
Damage Quotes

There are 630 quotes

"Might represents basically how much damage you do... it also improves your fortitude."
"The damage, oh it's more than enough right now."
"Sometimes the only strategy is to rely on confusion damage."
"The amount of damage that's being done in Ukraine is absolutely huge."
"We spend a lot of time in treatment talking about the damages that alcohol has caused us."
"A crazy ice storm had frozen two pumps in our raw water system and made them burst."
"The Royal capacitor is the best equipment in the game. Not only does it deal a huge chunk of damage, but it also has a 20-second cooldown."
"Your ego and self esteem will deteriorate and at the end you'll just be damaged goods."
"Feels good to use, often times you just need a little bit more damage or healing."
"Incredible single target damage, it really is an embarrassment of riches."
"I think the Republican brand in like popular culture has been so damaged."
"It's like you see a guard rail that a car has hit and it's like all mangled but it's there and you're like okay so it held it held but that doesn't mean it's going to help them hold the next time."
"Each point of it represents like this 100 damage or 10 toughness so this guy this count would be 1300 damage with 130 toughness."
"Blink strike now has six charges, it does 100 magic damage per charge."
"You don't need a world-beating military in order to do immense damage to civilian infrastructure and run up casualty figures."
"You could definitely one shot them with the m1 combo."
"This combo generally does around 400,000 damage."
"I think he sustained more damage from that over the last week."
"Infrastructure in shambles: bridges, railroads, electrical, and water distribution systems severely damaged."
"No single person has done more damage to Ukraine than Victoria Nuland." - Professor Jeffrey Saak
"The only thing left for you to do was determined if she's been damaged and by how much."
"You're like turning the thing into ash. What if she's going real hard? What if his collection is like first edition shadowless base set cards and she's burning Charizards and [ __ ]."
"They did tremendous damage to her credibility if there was any credibility left to damage."
"The collapse of ICE vehicle sales is inevitable."
"Superheroes do a lot of collateral damage; with this being a show about superhero law you would think they would go over superhero insurance or something."
"We've got some really interesting results here's our beefsteak pectoral a lot of damage there our pork ribs on the front of the target devastating damage there our slugs just annihilated our orange and grapefruit lung tissue."
"The mid laner with their strong ability burst damage can deal out the biggest single hits on the team and so their main job is to secure the objective and prevent a steal by dumping big damage into it all at once as it's about to die."
"I love being able to do damage while debuffing them."
"Significant damage being done along many coastlines."
"The Hunting Horn is a great weapon from both a damage point of view and also a support point of view too."
"Crit damage adds significantly more damage than attack percent."
"Diona is able to output colossal 13,901 damage charge shots every one second or so."
"The Barbarian literally catapulting guys... massive amount of damage."
"What killed this one was Hurricane Irene, a big tree fell on it and it even bent the whole car."
"If my kid manages somehow to destroy your house with his skateboard then I will gladly pay the damages."
"The damage is severe; it's life-long for far too many people for my comfort."
"It's honestly pretty strong does a good job of playing like utility and some damage as well."
"According to an Auctioneer in Arizona, they believed it would fetch up to 15 million dollars, even though it wasn't in perfect condition and had smoke damage."
"People don't forget and the damage was already done."
"Fighting Lion can shoot over the barricade and still do some splash damage which is nutty."
"claiming that there was election fraud when there wasn't is actually the greatest damage that individual one has done to the United States."
"Hammer has very long combinations that deal very high damage."
"The damage goes from 25 to 200, it's a ridiculously high scaling damage number."
"We're just doing so much damage right now that it's fairly unfathomable that we would not be able to survive this run."
"Old Trafford has been destroyed by the Glazers, right?"
"Rounds band: The unequivocal definition of consistent damage."
"They chew through a lot of homes and cars, they could destroy your Mazda."
"Bladestorm, it's excellent ability, it does a fairly significant amount of damage."
"Shotguns pump a hell of a lot of damage into anyone dumb enough to let you get that Barrel close to them."
"Make sure at least one person has strong poke damage."
"It doesn't always take an apocalypse to cause some heavy damage."
"We should be looking for ways to mitigate the damage."
"This is perhaps unsurprisingly some of the best damage I've ever seen."
"Everybody else does, so again 60 base damage and five arrows you put that together and it does a lot of damage."
"Back at our event here, cars a little chunked up but that's okay."
"Queen walks are very valuable... she can deal a lot of damage."
"Forgive the damage that was done to that person, forgive the effects of the damage, forgive the mistakes that person made because of the damage."
"He wants to do that, and that's what you need. You're gonna go out there, you're going to be able to, when you've damaged your opponent."
"I think a unit of three of them is still is fairly decent damage output here could be a solid threat to the majority of units."
"That does like around 40 damage that's actually insane."
"They are going to be boosting his base damage as well as increasing his super damage."
"The fire mage has the highest damage dealer in the game."
"The common Hut provides an excellent source of Chip damage."
"Extra damage up front so I'm going to put it in the A tier."
"This guy is good like when you're doing that level of damage."
"Over-fertilizing can burn the entire root system."
"It's my belief that secrecy can cause real damage."
"People will take information whether it's right or wrong and they will try to destroy people."
"She will actually be the carry and someone who's going to be doing a ton of Electro damage."
"Sonic is just sleeping with a big laser hole in him."
"Problem solved, we took more damage from that."
"Also, a huge power knockoff on Golden Goat just did so much damage."
"The Great Chicago Fire of 1871... cost about 200 million dollars in property damage."
"Bst doubles the damage you do and the damage you can take."
"It's amazing to watch all of my cute pets turn from cute to vicious, actually extremely powerful and they do so much damage."
"I love that they gain trample because a lot of the times when you're going wide, sometimes you need some way to get a little bit more damage through."
"Late game Urgot's damage output is redonkulous!"
"Ponytails are one of the most common hairstyles and they can be super damaging."
"That's a single smite. It is so. One takes a mortal wound."
"That was insane! That was a whole lot of damage. That was over 7,000 damage, almost a TCG lethal. Let's get into the next game."
"Every third attack is enhanced, dealing additional bonus true damage to enemies."
"Dragonbane: After you use your hero power, deal 5 damage to a random enemy."
"Your protective style may not be protecting a damn thing. In fact, it could be damaging your hair and killing any length retention that you received."
"Splash damage of explosive payload but you also get a dragonfly explosion on every kill."
"These assumptions that patients are lying do a lot of harm."
"The damage is actually higher than it previously was."
"This build just absolutely blasts you do an unbelievable amount of damage."
"For each unique element you deal with, you feel seven to twelve percent increased damage for three seconds."
"Lucky hit: You have a 20 chance to launch three stun grenades that deal damage and stun them for half a second."
"Eldritch blast is one of the best damage dealing can trips in the game."
"It's the lightsaber - to be fair, it does quite a bit of damage."
"Ex Lariat does more damage... starts up faster."
"Blow the ashes is dealing a whopping 218,000 damage against a 150."
"Flex Seal, baby! Now that's a lot of damage!"
"Wave crashes through windows of Italian restaurant."
"This vehicle will be able to achieve 1300 damage."
"I wish the news also would give better context in that case but I'm gonna come all the way back around this smile let himself he he's done such tremendous damage."
"I've always had a very soft spot for Gwenpool because the bleed damage is just absolutely insane."
"Patience is a really fun card because it deals massive damage."
"More damage is never something we're going to complain about."
"Critical hits are going to mean a lot more damage."
"The punch that you don't see does the most damage." - "It's the punch that you don't see that does the most damage."
"The torch is the only place not accessible to visitors due to damage it previously sustained."
"I'm sure that's what that's definitely what his wife says at least yes anyway point is we are going to do some damage we're gonna do some damage and hopefully maybe get the next level it would be kind of nice to get the next level."
"Most of the damage was done as a teenager, 15, 16, yeah."
"That's actually very nice, that's a lot of damage plus the extra shield."
"Without a doubt, there are over a trillion dollars worth of damages that have been done."
"It does damage to us, we specs, um, we nuke, GG."
"Every upgrade is just more damage somehow, the specifics don't really matter to me."
"Funky Bouncer pushes enemies back, while Disco Tornado deals massive damage."
"Armors don't just boil down to damage type mitigation."
"It's probably something like four to five million DPS."
"The tank is on fire, the driver cannot handle it."
"Both of these animals had bites that could inflict some serious damage to each other."
"Marty's false accusation has severely damaged my reputation."
"Spear .308: Now it's a laser beam that has all right damage."
"You see the damage you've caused, Eric Cartman? What were you thinking?" - Mr. Garrison
"There's too much damage that has been done, and we just have to look forward."
"Cells would be ruptured and it would be heavily damaged."
"The wingman... if you can hit consistent shots, it deals insane damage."
"The almighty first round surprise attack assassinate does gobs of damage."
"Aphelios' ultimate deals insane AOE damage and can turn around fights altogether."
"Permanent spikes will literally do enough damage to pop an entire Moab balloon."
"If you hit a creature with an attack roll that creature takes an extra 2d6 damage if it hasn't taken a turn yet in the current combat."
"Prospectors getting Chain Reaction fine prospector will not be relevant until some serious Buffs to grenade launcher damage."
"It's not our fingers, but it's busted. That's too bad."
"EK has a very solid amount of base physical damage that scales with its level."
"Divine Glaive: dealing 38.5% more damage with just one item."
"Swashbuckler is really nice to have because if I do land a melee kill while my hand cannons out I can start popping off 90 damage headshots."
"Of like a glass cannon, you are a rock. You deal boatloads of damage while just standing still."
"Cog out damages Ezreal and Syndra combined right now."
"Her super swings in a Big Arc dealing massive damage."
"You want to aim for 490 defense, that will get you defense capped."
"Maximum meteor can theoretically damage 15 finger suca."
"The damage that he is doing is incalculable to The Republic."
"Did he make it out... his Hull is hanging on by tatters but he made it."
"You could reverse a lot of the damage."
"Oh, that caused a little bit of damage, I think."
"This thing is so powerful it blew a bunch of holes in my camera's sensor without even taking a direct hit."
"Action surge is one of, if not the best, abilities to take if you're building a character for nova damage or burst damage."
"The automatic car wash is the number one way that vehicles get absolutely destroyed."
"It just might be the highest sustained damage dealing character that I've done in all of my previous 46 episodes to date."
"They wish the best for you, they're hoping that they didn't do any lasting damage."
"When a company suffers a data breach and it's known to the public, it can cause damage to their brand as they lose the respect of the public."
"The body of the shiny new truck was riddled with holes and glass shards littered the ground."
"Rubbing frostbite can will just cause more tissue damage."
"That's 100% Rock chips, they're little divots in there."
"There ain't a single thing in this world that's totally impervious to damage."
"To say that his reputation was tarnished is definitely an understatement."
"Sometimes in life, a dangerous person comes along, a person that ends up doing far more damage to us, our self-esteem, our sense of selves, and our life than we ever thought possible."
"Doing damage for a character is fairly easy to come by. Now of course, there are ways to build characters to really increase the amount of damage that you do."
"If the seller caused that damage, the seller pays the vet bills."
"Ammonia free does not mean damage free."
"I was consistently doing 60 plus damage per round."
"It was the ferocity of the bodywork ripping back that's actually done the damage to the number three car."
"You will be damaged, but you will not be destroyed."
"There are few macronutrients that could cause more damage to the human body than excess protein."
"These schemes damage people's lives, sometimes permanently."
"Consider the irreparable damage you're inflicting on herself esteem by lying and gaslighting her, and leave her alone."
"...the longer this has gone on is the more they have been damaging themselves."
"Fructose recapitulates all the damage that alcohol does to your liver without the buzz."
"This camshaft is definitely destroyed."
"This lifter was just grinding into this lobe, metal to metal."
"Someone is realizing that they possibly did more damage to the relationship than you did."
"We are particularly the only race of people who have been damaged severely in terms of the trueness of our identity."
"...I still think they're kind of shooting themselves in the foot here because they've done a lot of damage to how the Integrity of the game is seen."
"Warming up gas-powered vehicles before driving in cold weather can cause damage to the engine."
"The helicopter itself was like swiss cheese, had been shot so many times."
"The more you protect stuff, the more it's gonna get damaged, yeah."
"I was gutted when I damaged it, but it's actually worked out for the best because it's now even more lovely than it ever was before."
"What's amazing to me is how similar these flood total cars can be in theory but how different the damage manifests itself from car to car."
"I honestly couldn't believe the amount of damage he'd done—it was catastrophic."
"Cardiovascular disease is simply a process where damage outweighs the body's ability to repair it."
"And lastly we want to check the battery relay, also attached, and no damage."
"I'm not here to argue with you, okay, but there's a lot of damage from all the lies that have been told."
"Damage is damage whether it comes in round one or round four, but there's a major difference: there aren't four set rounds in D&D."
"A candle falling on the carpet, burning right through the carpet through the pad all the way to the concrete, that's not what I would expect to see."
"The damage you could have did in the NFL."
"The car was hit four times by lightning strikes in quick succession, causing the electrical system to fail and leaving a hole in the door handle."
"It's causing damage to us. I totally disagree."
"I love the aesthetic of this. Unfortunately, it's got quite a bit of damage. Darn, I would have grabbed that. That is so romantically beautiful, isn't that gorgeous? Darn, very mad that that's damaged."
"Our neighbor a few doors down, they have stables and the whole roof has just come off."
"We lost several limbs and the windmill, another big tree down back there."
"The entire room had been torn apart."
"So they've been in the wars a little bit they had a big hit in fp1 as well actually and you can see the damage on the right hand door was from the legacy of that so these guys have had uh more hits than Tina Turner this weekend"
"Category N cars may have sustained cosmetic or electrical damage, but they're generally okay. Category S cars, however, mean structural damage—walk away."
"The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian Islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces."
"There's no question that having the ability to pile on a lot of extra damage in a single glorious round of combat can really go a long way."
"I think we have permanently damaged relationships here."
"A lot of the other stuff might've been broke because of things falling over."
"Because when you put it in a foil, I think you can create a lot of damage."
"...but it beats out all other burst damage builds that I've done for total damage at this level."
"The damage that pornography has wrought on families, on society, it really can't even be quantified. So this is something that we have to battle against with every tool that we have in our tool belt."
"That's got as much brakes as when I wrecked it probably."
"There's a good chance that now you can do an extra 1d8 of damage to two targets assuming of course that they're standing next to each other and you're hitting them with Toll the Dead."
"I mean speaking of hitting harder, if you throw in your psionic strike damage, this character could potentially put out some pretty decent damage, especially for a tank character."
"Will a car crash have enough energy to set this off and do the same amount of damage?"
"The terrorists hold that there's no such thing as collateral or as the dictionary says secondary damage. All damage for them is primary and they want to do as much damage as they can."
"That hose is absolutely trashed. I can't believe it was it wasn't actually leaking everywhere."
"The total damages amounted to approximately five hundred thousand pounds."