
Emotional Responsibility Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Everyone is responsible for their own feelings and how they communicate about those feelings."
"I am responsible for my emotions and I don't want to suppress them where they'll blow up."
"You're not responsible for the hurt that people cause you, but you are responsible for how you heal."
"Nobody is responsible for making me feel the way I think I need to feel. It's a privilege, not a responsibility."
"My emotions are my responsibility, my actions are my responsibilities."
"If putting a thing like this in a game like Depression Quest can get just one person to stop and think just how responsible I'm making other people for my emotional well-being, this game will have done an invaluable service."
"I want you to take 100% responsibility for all of your emotions, every single one."
"Their wounds are theirs it's not your responsibility to fix them and you being their psychological punching bag is not going to be what makes them better it will definitely make you worse."
"You have to take responsibility for your emotional state. You gotta take personal responsibility for how you feel."
"Take responsibility for your own emotional state."
"Don't ever put your emotions on somebody else as their responsibility. You will be disappointed every time."
"You're always responsible for your own emotions."
"Most painfully taking on the emotional consequences of their actions."
"You can't put all of your grief and trauma on someone especially your romantic partner."
"I promised myself to never betray her smile again."
"Understanding that children are not responsible for a grown-up's feelings; a grown-up is responsible for their own feelings."
"If you don't take the gift, it's left with you."
"I'm responsible for my feelings and I know how to speak unto them."
"You are no longer responsible for other people's emotions."
"When someone entrusts you with their heart and no one has ever entrusted you with anything ever before, it's a huge responsibility."
"People don't make you angry, you allow the anger to dwell within you."
"You feel guilty, like the audience has a sense of ownership."
"Begin to realize that the sadness is my sadness, the other person is not responsible for my sadness."
"It's not your responsibility to act on other people's feelings."
"You are responsible for the way you feel and the way you act."
"People's feelings are their problem, not my problem."
"I want to make sure you're happy, and I've been careless with your heart, I promise to fix this."
"Your emotional state is your responsibility and your responsibility alone."
"Even if we think that we are hurting others, other people also shouldn't put their happiness in your hands."
"I did bad, I dishonored my worth, I did not show up in a way that was good, and so that hurts, that feels bad, but it's good that feels bad because it's incentive."
"The only reason you're in the emotional space that you're in now is because you made that decision."
"You don't owe anything to anyone... it is not your responsibility to care for anyone else's emotions."
"Once you get that your feelings are your responsibility, you change the trajectory of your life."
"We cannot expect strangers to be responsible for our own feelings."
"You are really are the ones you really are the ones in control of how you feel and nothing outside of you is you are responsible for how you feel and you have the choice."
"You're responsible for your own emotions, your own feelings, like everything that's in your inner world is your responsibility no matter what."
"Being awake is your awareness around your fear. It's being aware that 'Okay, I'm feeling emotion, I'm in this experience, and I understand my vulnerability inside of this experience, and I'm going to take responsibility for that emotion."
"You're no longer available to be responsible for other people's emotions. You are not available for it anymore."
"We take full responsibility for what we're feeling at all times."
"Having control over your emotional state is something that you consciously practice and take full responsibility for."
"You are the creator of your emotions, not the victim."
"Realizing that in most instances, the feelings of others are not my responsibility."
"We are actually responsible for how we're feeling together while we're interacting."
"We create our own happiness, our own misery."
"The other person is just the catalyst; it's you that make yourself angry."
"Trying to accept responsibility for other people's feelings and their actions is one of the most painful things because you can't change other people."
"I am responsible for how I feel, and you haven't got anything to do with it."
"This is the mindset for success: responsibility for your emotions, for your mindsets."
"We are not responsible for anybody else's feelings at a deep, deep level."
"As adults, we are responsible for the feelings we have, no one else is."
"I accept full responsibility for my feelings."
"Your emotions are your responsibility, regardless of circumstances."