
Essential Quotes

There are 1226 quotes

"I wish that personal finance were a course that was taught in high school. I think it's essential, I think it's fundamental."
"Sleep is undeniably essential to our health and longevity."
"Restoring price stability is something we have to do because really the economy doesn't work for workers or for businesses or for anybody without price stability."
"Is Bitcoin absolutely essential? Yes, I think it is."
"Sub-zero, you can't have a Mortal Kombat game without sub-zero."
"Good audio is mandatory, pinpoint directions of audio cues like gunfire and footsteps."
"Nutrition is the bedrock, it is the foundation. Without a proper human diet, your health will suffer to some degree."
"I can't recommend your book 'The Gift' more. I think it's essential reading for everyone."
"What we are doing is essential... how grateful you are to have had a little bit of a retreat, a little bit of respite."
"Understanding is the lifeline, the air source to any relationship."
"You guys are heroes keeping the society going."
"Privacy is something that is essential to who we are as human beings and is indispensable to pretty much every other single form of human freedom."
"The sun is light, the sun is life. Without the sun, we wouldn't be here to talk about anything because the solar system wouldn't exist, right?"
"Water is fundamental to health, hygiene, and nutrition."
"Mouse over interrupt macro...absolute time-saver...lifesaver."
"There is no way you could have an X-Men in the MCU and not have Professor X."
"Street Fighter Alpha 3 is a quintessential must-have fighting game."
"You gotta have a pair of bread Elevens if you call yourself a sneakerhead, man."
"Water is Mankind's most precious good... Life as we know it would be inconceivable."
"Movement comes in; any type of movement is vital."
"If I had to choose one brush that would be the Mac 217 brush to have in my kit."
"Improving the work environment is essential."
"There is a balance of preparedness that we have to have in us and it is essential."
"Without surface water, there would have been no life."
"Chilling is evolving into a must-have for all horror lovers."
"It's a film that is essential watching if you want a comprehensive education in woman love woman Cinema."
"Awping is and will always be one of the few things that is the very lifeblood of esports."
"Faith is not one of the things you need; it is the key thing you need."
"If you are a spider-man fan... it is a must get."
"Nurses are the backbone of the health care system."
"Each character possessed unique skill sets and motivations, making them all essential to the team's dynamic."
"Shadow work is essential for self-awareness."
"The rearranged soundtrack will be mandatory listening."
"A very straight down the line, very practical connection but very essential, physical."
"The music selection became essential to the storytelling."
"A no-brainer and is 100% an essential tool in my opinion about what you should have in Your Arsenal for crypto trading."
"I've come to conclude it is the end-all be-all that all good things, good mood, good performance, good everything seem to stem from good sleep."
"This is critical, the church is essential, and we know the data."
"Light is almost like a nutrient. It's as important as protein, macros, exercise, as sleep."
"You think freedom is something that you can give or take on a whim, but to your people, it is essential."
"The fishing rod, more specifically what enchantment we want on it, is the most integral piece of equipment in the entire challenge."
"Now, thread lock. Now, this is vital with brakes, especially when you're looking a disc rotor bolts."
"Quality sleep is now on the list of essential things."
"Continuous testing isn't an add-on to continuous delivery; it's a cornerstone of it."
"This is just a staple piece you need in your wardrobe."
"The all-white sneaker: just too versatile to pass up."
"It's such a monumental, grand film that is an essential watch."
"Definitely a staple in the wardrobe."
"These are just so comfortable, they are a perfect closet staple."
"A trench is always one of those pieces that we get recommended as a basic, as a wardrobe classic, as a staple."
"A classic white shirt is really the fundamental base of your entire wardrobe."
"I think everyone can benefit from a white shirt."
"I think everybody needs a tank top in their wardrobe."
"Proctor and Gamble... things you cannot live without."
"Some things have changed the way I hobby, some things are just little quality of life upgrades, but each one of them has become invaluable."
"It's a basic that everybody needs in their wardrobe."
"It's an essential book for the student of knowledge."
"This heated blanket... I could not live without."
"Priming is always like an essential in my daily routine."
"A good setting spray is so essential."
"The black little dress doesn't have to be little; it's the wardrobe essential every woman should have."
"Beauty is essential to the Natural unfoldment of the human soul."
"Trust is the fuel of life; it literally makes everything work."
"Tea is like so essential to my sustained being."
"Self-care... is the base and the essential to kind of springboard everything off."
"Holy [__], definitely an essential."
"it is absolutely insane to think that the Tesla charging team was not an essential part of Tesla's business"
"Something that I couldn't have survived without is my trusty backpack."
"Using hot swapping... being able to preview and listen to sound in situ whilst the other sounds are playing is absolutely essential."
"For something that literally goes down the drain, our hygiene is essential to who we are."
"It's essential and it is intentional."
"Having a good water source, that's really huge."
"Fire is essential and having a good fire kit is one of my most important things to have in my kit."
"Sunscreens are going to be the staple of your routine."
"If you exclude love, nothing works out."
"Speech and communication is absolutely essential to human evolution."
"This is an absolute organization must-have, I can't even imagine what my spice cabinet looked like before this."
"Relationship growth together is essential."
"Let's not base the diet on the one macronutrient that is actually not essential to humans."
"Language is not essential to communication."
"What is essential and often doesn't get included is a Biblical perspective."
"Laughter is the oxygen of Comedy."
"Some things I really, really love and couldn't live without: my magnetic knife rack."
"It also allows me to run a heating blanket which is, I don't know what I ever did before I had a heating blanket because this thing has changed my life. I could not live without it again."
"The perfect addition to any camping trip."
"For day trading margin is pretty much essential."
"Shell scripting is a must-learn for DevOps engineers."
"I always, always, always have lemons in my kitchen."
"I definitely think this will be a really good essential for the spring as well."
"Fiber is an essential nutrient meaning if you eat it you will die and yet it has zero nutrients in it."
"This is what I consider the most essential and the simplest bookkeeping service that's going to be really great for you for your first couple clients."
"Life is more than just being able to eat; it's the essential."
"Hope is almost impossible to live without."
"So, we went from love to healthy relationship. They're all intertwined, essential."
"I love that it's an essential, I really love it."
"I love a pair of jeans that are comfortable. Like, that is the key thing, right?"
"The power of community is essential."
"Ultimately, that's what we all need."
"Unnegotiable things in life should be things like truth, integrity, soul, God, faith, love."
"A classic black blazer is a wardrobe essential."
"The bread is really like, I think crucial to this, to sop up everything going on in the plate."
"This is really, really essential and I will leave a link Down Below in the description to it."
"Love is almost like breathing for a nymph."
"Water is the receptacle of this and so water is absolutely essential."
"...having a nice pair of breathable waterproof sneakers in a place like Seattle or Vancouver where I'm from is essential on those rainy days when you're traveling..."
"My life depends on it, but I promise you they're essential good medicine for anyone with a brain."
"This is a list of extensions essential for 2024 for web developers."
"You can't have a record collection without it."
"Everybody needs a copy of Dark Side of the Moon."
"Creativity is essential for any species."
"Everyone needs air, always, right?"
"...it's just absolutely essential when I travel is so handy and hostile."
"There's no substitute for character."
"All of this scrutiny and, uh, just Shenanigans whenever it's something that we're essential to, you know?"
"...if you're gonna give the time of day to Pearl Jam these are the records you just absolutely must hear no ifs ands or buts."
"A Holy Grail product to have in the household."
"The work people like this do is kind of essential for game preservation."
"Water bottle is definitely an essential."
"You can't have a great meal without Adam."
"It's essential to get control of your finances so you don't leave yourself short."
"It really is so essential and so necessary."
"AIC acid is a staple in my skincare routine. I would never be without it."
"The Black Scout survival bivvy is a crucial item to include in your survival kit."
"Molly is hilarious, she's both highlighted and essential."
"Clear communication between team leaders and team members is essential."
"The Beating Heart of the community."
"Your lanyard for your sign and sale card is very essential. Take this, put it around your neck, and you ain't gotta worry about losing your card, man."
"It's all you need for a powder room."
"Always use your scopes when color grading. It is so essential because your screen can be inaccurate, your eyes can most definitely be inaccurate."
"A nice overcoat is an essential item, especially for the cold months."
"If I had to get rid of every skincare product I own and only use one, it would be this."
"This one is definitely an essential."
"Nature's not optional, it's essential. It's much more than entertainment."
"Effective communication is a fundamental requirement in a healthy relationship."
"A must-have, equivalent to your little black dress."
"This bed of comfrey in the garden, I just wouldn't have a garden without comfrey in it."
"Understanding people is essential."
"This is an essential tool to have in your locker."
"Every Beatles fan should have it."
"You can never go wrong with a basic chambray or denim shirt in your closet."
"Top three: Orgasm, urination, defecation."
"If you don't get these three fatty acids, you'll die."
"Hoodies, basically something that we all should have in our closet."
"It's essential, it separates the boys from the men."
"A black nice pair of sunglasses is just crucial to have in your wardrobe."
"It's navy, every man should have a good navy suit."
"He's the heart and soul of that team."
"Learning is the fundamental human skill."
"The Internet is an essential utility. It's like electricity or water."
"ZFS snapshots: essential for data protection."
"Money should be like clean drinkable water from a tap. It's essential, but once you have enough of it, it ceases to be a focal point in your life."
"Friendship's the bread of life, isn't it?"
"The lows are as essential as the highs. You don't have the lows without the highs."
"Food is life and if you know me you know you gotta eat."
"Pattern recognition is essential for success."
"Essential in industries around the world."
"In a mechanic's world, hammers are a right-hand tool."
"A versatile black dress is a closet staple."
"If you remove Jiminy Cricket from the movie, do you get the exact same movie?"
"Humility is absolutely essential for a healthy relationship."
"Scotch bonnets are essential... one of the greatest peppers in the world."
"Sustainability on all fronts is essential."
"This is just an essential to have."
"Hydration is key for literally so many processes in the body. It's really essential."
"Laughter is really the air, water, food."
"This is like a staple for your closet."
"I think the most essential element of storytelling is character."
"It has been a lifesaver in our house."
"The doctrine you can't live without."
"If it's not in everybody's collection, you need to get off your ass and go and grab a copy because it's absolutely essential."
"This is the one thing you should buy if nothing else out of this whole list."
"Hey, it's not essential for happiness, but to the vast majority of people, it kind of is."
"Love is something that we all need all the time like oxygen."
"Good strategy has something I call a kernel. Kernel isn't the whole thing but the kernel is like the center of a seed. It is an essential thing from which a strategy grows."
"There is no Hogwarts without Hagrid."
"I just have an iPhone charge cord... I think this is really essential to carry even they might wonder why."
"This is absolutely bread and butter stuff that we all need to know."
"There is one thing that I often see overlooked in everybody's kit and that is a field repair kit."
"We have a job now, we are essential, we are employed, we now work for the great company of Home Depot."
"I absolutely love it. It is essential to my business."
"...this is the bread and butter of any home security system..."
"Essentially the only keyboard you're going to need to buy."
"Laminators are something that I would consider an absolute essential."
"LED strips are like the best room essential No Cap"
"Coffee is life to so many people they couldn't imagine life without it."
"Health is all you need basically."
"A black blazer is a timeless essential piece that can elevate any outfit."
"Instant read thermometers are a must-have item for people who love to barbecue and grill."
"Taking a simple box and putting a few tools in it can really get you connected to this essential side of life."
"Water is literally the essential to life and I'm sure a lot of you already know that but go drink your water."
"Neutral trousers, as I said, you can wear them for work, you can wear them casually, they look really smart, and yeah, just a definite essential for me in my wardrobe. I'm always reaching for trousers when I want a break from wearing jeans."
"Soils are just fundamental to the existence of every species on the planet."
"This is an absolute essential to have him in the collection."
"Everyone needs a Nat in their life."
"A must-have item is my cold pack. It has been a lifesaver, especially during the summer."
"The most important part of the house."
"Access to water is number one, by a mile."
"But most importantly, it's got that green and black compounds, which really is all you absolutely need, those two are going to cover your bases really well."
"The other fun distinction about water is it is the only thing on this list that is absolutely essential and required for all living beings."
"Equal in its status as essential graphic literature to Watchmen, Maus, Berserk, and Uzumaki."