
Community Importance Quotes

There are 323 quotes

"Black Lives Matter. Black culture matters. Black communities matter."
"The community is really the valuable thing here."
"Being a part of a community that cares about you is huge for your own sense of identity."
"The answer is not politics; the answer is community, connection, church, getting to know your neighbors and having conversations with them."
"Community is probably the single most important thing...because you need all those different skill sets."
"Blockchain is something that is so important for our community to get ahead of... if we don't get ahead of it, we're going to fall back again in a whole new ecosystem, and we just can't afford that."
"For the majority of players, the story is not just an important part of the game, it's also something that binds the community together."
"It's more better to have people you form relations with on LinkedIn or Twitter where you have a community rather than just applying to jobs that are available because most of the times you might get an opportunity that you didn't know you wouldn't."
"Understanding this is something that we should all care about."
"It indeed is a pleasure for me to be here today at this event organized for the safe soil movement, a cause which is pertinent and important for all of us."
"Men need community. Men are not lone rangers."
"It's good to have a trading community but you should always rely on your own trades."
"The importance of the pack and of community for survival, is present in real wolf populations, and human ones as well—providing ample material for supernatural metaphor."
"To be a part of something that was important to someone is an awesome feeling."
"We need a community to build, you know, to make us fully human, and so that we act like humans."
"Never before has community been more important on your planet."
"It's not about you, it's about us. It's about your mother, it's about your daughter, it's about your sister, it's about your cousin, it's about your co-worker."
"Real wealth is your health and it's your family, your community, your relationships, doing meaningful work, and living a life of purpose."
"We need other people to help us navigate through life's challenges."
"We have to find a way to elevate the people again because we are an extraordinary resource that makes democracy work."
"Don't leave out the fuel for the journey which is community."
"The connections you make with others are what's gonna make the difference in the end."
"Football is about the community, that's what it's always been about."
"Never step in between a creator and their fans. That relationship is sacred."
"Without the fans, poker will not be as big as it's gotten."
"Crypto is highly speculative, so the stronger our community is, the more likely a project is to succeed."
"Community is everything... even if it's one person, those people are real people."
"Supporting small businesses is as important as ever."
"The fostering of culture and communities is crucial."
"Collaboration really is the spice of life, you know? And trying to do everything yourself and put everything on your own shoulders, no one's gonna pat you on the back at the end of the day, right?"
"We always say creators are the heart of YouTube."
"Your community is the most important thing in your life."
"Canadians understand well that we don't get through this pandemic anywhere without getting through it everywhere."
"It's imperative that we have fans to interact with."
"I care about the origins of our football clubs."
"One of my big ones is we have to have local news."
"They're the glue that holds the world together."
"You're not alone in your relationships, just reach out and ask for help."
"Maybe we have to support those pesky, pain-in-the-ass local game stores."
"What makes our world come to life is our community and our people in the studio."
"Communities are really, really important to people."
"Creativity is not a solo sport. You need others to give meaning to what you make."
"The extraordinary importance of getting as many people vaccinated as we possibly can."
"Dungeons and Dragons isn't the books that you buy; it's the community around it and the adventures that all of those people go on in their living rooms and homes or online with their friends."
"Community is critical for sales and leadership. It's about creating an anchor in the marketplace and defining the conversation."
"You're much more valuable to your family and to your community because you were willing to let them go... and then come back and get them."
"People, people, people. It's all about the people you surround yourself with."
"I think it's a reminder how important it is to support local journalism..."
"Community is very important to staying sane, staying productive, staying focused."
"We've been having round tables. We've been doing business tours... small businesses are the backbone of our country."
"We wouldn't do this without you, we couldn't do this without you, and you make what we do incredibly fulfilling."
"Stay in fellowship with other believers; isolation plays into the enemy's hands."
"It gives people an outlet to be important and glorious in this little world that we create together."
"Community is very important; local is very important."
"Social capital is more important than either of those other two."
"This sense of community and interaction is what fuels me."
"Without the community, the franchise wouldn't be anything."
"Don't underestimate the value of community and I'd really implore people when you think about building a business or even doing your own NFT project don't ignore the value of the community."
"A community is incredibly important, and for us, it's really been a Community First strategy from day one."
"Having a tribe, having a clan, having a support group, that team, that group of people you surround yourself with is so critically important."
"You need to know and invest in the people who are physically around you because ultimately they control or they influence the environment you're in and that is more important than the environment you build for yourself online."
"We're the macro version of the micro. We need community. It's foundational to our existence."
"This is very important for the entire community."
"You are the black man's only resource, his come up, his advocate, his defender, his mother, his protector, his provider."
"I just want to encourage people, the world is horrible, but we need each other."
"Community is as important, if not more important, than ever before."
"The fans are the lifeblood of this thing, otherwise we're just a bunch of people in an office just circle jerk, you know?"
"It just makes me realize how important this community is to me."
"We have to work together... we all need each other."
"Beautiful, and thank you everybody for being here. This is a tremendously important group of people to me, America's veterans."
"Communities are the one thing in crypto that most people don't understand, and I think it's the one thing that is going to be bigger than all the other applications."
"I'm all about Community. You cannot raise a baby without community."
"Find your tribe, because everybody needs a tribe."
"Community is so important in these conversations."
"2020 brought awakening of conscious energy, realizing the importance of relationships and community."
"Image matters, and for so many, especially in our community, if we don't take ourselves seriously, why should anybody else take us seriously? I mean, seriously, what's the point?"
"Community and people are the greatest resource."
"Kids bikes are hugely important because they're what get the Next Generation interested in the thing that we're all passionate about."
"Black lives matter, black citizens matter, and black families matter."
"A job's about a lot more than your paycheck. It's about your dignity, respect, and your place in the community."
"This speaks to the seriousness with which God takes His church and His people."
"Parks are a part of the fabric of life in SF."
"The children in McDowell County are quite as important or more important than the billionaires."
"This is very important stuff to share with everybody."
"We need groups like this. Without them, who knows when she would have been found."
"I'm always telling my friends I'm always telling you know the people that are nearest you are my family my friends and also my clients to come back to Source."
"We need to get I believe strongly that the community is one of the most important things in this space."
"These are the mothers we need, these are the people we need."
"My life would not be the same... if it wasn't for you guys."
"The South Bronx historically has been known to be the poorest congressional district in America, but COVID-19 has shown the South Bronx to be the essential congressional district."
"You need a community as far as skateboarding when you can do something like that especially when it's like boards."
"They're trying to use the people that made their games fucking viable."
"Doge would not be where it is even close to without our community."
"The child who doesn't feel the warmth of the village will burn it down."
"In the end for me, it's kind of down to the people and the community."
"Manchester United matters to us. It's not some little thing that we flick on the telly and go, 'Oh, what's happening in EastEnders today?' Manchester United actually bloody matters to a lot of us."
"Community and location will probably be some of the most significant determinants of your ultimate survival."
"Small is the new big, that local communities are the new big."
"Absolutely it matters when anybody goes missing."
"You won't make it on your own. You need to open up your eyes and see that there are people all around you that care."
"Being a part of a tribe is a very important thing, whether in life or on an expedition."
"When it truly comes to sport and the battle of sport and the elevation of cricket in community in India and Pakistan, literally cricket is a religion, so this becomes the holy grail of the sporting calendar literally."
"So this is a real status marker that we've got on our mummy. It really flags him up as an important individual within his own community."
"Community is king. That's the wonderful thing."
"It seems as though the things we really hated ended up being the things that, without us realizing at the time, were keeping the game alive."
"Godly community is essential to reach purpose."
"When young people don't have anywhere to go, then eventually neither will the rest of us."
"Surrounding yourself with Community is really important."
"Make fellowship a real priority in your life; you need it badly for discipleship."
"The value in this website exists with the users."
"Never forget we turn the lights on that's what I'm saying never forget it's important."
"The feeling within the community is arguably just as important as the changes to the game itself."
"Don't idolize the individuals and don't forget your community."
"How important is that right now have a place where people can try to come together?"
"Being light on your feet, being flexible, recognizing that community, like-minded people, in finding your tribe is going to be one of the most important sustaining things through this very exciting and innovative period of Uranus in Taurus."
"The connection you build with your community is so much more important than the information you share."
"Each person is an integral part of the ministry."
"Well, just so you know, Mon dere is my home. It will always will be as long as the people in it will want to hang out with me."
"Community is massively important to all of us."
"Global communities are just as important as in-person communities and both of them can flourish simultaneously."
"Building community is the bedrock. Without community, you can't put the cart before the horse."
"The existence of the people and the thriving of the people is critically important."
"Thank you so much for starting the show right and supporting us. It's incredibly important your support."
"We could not be doing this... without the members."
"I love that Asgard is not a place, it's a people."
"Communities are the future in general, but I think they're the future for virtually every kind of business."
"Not only should you build community and it's amazing, but you don't want to be left behind."
"Community is at the heart of everything we built."
"We're not as a board going to back down from something that means so much to this community."
"You want the Secret Stash to be there, you know? You don't want to get that phone call from your guys saying, 'Dude, is this it?'"
"People care about this a lot, it's a massive thing."
"Don't give up because there are wonderful humans out there that you will enjoy spending your time with."
"Find a community that aligns with where you're going, with what you're wanting to achieve, with who you're wanting to become."
"People love to raise people up when it really matters."
"It is great to have you guys as our community because this is one of the things that you can't shake you can't lose and that is great communities."
"People need to feel rooted, they want to belong."
"We are black first, be one. The black community matters more than any other community."
"These are mom and pop spots... whose life it is to run these shops."
"Online ministry cannot replace the gathering of the saints, period."
"It's a great idea to get yourself into a support group."
"Stopping people and talking to them is actually important."
"Having that community feeling so that you at least have like-minded individuals doing the same thing because that's a big motivator."
"The best thing we can do is build those relationships."
"Community is the best hope for people who believe in individual freedom and sound money."
"I use love to go okay, well I could hyper focus on all these small population of people that don't like me... or I could be negating the incredible love and support and community that I have always had around me."
"Life is short. We need bonding and community time now. We need peace now. We need happiness now. We need love now."
"Get away from cities man, get as far away from cities as possible. Make sure you're in a community that you trust with people you know."
"We need each other in order to thrive. In fact, we need each other in order to survive."
"Depends on how their support system is set up."
"Pride is not about the glitter in the parade but it is about community."
"Fans are the game. It doesn't matter how good or bad a game is, you could be the best game ever if you treat your fans like they're not going to play you right."
"Fans are the pulsing lifeblood of Esports. Without the audience, none of what we love exists."
"The community is everything if there is no community it doesn't matter how quality the product is it doesn't matter how good the tech is and what problem they're striving to solve if the community is not there the project will not grow."
"Thank you brother for the support. It means everything."
"Be kind to people. We need to be much, much more kinder to people around us."
"You need family you need friends around you need people with skills around you."
"I feel like when you don't have Community it's extremely lonely especially when you have little kids."
"Communities over time, essential for longevity."
"The church is not just a social club; it's a place where the power of God is released to the people."
"This in fact is what we need, we need people."
"Yes, I am nothing without my audience, I am nothing without my community, that's the truth."
"Community, it is pretty much undisputed, people thrive when they have other people."
"One of the most important parks in the county will put his community on the map."
"I don't know what I would do if I didn't have y'all to talk to you and that's weird."
"I'd rather have y'all here than not have y'all here because if y'all wasn't here and it was somebody that's the wrong type of person, then that's around the corner."
"Thank you guys for introducing to us because obviously if you didn't this would have never happened."
"Every like matters, guys. Every like matters."
"You are everything to this channel and to me."
"The next thing you need immediately after an accomplishment is the right people."
"Every person is needed because without one person the whole body suffers."
"You know certainly you can find your people so anyway think about that and value that."
"I don't think we missed the community aspect of it which I think is a huge thing obviously that drives the longevity of a show."
"Because without them we just wouldn’t be here."
"What we need, morning anything right now is numbers. That's people. That's people."
"The community of people around you is the biggest factor."
"The pan chicken scene is a huge part of Jamaican culture."
"Socialization is good for you; socialization is good for children; it's good for dogs; it's good for people and animals to be in the same place because socialization is important."
"Regardless of what you believe or do not believe, we support you, we thank you, and we literally couldn't do this without you."
"We need connection to a community, that's the biggest thing."
"Being intentional of being around black people is an act of resistance. This is an exclusively black space."
"The greatest thing you can do during the middle of calamity or a crisis is know your neighbors."
"This community will always hold a special place in my heart."
"You have an amazing set of instincts, you have a good set of common sense, and communities need that."
"If we don't have a culture, if we don't have a country, if we don't have a community, who cares?"
"We've been saying all along that the paths of the White House ran through the Latino community."
"Canvassing is vital for the future of our country and world."
"Surround yourself with people who are on the same mission as you. If you look around deep divers and your circle doesn't inspire you, you don't have a circle, you got a cage."
"Surround yourself with loving and supportive people—they are essential for our growth and well-being."
"Every single life in Atlanta is important and matters to me."
"Every player matters, every player is important, whether you're free to play or pay to play, every player makes the game go around."
"Community became necessary. It becomes more than just a light spun to impress the blonde from Spanish class." - "Is the only way you can stand a chance in the rat race."
"This channel would be nothing without the community behind it."
"Community is everything in this town and on these platforms."
"Your survival is of huge importance to a whole lot of people."
"The importance of community cannot be overstated."
"We need each other, not just to keep us sane and healthy, but to be ourselves."
"Unity is when it counts, we have to get along."
"It's better to be in a not that great physical environment if you've got good community going than to be in a great physical environment where your team members work against you."
"Building an organization where everyone counts."