
Disciples Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"Then were the disciples glad when they saw the Lord."
"How the disciples managed to contain their excitement over that 40 day period when Jesus was appearing to them is really remarkable."
"These appearances had to be incredibly powerful, overwhelming events in order to transform the lives of the disciples."
"The disciples claimed that they saw Jesus, and scholars today believe that they really had real experiences that they believed at least that they believed were appearances of the risen Jesus."
"It seems to me that the best explanation for this extraordinary transformation in the disciples is the one that they gave: God raised Jesus from the dead."
"Why would these disciples hallucinate something that's totally out of accord with their religious tradition?"
"The Holy Spirit came upon the disciples in John 20:22."
"Some of his disciples at some time insisted that he appear to them convincing them that he had been raised from the dead."
"Things he almost would become like a religion and disciples like that would follow and stuff so it just has these like really interesting impacts so I'm really excited to see another movie from it."
"The disciples were taken by surprise because they did not know it would come so soon."
"She knew something and not even the apostles didn't."
"Jesus was more open to the role of women in his activity than were his disciples."
"If you are truly my disciples, you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
"We must receive God with the faith of Peters, John, James, and Apostle Paul's."
"I have no problem saying the early disciples thought they saw the Risen Jesus. Why wouldn't I affirm that? It's a fact of history." - Bart Ehrmann
"Jesus disciples believed that he had risen from the dead and had appear to them at least nine sources in antiquity attest to the disciples claims of Jesus resurrection appearances."
"Jesus showed his disciples that in the kingdom of God we have nothing to fear because Jesus is the King of Everything."
"The disciples in the Gospels don't appear to expect the resurrection."
"At this point Jesus repeated to his disciples the words Eli Eli Lama Sabachthani: 'Now the Son of Man is glorified and God is glorified in him.'"
"The disciples radically different, they saw the resurrection of Jesus Christ who made claims and backed them up by his life."
"Think about the radical difference between what the disciples died for, why they died for it, and somebody dying for Elvis."
"She ran and found Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one whom Jesus loved."
"But in my more recent study, I don't believe that this was a stupid question at all, and I don't believe that Jesus treated it as a stupid question. Matter of fact, I think this was an actually a very intelligent question from the disciples, and I'll tell you why."
"Jesus claimed to be God, and his disciples readily accepted that claim."
"Tell His disciples and Peter... He's going ahead of you to Galilee, there you will see Him just as He told you."
"Armed with this newfound faith in God, history seems to indicate that all of the disciples went on to live lives of unrivaled faith and trust in the one whom they had seen."
"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations."
"Jesus tells thousands of people, 'You guys need to ter for 10 days...wait till you see what's going to happen,' and there's only 120 left and Mary is among them."
"He walked so far, so many places, just never tired of going around trying to spread the word, and you have to admire that about him and his disciples."
"Jesus blessed his disciples even after they deserted him."
"The disciples were in a position to know whether or not their beliefs were true."
"The disciples were willing to endure persecution and death for their belief in the resurrection."
"The disciples were convinced that they had seen Jesus risen from the dead and they boldly proclaimed that it's true."
"The disciples think that he's really alive again."
"He washed the disciples' feet, he healed the sick, he spent time with the poor."
"He breathed life into his disciples, just as God breathed life into Adam."
"This brings us to the contrast between Judas and Peter and the other disciples as leaders."
"When Jesus rose from prayer, he went back to his disciples, to find them sleeping, he was disappointed, he was distressed to find them sleeping."
"His disciples were Amazed by his teaching and his Flawless character."
"The disciples had experiences that they believed were appearances of risen Jesus."
"Jerusalem was packed, people from all over the Roman Empire were visiting for a celebration. But Jesus's disciples were nowhere to be found. Really? Why? You see, after Jesus died on the cross, they had gotten some good news and some sad news."
"Peter, Paul, and Mary Magdalene: follow Mary."
"The Bible is Black History, there's so many precepts in the Bible that tells you and reveals the True Image and color of the disciples and the apostles"
"That figure was crucified and probably most importantly his disciples including both male and female had visionary experiences of a risen Christ for whom that became the basis for a faith tradition that has lived on to this time."
"We're not any better than these disciples who were told it all, they were explained it all, it was all explained to them, the vision was verified."
"The Word of God kept on spreading. The number of disciples continued to increase greatly."
"Moses and Elijah are talking with Jesus about the future, especially his death and the meaning of that."
"The real believers... just like the disciples did around the table, 'Lord is it I?'"
"The future was mercifully veiled from the disciples. Had they at that time fully comprehended the two awful facts—the Redeemer's sufferings and death, and the destruction of their city and temple—they would have been overwhelmed with horror."
"What happened on Easter was not something that the disciples of Jesus saw coming."
"Anyone who denies the resurrection would have to come up with some other supernatural, inexplicable, massive event that transformed them from frightened, coward, disappointed disciples into bold, relentless, fearless preachers of Jesus Christ."
"This isn't like Jesus appearing to little small groups of five people in a closet."
"Jesus cried out those words from Calvary, 'It is finished.' That's pretty much how the disciples thought: it's finished, the dream is over, we've wasted our lives, we made a horrible mistake."
"It is finished, but they didn't understand what this meant. All they saw was Jesus dying."
"It means 12 less disciples for our Blessed Lord."
"The answer you're looking for is no. Nowhere in Acts of the Apostles were the disciples baptizing people in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."
"Did Jesus really say that? Because if he really did say that, why are his disciples on the day of Pentecost not doing what he said?"
"What’s interesting about this section is Jesus actually gets pissed off with his disciples for not being able to do the exorcisms themselves."
"To be in Rinpoche's presence is a rare blessing, so it was an incredible time for his disciples, despite the hardships involved."
"Jesus was a total failure then, wasn't he? He sure didn't have many people."
"And the disciples were filled with the Holy Ghost and with joy."
"None of the disciples were qualified, but they had the Holy Spirit."
"Go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going before you to Galilee; there you will see him, as he told you."
"The disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit."
"The earliest followers of Jesus had an experience in which they believed they had seen the risen Christ."
"Jesus' disciples believed He rose from the dead and appeared to them."
"One of you is going to betray me."
"Lord, teach us to pray just as John taught his disciples."
"The blood and spiritual disciples will never surrender."
"Jesus has 12 disciples, one of them, his name is Thomas, and Thomas was actually buried here in India."
"The original disciples believed that Jesus was risen from the dead despite every predisposition to the contrary."
"He called his twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases."
"Jesus comes in the house, he took bread, blessed it, broke it, gave it to the disciples."
"St Peter, one of the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ and quite possibly my favorite character in the New Testament."
"Jesus reveals His divine glory to three of his disciples: Peter, James, and John."
"Disciples were called Christians first in Antioch."
"The most important message that Jesus preached to his disciples."
"Not 7% but an unthinkable 100% of Jesus' disciples had these experiences that they interpreted as the Risen Jesus appearing to them."
"The term Christian is not first applied to Jewish apostles but to the Gentile disciples."
"The talent Jesus spent more time developing the 12 tools he would use, we call the apostles, than he did doing anything else."
"We can give thanks to our teachers and we also give thanks to those disciples who maintain these places."
"You're going to be the mother not only of the Son of God but of all His disciples, of the whole Church."
"Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, 'Take and eat; this is my body.'"
"The 12 disciples represent the twelve qualities of mind which can be controlled and disciplined by man."
"It's sealed but the disciples know; Isaiah said the world doesn't get it, but those who know Jesus know it."
"The whole multitude of disciples began to rejoice and praise God."