."
"Anything that a machine can do you can technically do with your hands. It will just take longer."
"Harvesting cherries can be considered a great feat. Cherries must be picked by hand and carefully to avoid damaging both the fruit and the tree."
"Somebody here could lay down tile, um, for a living, okay? Maybe they work with their hands. They could be, um, like I said, a Tyler, a roofer, a construction worker, or something that, you know, you work with your hands."
"You can never replace manual labor."
"I've been a working man all my life and keep on working long as my hands are fit to use."
"For 1 Z 2 Z's, not having to do all that programming work, tool changing, hoping something stupid doesn't happen to scrap my part, manual machining just wins out for me."
"I thought it would be all done by machine. No, we do it all by hand. It looks such hard work."
"I love it. I feel like working with your hands is the best option here."
"Big brains in little jobs: Head work and hand work, mental and manual. If you can star in either, life guarantees you a good living."
"So every areas where the grinding wheel cannot reach has to be done by hand afterwards."
"...manual work is very important for monks..."
"It's satisfying to have done things by hand yourself."
"So, no special equipment. I'm doing the whole thing by hand. It is an easy dough to work with, so there's no need to use a stand mixer and the dough hook."
"If someone trying to make me dig my own grave I would say no, they're gonna kill me anyway and I'd love to die the way I live, avoiding manual labor."
"I was so proud of myself and I was so happy that I was able to go out and do that with no machinery whatsoever, just a little bit of elbow grease."
"I always say if my hands ain't dirty by the time I get home I didn't put in a hard day's worth of work."
"I'm going to drill this by hand... I can drill these holes really quickly by hand."
"I built the studio, and I did it all myself because I know from experience that this manual labor and solving physical problems is one of the happiest things I can possibly do."
"Manual labor and thoughtful political discourse are an important part of a liberal arts degree."
"There's nothing wrong with working with your hands. Especially in 2023 and 2024, people are looking down on tradesmen."
"The most impressive part about this whole thing is they use their bare hands."
"Manual labor is something that can contain a lot of virtue in it if we allow ourselves to experience that."
"Always use the correct technique and remember manual handling is your last resort."
"I'm doing the most basic thing a man can do, which is just kind of picking stuff up and putting it down."
"This entire landscape was built by hand."
"There's nothing like manual labor, there's nothing like getting up early working."
"Oh, this is proper hard work, manual labor, but genuinely something I very much enjoy."
"Handcrafted is used to refer to anything that is made by hand instead of a machine."
"There's pride in doing your own manual labor and the sense of accomplishment."
"If you want to make a premium top quality red wine or white wine, you have to hand harvest."
"Everything's handbuilt by craftsmen and women, no robots."
"Everything is done by hand. It's physical work, but it brings great satisfaction."
"It was a labor of love because that orchard was actually made with no power tools, no land clearing; it was all hand saw, clippers, everything."
"I enjoy splitting wood by hand with the splitting maul, but it is a lot of work and it takes a little time, but it's very good exercise."
"There's just no substitute for good old-fashioned hand weeding."
"I'm probably slaving away at my manual labor job, so that's some food for thought."
"All this stuff, the chainsaw, if you have gasoline for it and bar oil, will work, but all this other stuff, this is man-powered equipment."
"It would take 70 days without break, so it's not something that would be doable manually."
"Manual labor is hard. It is physically taxing, but this is where the heart comes in."
"Here at Nightwear, we sharpen hundreds of knives every week by hand on wet stones."
"No engines to speed up the work in Roman times, just people using handmade tools, pulleys, and cranes. Truly incredible."
"All right, let's get to work; we got some sanding to do."
"Once they hit an emerald-rich zone, the emerald extraction is still done manually, where a team of chiselers using chisels and hammers pick out the gemmy crystals carefully one by one."
"It was chiseled out of this ridge entirely by hand using drills, picks, and shovels."
"If you're using hand tools, you are the power source."
"I used to dig ditches, hang sheetrock, pour concrete, paint... It just reminds me of my youth."
"No matter how much a machine does the work, somebody has to hand sand that at the end."
"Unlike most factories where automated machines do all the work, at Taylor Footwear Factory, everything is done by a team of experienced shoemakers."
"People who work with their hands are likely to be visual thinkers."
"It's hard to believe that relatively recently, all these processes had to be done manually."
"I hope you find a way to use your hands to get paid as much money as you want to make."
"I want to be a creator and work with my hands."
"At the end of the day, if you've done a day's work with one of these, that's what really freaking matters."
"There's not much more satisfying farm projects than splitting wood by hand."