
Hindrance Quotes

There are 292 quotes

"Demons seek to hinder God's purposes and extend Satan's power."
"Dobby, he is so sweet and he tries so hard, but he is also such a hindrance in a lot of situations, but he also saves Harry's life and other people's lives a lot."
"These things hinder your mental performance way more than you can imagine."
"Your feelings are the one thing in life that will hurt you from moving forward."
"The very thing that's sweet at the moment is actually what's holding you back."
"Good people are like wings on your back and bad people are like a stone attached to your ankle."
"Past content becomes an anchor that prevents you from moving forward and creating new content."
"One of the hindrances to Revival is the things that God did yesterday hindering us from what God wants to do tomorrow."
"The biggest hindrance in the Bible to anyone getting a breakthrough is bitterness and unforgiveness."
"Relationships will push you forward or they will hold you back."
"Unfortunately, it seems to be a derailer."
"This incredibly onerous, overreaching regulatory burden and bureaucrats really hinder great new things from happening in the world."
"Date men who can help you and not hinder you."
"Remember that thing we talked about earlier about getting out your own way."
"One of the biggest hindrances is fear."
"The powers of darkness that are trying to hinder your destiny helpers from locating you are put into confusion."
"If it wasn't for Linda and Matt, he might have succeeded."
"Negative emotions are the greatest single obstacles to success."
"Often what stops us from realizing our Ambitions is fear."
"Doing things the hard way means you're holding yourself and your business back."
"If you're using pain to prevent future pain, you are driving with the parking brake on."
"Fear has occupied a place that isn't helpful."
"They definitely were working against you."
"Perfectionism can be helpful, but it can also really hurt you because you may not be able to get started."
"If you are regularly consuming alcohol, then it is holding you back."
"Struggling with anxiety... limiting her ability to enjoy her life."
"Someone tried to block you, but now the obstacle is removed."
"I do feel like it's such thing as blessing blocking."
"To be honest, it almost seems like she isn't growing them because she isn't allowing them to."
"You know that someone could be trying to thwart your efforts."
"This is delaying your process, everything."
"Fear is what was ruining my life."
"It's not worth it. It's holding you back."
"Let go of whatever it is that has been slowing down your progress."
"...this ability could be a hindrance since it guarantees full accuracy on the whole field."
"Stop and ask yourself what is hindering you and what steps can you take to change it, even if it's just a belief."
"Most people are their own enemy, they're the ones that block themselves before anything even happens."
"Their Royal connections are also holding them back."
"Poor communication in any project is going to hinder you immensely."
"If you've got things on the proverbial shelf, it is harming you to keep them there."
"Do not allow your pride to hinder you from growing."
"Stress is the antagonist to accessing your fullest potential."
"Sometimes you can be doing something that's counterproductive and almost hindering yourself in some way or even harming yourself and not realizing it."
"Often our character armor, that habitual way of seeing and operating, gets in the way of becoming who we need to be."
"Fear stops people from doing a lot."
"Fear is blocking us from reaching our fullest potential."
"That bitterness was blocking my blessing."
"There's a lot of unfinished business tying you down."
"In the end it wasn't the science or the lack of support or even the weather that prevented Wolf's plan... but rather it was what he planned on using the island for that ultimately kept him from achieving his goal."
"Bureaucracy makes itself a bottleneck for effective decisions and innovation."
"This breakup, whether it is business or love related, has been holding you back from your success."
"They're letting their pride get in the way."
"Chances are you're making this one mistake and it's likely what's holding you back from Landing a job."
"The perfectionist enemy of progress."
"Jealousy and stress will blindfold you to where you're winning."
"When we're trying to be super nice, we're trying to get along with everyone, we're trying to be a goody goody, that actually holds us back more."
"The spirit of rejection keeps us from becoming what God desires for us to become."
"What does it mean when something's hurting? It means it's hard to get anything done."
"Fear is the number one thing that will hold you back from anything and everything good in life from doing anything of significance."
"Self-sabotage can paralyze us and keep us from reaching our goals and fulfilling our deepest dreams."
"What you don't get out of you that has been a hindrance in you will block you, and it will block the power of God."
"Dependency can hinder personal growth."
"My ego was in the way, shorty, my pride got in the way."
"Procrastination is the number one enemy of progress."
"Twice in a row they've been stymied by a low ceiling."
"Only dumb decisions are what's holding it back."
"Your blessings aren't being withheld by you, they're being stopped by us."
"Don't you think that a lot of what keeps us from moving forward is what we won't let go of?"
"Don't let your lack of confidence hold you back."
"The Canadian Shield makes up roughly half of Canada's landmass, particularly in the north-to-south direction, hindering western expansion for over a century."
"Fear is the biggest plague to hold everyone back from pursuing what it is that they want: fear of loss, fear of failure, fear of success."
"The knee was always bothering him, it was always hindering him in training camp."
"I think fear doesn't help. It only hinders."
"You are standing on your own way."
"So here's the idea, that whatever's going on inside of you, however noble your vision, whatever it is you want to do, there's a spoiler."
"Selfishness can hinder our prayers."
"Our traditions can get in the way of the gospel."
"Weeds choke the life out of what was meant to grow."
"Anything that wants to keep you from worshiping God, it's a demon."
"Ego is the enemy, ladies and gentlemen."
"What if she's swinging her sword and her hair gets in her face and then she can't see? She's gonna lose the fight."
"Whatever was in the box put the brakes on Christian Cage."
"Shame is a real problem. There's a lot of people that have such toxic shame that that toxic shame is actually stopping them from moving forward."
"We stand in our own way. It's been me the whole time."
"Negative thoughts hinder our ability to live fulfilling lives."
"This anchor is holding you back, it's getting heavier."
"We need fuel... What's being poured on me? Some stuff is water, some stuff is Kool-Aid. It's sweet, it's cute, but it's putting your fire out."
"Every time we do something, there's one thing holding us back."
"Sometimes we get in our own way and we discover that our ego is not our Amigo."
"You're really shooting yourself in the foot."
"It's a classic case of letting your ego get in the way."
"A misdiagnosis is never helpful and is going to block you off from understanding yourself."
"If you want to see how Ron's wand was actually holding him back for his first two years at Hogwarts, you can check out this video right here."
"This kneecapped his authority, making it hard for Briggs to get anything done."
"Marie's constant presence and her friendship with her mother were hindering him from putting his marriage back together."
"Shame gets in the way of so much."
"Technology isn't failing us, the government is getting in the way."
"The thing that holds people back is that they think things have value, they have emotional value."
"Impatience is an enemy to your increase"
"Worry chokes out the life of the word, it takes the fruit of what can be produced and shrivels the fruit."
"It's just a bunch of like crabs in a bucket, one get up the other one try to pull them down."
"Pride will keep you from blessing, arrogance will keep you from blessing."
"You don't want that getting in the way of your sublimation."
"Jealousy is unconsciously pushing away opportunities in life."
"Sorry, with all the little lies, pride is simply another trap that hinders us in our lives."
"I'm afraid, much like a snowman's carrot nose, I was held up by the snow."
"Being too defensive can also hinder you from progressing as much."
"Self-sabotage happens when you get in your own way and it can be caused by all kinds of things."
"Empathy is a strength and not a hindrance."
"The gear should never get in the way of your photography."
"You're going to have to tilt the room here because somebody is trying to hold you back."
"Fear can Harden the soil and all that grows a few green briers, wild cabbage, no fruit comes because we're afraid."
"They're trying to hinder your forward movement."
"Someone wants to stop you from fully healing."
"Fear closes that channel. To put it bluntly, choosing fear—and fear, like faith, is a choice—may well keep the blessings of the Atonement from reaching us."
"This spirit shuts down true worship to the Living God. It seeks to contaminate and hinder authentic worship."
"...this handful doesn't seem so bad but it's exactly what is stopping you."
"Trauma stops growth because it shuts people down."
"Drinking alcohol on a regular basis was holding me back from producing from being as productive as I could have been."
"That pride and ego get in the way of a lot of [__]."
"They want to come back and stagnate you, they want to come back and slow [__] down for you."
"...the number one problem preventing Rick and Morty from reaching its true potential was ironically nothing to do with the show itself, but rather everything that went on around the show."
"The enemy plugs the wells of water with the soil of life."
"This has become a big distraction."
"Your greatest enemy of your progress right now is your last success."
"What's been hindering your progress has been removed."
"This is what it looks like to get in your own way of success."
"Perfectionism, man, it's annoying."
"This is going to be detrimental to you being able to accomplish this job."
"The more problems they create for you, the harder it is for you to function."
"Being too controlling can be holding us back."
"...the very things we thought would help us grow are actually what ends up sabotaging our growth in the end."
"Clinging prevents us from moving on."
"Looking back, that girl was holding herself back. She didn't believe in herself."
"They sabotage everything, basically making sure people just don't advance at the top and then come need them at the bottom."
"I believe that a concept like this will even hinder us from being satisfied."
"The fear of failure was hindering my boys from really walking in their purpose."
"The number one killer to performance for almost everybody is fear."
"Shame really destroys our ability to work on things."
"White supremacy got in the way of the gospel's spread."
"It’s our false certitude in our preconceptions and biases that are the great hindrance."
"The constant legal battles with Mattel and just really Mattel doing everything in their power in general to try and shut down MGA really hindered a lot of their potential in ways that were felt for years upon years."
"I saw the holes in the defense clear as day but the new added weight just wouldn't allow me to make the necessary cuts."
"This is chaos, blinking our van tails slowing us down."
"Be aware of who's trying to hold you back. Someone's true colors are going to show."
"We too busy being crabs in the barrel."
"I feel like when I explore myself I can kind of see where that is stopping me with my content."
"Assumptions assassinate your ability to accomplish your assignment."
"Many of the policies were holding people back from fully applying these ideas to make their lives better."
"Don't let something hinder your growth or keep you stuck."
"Ego is the enemy, preventing us from learning and growing."
"There's an expectation that when you grow, certain things must change. Well, the spirit of the infant of days is the Demonic technology, an evil altar with the supervising Spirit behind it whose main assignment is to keep whatever you are talking about in its infant stage."
"The desire for worldly pleasures can hinder spiritual progress."
"One of the greatest things that hinders our ability to sense, feel, hear God in our lives is when we have a sinful situation, a sin that we have not confessed and have not repented of."
"Those powers are even by the slightest application of desire disturbed and hindered, therefore all desire must eventually perish."
"Someone's trying to stand in your way."
"There's something in your life that is hindering you from walking in the fullness of the power of the Holy Spirit."
"Leviathan hinders spiritual growth; your spiritual growth is stunted."
"...well fear and anger are the two most detrimental conditions that you ever shoot in..."
"Racism keeps you from doing your work."
"You want me to open that door don't you? I can't because there's a tire leaning against it."
"Surrender, let it go, give it up. It's holding you back."
"I think people limit themselves and get in their own way. I think everybody does that, me included."
"But it's an important one because it can be really limiting and even debilitating for many among us."
"As long as one has ego in him, I don't think he can succeed in any way."
"Distraction is a thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else."
"When you're a creative, my creativity was stifled for so long because I couldn't see clearly."
"The moment you realize something is wrong, it will hinder you from something you've been working through all these years."
"Someone wants to stop your person from giving you victory, but they're running for cover now."
"They're trying to put an end to your wishes coming true, for some of you they're trying to put an end to your material abundance."
"Perfectionism gets in the way of fun."
"The greatest single hindrance to the purposes of God in the church is legalism."
"Hiding is keeping you away from your higher self."
"The devil can't stop me, he can only hinder me."
"Stronghold is a mindset, set value system, or thought process that hinders your growth."
"Enter within yourself and you'll hinder those who are entering."
"Excuses keep you from your destiny, your future, and your eternal hope in God."
"We live in a world of spiritual terrorists seeking to hinder every dimension of our lives."
"What we're seeing as they're walking along, but whoever is behind is just keeps ankle tapping the one in front."
"Is it possible to blow your own sail?"
"They felt like they had control over this person, but they were preventing that person from moving forward."
"Societal attitudes and assumptions can impede effective learning."
"Their passiveness keeps things from moving forward."
"There's nothing more crippling and debilitating than that mentality of perfectionism."
"Insecurity is robbing him of a blessing."
"So if you don't remove this dye then it really hinders the entire rest of the process."
"Fear is just kind of a useless emotion because it don't do nothing but hinder you."
"What hinders our faith today is our sense of inferiority."
"...you are your biggest block to your success..."
"You pray for me, you really look like a big oversized person trying to fit and you cannot get to your calling, you cannot get to the next level because the habits of your current life are weighing you down."
"Let me show you a little snag that might Scupper our plans from square one."
"Some of you there's a relationship that is holding you back."
"Evolution theory is a hindrance to science."
"The head is the biggest hindrance any player has whether it be average or the best players in the world."
"It just won't get out of its own way."
"It's not gonna hold you back, as long as you've got the skills."
"Some of you are failing to go to the next level because of your affiliations to things that actually give you a hindrance."
"The worst enemy of any artist is sentiment."
"Remorse holds you back. Remorse weakens you."
"Why are these people just trying to step on your neck? I mean literally step on your, they're not trying to help you move forward, they're trying to keep you behind the eight ball."