
Inclusiveness Quotes

There are 362 quotes

"You're someone who wants everyone to feel connected and together."
"Inclusiveness, cooperation with the belief unless everyone is safe, no one can be safe."
"There's no them in us; we're in this together."
"The animal shelter has limited square footage, limited staffing, limited capacity, but when we open our homes, that shelter doesn't just become a building; it becomes a whole community."
"Everyone seems to be smiling; everyone feels part of it. That's really important because it makes them feel special."
"Everybody is redeemable. Nobody's beyond God's reach."
"We can all eat the ice cream we want to eat. There's room in the world for every kind of ice cream."
"For those of Democrats or Republicans, he said I will be the president for all of you."
"You make sure everyone feels welcome and everyone feels good and happy and safe around your presence."
"Jesus touched lepers who were untouchable according to the law, He welcomed sinners who were despised, He blessed children when others were trying to push them away because they were a nuisance."
"Jesus isn't saying hey I'm not interested in the world I just want to save a handful of people."
"Everyone matters, guys. Everyone matters. He's cool."
"Make the Tournament of Power be more of a battle royale than everyone versus Universe 7."
"The new community allows everyone to be one, loved, and valued."
"Don't make people feel weird about who they are just because you don't see them that often."
"Great to see everybody here from all over the world."
"Everybody's welcome, it's a fantastic Community where you are the stars of the show."
"We are not adversaries, we are family. We are all in this together."
"The beauty of the 18th century Revolution is that it enables more inclusiveness over time."
"Every time you've always treated me just like anyone else. It's so rare that I feel comfortable with myself when I talk to others."
"In the Philippines, everyone is family at the end."
"To get the kind of Labor Market we really want to get we really want to have a labor market that serves all Americans... you've got to have price stability."
"I do think Levi abandoned its values... inclusiveness includes all voices and this was not an inclusive approach."
"We need to come together as one nation... We are all Americans."
"It's our way of giving equal opportunities to everyone and fueling the future performance of Alpine with inclusiveness."
"This is not who we are. Whether we come from different places, have different races, ethnicities, religions, orientations—all of that. This is what makes up this diverse fabric of who we are as a country."
"Everyone is our people, everyone is our family. We're all children of God, and that we must stand up to change this culture of hate and promote a culture of love and inclusiveness and kindness."
"Hooray, we all won. All the important people won. And Adam was there too."
"Promoting inclusiveness and women empowerment." - Haiti
"The true philosophers and true leaders somehow find a way through the middle and they're able to capture everybody's heart through some sort of shared humanity."
"Massive massive opportunities to absolutely everyone."
"Love and hope are extended to anyone who wants it."
"This is about all inclusiveness. This is about equity. This is about justice. This is about peaceful coexistence."
"She made everyone feel like they could be a part, like dance was this beautiful form of expression, and Tony lived her life to express herself."
"A new way to be creative, attracting a much larger set of people."
"So long as you're American and abide by the values we have in this country as a culture."
"Whether you're in Georgia or India or wherever you are, it doesn't matter, we love you all."
"There's so many more people and also other people that look in the comments you can see it's a big family down there."
"No one is excluded, no one is left out, no one is cursed."
"We care a lot about bringing everyone along for the journey... that's where the impact comes from."
"The ministry of the people of God requires all of the people of God to do ministry."
"Our Christianity goes underneath our national background, our profession, everything."
"We should be the Americans that cherish each other, each and every one of us."
"We can build forward to a world that is more resilient, sustainable, and inclusive."
"There's not many fans out there who would be more eager to let you in on a joke, and I think that's really special."
"We want you to have a feeling of belonging and to feel necessary."
"Zoning calls for inclusiveness, it causes a sense of belonging for people to feel they are part of this enterprise or Nigeria."
"Just because we are here doesn't mean we're only here we're in this as well we're in this and we're in this that's where we all are right now."
"I don't care if you got problems, I don't care if you're 4'10", that is irrelevant."
"If you want to be really bold and brave, you gotta fight for everybody, man."
"Nobody's too far from God man, no matter what you do, no matter what you've done."
"People that have said no to me at the beginning are like, Wait, can I join your team now please? There's plenty of room at the table for everyone to come."
"That's not important. What is important is, I, like you, am a Critter."
"If somebody wants to come in and assimilate to American values, I don't care what color they are."
"I knew that my new life was going to be so much better than my old lonely one."
"Anything that widens the lens a little bit, I think, is good for the game."
"Praise the Lord, we're gonna have plenty of room for everybody."
"Coding is really for everyone, it doesn't matter what your age is or what your gender is, you can learn it and you can pick it up."
"The show admitted that navigating race, ethnicity, religion, culture, and gender could be a complex puzzle, but one that could be solved with kindness, understanding, and love."
"Borders don't matter, vast oceans don't matter. We're all in this same thing together."
"What they don't realize is that prebuilts are a great gateway of bringing more people into our community."
"You are not separated into categories to truly know prosperity."
"Nobody is beyond the reach of the grace of God."
"I don't care what people say, I really don't. If you want to join the journey, you're more than welcome to."
"I think anybody should be whoever they want, I think that we should accept people and love people."
"We're all family so we should come together as brothers and sisters."
"It's like you're part of the crew, you know?"
"Even though this is my city, this is gonna be our moment. It's a package deal, she bringing me too."
"Merry Christmas and I hope you having a wonderful day night afternoon depending on what time zone you are living in."
"We all have something that we can do... we all have something we can bring to the table to lift up other people."
"That's part of the point... it's a community."
"We may have the desire to connect, the desire to include, but we can never really know the form in which the miracle will come through."
"This whole journey this week to be something that builds up that idea that we are not alone."
"Welcome everybody come in come in there's room for everybody."
"It's trashy, it's ridiculous, it's inclusive, and it's a great parody of popular tropes of the genre."
"Bears are such a good supportive group of people."
"A generous, tolerant, outward-looking, and humane society—that is the vision at the core of this Queen's speech."
"It's a positive community where everybody is welcome and nobody is judged."
"Chinese people will be impressed, generous, and inclusive if you learn their language."
"Inside every single one of us, there is all of us."
"The disease of alcoholism and addiction does not discriminate, and neither does recovery."
"You can't please everybody right, you can't do it man."
"Anybody in the world in any cinema can watch this movie and see that we were not just cageless people."
"Everybody's worth saving, everybody's worth putting energy into, everybody is worth looking at."
"I didn't build a deck that was only goal was to win right? It was to do fun things and allow my opponents to also do fun things."
"The church should be a place of acceptance, love, kindness, no matter who you are or your background."
"Join the TTG family and become a part of something special."
"But you know, when you're writing these things, you have to have a level of empathy for everybody."
"The Christian spirit refuses to subscribe to the doctrine of the closed door."
"Reflect on your faith honestly; Jesus won't turn you away."
"Everybody counts, you don't have to agree with somebody, you don't have to, but you can take from what you will or leave it."
"What kind of a jerk would I be if I didn't hope that you would consider being a part of it?"
"He didn't give a [ __ ] if you had a hundred thousand viewers or five."
"Warhammer has what I consider to be one of the most welcoming, inclusive, and supportive communities out there."
"The community around ERLC is so heartwarming and wholesome... it's just such an amazing community to be part of."
"It's important to have creatives from all walks of life."
"Politics should be the art of addition, not subtraction."
"Jesus wasn't too good for some he was good to all."
"People are generally pretty accepting during this time."
"Every time I've learned something, I'd want to share with people. I didn't care if it was my competitor."
"God loves the whole world, but He loves you!"
"We're not alone, the universe is filled with life for All God's Children."
"I thought they were very good about just kind of making it equal."
"Forming a brand new studio... approaching Sony... that's how this game possibly got off the ground."
"Can Jesus come back to the table of thought in yoga... can we not exclude Jesus from the spirituality conversation?"
"Jesus came for the world, but he came to Israel... He came for the world God so loved."
"Don't wait until you're good enough; if you don't come as you are, you will never come at all."
"Strive to improve the work environment through inclusiveness and diversity, emphasizing comfort and empowerment."
"You are cool in my book, no matter who you are."
"Tammy never compromised her faith and always loved everyone."
"Senator, anyone, including you, can come and talk about this topic. You are a worldly, cosmopolitan, well-educated man who's expressed many opinions on many topics."
"I take great pleasure in teaching someone... just play anything, we're going to make this work... open your mind up."
"This victory is not just for me; this is for everybody."
"It's such an open and inclusive person as you guys hear every week not just kind of funny not just entertaining but genuinely searching genuinely curious genuinely interested in the underdog."
"Happy holidays to you, even if you don't experience or celebrate Christmas."
"I hope you all have a great Christmas even if you don't celebrate it and a happy, safe, and prosperous new year."
"Just trust that it's meant to be. Any thoughts, concerns, feelings, issues with yourself or anything that comes and presents to you, you should cleanse on."
"Jesus loves you, God loves you, we love you."
"Every voice counts. Every vote counts. Every voice must be heard."
"Something major is happening—I do hope that you're all a part of it."
"She made everybody feel like their best friend."
"Summer belongs to you, it belongs to everyone."
"But ultimately I don't think that the The Narrative for the future should be us versus then we are all together."
"Trans women deserve every right that I have, they are women."
"There's no one too far gone, you know, there's no one that's without hope."
"Stay safe, be kind, and leave no one behind."
"The more people that are deaf aware the better and there's some simple things that everyone can do to make everyone's life."
"If we will love the people nobody wants, God will always send us the people everybody wants."
"The Ummah of Islam is so vast that not only do you include every race and ethnicity and civilization, the Ummah of the Jinn is included in our Ummah."
"What you want is a society that is cohesive where everyone feels part of the same thing."
"God loves every one of us with perfect love."
"Never be afraid of a God's love, no matter the differences."
"Laughter is contained to no culture, no race, and no age."
"The power is friendship, you're literally weaponizing it."
"Remember where you were and you were all a part of it."
"You belong and you need to have your voice heard."
"If you want people to be excited about what you're doing, bring them along for the ride."
"None of that kind of stuff, you know? Like, I love absolutely all of you."
"We all need to be accepting and inclusive, and how are we going to expect other people outside of our community to support us if we can't support each other?"
"That right there is what I'm talking about, anything that unites us right now."
"The free flow nature, the open dialogue, the willingness to invite people who you really don't have a chance to know."
"Everyone mobilized regardless of the demographic regardless of their political affiliation."
"Diversity is freedom. There's nothing to fear from diversity."
"Unity over separation. One man's trash is the next person's treasure."
"The furry community: where everyone is equally strange, equally weird."
"She treats everyone as though they've been best friends forever."
"We're all American, we're all in this boat together."
"Don't be so foolish and miss out on your blessing because you're trying to... look at someone's skin tone."
"The American Dream is within our soul, within our heart, is within every person."
"Showing the parallels between all humans, regardless of what color you are."
"Thank you for bringing the message even to those who it may not be meant for."
"We're all doing it together, we're all in this together."
"The purpose of the infinite game is to get more people to play - to laugh, to love, to dance, and to sing."
"Absolutely, I love the community. We're all here to support, and you know it's not competition, there's room for everyone."
"It's so much fun to see the community we are building - make sure you're joined in."
"Diversity is at the core of who we are as Canadians."
"You want to incorporate kids into your home and then able to make this family decisions with everybody else you want don't want to treat them any differently."
"Valentine's Day doesn't just need to be about romantic love. It can be about any kind of love you have in your life."
"The biggest thing people have to say about our FGC is just how open arms we are about stuff."
"We try to make it something that is a fun thing to be a part of."
"We have always been a society open to Talent."
"There is a beauty in football that can unite everybody."
"Consider everybody out there, consider Jesus Christ."
"I hope I can create a space here on the internet where you feel like you belong, so thank you for being here."
"We're all one in Christ, regardless of our ethnicity or gender."
"This is the way that we will change the world: by being willing to deal with people that we disagree with respectfully and lovingly."
"Love to all of our community, your community, my community, and our family."
"I think that creates a very well-rounded sense of community."
"I'm so grateful to Tony I'm so grateful to all of you to everybody that was in attendance tonight for just welcoming me with open arms because to be honest I'm usually the misfit but you guys made me feel like I fit right in."
"The Holy Spirit didn't fall on titles, it fell on people."
"This lifestyle is so surreal the people are so nice any person any Walk of Life can do this it's very cool very cool."
"When you take care of yourself and take a little break, it doesn't mean 'me first,' it means 'me too.'"
"This fandom often preaches inclusiveness and tolerance but these words get misused a lot these days."
"The chat will welcome you with open arms... we're a very positive and awesome community."
"The positivity is there; people are welcome."
"Tonight we're fighting for freedom of speech even for our opponents."
"The right to freedom of expression is Broad. It includes tone."
"When you know your love, you can step out and try to do great things."
"Let's expand the American dream so that it applies to everybody."
"Jesus pursued the Sinners, he literally pursued people that others saw as less than."
"Relationships are a longing for inclusiveness."
"Yoga means ultimate inclusiveness."
"No one should be left behind the inclusiveness that we are talking about."
"The real currency of a culture is inclusiveness."
"It's very broad and covers a lot of things."
"It's a show of amazing diversity."
"The Kurds in Rojava are seen as a threat to dominant forces like Assad, ISIS, and Turkey because they advocate for democracy, gender liberation, and ethnic inclusiveness, which are antithetical to the authoritarian and retrograde ideologies of these forces."
"I just remember meeting Kate, and being so drawn to her inclusiveness and creativity."
"It's really inherently everything."
"You're an asset to any party you're invited to; you know how to make anyone feel comfortable."
"...it just feels like it covers all the bases."
"Playing is fun when playing is fair and everyone has a chance to try their best."
"Full spectrum, you get everything."
"You know whether I'm Christians whether you're Buddhist whether you're Muslim you know when we are all sharing that loving compassion inclusiveness that I you know recognize in your eyes and in her eyes then that's where you know I think we can begin to communicate."
"Even though those framers expanded national powers more than ever before to grasp the relationship of the 14th amendment to American citizenship fully, we must also acknowledge the traditionalist exclusions from full citizenship."
"Possibility is a domain of inclusiveness, engagement, love."
"There's a hell of a lot of space and love for everyone who are kind and happy and good at giving space to people of all colors, sexualities, mentalities. Like everything. Just inclusiveness and niceness."
"It's basically everything you need."
"If something just serves up to you a draft, what about the stuff it excluded? How will you ever learn that?"
"Regardless of your experience level or budget."