
Openness To Change Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"I'm not married to capitalism; if there's a better system, then fuck capitalism."
"We need honesty and courage to be willing to change our beliefs and stances if evidence, reason, and compelling argument persuade us that they are in need of revision."
"She's so open and willing to embrace newness."
"Learning never stops as long as we are open to new things."
"It's okay to change your mind if new information comes to light."
"I am open to everything changing. I'm ready to change. I have the power to change."
"Maybe I need to be more open to having outside investment into the business, absolutely."
"I think the fact that it is different is a good thing...I'm coming in with a clear-sighted view."
"I've opened myself up to being able to change, and I think that's the best way of putting it."
"I'm not afraid to change my opinion if I hear from an expert or I hear some evidence, that's kind of how this stuff goes."
"If you are made uncomfortable by black skin, you had best not say, 'I don't see color.' You had best say, 'I have a problem because I haven't been around many people of your color, but I'm willing to learn.'"
"Culturally responsive sustaining education will truly begin when you admit you're willing to change your mind."
"It's not the greatest thing that's ever happened in my life, so I'm open to my life being much greater."
"I don't have the capacity in my life for people who don't have the capacity to change their mind."
"The blessing is not getting what you want. The blessing is going all in for what you think you want and being open to the idea that it may not be for you."
"I am open for things to change in the future."
"Be open to change, embrace the opportunity to lighten your load and clear the space to express your passion for life."
"When we want something new, we need to try new things."
"It's okay to change your mind... it's okay to not know."
"Be open to changes, to new experiences. Change leads to growth."
"Accept new things. You cannot carry the disappointments from the past or even human nature itself into the future because everything is starting to change."
"Not only will I learn things, but I might even change my mind. I could be wrong about any of my favorite ideas."
"Make room for whatever is coming in, it is for your benefit."
"Willing to be shown data and go, 'Okay, I was wrong about that.'"
"If what I've been trying to do to get well hasn't been working, then I've got to open up to the possibility of another way."
"Out of any point in my adult life, this is probably the point where I'm the most malleable and open to new...conclusions."
"For some of you, you just need to try something new."
"I'm not married to any of these things... if there's something that changes, I have to adapt."
"Be open to positive surprises; surprise yourself, surprise others."
"Look for people who, when presented with facts, when presented with truth and presented with evidence, are able to then wow it changed their mind."
"I never want to close a door and say never is never."
"I want to be proven wrong... but it's just my true thoughts."
"Design changes and park editions don't have to automatically be a negative thing. Give them a shot."
"I think it's gonna be really enlightening to surrender to the process and to the journey."
"Being 100 consistent all the time... is way less important to me than someone who is willing to take in new information and then change and then try and repair the damage they've done."
"Highest form of integrity you can have is the complete ability and willingness to be re-educated at any moment in time."
"You can't be afraid to always try new things and evolve."
"If you understand things to be different, it's cool to change your mind."
"It's time to let go and move on, what is holding you back?"
"Open yourself up to the surprise of what tomorrow might bring."
"It's okay to be wrong, but you need to change your position when you're wrong."
"They are willing to change, which is ultimately a good thing."
"We make room for the unexpected to become possible."
"Be curious about changes you can make, and that will be good for you."
"Be willing to correct and change based on the new information."
"Realizing that there are multiple ways of doing things is going to set you free."
"At least leave yourself open to new things, open to the possibility."
"It's time to open yourself up to something new coming in."
"If evidence pops up pointing to me that this man is in fact guilty... please send it my way and I will absolutely change my opinion."
"I'm always open to having my mind changed and being rejected on something."
"Say yes to change Virgo, you're diving in, there's a brand new thing here for you."
"Here's a little bit of hope: people are able to change their viewpoints on anything in the face of rational discussion."
"Things are being worked out for your greater good but also do not be afraid to go in a different flow in a different direction."
"This isn't really about kind of taking u-turns randomly... always having that openness to a change of direction..."
"If things are going to change, I think we've got to be willing to accept this help that's being offered to you."
"Hey, new experiences are a good thing, right?"
"...he's open to change, which we should all be as well."
"It's just one of these things that like when I say when I started this with 'I think people are getting over Christmas,' I think that if people were given a viable like culturally acceptable alternative, they'd love some change."
"Be flexible to other stories, be flexible to the idea that something better could come along for you."
"They're not afraid of change, they don't have ego in a way that they're not afraid to lose or admit that they're wrong."
"Maybe I should just try to speak to a psychologist, see what these people are saying, get their thoughts on it, maybe try the medication and just give getting out of this mess a chance."
"Always willing to try something new, you guys know that."
"I reminded myself that sometimes it's nice to just try something new."
"I am open to having my heart changed in the future."
"May we be willing and open to change until we see Jesus and he changes us to be just like him."
"There's always room for change, right?"