
UN Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"The worldwide consultation process around the 75th anniversary of the United Nations has made clear that people want a global governance system that delivers for them."
"The events of the last weeks in Myanmar are an affront to the principles we all champion here at the U.N."
"This year, the international community celebrates two, without exaggeration, historic anniversaries: the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War and the establishment of the United Nations."
"U.N. experts describe the operation as 'collective punishment' for the Palestinian people, amounting to egregious violations of international law."
"Reducing poverty certainly worth trying to do something about."
"The UK supply will partly be going to COVAX, the United Nations supply."
"What's the UN do? I feel like the UN wouldn't they be the people to step in and be like, 'Hey, you guys should relax.'"
"China is now broadly seeking to reform the UN system from within."
"They said they've asked for an international investigation by the U.N and they voted it down."
"Every member of the U.N has a right to its sovereignty and its territorial integrity."
"This war has now been declared by the United Nations as illegal."
"Even the UN says this potentially constitutes crimes against humanity."
"The Minsk accords are actually cemented in UN Security Council resolutions."
"Crimean annexation condemned by the United Nations."
"The young monarch made a speech to the fledgling United Nations Assembly, acknowledging the difficulties it faced in its pursuit of peace."
"Why hasn't the UN floated the idea of simply making Starfleet real?"
"Should Russia be sitting on the U.N. Human Rights Council, a country that routinely incarcerates journalists?"
"We needed a better United Nations and I think we can support you in that absolutely."
"In 1980, smallpox was declared officially eradicated by the UN."
"This is what we were talking about, the UN-approved doors."
"The inhumane conditions at this prison prompted outrage from Human Rights organizations and the United Nations."
"Reform is absolutely essential... the world has evolved the world has moved on and the UN must... the composition is based on the geopolitical realities of 1945."
"We still have to address this and that will be one thing that we'll have to take on at the UN as well we have a lot of work us to do in the federal arena."
"FAO is the lead UN institution for ending hunger, it is the lead UN institution for sustainable agriculture, it is the lead institution in fact for managing the biological storage of carbon which is fundamental for solving the climate crisis."
"...NATO operates under U.N. mandates... NATO and the U.N. need a very strong relationship."
"...the vast empire of which the UN was only one part, but it was a very important part because Kubilay, at least in principle, was the Great Khan of the entire empire."
"How impressed have you been with Un's Aston Villa?"
"So for 21 22 years now I've been advising the Secretary General of the UN three secretaries General about the global scene and about the idea of sustainable development and sustainability."
"Thirty billion dollars. You can fix the UN, no problem. One percent of what you're spending in Iraq, and have some left over for Cornell."
"The relevant United Nations Security Council resolution was passed unanimously."
"The UN is failing its own convention on the rights of the child by failing to ground intergenerational rights in the charter."
"Canada has taken part in numerous UN peacekeeping missions in places as varied as Egypt, Cyprus, and Haiti, as well as in other international security operations such as those in the former Yugoslavia and Afghanistan."
"The UN can gather and they can come to all kinds of agreements but they can never establish peace in any region of the earth because God is the author of peace."
"We have a real chance at this new world order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the UN's founders."
"Without the UN, we might very well have had World War three."
"The regional pacts in the United Nations are a contradiction of each other; they don't supplement each other or complement each other but they contradict each other."
"We believe that the United Nations will be strengthened by the new nations which are being formed in lands now advancing toward self-government under democratic principles."
"With all the drama from the UN and the forces of status quo, I would rather put the fire out rather than just manage fires."
"Hoping to work with the UN one day fighting for human rights and gender equality."
"In the presence of contradicting views, competing interests, political pressures, and all forms of temptation, the UN staff will remain neutral."
"UN is all about going out into your civil society, into the community, and work with people."
"Our commitment to multilateralism as embodied in the U.N. Charter remains unflinching."
"Human dignity, equality, and individual autonomy are the foundations of U.N. human rights law."
"The United Nations formed a special committee on Palestine tasked with preparing recommendations for the future of Palestine."
"This peacekeeping mission became the deadliest campaign in the history of the United Nations."
"Human rights protection is the pyramid form and what you know result versus human rights protection is mentioned by the UN Charter."
"We know that we owe our freedom, our stability, and our prosperity to an international order with the United Nations at its core."
"Sovereignty, territorial integrity, human rights - these are the core tenets of the U.N. Charter, the pillars of peaceful relations among nations."
"The Republic of South Korea called for immediate assistance. The United Nations heard and answered."
"The UN approves recognition of Israel... whatever the borders were that the country had once it becomes a UN member, the UN considers that to be its borders."
"I applaud the secretary-general for his efforts and courage to cut costs and for his commitment to ensure that the UN's resources are better managed."
"The treaty review process is a really important moment for you as advocates to engage with the UN Human Rights system."
"The United Nations Security Council passes the ceasefire agreement, Resolution 687."
"Only the United Nations, on the basis of the values enshrined in its Charter, can fully realize the aspirations of universal representation and sovereign equality for all."
"The UN post adjustment is a very good way to figure out how expensive it is to live there."
"The ongoing flagrant violations have been highlighted... by the UN Secretary-General, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and the special procedures of the UN Human Rights Council."
"The UN's primary purpose is to maintain world peace and security, and my friend Yeshim and I are in unity on that."
"The admission of Palestine as a full member of the UN is a first step and pivotal moment in addressing the historical injustice endured by the Palestinian people."
"We've secured the first-ever global and legally binding deal on climate change, being formally signed today by over 150 governments at the United Nations."
"Which city is the location for the headquarters of the UN? It is New York."
"Admitting Palestine in the UN will be about correcting a historical mistake that was made since 1947."
"The second world war and the horrors of the second world war, in particular the Holocaust, was a huge motivation for the UN."
"The UN General Assembly... represents the will of the global community."
"The UN Security Council has at its disposal to try to fulfill that broader mission of ensuring peace and International Security through the United Nations."
"Many have said we need to rethink the UN as a security tool and to think about ways in which we can make it more efficient, more active more quickly."
"The UN Universal Declaration on Human Rights in 1948 set out basic and universal fundamental human rights."
"The Security Council cannot remain silent when basic principles of our international rules-based order are trampled by military boots and squashed by tanks."
"The United Nations were not created to take us to heaven, but to save us from hell."
"Should the United Nations work to ban the proliferation of nuclear weapons?"
"According to UN officials, 30 billion per year is needed to end world hunger."