
Self-acknowledgment Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"I'm a good parent who is having a hard time."
"The fact that you're here right now, in this moment, is worth being proud of."
"My truth is, I've screwed up many times in my life, I'm not a perfect person."
"I have sinned. I am a thief, a heretic, a murderer."
"You can't fully heal unless you acknowledge that part of you."
"I do deserve to be executed. Bottom line. I ain't going to candy coat it. I deserve to be executed."
"There's real promise in admitting that you're not everything you could be."
"First things first, I'm the realest. But second thing second, thank you so much for all the support on the summer collection."
"Congratulations, give yourself a pat on the back."
"I was like, 'Damn, I have arrived. I am here.'"
"You're gonna admit that we're strong enough now. Keep winning, Tanjiro."
"Don't wait for someone else's acknowledgment. Give yourself acknowledgment."
"I called my album 'I Want to Thank Me' because I was like you know what I do need to."
"Celebrate those short victories on your own, but don't be too hard on yourself."
"It's because you were doing the work, that's why."
"Just call me champion, ladies and gentlemen."
"You've earned all your stripes; own it; celebrate your hard work, Leo."
"Give yourself credit for getting through each and every day."
"If you think we're too extreme, you bet we are."
"Homie, look what I become. I'm the one. I'm one of those people."
"It's the pride that you really have been needing to step into and acknowledge about yourself."
"Making adjustments to where adjustments need to be made. This is a time for you to own your power and for you to accept your power."
"I'm a Saiyan. Battles are in my veins, so denying that is like denying my own existence."
"It doesn't matter if everyone else acknowledges you... you have to be willing to acknowledge yourself."
"This is my hometown, I did this, I take full responsibility."
"You start by starting, you start by saying you don't know where you're at and that's how you start, congratulations, you're on your journey."
"Credit yourself for every little bit that you've done that's good for you going forward."
"Just recognizing on any given day, you're trying hard, you're showing up, you're a decent person. You wish people well."
"You're not always going to get it all done... just know that whatever you do, give yourself a huge pat on the back."
"You must acknowledge it when you do it to you, to give yourself credit, to create confidence momentum."
"I am so aggressively proud of myself."
"It wasn't until now that I've been able to be on this show, build my brand, start some businesses, you know, hold my own period, just my own without a man that I feel like, 'Wow, okay, she's the yes, she is.'"
"Give yourself permission to see, sense, feel, and acknowledge your own wisdom."
"You are a legend... well done... make sure you tell yourself well done."
"Even the mirepoix give yourself a pat on the back."
"Showing up in each of these poses, showing up on your mat over the course of these 30 days, is a way of saying to yourself I hear you, I see you, I am listening."
"We need to give ourselves credit because we have come a lot farther than we think we do especially when we're living everyday life day-to-day sometimes it's really good to reflect and see how far you've come."
"Do it and then feel good about it... it's just giving yourself credit where credit is due."
"Acknowledge that you tried your best. You did everything you could do, everything that you were willing to do."
"It's okay to be pleased with yourself."
"The time to celebrate your power is now."
"Pat yourself on the back and say, I made it, I'm a whole lot farther than where I started."
"I feel so proud of myself at the same time, but obviously you still got more work to do."
"I think I may say without boasting that in the period from 1910 to 1930, I was the main factor in revolutionising the attitude of American Negroes toward caste."
"Every now and then, I dust my shoulders off for the good work I did."
"I want to congratulate myself for working tirelessly, being a good person."
"While I may not win, I've definitely won in my own way."
"This is my gift, this is my god-given blessing, my talent."
"I'm human, I'm a human being, and I'm in love."
"I'm proud of myself just for getting things done and still progressing."
"Maybe I'll finally be able to say it: 'I am here.' That'll be the day, but it'll be great."
"Honestly, my greatest accomplishment is what I say that it is."
"If your answer is nine, you're right, and should give yourself a pat on the back."
"I'm really proud of myself for booking the appointment and showing up."
"It's no secret I am a published writer."
"That's when you know you're a true winner of Drag Race."
"Thank yourself for showing up on the mat today."
"I'm just a human being with emotions and feelings."
"My worldly success is a result of my intelligence and ability."
"Are you non-binary? Yes, I am non-binary, absolutely."
"Small steps are still strides, do not discredit yourself."
"I've already cemented my place as the best of my era."
"And acknowledging how powerful that can be."
"When I look back, I'm absolutely proud of myself."
"Stop downplaying your successes. Start receiving gratefully and graciously."
"Whatever emotions that you're feeling, there is a reason for feeling them and they must be acknowledged."
"Since I'm getting paid, I'm a professional."
"I've always had the creative knack to me."
"All you did today was stay strong, you did enough."
"It took me a long time to be able to say I'm good at something."
"It's definitely showing because I'm losing weight and I'm just proud of myself."
"It ain't no problem to give a power to power that's great when the power is to acknowledge the power you ain't."
"Amanda you did well, you did enough today, pat yourself on the back."
"Everybody gets to be human. I'm human."
"I've already established myself as a legend."
"You have already achieved much, much more even than you think."
"I feel really grateful, I feel really proud of myself."
"It’s about how much we can recognize our own achievements, and how much we are ready to tell the world about them."
"For every bit that I struggle with comparison, I also want to give myself credit in saying that I think it's a really great thing that I haven't let it stop me from trying new things."
"Damn, that's actually a good quote."
"Pat yourself on the back. Good job, well done."
"I believe she's black and Panamanian, yes I am."
"If you're Denzel, you're looking in the mirror and you're like, 'I really am that guy.'"
"You really should have come to terms with your greatness by now."
"There's an acknowledgment that you're a badass at some aspect of life and owning that."
"I think Charles can probably pat himself on the back for a pretty good year."
"I'm proud of myself for that. Like, that feels really good to be able to even like acknowledge that I have gotten to that point."
"I'm not as good as I once was, but I was good once as I ever was."
"It's New York, and everybody's crazy, me included."
"You have got the key, you have got some kind of answer here, you will be able to give a credit to yourself."
"Feel proud of how far you've come and where you are now."
"You're extremely gifted, you're extremely talented."
"I'm really proud of myself right now."
"Acknowledging your truth will bring you peace."