
Marketing Ethics Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"We need to be really careful about how we market and advertise these algorithms."
"We try not to do marketing that capitalizes on our customers' anxiety and do that repeatedly, consistently."
"The really good PR people, the really good tech marketing people who want to see things improve, they're normally more on the reviewer's side than they are on the company side."
"The First Amendment doesn't give companies a right to deceive children or to undermine their health."
"I love pushing a message that I truly believe in, instead of just selling something."
"I much prefer the sponsorships where I do get money but it actually helps other people."
"But why on earth would Canal 5 use a missing person as part of a creepy marketing campaign, if that's even what those videos were?"
"Sexualization sells but it's morally bankrupt."
"People of color are not here just to be your marketing Lynch pin so that you can throw us in the into Twitter discourses and get black people and brown people to support this work."
"You never want to come across as very pushy... People are very skeptical now. Give them some value before making a pitch."
"But this also means it’s very important how the tools are offered and advertised."
"You really have to be authentic, you have to be honest, you have to be true to what you're showing, what you're selling out there."
"CD Projekt Red light, it sold Cyberpunk 2077 to millions of people based on a lie."
"You're gonna want to make sure that the products you're promoting are ones that you actually use."
"He works with all types of people and the question is okay, you know does he say something as a marketing that are probably not perfect no of course not nobody does there's no company ever that's been perfect in our marketing up."
"I judge products based on... they let the product speak for itself... don't run around paying people to talk about the product."
"It's about bullying... it's about selling and twisting kids up when they're young."
"The minute that you put Jesus on top of something that you're selling."
"If the game ain't finished, why is it being sold at full price?"
"We always deliver, we don't ever like to be in that position where it's like 'oh you guys click baited me.'"
"I don't care if these girls have so much fun doing this and all this stuff. They should be paid because their faces are now tied to this brand for the rest of their lives."
"Exposing fake gurus, unethical marketing, and charlatan behavior."
"When marketers fear-monger us into buying their 'clean' or 'natural' products, it becomes deceptive."
"We need accountability when it comes to advertising and once again this predatory marketing campaign that's allowed to go on everywhere."
"We can't sell this movie unless we basically lie, this basic lie to the audience."
"The problem isn't really the legality of gambling... it's the aggressive marketing of the betting companies and their target audience."
"Don't sell it to people and say this is what self-control looks like and like this is what happiness looks like."
"Stop trying to market wealth to poor people."
"One thing I would never do and I really hate seeing people do is making other people feel guilty for not investing in a product that they believe in."
"They're trying to get this to kids, and if they're being this deceptive about it, I don't feel comfortable being silent."
"Don't bring out a black character, market them to be much more important in the franchise than they are, and then have them push to the side. It's not good."
"Inclusive marketing is not a choice anymore. We must act now."
"Just be very clear about what your game is and then nobody will be disappointed. Obviously honest marketing only works if you have a good game."
"Marketing is using information to espouse your point of view; propaganda is using disinformation to espouse your point of view. The difference is the truth."
"Give them experiences, not sell them expectations."
"If we accept problematic, insensitive, and dangerous marketing as the norm, then we validate it as a necessary part of our existence."
"Make good stuff people want to consume. The problem is people forget spam and all that crap that's illegal might work for a few people but guess what? It's easier to actually build something of value."
"This entire [__] show is also embroiled in possibly the biggest marketing scam of our generation."
"If you want your movies to do well don't insult the people whose money you're asking for."
"At best, this ad campaign trivialized child sexual abuse as a fashion trend."
"Lots of people are open to other launchers but it's like you give your launcher or your platform a bad name by taking steps to try to get people onto your platform that seems shady or manipulative."
"The way that people react to sponsored content, you should value ads that are done in the way you would like to see ads."
"If it's not organic, it can't be a cash grab."
"We need to push back against predatory marketing practices, especially those targeting vulnerable populations like children."
"You should never ever make up testimonials."
"Marketing, when you do it right, it truly is a win-win situation."
"We want people to know what they're buying; we want truth in advertising."