
Cooking Advice Quotes

There are 239 quotes

"I'll probably add a little bit of salt to that, a tablespoon of salt sounds a lot, but it's not because when you're eating a sauce, especially a chili sauce, you're not drowning your hot dog or your food in it, you're just usually drizzling a little bit over."
"When you're using oils, use stuff that has healthy fats like from olive oil and stuff like that."
"The ideal diet is a diet that's not very much what I recommend for all the fam: fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, pasta, a little tofu, olive oil in moderation, a lot of seasonings, very low in salt, just a really elegant, simple diet."
"You won't make better food by simply purchasing the best soy sauce; you'll make better food by mastering the soy sauce you have."
"Look at this; they say it's always better to weigh ingredients, and this is why."
"The secret to good curry is time. You've got to build the layers of flavor slowly."
"Any germs or parasites on the surface of the meat that you could conceivably wash off are gonna die as soon as you cook it."
"You can always add salt; you cannot remove. So no rush."
"The best way a roast potatoes in the whole wide world, don't worry about the others, this is the way forward."
"So what I do is I recommend you do this you make the basic foods you don't put any salt in and when you're making them because the salt you put in it's going to get you mixed up."
"Flipping the steak actually helps it cook more evenly, prevents the meat near the surface from overcooking, and helps the meat cook faster."
"You heard it here. The amount of garlic in every recipe should be tripled."
"Taste a lot, taste often and ask yourself, 'Does this taste 5% better than it did before I added the pinch of salt or that little splash of acidity?'"
"The only way to screw this up is to undercook it, and culinarily speaking, there's absolutely nothing worse than undercooked puff pastry."
"You will regret nothing except maybe not making a double batch... okay, you should probably make 24 of these."
"Clean as you go and always start with a clean kitchen."
"The secret to making my food the tastiest it can be is starting with the best ingredients I can find."
"Nothing ventured nothing going get the right recipe and the freshest shellfish and you'll guarantee success in the kitchen."
"You never ever ever want to forget to salt, even sweet things."
"If you start making your own homemade granola you're never gonna buy store-bought granola again."
"The sharper cheddar you go, the worse it is melting."
"You probably need more oil than you think that's my cooking advice."
"Simplistic, straightforward, less ingredients, less steps, better."
"To make a great dipping sauce, put everything into a jug, and blend it up together, and it'll be delicious, guaranteed."
"When we're cooking kebabs, why don't we cook them on the skewer? It's so much more juicier."
"This is going to look right and taste amazing."
"You gotta understand and you do not have to use a lot of seasoning no seasoning literally like I would just recommend the basic ones."
"Go on and get your cook on, make sure you go to hellofresh.com/85south80."
"If it doesn't say expeller pressed, I wouldn't use it, and once again it's only for like deep frying."
"I find that roasting veggies often brings out the most sweetness in them."
"Whole spices don't lose their flavor as fast as pre ground spices do."
"Generally, when you grind yourself, it'll have more flavor."
"We don't wanna cook powder, no... we're gonna add in milk. In this goes, lot o' milk is in there, folks."
"It's all about just releasing all attachment of anything you've ever known about cooking."
"Anything savory is made better with everything bagel seasoning."
"Excellent for fajitas, tacos, really, really nice cut."
"Nobody wants to spend a high price for a beef fillet and get one that's all hacked into a bunch of pieces, so just take your time removing all the silver skin."
"So if you got a a frozen one now we I guess you're gonna be in a hot bath for the next 15 to 20 hour so fresh man CG but I followed your recipe okay thank you appreciate that that's what's up man that right there is what's up."
"That's fine, and then uh, after you do that, you gotta try the peach cobbler."
"Tasting as you go is the most essential tip as a pro home cook. Sauce making is all about balance."
"There's no perfect way to cook anything but there are some good techniques that will help you execute really good tasting food."
"Most of cooking is just paying attention, honing in on your skills, and improving."
"Half the butter seriously half the butter for my recipe you don't need it."
"I told you all it was going to thicken up, didn't I say so?"
"If you're grilling your meat without rubs, like you're wasting your time."
"Screw the sauce, you gotta start with the rub."
"If you rub it right, it still tastes good the next day."
"You want to crisp it up, if you want a soggy gear you can cook a little less."
"You cannot rush it. Slow and Low plus a little extra syrup doesn't hurt."
"This should have cooled down by now, so feel free. You can go ahead and use that to make it drink. Oh my gosh, and enjoy."
"Eggplant - a lot of different ways to use eggplant but not raw. You don't want to eat it raw."
"Check out Meat Church and I do recommend all the products because you can go to certain places and get recipes for your own rubs, which I respect, the make your own rub game, but it's easier to just buy your own rub."
"There is no more important ingredient, tool, mineral, anything in cooking than salt."
"You want to be crazy about it? Do that again five or six more times. You'll have a hell of a patina."
"Sometimes you don't need to overcook the broth, you don't need to burn your eggs, you just need to do what it says on the tin."
"No need to get all fancy, just keep pressing it with your fingertips."
"The phone yo when you cook it, it gives you four times the amount."
"Espresso powder and butter makes everything better."
"It's one of those recipes that definitely gets better and better with time as the flavors melt together."
"The importance of why getting up to temperature will make or break your cooking experience."
"You got to feel it or temp it with an internal probe thermometer."
"Dull knives are more dangerous than sharp knives."
"You need fat on a burger to make it extremely juicy."
"I always tell people to splurge the extra, I don't know, 50 cents to get cremini's, aka baby bella, aka baby portobellos because they have a lot more flavor than white button mushrooms."
"No matter how bad you think these look, they always look amazing once they're cooked so try to relax."
"Now, as far as cooking food goes, what you're gonna want to do is go and change the building."
"Don't overcook your food, and I'm telling you, your Thanksgiving will be smooth sailing."
"The biggest mistake you can make with spiny lobster is to overcook it."
"A lot of chefs will tell you to add the garlic and the rosemary at the start, right? They just burn. So, I do the spuds and then about halfway through when I turn them, I then add the garlic and rosemary. And it doesn't burn."
"After your brisket is done, rest it on the counter for at least two hours until it comes down in temperature."
"When you warm the leftovers up trust me put it in the oven it's like next level of food pleasure."
"Wash your rice, people! If you don't wash your rice, you're also not gonna wash it."
"This looks amazing, she did say to mix well which I will do, but I'm gonna just try it, the match is good, oh I think this is going to be insane."
"This recipe right here is a recipe which I know works over and over and over."
"Stickiness... let's just make focus on one... nice and thick... look at you."
"If you turn a steak two seconds before it's gonna f*** up the entire taste."
"Citrus zest is just one of the best ingredients you can incorporate into your cooking."
"You have permission to adjust your temperature throughout the entire cooking process."
"Can you alter the size of the grind so you get a finer texture?"
"The less amount of time you spend dealing with this meat, the better it will be for the texture."
"I might add a tiny bit more honey but because the ginger is crystallized it's added a really nice bit of sweetness."
"Season to taste make sure that it tastes good to you."
"You simply cannot make it tough as long as you don't overcook it."
"Hopefully this video encouraged you to use up some of those cuts of beef that are sitting in your fridge."
"Don't ever be afraid to taste your food and adjust it to your liking."
"Just a quick little toasting is all you need."
"Bay leaves absolutely do add flavor, we've tested."
"To make a great steak and ale pie start by building flavor in the pot with bacon mushrooms and onions."
"Mise en place: have everything prepared before you start cooking."
"But if you have the time to cook it fresh man that's definitely the way to go."
"My tip for you is to not cut these for at least 30 minutes."
"Control the heat, control the process, control the outcome."
"Season heavily, but don't overdo it, you know what I mean?"
"If you are already starting to make pizza, you want to really surprise everyone and make an outstanding product, this is the way to go."
"I think garlic powder, salt, and pepper is a really good combination for flavoring."
"I highly recommend you cook your turkey breast to around 145° internal."
"Be guided by temperature and not time."
"Toast your spices, please. Double, sometimes triple the flavor."
"The peeled tomato makes the difference."
"Taste it. If it's bland, add more salt and pepper. If it tastes too salty, add more milk. Same thing with pepper. Adjust it to your own taste."
"Mix it up with the farfalle pasta."
"I love it when they don't stick because flipping them is just infinitely faster just got to be careful when you're doing this because everything around you is hot the sheet trays are hot I have sheet tray oven burns right now on my arms to show for it."
"This is the way. Don't prepare food you can't eat. If they don't like it, they can make something themselves."
"Don't be afraid of the butter, friends. We love butter around here."
"...this is soup if there are flavors you don't like leave them out if there are flavors you want in that I don't use put them in..."
"I always tell everybody, 'You know what? I'm not stuffing it because stuffing doesn't require to cook for four, five hours like the turkey does. So why are you going to put it in there for? You know what I'm saying?'"
"The secret of a moist turkey, friends, besides so many other things, is to not overcook it, not overcook it. Don't cook it at 180 like everybody tells you to."
"You're not going to bake a pie you're not going to bake a raw dough because it doesn't Brown it just bakes."
"If you want to make the perfect omelette, make sure you bring your pan to high heat and then put into low heat."
"Low and slow always remember little eggs you want to do low and slow."
"You've got to be very careful with chili paste you never want to use too much it can have horrendous effects if you use too much."
"I also removed the membrane. Always remove the membrane."
"This is a very successful rice dish. If you haven't tried making your own risotto, it's pretty simple and it is absolutely delicious."
"Always roast them because you release all those essential oils and like the flavor is just maximized by a hundred."
"The key to success is an instant read meat thermometer and knowing what temperature to cook it to."
"Remember folks, when you're making something that's different layers, you gotta put salt and pepper. You can't just put pepper on the top and think the pepper is going to come down by itself."
"Do as I say, not as I do. Always crack your eggs in a separate container before you dump them in your batter."
"Much better to shred your own, tastes better, melts better, perfect for recipes."
"Cinnamon is one of those spices that if you boil it, it's going to get really tannic and harsh."
"Don't eat your noodles before they're cooked."
"Enough salt... helps to strengthen cell walls and therefore keep your pickle firm."
"Whenever possible, buy whole spices. Don't buy them ready ground because once they're ground, they lose their fragrance and flavor very quickly."
"That is amazing, so there's your answer, yes you can cook a pork pie in a regular airfryer."
"Everybody knows, if you simmer and stew something, the next day it always tastes better than the same day."
"The most important thing in making a fabulous risotto is to take the time before you start putting any liquid to sauté the rice until it's light golden brown."
"There is really nothing quite like the taste of fresh herbs in your cooking."
"The longer that you can rest your brisket, the better is what I understand anyway."
"Find a brisket that's got a flat that's nice and thick because it goes a long way in preserving the moisture inside."
"If you use the pork lard for this, you will get the most beautiful crust."
"Always kosher salt when you're cooking."
"Don't over whip your cream, keep it lovely and soft."
"Guys, if there is one curry that you are going to make from Thailand, make this one."
"You've really got to focus, stay focused on the most important thing about cooking: Flavor, flavor, flavor all the way."
"Really fine cooking often depends on a few very simple steps which, if taken, make a great deal of difference in the final result."
"That's the key to well-balanced chicken or anything that you put on the cooker."
"Patience, patience, patience. The key to good cooking, guys."
"Recipes are just a guide; it's no Bible."
"You want to make sure you use fresh garlic on this, I mean you're spending all this money on meat, don't use the canned stuff."
"It's so worth it to make your own curry paste."
"You better off making your own garlic naan instead of getting it from the store."
"If you do make the toum, try to make it the day before. Put it in your fridge, leave it sit for at least 24 hours before you eat it. It'll be 10 times better."
"Let it rest for about 10 minutes at least."
"When you're scrambling eggs, you want to keep them moving."
"Layering flavors means that every component of the dish needs to be seasoned in order for your food to taste very vibrant and delicious."
"My best advice would be to cook your favorite meals but make them vegan."
"Lots of fresh herbs make such a huge difference to anything that you cook."
"If you need a pancake recipe, this is your go-to. I promise you will not be disappointed."
"Don't waste any bit of flavor; we don't want to throw away any flavor, we want it all in our food."
"You should not forsake stovetop popcorn because it is so easy and so good."
"You guys need to keep in mind this is mochi batter, not waffle batter."
"Never overcook; juicy, succulent, and absolutely delicious."
"Don't be afraid to season. Those of you that are afraid to season your food will have no flavor."
"We gotta add that lemon juice; it gives it that little pop."
"Celery always makes a soup taste better."
"Spices should be your best friends."
"If you do your dressing just like this for Thanksgiving, you can't go wrong."
"When you saute your veggies first, you achieve the beautiful sweetness."
"Get as much color on there as possible because that's the sweetness."
"If you want the best possible flavor you can get, get yourself an offset smoker."
"Don't be afraid of salt when you're cooking real fresh whole foods."
"Always save your bacon grease. So much flavor."
"Whenever in doubt, add some butter."
"Enjoy cooking, don't let it stress you out."
"My advice if you're making scrambled eggs is low heat."
"Let me tell y'all, you let it sit overnight because that's when the flavors marinate."
"You gotta kick up the flavor, you gotta kick it up."
"Everything's better with some seasoning, that's what Matt says."
"Don't sleep on the carrot when it comes to stews."
"Don't overcook your scrambled eggs."
"If you don't make your cornbread in a cast iron, it ain't gonna taste right."
"Don't be shy with the salt, butter, and cream; that's going to make them the most delicious."
"Never overcook seafood, at any circumstances."
"Don't be shy with the salt; it's the gateway to flavor."
"Always let it rest because you see all these juices, it's going to absorb it back in."
"Don't you dare be afraid to season."
"It's all about taste, you know. That's how it is, you can't just throw it together and just expect it to taste okay, just taste as you go."
"This is how you make good fried rice; have a good day."
"So trust me, do like for your first cook, having an experiment, do it, just a roast chicken, simple."
"It's very important that you pre-heat; this is probably the most important thing."
"You know how much salt and pepper do you use? It really is up to you and your taste buds."
"The best way to have fun is to have your mise en place ready."
"I've added a little butter to this because everything tastes better with a little butter."
"Don't walk away from an operation like this; you want to make sure that you keep an eye on it. There's a difference between browning and burnt, there's a difference between caramelized and burnt."
"When in doubt, you can always make a frittata."
"Get all that nice crust off the bottom because that's gonna be flavor."
"You don't have to be scared of filo, you just have to be confident."
"Really salt your water, you guys, salt it really good."
"For ingredients, it tastes way better if we use fresh products."
"Moisture is the enemy of crispy, ladies and gentlemen, whether you're talking steak, bacon, chicken, or turkey skin."
"When you're preparing a turkey, don't forget to baste."
"Invest just one good heavy bottom pot, change your life."
"Molly is so right, like stick the basil in."
"Try not to buy grated cheese from the shops."
"Making toffee, again, it's an art form. You can't just throw a bunch of ingredients into a pot and hope for the best."
"Spices do tend to get old, do tend to lose their potency, their flavor, and they also get rancid."
"Don't overthink it, just give them respect and your dish will shine."
"Have patience in the kitchen, when you have patience, you're gonna have some good food that turns out just perfect."
"If you buy a bottle of seasoning and you don't use it within a year, you need to cook more."
"Recipe planning before grocery shopping is one of my top tips."
"Add cardamom to your cranberry sauce; oh my goodness."