
Technology Appreciation Quotes

There are 293 quotes

"Whether or not you want to see this in games is beyond the point; it's impressive to see this work at this level where the response from the NPC is done in such a way that it actually feels like a performance rather than just an AI response."
"This is what that stupid diorama builder program should have been like. This is way cool."
"I really appreciate the new routing features and I think they did a fantastic job on the hardware front in terms of the design."
"I think that the PC appreciation market is actually bigger than people realize."
"I look at the phone as this amazing thing. I think how lucky we are to live in this time."
"That's when I was really impressed with the Prusa, was the fact that you could just do that and it just fit."
"And that's how you thank you current technology for [ __ ] the spoiled 30-year-old man. Thank you, we did it!"
"It's hard to make an OLED look bad in HDR content or really any content for that matter."
"Real-time 3D graphics still look impressive today."
"Perfect black with the bright yellow right next to it. Now, this is why you get an OLED TV."
"Amazing how quiet those electric motors are."
"The best thing about the 10R has been its battery life by far."
"I'll use a laptop and I'll be like, 'this is pretty cool, you know, this is like a work of somebody worked hard on this' and you'll be like, 'the arrow key is weird, doesn't have touchscreen'. You know, I'm Alex."
"WSL is awesome. That's why you are here to talk about it. It is great."
"Experience the world. OK. The phone is awesome. The net is awesome. But that is halfway, halfway."
"My number one favorite thing... was absolutely the graphics."
"Population One is really a testament to the amazing technology within Unity."
"We should be honestly pretty grateful that we even have stress level zero VR...we have a lot to owe to stress level zero."
"Even if you're not an Apple fanboy, it's just beautiful. The photography is fantastic, he's done a great job. Really has. Hats off."
"This photo serves as a super cool reminder of just how technologically advanced we really are."
"The mature one XR glasses is honestly one of the coolest pieces of gaming Tech I have ever gotten to experience."
"Radeon image sharpening is genuinely quite impressive. It doesn't require developer implementation, you can just turn it on, it sharpens the image, and that can be useful in a variety of situations."
"One thing I love about the RD181 is it's very similar to the RD180 in that it has that wonderful groan."
"It's just cool tech, appreciating it for the amazing technology that it is."
"Just because a console is older doesn’t mean its time is passed."
"This update did come out of nowhere and it is amazing!"
"A lot of people say, 'Well, it's just a tent.' And it's not just a tent. This is possibly technology that is thousands and thousands of years old and it hasn't been advanced on. It doesn't need to be. It's perfect the way it is."
"It's just that I really enjoy this era of technology. I'd also love a 60s Mustang. They're just cool."
"It's one of the most amazing things in life to have faster internet."
"It's super cool, it's something that once you get used to it, you want it in every system."
"I'm kind of a sucker for depth of field effects, and it has no noticeable performance impact."
"I'm really impressed by the iMac, it really just has me excited for the future of Apple computers."
"I'm really impressed with what they've done here."
"This is such an amazing little emulation box."
"The technology has really progressed... the difference is you're really going to notice."
"I’m really into this quasi-dual-native-resolution situation."
"There’s just something about scanlines blown up this big that is really satisfying!"
"It is absolutely possible to just dip your toe in and get a pretty interesting experience - in some ways affordable older projectors can be more useful than you might expect and also offer surprising benefits."
"I like the rounded corners. I love the look of Windows 11."
"I love all the connectors on this board. This is still my favorite Pi in many respects..."
"I actually like the fact that there's another platform out there."
"I've been very impressed with the Core 15 design for both AMD and Intel models."
"CRT fans tend to be very fond of scanlines and many consider them an integral part of the retro gaming experience."
"Let's face it, this emulator is awesome and I mean awesome."
"One thing we learned in 2020 is that the internet is awesome."
"Coolest [__] I ever seen, this mod is really impressive to me."
"When I watch things like 'The Expanse,' I love that level of technological development."
"The Xbox holds up 20 years later as one of the greatest video game consoles of all time."
"Overall, it's still a very fascinating technology."
"I really think like the 3D printer is pretty awesome."
"The PlayStation 2 remains one of my favorite consoles of all time."
"It's simple, it's clever, it just works, and I love it."
"iOS 14 is good. I mean, really good, great even."
"Anyways, let's roll into what I want to talk about today, which would be tech that we take for granted."
"I absolutely love it, putting them on and hearing that sound of silence is just so good every time."
"The tooltips are great it might seem like a small thing but they do look way better than before."
"This is an incredible machine and we're going to get into why."
"Butterfs is awesome, I really enjoyed checking this out."
"Absolutely yes, these are the best Galaxy S devices that Samsung has released so far."
"These are some of the most gorgeous looking devices that I have seen."
"This beats out movies like Joker... this looks better than any 4k blu-ray I've seen."
"These are some of the most pristine 4k transfers that I've seen."
"I'm absolutely bloody frothing on this. This is going to be fantastic!"
"Feels great the wonders of CGI provide us with something better..."
"After three years, if it's not making money, it's a hobby."
"Cloud saves, that is the reason I will be clapping for."
"The advantages outweigh it...it's like a toy that never winds down." - Chris Hadfield
"Thank God for social media. Thank God for YouTube. And thank God for real discoveries."
"My favorite systems on this device are the 16-bit era consoles like the Genesis and the SNES."
"I won this in a raffle, awesome. I can't say enough about this radio."
"I'm pretty close to being in love with this."
"Technology is absolutely incredible right now."
"Most people don't realize just how clever phones can be."
"Wow what a machine book of clarkson chapter 8 verse 9. this is unbelievable absolutely incredible."
"The game looks beautiful, very crisp and new."
"I struggle to recognize how incredible this technology really is."
"This AI is better than I gave it credit for."
"Is that not one of the best looking phones you've ever seen?"
"The quality and the versatility of this thing is just incredible."
"That's going to do it for this video. I hope you enjoyed this tour through the world of CRTs once again."
"The battery life on the Pro Max was the aspect I appreciated the most."
"Thank you Valve for fixing the issues with steamvr analytics, showing a slow but steady incline of VR headset ownership."
"Bitcoin is incredible technology. It is a digital asset that cannot be copied."
"I will forgive all of that, all of it, for proximity voice chat."
"This resolution is unbelievable; everything starts to feel really real."
"Tech family, wow! This Alienware x15 is a freaking awesome laptop, phenomenal!"
"Streamlabs is literally one of the greatest things I've ever discovered. Thank you so much for making it easy."
"Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) is kind of awesome."
"Big fan of anything going to space and honestly this vehicle puts on such a cool show."
"That's probably one of the coolest things about one of these launches."
"Apollo 11 VR experience... it's really nicely produced... it's a great thing to show people that might be skeptical..."
"I appreciate Tesla for the technical solutions and the way they did it."
"Thank God Corona hasn't affected the internet yet."
"Facetime? Amazing. I think it's a good invention. Video call in general, not just Facetime."
"This launcher is just filled with nice stuff."
"PC is the master race. I agree. I'm really happy about my computer. It's fantastic."
"What I like about this device... it's a really powerful machine."
"It's one of my favorite releases of the past few years."
"This game, even though I am playing it as a part of the Bioshock Collection, still looks great. While some games from 2013 have aged like a block of cheese sealed in a mason jar, this game is not one of them."
"HTML deserves a spot in the amazing category."
"Assembly... give credit where credit is due... assembly belongs in the amazing category."
"Meanwhile, the 12-inch Uconnect four infotainment is booting up. Hear that idle? It's nice. It's very nice."
"Welcome to the world of air guns. I'm completely impressed."
"So these tools are very useful and very cool."
"Printing money by excess monetary printing is a real problem, it's the issue of our times."
"The battery life is also some of the best that I've seen."
"Load times are really good too, which is nice to see."
"Every time I show a feature of this machine, just assume that it's the best of such a thing I've ever seen."
"The interface itself is by far the most intuitive interface I've ever used on a resin printer."
"DLSS, even if you don't like the LSS you gotta agree that the technology is really great."
"The fact that you can have a little tiny computer in your hands where you can hold something in place with Optical image stabilization and it will take a bunch of exposures and compensate them all into one multi-frame image is under hyped."
"The computer itself is such a well-built really awesome computer."
"I am absolutely loving the new FaceTime features here."
"This thing is awesome, I am super impressed by how well this thing works."
"The feel of this phone is just incredible, that is the biggest reason why I've just gotten rid of a case."
"Touch and drag AF... a tremendous feature that I absolutely love."
"One of the greatest features ever though is touch and drag AF settings."
"Autopilot is one of my favorite features... it really takes the mundane, boring part out of driving."
"Great guest Janice Dean, the weather machine is awesome."
"What a cool piece of tech and luxury all mixed into one."
"Let's talk about keyboards for a second. Most people are like, 'Ah, keyboards, whatever.' But you know what? Let's be honest, it's physically, other than the mouse, the thing you interact with the most on your system."
"I think we're all very lucky to have the technology we do because it definitely makes a big difference in all of our lives."
"But in summary, I got to give credit to Sony for backup compatibility on the PS5."
"Just because I love technical showpiece games and it's like I have Game Pass, I have a Series X and a beautiful OLED TV, so of course."
"This is truly a feature that we've wanted for a while. You'll notice how fast the SSD performance is in everything you play."
"Jumping out of airplanes like that is crazy. I like this phone. It's a nice [expletive] formula."
"I love being able to open it up and just automatically being logged in."
"The MacBook display is nothing short of physically arousing."
"I love technology, it makes everything so much easier and more convenient."
"So I think the retroid pocket 3 is just a mixture of all my favorite components."
"The display just feels very responsive and color accurate and is just a true joy to use."
"It's really a sensational experience viewing this monitor."
"This is the nicest hardware that Apple has ever shipped."
"Honestly, a dedicated camera button is just one of the best things you can have on really any smartphone."
"I really love the look and feel of this phone."
"I'm a really big fan... some of the best tech we've seen in this hobby."
"I think the internet and computers are the most magical and amazing things I've ever experienced."
"I love this screen... it's just so much better."
"Gamers will fully appreciate that the PlayStation 5 is one of the most revolutionary inspired home consoles ever designed."
"Now first off, Doodle Pro, I like that the tablet pouch actually has a little magnetic closure in there, that's nice."
"That's the one thing I've poked around at so far in Monterey, and I really like what I see so far because it really does feel like a Mac app."
"YouTube has literally saved my life time and time again."
"I'm blown away by the quality and performance of the Roborock S7, and it's 100% my recommendation for anyone looking for a high-end robotic vacuum and mop."
"So I love the fact that there's Wi-Fi and I love the app."
"Faster internet is good, I will tolerate no disagreements on this subject."
"This camera is going to look nice, okay? Beautiful AMOLED panel and no lag."
"Is it awesome that in this instance everything worked out well? Absolutely." - Dylan Lumis
"Getting regular updates is such an underrated feature it really is."
"That's absolutely incredible, what an amazing machine."
"That really makes you appreciate the technology we have today."
"The LG Stylo 6 is an awesome device for watching video content."
"It's really about bloody time that it starts getting the same levels of recognition as early Sega and Nintendo hardware."
"Each update is kind of like a little present."
"It's literally God's technology harnessed in equipment and therapies."
"I think Twitter is probably one of the greatest things ever invented."
"All in all, I've got to say, a very impressive machine."
"Autopilot has been really great." - Sarah Dietrich Renzo Peachey
"This week, you've got an iPhone, you've got a droid, you've got a pocketful of miracles. You should appreciate the things you have. It's an amazing world we live in."
"It's amazing, one of the things I do love love love about this skyglass is that I don't have to, you know, it's not like 'oh, it's ballpark it's over Atlanta whatever, it gets you down to the corner of the street."
"The true beauty of the Flight Sim Labs A320 is the uncompromised system simulation."
"Build quality, I'm definitely feeling the build quality."
"The camera, this is straight-up just point and shoot, this is amazing."
"The iPhone 5s camera was far and away the crown jewel of the iPhone 5s for me and for you, for me."
"I genuinely love this browser, it's everything I could ask for and more as a gamer and a video editor."
"A beautiful space for you guys to learn about. I'm excited. Very excited about this tech tour."
"I like it a lot. It's great to have actual hardware run through HDMI."
"Thank you, Elon Musk, for Starlink, allowing families to get in touch."
"Love the aesthetic and the feature set love having my first HDR monitor experience that actually makes HDR content worth it."
"That beautiful AMOLED display sat inside that hulking Great Frame... everything just clicks."
"Because it's ground thin and honed, it cuts everything like a laser beam. A very relaxing way to cut the grass, no noise, fumes, or anything. Very easy."
"The concept D7 easel, I really love the future of laptops."
"I don't think the Atari ST gets enough love on YouTube."
"The Macbook Air is amazing and clearly I love it an awful lot."
"The Denafrips Ares 2... kind of like a magic maker."
"But kudos to Apple, it is a fast processor, and that's just a fact."
"I love pretty much everything about this touchscreen interface on the S1."
"The index is probably the best piece of tech that I've ever bought ever."
"Both superb machines either way, you got a winner."
"It's packed full of great technology, the interior, the choice of materials, the build quality."
"It's amazing how much stuff it will run and the sheer versatility of it as well."
"Pixel 4 fans will undoubtedly find plenty to like."
"Okay, can I just say like how amazing those graphics look?"
"The quick shifter on this... wow, that is a brilliant bit of kit."
"Sometimes the last days of old technology are better than the first days of new technology."
"As soon as this booted up and how bright and clear it is, it reminded me this is actually an OLED screen."
"The reason I love it so much is the technology beneath all of this is amazing."
"They left in an electric car. Yes, I think that is pretty awesome."
"There's just no other way to really experience an EV without sitting in one and going, 'Oh, that's the difference.'"
"Now you know, thank you so much for doing supercharger reviews."
"Noise-canceling headphones, thank God that they were invented."
"I kinda just entirely love the new hand washing feature."
"It's probably one of the best technology purchases I've made in a very long time."
"I think this is a great van and a great effort from Kia, offering great technology and features."
"I completely agree with this, it is fantastic and amazing technology."
"The Nvidia Broadcast software is really amazing technology."
"The OLED screen is beautiful to look at... especially watching video on the iPhone."
"It has been really nice to just go boop and have flowers appear on my phone."
"This is one of the best smartphones I've ever used."
"It's so much more pleasing on the eyes, yeah, and the freaking fire demo thing, I missed galleys for sure."
"Honestly, this is impressing me right now. Like it's smooth, it's seamless, it flows."