
Personal Failure Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Have I done any good in the world today? Have I helped anyone in need?... If not, I have failed indeed."
"It's not okay to do that to a 14 year old. To anyone who's been triggered by this 14 year old girl, if you're too emotional to ignore her or too mentally incapacitated to refute her, then you've pretty much failed as a person."
"What makes me happy is making people happy. This is ... just having a positive vibe around me."
"If you're gonna fail, fail on your own terms."
"He feels like he's let her down, he's let another person die."
"You're bad at this. This is the reason you're failing is because you're bad at this."
"If my iman fails, that's the biggest failure."
"Nobody set out to destroy you, you destroyed yourselves."
"There's more than one way to get what you want; it's only a failure if you decide to be a failure."
"Williams daughter turns up which is meant to be his last big hope at like freeing himself from this violent loop and of course he [ __ ] it up."
"Sophia's failure tears her apart, just saying that Joy Division is Gnostic scripture sometimes."
"I failed at wrestling I failed at my goal of the main event of Wrestlemania."
"Real failure is getting drunk and missing your kid's birthday party."
"It was very hard to make the decision to stop cuz it was like oh there's me again failing at another thing."
"Played my fucking self, my own fucking fault."
"I think it's time you should just give up. Every girl you've ever met rejected you."
"So much for your big words, you were just a [__] kid raging about losing an online game after all the success of your career."
"I felt like my life and career was over and I'm a big fat phony and failure and a piss boy frankly."
"A ninja with no resolve will only doom themselves."
"If you don't bring what is within you to fruition, the bitterness that accompanies that corrupts you."
"I failed them, I failed all my friends that have died."
"I failed as a teacher, I failed as a designer, and that's why one of the reasons why I'm pretty against a lot of the businessy decisions."
"Talk about personal failure, it's a good way to break the ice."
"I feel like in a lot of ways, many ways, I failed as a father."
"They gotta do ninety percent of that so if they don't do what you left feeling like you don't fail the person who really just fail they sell."
"You're gonna be sitting there with your new beer company that's failing, realizing that you pissed your life away drinking at the end of the bottle." - Jake Paul
"Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure in life."
"If you mess up it's not the end of the world it doesn't mean that you're a failure."
"It's okay if you're behind or if you failed yourself in some way or failed other people. Make up for it, but don't get down on yourself."
"I know I failed you, but I tried to save you, Jason."
"A bad apple hidden beneath its brilliant wax and skin, slowly rotting as all his desires slipped through his fingers."
"Megan really had everything possible to make herself work to make brand Megan work and it failed because of Megan."
"Every failure didn't cause condemnation but it reflected the grace of Jesus Christ in each of those situations."
"I'm sorry I wasn't there for your father. I swore an oath to protect the king, but I wasn't strong enough to uphold it."
"He's got a line to say about everything, but he's the one who's failing!"
"Samson's compromise led to disaster: dominated by lust and bound by enemies."
"There's nothing worse than fake success because the fall is unbelievably painful."
"I think these people are partly picked so that we can have hope in the grace of God that he can still use us even though we've majorly failed."
"The industry failed her. But the industry... I didn't expect them to. Not the industry fails everybody. Her parents failed her, her family, her friends who was around failed her, Aaliyah."
"It ultimately boils down to 'I've let someone down' or 'I don't want to let someone down.'"
"My failures have made me look at myself in a way I never wanted to before, but it was too late." - Tiger Woods
"He was not able to reinvent himself a third time."
"If you fear being judged, you've already failed."
"In time you will know the tragic extent of my failing."
"Frank's first goal was to make $300 per week with his internet business, and he failed. He did not make that much."
"Don't listen to people, listen to yourself. And it's okay if you fail because it's a part of life. It's a process, right? It's better to fail in your decision than sometimes be right on somebody's decision."
"Being a Christian meant you never failed, but you showed me being a Christian."
"He couldn't stand the idea that he had not only failed in his father's image but that perhaps he might have diminished his father's legacy."
"Once you stop believing in yourself, then you fail. The only person that can fill you is yourself, only you can pull yourself."
"Failure to me is not following your dreams."
"Everest for me was this place where finally I failed and I failed completely because of myself."
"Shame is that feeling of 'I am a failure, there's something broken in me, I am a disaster and can never be fixed'."
"Henry VIII saw his lack of a son as a personal failure and an affront to his masculinity."
"I'm trying to come to terms with how can you say you're a good person if you've failed in all these ways, and how can you say someone else is a bad person without looking at yourself."
"You chased down my heart through all of my failure and pride."
"If you have a dream and you don't execute it, that's failure."
"The height of a person's success is gauged by his self-mastery; the depth of his failure by his self-abandonment."