
Church Growth Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"Every time persecution happens, the church grows in strength, numbers, and depth."
"This pandemic has opened up an awesome opportunity for the church. People are afraid, insecure, and much more open to a message of hope."
"The church will birth and be birthed new and fresh, see you build the church you unlock the kingdom."
"Revival is coming to Free Chapel and to the body of Christ."
"Welcome now the new members of Spirit Church."
"Our ministry is growing rapidly... there is expansion that we can't even begin to explain."
"We've lived our lives worried about how can we get them in the chairs instead of how can we get them delivered."
"The future of the church, the hope of the church, are the Hispanics, the Latinos, and the Africans."
"Mutual respect goes both ways. We must look beyond just external material success. If someone is a man of God, the person is a man of God, whether he has 20 members, whether he has 50 members, whether he has 100 members."
"We're near incredible times for the church in the world."
"Church growth became about how to get more people in your church, not genuine followers of Christ."
"We're moving into the greatest days that the church has ever seen."
"A church married to the king is going to rise."
"Your job as a pastor is not to grow your church, your job as a pastor is to faithfully convey the word of God to whoever shows up and let God take care of the growth."
"God beloved is positioning the body of Christ for his glory and his wealth."
"The church grows when the church is persecuted."
"Our church was thriving and ours has grown during this pandemic we haven't went backwards we've went forward but God and to God be all the glory."
"It's definitely not the normal way of doing church in this western culture. Now it's like okay, our goal is who are we bringing to church, who are we telling about those that we won? And it's exciting, it's really, really a lot of fun."
"We know, it's been over a million people saved through their ministry, probably about 10,000 churches started."
"The greatest sin of the 20th century is going to be pastors who wanted a big church."
"I declare in the name of Jesus, make them come to themselves now, and I declare that we will see an overflow of men in church next year in 2022."
"I don't want to be a megachurch, I don't want to be a maggot"
"What fills our churches is not a soft peddling of the gospel but deep authentic belief in Jesus, rooted in our personal love for Him as our Lord and Savior."
"I believe it's the best days that we have ever seen in the church and in your life."
"The greatest days in church history are not in its past. They are in its present and they are in its future."
"That's why those churches are growing because they're taking a stand for something."
"God is still adding to the church daily those who are being saved."
"Your church is not growing. Territorial spirits preventing people from being saved or coming to the church."
"If you try to build a church, you'll never build a church. You'll build a clubhouse but you won't build a church. Let him build it and he uses his word to do it. You just give the word and he takes care of the rest."
"2021 is going to be a year where we see the church rise up strong."
"On this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hades will not overcome it." - Jesus
"Your job is not to hold together the kingdom, that is not your job. Your job is not even to make the kingdom grow."
"The greatest thing that can happen for the church is that we would believe that the Holy Ghost has come to do what Jesus said."
"Thank you Lord that the best days for the church are not behind us but the Glory Days of the church are yet ahead of us."
"In 2020, one person joined the Seventh-day Adventist Church through baptism and profession of faith every 39 seconds, and a new church was organized on average every five hours."
"There's some arguments that you can't grow a church on depth I happen to disagree with that absolutely I think I think I think you can grow chairs I think it takes longer."
"His church growth plan involves a transcendent message, a regenerate congregation, and a faithful if not valiant perseverance to preach the truth boldly no matter what the price."
"Don't live in fear of church growth, God has a plan to grow your church and other churches too."
"The best way to grow a church is for the church to be the church."
"The church grows when true believers are added, true believers in the Lord are added."
"If your church isn't growing, it's dying."
"If we will do it God's Way, we should build the greatest churches since Pentecost."
"The church is doing magnificently well in the so-called Global South and far from well in the advanced modern world, the so-called Global North."
"You cannot grow a church without being teachable."
"The greatest Miracle is when the church matures and begins to express different dimensions of God."
"Thank you that you are building your church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it."
"The church is healthier and grows numerically when men and women lead together."
"Understanding what the New Testament teaches about church polity...is part of...how you help to see the members of your church mature in Christ."
"Understand this, in the last six years one third of all church growth in the history of the world has taken place."
"A kingdom culture is a culture that builds lives, that builds a flourishing life-giving church."
"It's great to see growth and it's great when the church grows, but with growth comes adversity, issues, problems, complaints."
"Our churches will not just survive but thrive."
"A lot of conversions happen in church plants. A lot of people who convert to the faith convert in and through a church plant."
"The greatest Revival is not going to be of the young people or the old people; it's going to be two generations joining together and bringing the church to its greatest hour."
"We exist to help churches grow using video."
"If your church is going to grow, you have to equip your leaders."
"I believe that we're still yet in the greatest season of the church."
"The gospel was to be proclaimed, the sacraments were to be administered, the church was to be planted and nurtured."
"The blood of the martyrs has been the seed of the church."
"The best days of this church are yet to come."
"The Bible is the only legitimate blueprint or guidebook to establish and grow the church."
"For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of ministering, and for the building up of the body of Christ."
"We teach the Bible... that's how a church grows the strongest."
"The developing church was a praying church."
"Every church can grow, and no one is a threat to another."
"The church is about ready to rise; there's going to be a resurrection, the church has got to stand up and be the church."
"Church to grow is God's purpose for our lives."
"Come be a part of a church that is bringing people to a place of maturity in their Christian walk."
"I fervently and passionately believe that there must be a renewed sense of churches that plant churches."
"Every single day no less than 155 churches planted among people that never heard Christ."
"Christ said He'd build His church, He has been building His church for 2000 years."
"Invite and bring others to church."
"Focus on church growth you may not produce disciples; focus on multiplying authentic disciples and the church will grow."
"To become fishers of men, a church needs at least 25% of its congregation involved in reaching the lost."
"There's been an unprecedented building of new churches, and these are not empty buildings."
"He watched in sadness as the initial enthusiasm of the church diminished, though it grew in numbers."
"Prayer is the A to Z of church growth."
"God saw this day coming that all of these seats will be filled, and churches will never be empty again."
"Prophesy builds the church and it builds people."
"It's not a Church's seating capacity, it's its sending capacity."